
  • What's actually going on in the center of the Earth, and just how interesting and useful could it be? And how did the now ubiquitous Planned Obsolescence start with... bicycles??

    Images we Talk About:
    An Early Bicycle
    Bilhert's Animations

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:05:06) The Core
    (00:58:24) Planned Obsolescence
    (01:45:52) Outro

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    We also learn about: Core Memories, we live on the zest of a lemon, there’s something neapolitan icecreamy about the Earth, Bridgmanite is 38% of the Earth, The Iron Catastrophe sounds metal as hell, an audio journey to the center of the Earth, “Eat My Ass Out Radiolab”, Earth’s Internal Heat Budget is half original energy and half nuclear, the Earth won’t cool down for at least another 10 years, the American Miscellaneous Society’s Project Mohole, in 20 years we dug 12 km and escaped the solar system, when you don’t have earthquakes- use grenades! the shadow in the center of the Earth, Inge Lehmann kicks ass, “the master of a black art”, the inner core wobbles, the core is grainy and grows faster under Indonesia, the 2 most magical things: cold beer and hand warmers, the Inner Core Nucleation Paradox, “how wonderful that we have been met with a paradox, now we have some hope of making progress” - Niels Bohr, the Earth’s magnetic dynamo, Planetary Habitability is uh pretty important, everyone say thank you to the core, the innermost inner core, sometimes the one you’re looking for has been right below you this whole time, Tom falls hook line and sinker for a sudden 175 page bicycle paper, the first bikes without pedals or steering, the boneshaker, older men used tricycles, only the rich and adventurous used bikes, the safety iphone, you’re still using a bike 8? 10% of ads had a bicycle, Bernard London coined phrase the phrase 100 years ago, Planned Obsolescence was a legal proposal, contrived durability, there’s so many flavors and they all suck, e-waste, fast fashion is a vicious cycle, please I’m so full no more obsolescence words, car scrapping, why can we only help the planet when we also make a ton of money too, I’ve never seen someone so excited over Right to Repair, what do you mean you didn’t check every country’’s legal system?

    SEG Wiki on the Layers of the Earth
    Forbes: Bridgmanite
    “Six ‘Must-Have’ Minerals for Life’s Emergence”
    Olsen Lecture on the Iron Catastrophe
    Bureaeu of Economic Geology on Mohole & Kola
    Science Article on Bridgmanite
    Britannica on Richard Dixon Oldham
    AMNH's Wonderful Article on Inge Lehmann & Earthquakes
    Don Anderson Paper Review of the Inner Core
    Smithsonian Mag on Inge Lehmann
    Excellent Review from Harvard on Lehmann's Groundbreaking Paper
    Geological Society of America on Super Rotation
    Scientific American on Core Slowing
    Space on Core Growth
    University of Leeds on the Inner Core Nucleation Paradox
    Scientific American on Core Paradox
    2023 Paper on the Innermost Inner Core
    Science Direct: Planned Obsolescence
    1984 Paper: An Economic Theory of Planned Obsolescence
    1998 Paper: The Most Benevolent Machine: A Historical Assessment of Cycles in Canada
    2023: A Deep Dive Into Addressing Obsolescence in Product Design: A Review
    IndieAuto: 1960's VW Ad
    PERC: Planned Obsolescence: The Good and the Bad
    BBC: How The Right to Repair Might Change Technology
    The Guardian: Planned Obsolescence: The Outrage of Our Electronic Waste Mountain
    CBS News: Apple is Sending Out Payments to iPhone Owners iImpacted by "Batterygate." Here's what they are getting.
    The Evening Standard: Apple Battery Lawsuit
    Iberdrola: Planned obsolescence
    UNITAR: Global e-Waste Monitor 2024
    BBC: E-waste: Five Billion Phones to be Thrown Away in 2022
    European Parliament: The Impact of Textile Production and Waste on the Environment (Infographics)
    The Atlantic: The Neurological Pleasures of Fast Fashion
    Britannica: Fast Fashion
    Ellen MacArthur Foundation: Fashion and the Circular Economy
    WRAP: 2022 Press Release
    WRAO: 2022 Report
    NatGeo: Fast Fashion Goes to Die in the World's Largest Fog Desert.
    UK Parliament: Vehicle scrappage schemes
    Cars Lost Forever In The 2009 Scrappage Scheme
    BBC: 2030 petrol ban
    2019 Paper: Consumer Responses to Planned Obsolescence
    Right to Repair EU
    European Parliament: Right to Repair
    BHS: Sewing Skills

  • Longtime inspiration and friend of the show Hank Green joins us for a very special episode! How do colonial organisms with just one queen avoid incest? How many Ig Nobels have gone to sex science? Can the team figure out the identity of the Reverse Platypus? When was the first dick grafitti, and could the story actually be... wholesome???

    Watch: The video of the unexpected moment

    Images we talk about:
    MRI of Sex
    Rat Pants Diagram
    The Phallodeum Image
    Venus of Hohle Fels
    The Debatable Dick
    Hadrian's Wall Dick Graffiti
    Vindolanda's SECVNDINVS Dick
    The Vindolanda Dick
    Nikasitimos's Dick

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:06:40) How Not to Colonial Incest
    (00:20:52) Ig Nobel Sex Studies
    (00:39:07) The Reverse Platypus
    (01:06:31) The First Dick Graffiti
    (01:33:10) Hank Questions
    (01:53:44) Outro

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    We also learn about:

