Sadhguru discusses that the stressors in life can consume us only if we make that choice. He emphasized that by clearing our minds of so many attachments and identities, we can become more productive without stress. Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, and visionary. He is considered one of the 50 most influential people in India. As you listen to Sadhguru, think about how to live his insights in your own life and see how it changes your disposition more positively. For more videos like this, make sure to subscribe. Like this video and share it with your family and friends whom you care about.
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It is rightly said that ‘You are indeed what you eat. Everything from what you see, hear, smell & taste throughout the day is your food; which is what you consume. Listen to this audio to improve your habits and have a healthy & balanced life.
Lions are born to hunt and rule which makes them struggle for their survival. In the same way, you need to set goals for yourself to survive among the fittest. You need to work hard for these goals and learn the lessons throughout the journey. The motivation would be the purpose you are working towards and it will keep you going through the good and bad times. Being the king of the jungle does not mean a lion never fails. In hunting for its prey, it fails eight out of ten times. But that does not make the lion become depressed and lose hope. Instead, it changes its approach towards making a better hunt every time. The same applies in the human world, you need to embrace your failures and make sure never to repeat them again. You need to evolve and survive by learning through the setbacks in life. In human life, our power comes from money, position, fame, talent, influence, and skills. But it all comes when you have control over your mind.
A plum once requested God to turn it into banana as some guy liked banana. However, the guy ended up purchasing an orange. So the Banana again requested God to turn it into an Orange, but because of the bitter taste the orange got shunned and now it prayed again to turn into Grapes. Shouldn't we be happy being ourselves? Do we really need to be a photocopy of someone while we are an Original?
This conversation between a bird and honey-bee will certainly boost your morale.
There should always be someone to softening the blows, healing the wounds, believing in someone you love, and loving the person. There should be total love, total support, love for someone unconditionally. It should not depend on success, in fact, it should be completely opposite to it. If you got to fail, rejected somewhere in work, or something else still all you need is support and acceptance by your loved ones. We always have one person in our life, who can totally accept us, totally believe us, totally support us, and totally loves us. And you should also be the same person for them. Hence to know more about this long-lasting relationship go through Secrets Of Long Lasting Relationship by Gaur Gopal Das.
The lives of people in this world are very different to each other in various aspects. One thing to remember is that we should never compare, or judge ourselves, as well as others in order to attain a peaceful and successful life.
When a person is out of focus, everything in life seems jumbled up and our vision is clouded. This audio will help you understand the importance of increasing our ‘Focus’ on things in life. Achieve ‘Focus’ to achieve ‘Success’.
Think Right, Speak Right & Do Right By Gaur Gopal Das
We all go through emotional pain and at times it is unbearable. It looks like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. And Covid 19 has surely gotten us there. With all our lives getting affected and so much happening, that same pain keeps constantly nagging us and makes us feel worthless, empty and melancholy. What we fail to realise is that going through that pain, experiencing it is also a part of healing. It takes time for things to settle and as they often say, it takes time for time to pass by. We’re not early, we’re not late, we’re just on time. Listen to this podcast to know more on healing and emotional pain!
How we begin our day decides the quality of everything we do throughout the day. In this video, Gaur Gopal Das explains 5 things to do in the morning that will surcharge your day in a way that you can make the most out of it.
Have you ever felt like giving up? If yes then this is for you
These 3 tips can change your life.
This Audio will change your thinking about how you see your life.