At the end of the 19th century, Dr. Albert Abrams in San Francisco, a quite wealthy man, traveled to Europe for advanced medical studies. During that trip he watched the famous Italian tenor Enrico Caruso tap a glass to produce a pure tone, then sing the same note to shatter the glass. This led him to the idea that sound frequencies might be applied to medical conditions. This led over the years to a sequence of dramatic discoveries which resulted in his creating an electronic device that could send out frequencies which matched the tone frequency of a disease, and in the process cure the disease. Many people were treated successfully via his machines. After her death the spirit of Betty White (early episodes) explained to her husband in 1939 that everything in the material world has its own frequency, and that matter was "an arrested frequency," slowed down from the spirit world for our dense material world. The entity Seth in the 1960s and 70s explained much the same thing.
This session continues the story of UKACO and their success in ridding crops of pests by projecting a photo of the field to be tested, along with a small sample of the pest treatment, which was also placed on the "collector plate" used for projectiing the photo. A highly place Pennsylvania agricultural official was convinced of the effectiveness of their strange process, but officials at the US Dept of Agriculture were not. Apparently they were afraid the same process could be used to kill humans in a war. Despite the solid evidence of its success, they declared the process was a fraud and eventually the company was forced to close. The key takeaway here is that, in their patent application, UKACO pointed out that every material thing has its own unique frequency, a point emphasized by Betty White in 1939 after she died, while speaking to her husband through a medium (see the early episodes).
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More than 70 years ago, three Princeton graduates with scientific/technical skills created a company named UKACO to kill crop pests without the use of insecticides. A tiny amount of poison, along with a photo of the field to be treated, was placed on a "collector plate" of their invention, which projected over the field the image of the field and poison. They were successful in reducing the number of insects harmful to the crops being treated, and so were farmers who learned how to use their equipment on a wide variety of crops. The theory was that the frequencies projected were the same frequency of the particular poison used. That would be consistent with the definition of matter as an "arrested frequency." Betty White in an early episode explained after her death that, for every material thing on earth, there is an individual frequency corresponding to its frequency outside the material plane, in the greater spirit world. The UKACO story, its successes and eventual demise, will be continued in the next episode.
Marcel Vogel's experiments with plants led him to learn that people can unite with plants, and that plants can have their feelings hurt by the thoughts of humans. They also react to talk about sex, and even to figments of our imagination. More important, they led Vogel to conclude that scientists need to unite with the object being studied in order to learn anything meaningful about the object. His experiments also demonstrated the immense power of focused thought. Many of his conclusions agree with statements made by the entity Seth.
Marcel Vogel, a noted reseach chemist working for IBM who made important contributions to the development of color TV and computer memory, became aware of Cleve Backster's experiments with plants. He decided to continue with further experiments using a lot of scientific equipment, and found that he could personally duplicate Backster's results wile others could not. This led to a further series of experiments which led Vogel to conclude that plants not only have emotions, but they also develop attachments to specific humans. The implications led him to further conclusions about the connectedness of everything and how matter is formed. His conclusions agree with the teachings of the entity Seth on these matters, teachings that were explained in detail in earlier episodes.
Starting in 1966, Cleve Backster, the country's foremost lie-detector examiner, began a series of scientific experiments that proved plants are not only conscious, but can perceive what a human is thinking, and even know ahead of time a person's intentions, as to whether that person intende to carrry out an action or not. This led to several other experiments by him and other scientists which not only confirmed Backster's initial findings, but also demonstrated that plants can communicate instantly over great distances, that their awareness extended down to the sub-atomic level, and they have other capabilities that humans apparently do not. This episode relates Backster's conclusions and theories that agree with what the entity Seth and other "dead spirits" have told us, and what quantum physicists had concluded as far back as the 1950s. The implications are that to continue advancing as it has in the past, our science needs to start uniting with the subject being studied, rather than separating from it.
Scientific instruments are useful only in measuring the level of reality in which they themselves exist. For studying the deeper realities that support this reality, within and behind it so to speak, they are useless. The basic problem is that our scientists think they can learn about the nature of something by separating from it and studying it as something apart from themselves. True science requires joining and identifying with whatever is being studied. That applies to any visible or invisible manifestation of consciouness. Past civilizations have understood this and made advances in studying the universe that we have not yet made. Subsequent episodes will give examples of the limits of our science in one very important field - agriculture. They will be taken largely from the 1972 best seller, "The Secret Life of Plants."