    Emmy award winning standup comedian Hank Green, the fellowship of the ning, the literal birds and the bees, the icelandic ant geneology app, icelandians are my favorite colonial organism, breeding flight, slay queen - happy pride everyone it’s when we’re recording this, sperm storage, queens have a life's worth of sperm and eggs inside them, Spermathica that’s my word of the day, the termite queen stores the sperm inside a king, “he’s not my boyfriend he’s my sperm storage unit”, naked mole rats may do incest but they dont have cancer! the answer is “all of the strategies somewhere”, after all reproduction is The Thing in evolution, the ribbed condom won all the prizes that year, any topic can be a sex topic if you try hard enough, I think the ancient greeks proved a gay bomb would make them more powerful, MRI Porn is a new fetish, we should study sex more, sex makes you want to pee, whatever you’re doing pee right now, The Sex Live of Pantsed Rats, would rats be sexier if they wore pants like this or this, our google history is fucked, polyester testicle sling contraception, The Awesome Polyester Scrotum Cup Club, if you’re creative they’re all sex numbers, shark live birth is metal, teamwork - what is this the lateral podcast? Jules Howard presents Duck Vagina VR, “if it’s Caecilians I’m going to be so mad”, Bizarre Beasts gave Tom a heart attack, the Reproduction DLC, Caroline falls in love with Caecilians, “they come in blue!”, all that matters is How Do They Bone! lots of non mammals give live births sharks to snakes to aphids, phallodeum: penis day! “we had to make a whole new peen word!”, phallodeum photo watermark, I haven’t looked at every caecilian penis okay! “can you make it into cheeeese thoooough”, we’ve invented a new fetish and a new delicacy, Caecillians and Sicillians have a lot in common, why are not talking about this more! “it’s not surprisingly, maybe I’m just very smart!”, 40,000 year old genital sculptures, Venus Hohle Fels, the debated dick, ah the conclusive slit! “it’s like looking for a face in a cloud”, the penis test is whether it would be confiscated in school, penis art vs penis graffiti, how many penises on Hadrian’s wall, almost one dick per mile, time to penis, “are you ready for your next penis”, Secundinus deez nuts, when Nick and Tim have sex so good they carve about it on a wall, “little special moments all over the world”, Pompeii sex graffiti, eventually this will be historic! we bully Hank into following Caroline, competing on TikTok is hard and also it’s broken, Hank derails us with a mouth coil, Hank’s science journey, counting clams for the science fair, people like seeing real science, Thanks Hank!

    List of Ig Nobel Prizes
    MRI Genitals Study
    Vice: MRI Sex Study
    Rats Having Sex in Little Outfits Study
    The Rat Study but Humans
    Sex Improves Breathing Study
    NatGeo Caecilian Overview
    Textbook Caecilian Overview
    Excellent Caecilian Reproduction Review
    Extensive Paper on the Phalodeum
    Various Non-mammal Milks
    The Recent Study on Caecilian Milk
    NYTimes Interview on Caecilian Milk
    2009 Paper: A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany
    Smithsonian Magazine: The Cave Art Debate
    New Atlas: Scientists Clash Over World's Oldest Penis Carving
    2023 Paper- Symbolic innovation at the onset of the Upper Paleolithic in Eurasia shown by the personal ornaments from Tolbor-21 (Mongolia)
    IFL Science: Ancient Roman Penis Graffiti Shows Humans Will Never Change
    BBC News: Lewd Roman Insult Found on Stone Near Hadrian's Wall
    The Guardian: 2,500-Year-Old Erotic Graffiti Found in Unlikely Setting on Aegean Island

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  • It's an infamous pseudoscience, but what haven't we learned from the rise and fall of Phrenology? And Lego are ubiquitous, which means there's a lot to learn and a lot of nuance for our love of these stackable bricks.

    Things we Talk About:
    The Phrenology Pamphelet
    The Lego Cullen House
    Lego Seismometer
    CERN Lego Device
    The Brick Experiment Channel

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:03:32) Phrenology
    (00:56:34) Lego
    (01:38:25) Outro

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    We also learn about: Get the lego phrenology set now! just listing all the lego sets, academic racism, the head wasn’t always so important, the Cardiocentric Hypothesis, Minds Behind the Brain, ancient egyptians just tossed the brain, Aristotle thought the brain was a radiator to keep the heart from overheating, the brain doesn't Look like it does anything, Galen suggested the brain might be important actually, sperm for brains, Caroline enjoys tricking us by saying a person’s good ideas first, Cephelocentric Hypothesis, mapping the brain in the 1600s, NOT related to the frenulum, buzz feed phrenology quizzes, flexing your brain so hard it breaks your skull, Tom is proven to be not funny, our desire for personality tests and fortune telling, travelling phrenology salesmen, there shouldn’t be medical celebrities, phrenology was a passion of the elites, reading an actualy travelling phrenology sheet, “differently bumped”, edibnugrh fringe was a lot less fun when it was the phrenology capital, we checked and it’s actually mozambique have the best brains - just gotta take the L on this one, Marie Jean Pierre Flourens kicked ass and helped kill Phrenology with real science, it comes in like a fad and leaves like a fad, I only liked phrenology before it was cool, the scammers are making our racism look bad! we’re not harsh enough about phrenology, “repoliticizing” phrenology, when it’s built its just one thing but when its pieces it can be anything, shirtless lego jacob, 20,000 lego sets, Play Well - Le go, after enough fires lets just stop using wood, stud and tube design, the lego To Kill a Mockingbird set, mindstorm was ahead of its time, Caroline’s got their lego driver’s license from legoland, lego nerd culture, adults without kids spend more, “transbranding”, Ella had to read so much corporate jargon but it’s impossible to not talk about their business strategies , lego seismograph outside the eras tour, CERN lego, their story is better than ours dad, instructions for a lego skin cell printer, LEGO: expensive for toys - cheap for science equipment! David Aguilla’s prosthetic project, Tracey Williams’ Lego Lost at Sea project, plastic’s resilience is a positive and a negative, lego replay and reuse, this is a trust test of nuance and both things being true at the same time.

    Minds Behind the Brain: A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries by Stanley Finger
    The University of Queensland: Understanding the Brain: A Brief hHistory
    Brain Beats Heart: A Cross-Cultural Reflection
    Merriam Webster: Phrenology
    The Antlantic: The Shape of Your Head and the Shape of Your Mind
    Britannica: Phrenology
    Smithsonian Insider: Study Finds Facial Structure of Men and Women Has Become More Similar Over Time
    2005 Paper: The Reliability of Sex Determination of Skeletons From Forensic Context in the Balkans
    The Guardian: Archaeology’s Sexual Revolution
    2018 Paper: An Empirical, 21st Century Evaluation of Phrenology
    Carnegie Mellon University: Phrenology
    2021 Paper: Phrenology and the Average Person, 1840–1940
    The University of Edinburgh: Phrenology and Edinburgh
    Gina Rippon: When Bigger Isn’t Always Better: How History Got The Female Brain Wrong
    Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill on Sexual Equality
    The Guardian: Django Unchained and the racist science of phrenology
    2007 Paper: Marie Jean Pierre Flourens (1794–1867): An Extraordinary Scientist of His Time
    Lego Twilight Cullen House
    Brick Architect: Number of Lego Bricks
    Brickset: Number of Lego Sets
    Brick Economy Most Valuable
    Brick Economy Most Expensive
    Wikipedia: Legoland
    Lego History Chapter by Lars Konzack
    Lego Mindstorms Wikipedia
    What is Transmedia? Article
    Lego and Transmedia Research
    Lego And “Transbranding” Blogpost
    Lego Seismometer Kit
    Lego Seismometer Youtube Clip
    Guardian Article: David Aguilar Lego Prostheses
    Hand Solo Youtube Channel
    Lego Table From CERN
    Article on Other Lego Scientific Tools!
    Cardiff University: Lego Bioprinter
    Lego 3D Printer Paper
    Lego Inventions Video (Pancake Flipper and Super 8 Projector)
    Lego T-Rex Sculpture
    Lego Every Day Stuff Ideas
    Lego Lost at Sea Twitter
    Lego Shark Tweet
    Tracey Williams Book: Adrift: Lego Lost at Sea
    Tokio Express Crash Context Article
    Tracey Williams: Lego at Sea Paper
    Statista Lego CO2 Emissions
    Lego: 99% Outside Emissions
    Lego Replay Initiative
    BBC: Lego from Recycled Plastic 2018
    Wired: Lego from Recycled Plastic 2024

  • You may have heard Epigenetics used as a buzzword, but what is it really? Is it something we know about, something still new, or... both? And what in the world are the World Games, and what makes them better than the Olympics?

    Links we Talk About:
    Ella's SciShow Video on X Chromosome Diseases
    Sport Casting
    Fin Swimming
    Haudenosaunee Flag
    Christopher Root's Incredible Paper on the Colonization of Lacrosse
    The Adorable NYMuseum Haudenosaunee Video

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:04:21) Epigenetics
    (00:57:40) The World Games
    (01:50:54) Outro

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    We also learn about: Ella passes her driving exam Tom’s not bitter about John Oliver, what is y’alls familialarity, epi- meaning on top of, epigentics are like tabs or blacked out text in the book of your DNA, epigentics stop your brain from turning into bone, oh did other people help Rosalind Franklin with the double helix? bases and double helixes and histones, literally blocking DNA from being read, epigentics are less cyberpunk and more exercise is good for you, epigentics is why you go blind from masturbating, it’s simpler in animals, “I’ve been here the whole time!”, “you’re enough Tom”, 2 X chromosomes means you have an extra, X Inactivation, Calico Cats are Genetic Mosaics, your epigentic markers are like your browsing cookies: you clear them before giving them to someone, are pollinators plant cucks? Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance, is it nature or nurture? generational trauma doesn’t have to be epigenetic to be real, inherited cherry blossom mouse sensitivity, the effects are subtle, Ella might have a high epigenetic age from her rock and roll lifestyle, this is so new there’s so much we don’t know, the epigenetic advice: healthy diet and exercise, how different could the world games be? casting for sport, wait did you hear me say break dancing is this a bit, the worst SEO for a name ever, Rugby 7s started at the World Games, the World Games are as old as BeyoncĂ©, let’s do our own thing we’ll definitely be more popular than the olympics, tried at the hague? we sure did! at the least the World Games are being honest about it being a bumpy ride, the “Memorandum of Understanding” reads like a parenting agreement, grouping by sport not nation, the curse of hosting the olympics, reviving forgotten sports like Tug of War, wait who was first?? guys come on have some respect for yourself! breaking records with fins, shark skin suits aren’t biomimicry, tech doping, fin swimming and barebow archery, murderball is an official world game sport, the NYTimes officially called lacrosse “frat boy” sport, mile long hundred person lacrosse, of course sports are spiritually healing, colonizing lacrosse, Haudenosaunee - the people of the long house, Tom cut it with the sad voice tell us what happened, “we wouldn’t be here without their medicine game
 they need to be there”, we’ll have to see if the olympics accept the Haudenosaunee, if your games are as old as beyonce you dont have to worry about breaking tradition, “nothing is silly, everything should be respected and held up”, Ella goes OFF and takes over the topic.