The outside world we experience each day is created by us from the inside. While the outside world is an illusion we co-create, it a meaningful illusion with a purpose, one we can learn and grow from spiritually. The problem with our scientific method when we think we can learn something by separating from it and destroying it, then dissecting it, is that this method never comes close to helping us understand the true nature of reality. We will do that only when we learn to use our consciousness in such a way that we can identify with whatever is being studied, and "feel" the true reality. Einstein is the scientist who came closest to using this method. He "leaned against time" and felt it wobble.
Dream reality seems so strange to us because a dream is like one photo taken out of our entire life. Just as one photo would not come close to describing our entire life, so one dream would not explain the total reality of the dream world. The dream world is real independent of our waking reality, and it is very important in determining our future. In dreams we experience various probable realities and choose one to materialize in our waking reality.
The blueprints for reality encoded in our cells are invisible to us because we've forgotten about their existence. But our global situation as a human race requires that we develop some "ancient arts," one of which is lucid dreaming, or becoming consciously aware while we're dreaming. Our cells are affected by our dreams, so that physical healings can take place in the dream state. If we can become more aware of our dreams, we'll also become more aware of the probable realities from which we choose to make one of them our daily experienced reality. We have conditioned ourselves to think of dreams as largely disconnected from our waking life, but this is incorrect and needless. The dream world is a by-product of the relationship between our inner self and our physical self. It is a necessity for the continued existence of us physical beings. We are not aware that all consciousnesses dream, even atoms and molecules, leading to the astounding conclusion that any consciousnesss involved in physical reality, dreams. That includes animals, trees, plants, etc. By virtue of participating in the creation of the physical world, any consciousness automatically participates in the creation of a dream world.
Our current global dilemmas seem so desperate only because "we've gone about as far as we can go" with our current ideas about the nature of ourselves, our reality and our limits. The dilemmas are meant to act as stimuli to enable us to expand those ideas. Just as cells in a physical body all cooperate to keep the body functioning well, so we as individual humans need to cooperate in the same manner the cells do, to bring about the idealization of our own greatest fulfillment as a human race. There is already an internal biological connection among all members of the species, via our cells, and we need to bring that connection into the experience of our everyday reality so that all members of the human race can flourish. We'll be able to do that as we become aware of the vast bank of probabilities from which we can choose, to consciously focus on the one that will lead to our greatest fulfillment.
This session begins with a discussion of our cells not only being conscious on their own, but also their desire to reach their own best possible fulfillment. Then the discussion turns to thoughts, which seek their own fulfillment, and how our thoughts alter every cell in our bodies. Thoughts must have a "rich bank of probabilities" to choose from, in order for us to have the freedom to experience the reality of our choosing, among all the probable realities we could "make real" for ourselves. Often, though we are not consciously aware of it, the decisions we make and the actions we take are significantly influenced by other probable selves and the probable realities within which they have their experience. We are far more aware of probable futures than we realize. If our purposes do not involve experiencing particular probable experiences, such as illness or war for example, we will not experience them.
In this first episode of 2024, the announcement was made that the listener can now access the early episodes. Previously you could access only the most recent 25. It is important to hear the early episodes where the evidence is presented to establish the validity of what follows. For those who inquired about Dan McAneny's books, you can go to the Preview of the podcast where, at the bottom, the link to all his books is listed. It is amazon.com/author/danmcaneny. The books are briefly summarized in this episode. There follows a review of what has been covered to date since the podcast started. The primary personalities mentioned in early episodes who provide evidence of life after death are described, followed by a discussion of the spirit entity Seth authored by Jane Roberts. A half dozen of the basic concepts he introduced are briefly described.