    Chromosome Structure
    Aboud et al. What Is Epigenetics?
    Nature: Types of Epigenetic Modifications
    Study on Exercise and Epigenetics
    Nature: Diet and Epigenetics
    Macdonald: Epigenetic Imprinting
    Nature: When Imprinting goes wrong
    Basta & Pandya: The Beautiful X Chromosome
    Getting the Right Amount of X
    Review on X Inactivation
    Calico Cat X Chromosome Inctivation
    PBS: Lamarckian Evolution
    Cell: Transgeneration Epigenetic Inheritence
    How Epigenetics are Wiped Clean
    Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance Prisoners of War Study
    TEI Dutch Famine Study
    TEI Study Children of Holocaust Survivers
    TEI Cherry Blossom Mice Study
    Epigenetic Clock Review
    Casting Federation Records
    World Games Website: About
    1993 World Games at The Hague
    The Olympic "Memorandum of Understanding"
    Reporting on the First World Games
    World Games President Interview about Wheelchair Rugby
    NYTimes on Indigenous Lacrosse
    Onondaga Nation on Lacrosse
    Chocktaw Nation on Lacrosse
    Christopher Root's Incredible Paper on the Colonization of Lacrosse
    Haudenosaunee History
    NPR on Haudenosaunee Players at the Olympics

  • It's a word we say all the time but... what IS a species? How has it been used in the past, and could the different answers all be right? And how does voting work in the UK? It starts with voting for knights, and could hopefully end in the future with something even better.

    Images we Talk About:
    Ella's Zoom Moustache

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:04:23) What is a Species?
    (01:01:54) UK Voting
    (01:50:46) Outro

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    We also learn about: Jenny Lec, the definition we know is wrong, has anyone taken my title On The Origin of Species? This is my favorite! Oh shit
 generic and specific, thinking of species as logical units, Kingdom Phylum Friends Acquaintances Work Friends Genus Species, the anime dewey decimal system, dark fungi, the cognitive dissonance of science at the time, even Darwin didn’t have a good definition of species, 1942 is when the common species definition was popularized, Biological - Evolutionary - Genetic definition of species, species gerrymandering, there is only 1 species of giraffe but should there be 4? policy first science, you don’t need hard definitions to do amazing things, nature is constantly doing kickflips over our no skateboarding signs, you really put your whole polizzy into naming that hybrid, a ring of banging around the himalayans, ring species in actuality look like a biblically accurate angel, let’s just ask what definitions scientists use, you can’t tell if fossils ever fucked, we only knew about human neandrethal interbreeding since 2010, what’s so wrong with having multiple species definitions? there’s a lot to biology! in between “there’s one answer” and “there’s no answers” is “there’s many answers”, Lizzy Poll, you can just call an election early?? in the UK you just vote for your member of parliament, it’s actually really weird to have a separate vote for president, every 2 steps forward is brought 1 step back by “the monster raving loony party”, Elmo think women no need to vote, the house senate and president, coalitions, tea cups with electoral college members on them, electing knights in the first parliament in 1264, bloc voting lets you pick your top favorites, Cromwell was the first Footloose, we had discovered quantum physics before women could vote, First Past the Post was only establish in 1948 in the UK, what are the positives of First Past the Post and cockroaches? please let us loose to bash FPTP, tactical voting, Australia has a version of Ranked Choice, Tom finally gets to wax poetic about Ranked Choice Voting, france’s 2 round voting, if the definition of species should match the task why not the type of voting system? the 2011 voting reform attempt, it’s been the foundation of this country for generation, try ranked choice voting on smaller scales and locally, Ella falls in love with herself, happy hour gender confusion

    Carl Zimmer for NYT "What is a Species Really?"
    Aristotle's Use of Species and Genus
    Queiroz on Ernst Mayer and Species Definitions
    Montana State on Linneus and Species Definitions
    Dark Fungi
    Ernst Mayer's Modern Excellent "Systematics And The Origin Of Species"
    Paper Debating Darwin's Definition of Species
    Bird Interbreeding
    Scientific American on Wolf Species
    The Greenish Warbler Broken Ring Species
    Stankowski and Ravinet's Amazing "Quantifying the use of Species Concepts"
    NHM "Are Neandrethals the Same Species as Us"
    Sky News: General Election Explained
    UK Parliament: Voting Systems in the UK
    Electoral Reform Party: How Long Have We Used First Past the Post?
    2019 Paper: Electoral Systems and Electoral Reform in Historical Perspective by David Klemperer
    Parliament UK: Magna Carta
    PDF: UK Parliament and the Monarchy
    UK Parliament: Women get the Vote
    BBC: Voting System in the UK
    UK Parliament: Proportional Representation
    The Guardian: ‘Disproportionate’ UK Election Results Boost Calls to Ditch First Past the Post
    The Conversation: The Conservatives May Regret Campaigning to Keep First Past the Post in 2011

  • After much deliberation, the academy (listeners of the podcast) has voted on the best topics from the past year! If this is your first episode, you'll get a sampling of our favorite moments of science and sillyness, and if you're a long time listener, you'll hear some behind the scenes thoughts about the topics, as well as... a secret teaser at the very end??

    Images we Talk About:
    The Jacobin Pigeon
    The Pouter Pigeon

    (00:04:37) Intro
    (00:03:59) Part 1
    (00:55:00) Part 2
    (01:51:28) Outro

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    We also learn about: you gotta listen to the best ofs for the rock paper scissors drama, I’m not sure if Ella remembers our names, it’s not the same joke it’s a Call Back, superseding my superseded theories, Tom’s jokes are like the rain - you walk on through and hope it stops quickly, it gets Jalapeno business, I miss Comedy, Ella claimed review corner but keeps forgetting it, the art of topic writing is explaining but also what not to explain, our favorite topics of each others, wrote down the idea for public domain day the year before, Tom goofs up the La La Land Joke, ohh did you just finish episode 50? maybe, thanks everyone for the nice messages, Mum! “those stupid awards”, they’re all great episodes, we learned who in our family listens to our show, you guys wanna learn about ants??

  • What happens when a star collapses to a point of near infinite gravity? And just how hard could that be to actually... find? And why do we love tattoos so much, and how long have human beings across the world been loving them too?

    Check out Tom's first long form video that's finally out!
    Images we Talk About:
    The Crab Nebula
    First Image of a Black Hole
    Photo of OUR Black Hole, Sagiratius A
    Ancient Siberian Tattoo

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:02:47) Black Holes 101
    (00:57:51) Tattoos
    (01:43:53) Outro

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    We also learn about: black holes are massive (mass) but not massive (size), nothing can escape a black hole, supermassive black hole by muse, the closest black hole is 1000 light years away so we don’t need to worry about them too much, matter can’t escape the Plunging Region, does your McDonald also have black holes? stellar evolution, “they’re just big gassy balls doing nuclear fusion”, the fusion in a star pushes against the gravity keeping it in equilibrium, Caroline’s fear of the sun expanding, stellar corpse, a neutron star is just made of neutrons - that can’t be right, if you add too much flour (mass) this will turn into an atomic bomb (black hole), stop saying massive and start saying voluptuous to avoid confusion, one in every thousand stars could be a blac khole, “surely that’s not sustainable” “have I got news for you about the future of all things”, theorizing a black hole in 1783, we only get the word Black Hole in 1964, betting on Signus X1, finding black holes by nearby objects’ bright hot death screams, it took 2 years to process the black hole image, sorry I think it looks like a butthole, Sagitarius A - our galaxies butthole, deslicious spaghettification, we’re all being spaghettified, I’m being raviolified here! where do you go in a black hole? into a topic for another day, “tom saw the topic on me”, no inheritance until you tattoo me onto your butt, Caroline got a tattoo to honor pigeons, the above skin - the skin - and the below skin, phagocytosis, microphages contain and become the tattoo! “the art is your immune system” and we only knew this in 2018, Ötzi the Iceman had 57 tattoos, ella regrets letting us guess what tattoos he had, ritualistic and therapeutic tattoos, egyptian women tattoos, old preserved siberian tattoo, the painted picts, Tattoo comes from the Tahitian word Tatau, famed tattoo afficianado Charles Darwin, the meaning of polynesian tattoos, sailor tattoos were inspired by polynesians but adapted to things meaningful to them, sailor tattoos were like sailing achievements, shark repeller tattoos, ancient greek tattoos were literally “skin-stigmas”, stigma affects culture and culture affects stigma in a feedback loop, “true on all accounts for my case”, gender norms in tattoos, “ooh another means by which to put down women don’t mind if I do”, biases in the workplace,”it’s literally only skindeep”, tattoos are so personal and human of course you can’t assume or speak to all of them, they’re an art and they’re universal across cultures.


    NASA: Black Holes
    Science News Explores: What are black holes?
    Gravitational Collapse Overview
    Goddard Space Flight Centre: The Life Cycles of Stars: How Supernovae Are Formed
    Britannica: End States of Stars
    Britannica: Evolution of High Mass Stars
    Britannica: Origin of Chemical Elements
    BBC Bitesize: The Lifecycle of Stars (GCSE Resource)
    NASA: Neutron Stars Are Weird
    Science News Explores: A Short History of Black Holes
    Astronomy: A Brief History of Black Holes
    Lind Hall Library: John Michell
    American Museum of Natural History: The Country Parson Who Conceived of Black Holes
    University of Chicago: Black Holes Explained
    Astronomy: Cygnus X-1- The Black Hole that Started it All
    Event Horizon Telescope: Astronomers Reveal First Image of the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy
    1978 Article: A Supermassive Object in Galaxy M87
    Space.Com: Where do Black Holes Lead To?
    SYFY: How Worried Should We Be About Black Holes?
    Podcast: The Guardians Science Weekly- White Holes
    Image Source: NASA First Image of a Black Hole
    Image Source: Event Horizon Telescope: FIrst Image of Black Hole at the Centre of the Milyway
    Pew Research: How Many People Have Tattoos?
    The Science of Tattoos
    Mouse Tail Tattoo Study
    Wellcome Collection: A Brief History of Tattoos
    Smithsonian: More History
    Japan’s Tattooing History
    Maori Tattoos
    Polynesian tattoos
    Pazyryk Tattoos (Very Cool)
    First Female MP to Wear Moko
    Sailor Tattoos
    Broussard & Harton's Amazing Tattoo Stigma Study

  • How fast can a regular human accelerate from 0-60? How can you learn to love roller-coasters? And is there a terrifying experience Ella's done that even Tom Scott hasn't?? After having us on his show for so long, it's finally time for Tom Scott to join us on our show!