Every probability system has its own set of blueprints for realizing its most favorable version. Theses are not "images of perfection" cast in stone that cannot be changed. Rather, they are working models that can be changed with circumstances. They are the realization of ideas, or "idealizations." They exist biologically, psychically, mentally, spiritually, apart from our world but also inside it. The physical structures, the genes and chromosomes, are in fact carriers of information. The role of the human race is not merely to try to create these ideas in the physical world, but rather, to take part in their creation, which we do as who we really are, not just "focus personalities," but as our Soul, Big Self, or Psyche, whatever term you wish to use. At our Soul level, we plant these ideals in the hearts of us "focus personalities," at various points in the time scheme in which we are focused. So as who we really are, we co-create the realities we experience. We are as much "God-stuff" as earth-stuff, but so far we have largely put the idea of God outside of ourselves. We will "eventually" come to realize our true nature as part of God, and throw off the limits we currently impose on ourselves.
This session uses a Seth analogy to explain that times are in many ways just like places, and we can travel through them just as we travel through space. Who we really are is not just the one focus personality we know as ourselves, but rather, we are our Big Self, Soul, Psyche, whatever you wish to call it, expressing itself in our earth experience. That Self who we are is so vast in potential and capabilities that it cannot be expressed in just one time and place in one human personality. Rather, so vast is its scope that it needs infinite possibilities to be expressed. We as focus personalities help our Big Self to know itself by choosing to express some events, emotions and thoughts, and not others. Just as we are vast consciousness units, so the human species we are are part of also needs infinite expression. Imagine the vast scope of all the realities that our human species experiences. They all exist "right now."
Each of us as individuals, and collectively all of us as a species, are continually impacted by probable selves and their experiences. The one focus personality we present to the world is far more multidimensional than it appears. All probable selves are connected, but each has its own free will and uniqueness. All of the powers, abilities and charcteristics inherent in the species are inherent in any individual member of it. (You can think about that in positive or negative terms, since each of us can choose to focus on what we wish to experience.) We accept as real our shared mass history as a species as we know it, but there are many probable histories we are not aware of, and they are just as valid as the one we accept as our official mass history. This episode includes practice sessions suggested by the entity Seth to help us become more aware of probabilities and their effects upon us.
In this session a number of complex ideas are presented, hopefully made understandable by Seth's examples. Briefly, probable events continually interact, and by choosing to bring one probability into our existence, and ignoring all the others, we make one seemingly stable, constant reality the one we experience. EE units, however, and atoms, molecules and cells, are aware of these other ignored probabilities, and our bodies exist as they do only because they (atoms, cells, etc.) are appearing at a certain point of probabilities. At other levels our bodies exist differently. The integrity of our bodies therefore comes from outside our system into it, based on which of these probabilities we choose to focus on. As individuals and cultures, we choose to bring into significance certain probabilities and ignore others. Scientific discoveries are the recognition of a new kind of significance previously ignored but already existing. Our time structure is also tied into our method of significance-making, so we experience events according to time, though they all exist "at once." The reality we experience is based on focus, not cause and effect.
Because the existence of probabilities is so important and fundamental to any understanding of the larger underlying realities supporting the one we recognize, this episode presents Seth's description of how probabilities work in our daily lives, even though we are unaware of it, attributing many events instead to "coincidence." This particular example involves the real estate search by Jane's husband Rob, and the influences of his mother, who at that time had died a number of years ago.
When Jane Roberts' husband, Rob, awoke one day and realized he could recall parts of two dreams smultaneously, he spoke with others who had a greater ability to do this than he had. The entity Seth explained Rob's experience in terms of the experience of his "Big Self," who is aware of the experience of all it "parts." This led to a discussion of how we need to keep our limited notions of who we really are at the same time that we gradually become aware of the greater dimensions of our own being. As we do become aware of those greater dimensions, we will also begin to experience our connectedness to all parts of reality, but this will enhance, not threaten, our individuality, the self that we know ourselves to be right now.
As you know from past episodes, and from my books, you and I are Focus Personalities, and the Big You, which might also be termed the Soul or Psyche, is a spirit who has many such Focus Personalities going on in various centuries, with varying characteristics. Those focused in our present are termed "Counterparts." With the horrors of war impressed on our senses each day, we have to ask ourselves, is there a Counterpart of ourselves who is involved in the Israeli-Hamas war, perhaps participating as a member of Hamas? This brief episode goes more deeply into the possibility and its implications for each of us. It touches on the connectedness of everyone living at the same time, on communicaton through the centuries, and on value fulfillment.
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