    Videos we Talk About:
    Tom Scott's Amazing Roller Coaster Video
    Tom Scott's Failed Video Video

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:04:15) Human Acceleration
    (00:50:03) Roller-coasters and Failed Videos
    (01:18:05) Outro

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    We also learn about: herding cats and children, Thanks for the compliment you can leave now, UK metric is a mess, milk is just a blur cause it’s PastYourEyes, both Tom’s can’t be like this, stopping the angular velocity pedants, what’s so hard about orbital mechanics it’s not rocket science, this is a question full of "um actually"s, the longest second of Tom Scott’s life in the Mythen car, “would you do it again” “oh in a heartbeat”, just frame cars as IRL speedrunning, “oh my god she got sub 1 second”, please prove me wrong so I can ride it, steam catapulting a plane, the Nevis Catapult might win if you believe the hype, all politely saying roller coasters, “roller coaster nerds are like train nerds but worse”, running coasters at 100%, calibrating the weights of cars, British politeness way under-markets stealth, “I’ve done something Tom Scott hasn’t done??”, the experimental NĂŒrburgring coaster that only operated for 4 days, Do-Dodonpa the “rattly bastard” that broke bones, dragsters going 0-60 in half a second stunned us to silence, you could buy the nitro X2 for less than a tesla but you do get to drive a tesla more than twice, “I reserve the right to turn this into a video essay”, our roller coaster journeys, dread and expectation, Ella loves the fear, “this is the worst thing I’ve ever done, YES”, LLE live episode on a roller coaster, Dick & Dom in da Bungalow sounds like a parody of something british, only americans will remember Raccoon Barrel from the Barrell Brothers! “It has been a metaphor which is possibly the highest priase I can give something like that”, making a video about failed videos “you only get to pull that trick once”, Tom’s one shot Netherlands drone video, “it was a Look How Clever I Am video”, ideally it’s both clever content and cleverly shot, “the content has to be worth it”, it’s like OKGO - matching content with production, the ratchet of quality, “the frustration I feel is a compliment to David”, “i left everything on the table”, 3 of us just mimed sword swallowing, "not a great mime"

  • It's Pride and Poll-jedice! For pride month we have some pride merch including an amazing design by Caroline, with proceeds going to Pride in Stem! Also, toss in your vote to defend the honor of your favorite topic for the next Best Of Everything episode!

    All of this is at LetsLearnEverything.com

  • What can we learn by mimicking animals in nature, and more importantly, what can we learn about the nuance behind the buzzword of biomimicry? And just how many wild facts are hidden in a simple chess set?

    Images we Talk About:
    One of the Oldest Shatranj Sets

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:03:26) Biomimicry
    (00:50:25) Chess Chess Evolution
    (01:33:41) Outro

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    We also learn about: So nice to have a topic taken, biomemetics, the spider grabber is more like bio-stealing, “nature is a giant pool of ideas”, “nature is the OG and does it best, organism level, lily leaf umbrella, who remembers davinci? none of his flying machines even worked, a quick lesson on flying, biomimcry was only coines in the 1950s and only become trendy in the 90s, gecko feet, spinning the biomimicry slot machine, sheep wool antidepressants, a biomimicry quiz, oh right we want fewer train sonic booms, whale flipper tubercles, whale power turbines, Ella biomimics Caroline, termite AC, destroying nature to recreate nature, biomimicry 3.8, the ickyness of corporate biomimicry, we’re an organic sustainable biomemetic podcast, a person after our hearts critizing a ted talk, you can biomimic like davinci or the wright brothers, nature is not infallible, pitching our own biomimetic ideas, bumble bees saying oops, ripple, chess chess evolution you know like that game, can’t stop thinking about those anal beads, everything Caroline’s learned about chess is against their will, Tom learns about himself by talking about chess camp, scachs d’amor was so nerdy, the hornets nest of chess historians, chess comes from the indo-persian area, borders are weird why do I need so many modifiers to describe this area, calling it a horsey is more historically accurate, a chariot makes so much more sense than a castle moving across the board, oh wait does no one else call this piece a religious figure? the knight has been unchanged for 1300 years, the chad knight vs the virgin bishop, we codified white goes first after discovering quantum physics, do you want to play a game of king? Your king is in king, shah mat - the king is dead, people say check because “I won’t let you do the silly thing, we’re gonna keep playing for a little bit”, checkered comes from chess not the other way around, cheque -> exchequer -> checkered -> chess -> shah, why aren’t we talking about this more! Ella’s very good biomimicry review corner


    Biomimicry as a Sustainable Design Methodology
    How Biomimicry is Inspiring Human Innovation
    Types of Biomimicry
    History of Biomimicry
    Biomimicry in Flight and Wing Design
    NASA Wing Morphing
    NASA Successfully Tests Shape-Changing Wing
    Japanese Bullet Train
    Whale Turbines
    Soft Tobotics
    Tentacle Robot
    The Planned City of Lavasa
    Eastgate Centre
    Biomimicry 3.8
    The Limitations of Biomimentic Architecture
    The Ripple Device
    Mosquito Inspired Needles
    Davidson's Incredible "A Short History of Chess"
    Scachs Damor
    The Beginnings of Chess
    Oldest Shatranj Set
    The MET "Chessmen and Chess"
    Wired: The Game of Chess had Patch Notes Too
    White and Black in Chess
    The MET "Shah Mat!"
    gov.uk on The Exchequer
    Encyclopedia Britannica Chess History

  • How much real science is there to the Mandela Effect, and how much should we be worried about our faulty memories? And what's the science and history behind our long love for house plants?

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:03:31) False Memories
    (00:57:30) House Plants
    (01:37:47) Outro

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    Yes Ella my favorite host of Let’s Learn Everything, Fiona Broome - Paranormal Researcher, Ella is shocked to learn the Mandela Effect was a conspiracy first, repressed memories, the McMcartin Preschool Trial again, the concept of memories at all is bonkers, we shoudl do more experiments, flashbulb memories aren’t as “unchanging as the slumbering rhinegold”, the original study didn’t even check if the memories were accurate they just assumed, flash bulb memories only Feel more accurate, the concept of false memories can make people believe in the mandela effect MORE, don’t have an existential crisis, rebunking your memories, most memory recalls aren’t adversarial like mandeal effect questions, Metamemory effects, just like memory isn’t so simple false memories aren’t so simple either, “I wish I hadn’t said yay when you said racism”, does anyone remember the 2 president Obamas? we gave false memories to bees, having false memories makes bees MORE complex not less, false memories aren’t flaws they’re just part of memory, classic meatbrain, “my brain is a beautiful and complex thing”, movies can exist, The Four Legged Chairs, the art of putting a plant into a pot, egyptians used plants for a ton of stuff, portable plants, gillyflowers for bad breath and paying rent, peppercorn payment, (ayyy), Wes Anderson’s The Winter Hotel for Plants, renting plants for a party, the illegal orchid trade, plant hunters, pteridomania, the World War 2 potted plant boom, the millenial urge to care for plants is more of a historic urge, guilting your cohosts into talking about your plants, you’d need 10 potted plant per square foot in the home to clean the air, just imagine yourself as a Sim you need art and plants, hot or not for plants, there aren’t really huge health benefits from plants, it feels like studies are asking “why do we like plants so much??”, just enjoy plants for the sake of enjoying them, office plants are nice but I feel like work life balance will do better for my health, I just think they’re neat!

    Snopes: The Mandela Effect
    The Wiley Handbook on The Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
    Ethan Watters: The Forgotten Lessons of the Recovered Memory Movement
    The False Memory Syndrome: Experimental studies and comparison to confabulations
    The Fallibility of Memory in Judicial Processes
    UCLA Med on Memory
    Implanting False Memories
    Hirst and Phelps Amazing Review of Flashbulb Memories
    Predicting Confidence in Flashbulb Memories (re: Michael Jackson)
    Fiona Broome: The Mandela Effect is Not False Memories
    False memory and COVID-19: How people fall for fake news about COVID-19 in digital contexts
    BBC on Mandela Effect
    False Memory in Bees Study
    Analysis of False Bee Memory Study
    Don Hertzfeldt On Memory
    National Museums Liverpool: Gardens in Ancient Egypt
    Britannica: Houseplants
    National Trust: A Potted History of Houseplants
    Horticultural Reviews, Volume 31, The Foliage Plant Industry
    Grace and Thorn: The History of Houseplants
    Cobham Museum: Windlesham- Peppercorn Payment
    The Plant Runner: A History of Houseplants
    The Scotsman: Our Fascination With Indoor Potted Plants has a Long and Colourful History
    Architectural Digest: The Most Iconic Houseplant Trends Through the Decades
    The Guardian: Indoor Plant Sales Boom, Reflecting Urbanisation and Design Trends
    The Telegraph: Houseplant Sales Soar
    2019 Paper: Potted Plants Do Not Improve Indoor Air Quality: A Review and Analysis of Reported VOC Removal Efficiencies
    University of Reading: Owning Houseplants Can Boost Your Mental Health – Here’s How to Pick the Right One
    2022 Paper: The Appearance of Indoor Plants and their Effect on People's Perceptions of Indoor Air Puality and Subjective Well-Being
    RHS: Houseplants: To Support Human Health
    2022 Paper: Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses
    BBC: Are Your Houseplants Bad for the Environment?

  • What happens when the largest living animal becomes the largest dead animal? Just how complex could a dead whale be? And what are the differences, flaws, and nuances of the jury system, and can we be studying it better?

    Images we Talk About:
    The Zombie Worm

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:03:59) Whale Fall Ecology
    (00:52:52) Jury Duty
    (01:32:41) Outro

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    We also learn about: A bucket of mice, when whales die the people who love them will miss them, a jury of your cohosts will decide if your topic is boring, Tom stretching his arms to measure a 34 meter long whale, marine snow and whale falls, gettin ghastly gassy, a new mussel told us to go check out the whale fall, whales are mortal, deep sea mussel delicacy, how hard could it be to find a whale over 70% of the earth’s surface? let’s just wait for the carcass to come to us
 wait actually?? welcome to our automatic zoo of dead things on the beach brought to you by the crown, sinking beached whale carcasses, the 3 stages of whale fall, Denial/Mobile Scavenger Phase can take 2 years, scavengers eat about one (1) Caroline of whale per day, Enrichment Opportunist Phase, Sulfophilic Phase, 7% of a whale is bone lipid, a sulfur bacteria carpet. did we walk into Caroline’s trap? This final phase can last 100 years! It’s not a trap if I’m asking you a question! 690,000 whale falls at any time, never in my wildest dreams would i be so lucky as to know the 12km distance from fall to fall statistic, whaling is deforestation for bacteria, Osedax or the zombie worm or the bone devourer or snot flower, there’s Drama in this whale fall ecosystem, dinosaur fall ecosystems, fossilized bones with fossilized deep sea snails, we got picked to talk about jury duty, UK US differences, a 900 day trial, there’s something wrong with Ella, the US is the only country to have so many civil juries, this topic has become a US UK debate, only the US requires unanimity, juror selection bias, racially diverse juries do a better job, I wish we could be surprised peremptory challenge is biased against women, oops it’s a british colinization topic, you could literally say too many asians, semi-jural systems, is this a philosophy topic about human nature?? our various biases, the confirmation bias against tom’s bad jokes, can we study jury bias? there hasn’t been any research on live jury deliberation.

    NatGeo: Dead whales are washing up on the East Coast.
    NHM: Whale Fall: What Happens When Whales Die?
    Review of the Impact of Whale Fall on Biodiversity in Deep-Sea Ecosystems (2022)
    The Discovery of a Natural Whale Fall in the Antarctic Deep Sea (2013)
    NPR: What Happens After A Whale Dies?
    Scientific American: Life at the Bottom: The Prolific Afterlife of Whales
    Fish Food in the Deep Sea: Revisiting the Role of Large Food-Falls (2014)
    NatGeo: Making a Home on Plesiosaurs
    Chemosynthesis-Based Sssociations on Cretaceous Plesiosaurid Carcasses (2008)
    Cornell Law: What is Jury Duty?
    Jury Law UK
    Magna Carta
    538: Jury Duty is Rare
    Jury Service in the UK
    Juror Exemptions and Exclusions USA
    Differences between US and UK Legal Systems
    Jury Duty in UK vs USA
    UK Civil Case Info
    "Justifying Prohibited
    Peremptory Challenges (2007)"
    Jury Under Fire: Jury Selection Can Effectively Identify Biased Jurors
    NACDL: Bias in Jury Selection
    EJI: History of Bias in Jury Selection
    Comparison of Juries in Democratic Countries (2007)
    Jury Trial in different countries
    World Jury Sytems: Exporting the English Jury System (2000)
    Monash Law: Do we need juries?
    Cognitive and Human Factors in Legal Layperson Decision Making: Sources of bias in Juror Decision Making (2022)
    Thomas Lecture on Jury Bias
    The Curious Case of the Jury-Shaped Hole (2023)

  • What are all these rocks hurtling through space? Do we need to worry about them, and what can we learn from them? And what are guitar tabs, why don't people take them seriously, and why does Tom love them so dang much?

    Videos we Talk About:
    Osiris Boop Gif

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:03:54) Near Earth Objects
    (00:56:58) Guitar Tabs
    (01:47:55) Outro

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    e|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| B|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| G|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|
    A|---------------2-|-----------4-6-4-|-----------6-7-0-|-----------6-7---| E|-0---------2-4---|-----------------|-----------------|---------------0-|

    (tabs via lucamashup)


    We also learn about:

    I thought you were just going to just teach us guitar, still on course to learn everything in a few months! everyone’s favorite part: semantics and exceptions, Tom is a perfectly unmovable object, it’s doxxing myself if people know I’m the center of the universe, the great attractor was my nickname in high school, “naturally occurring objects traveling through our solar system which are smaller than planets and aren’t moons”, you must be 1 meter tall to be an asteroid, asteroids are metally comets are icy, a song of rock and metal dust and ice, asteroid/comet -> meteoroid -> meteor -> meteorite, 1.3 million known asteroids and only 3,800 comets in our solar system, within 50 million km it becomes a near earth object, obviously we’re all thinking about the Tunguska asteroid asteroid, 80 million trees felled and it didn’t even hit the Earth, one of the oldest meteors we know is from 2 billion years ago, the vredefort dome, 2 billion year old nuclear weapon testing??? the only time the earth makes Shatter Cones is meteors and nuclear explosions, if the meteor had hit the water it might not have been so catastrophic for dinosaurs, but it was going 20 kilometers per SECOND, a force 10,000 times the world nuclear arsenal, the crater has to be DISCOVERED, what does it mean for 50% of species to go extinct, the asteroid also vaporized the ground and water, impact winter, stopping photosynthesis kicks out the base of the foodchain, the meteor that broke the camel’s back, land animals over 25kg went extinct, there were a few lucky ducks, LLE Meteor Insurance, as long as Aerosmith is alive we’re fine, Asteroid Watch via the Center for Near Earth Object Studies, people listening 100 years from now hope you don’t have any asteroids (sucks to suck), Planetary Defense Coordination Office, Double Asteroid Redirct Mission, I cheered when we smashed into that asteroid, activating asteroids, asteroids are loose remaining legos from the formation of the solar system, OSIRIS-REx sample return, a kid named Bennu, tom loses his mind at the video of Osiris booping Bennu, personifying Rex, OSIRIS APEX, Apophis will be closer than some satellites, POV Apophis shots, Astroid Quakes, “cute is a weird way to describe a spacecraft touching an asteroid”, casual Caroline classical guitar lore drop, Tom learns guitar by accident, “too bad I picked this up so late”, Ella’s youtube ukulele era, don’t stop believing, tabs aren’t shittier sheet music, Van Halen didn’t invent tabs, tabs feel modern but also obvious, just because words are more efficient doesn’t mean diagrams aren’t useful, I’m just trying to play Don’t Stop Believing I have to worry about context? Guqin tablature dates to the 7th century! music has a lot of racism, rockin out those lute tabs, I knew this was secretly a font topic! monospace fonts revitalized tabs, sheet music software is garbage, god did not want me to use LaTeX they wanted me to use my mortal hands, OLGA, reading Beyonce tabs is not the same as listening to Beyonce, Paul McCartney’s the one who plays Blackbird wrong, let the philosophy professor enjoy his guitar! why punish the people who love your work, tabs are in a gray zone still, ultimate-guitar has a monopoly, the gray zone may benefit publishers, thanks swifties, Thomas Chesney’s tab research, it’s not a million miles away but it’s not right, ooh this song’s so commercially viable! Polphia’s tabs, Pinegrove’s tabs released before the songs, Tom’s guitar tabs, being a part of someone’s music journey in a little way, this could have been a guitar tab podcast, a cozy review corner.

    The Structure of the Milky Way
    The Great Attractor
    Nasa on Orbital Debris
    Asteroids vs Comets vs Meteors
    Nasa on Asteroids
    Notable Asteroid Impacts
    Tunguska Event
    Atomic Asteroid Blasts
    Vredefort Impact Structure
    NASA on the Dinosaur Extincting Asteroid
    NHM: Why did the dinosaurs die out?
    Near Earth Objects
    Asteroid Watch
    Asteroid Watch Dashboard
    DART results
    Nasa Data on Bennu
    OSIRIS REx Touch Down
    Bennu Sample Analysis
    Nasa Data on Apophis
    ESA's Possible RAMSES Mission
    NPR on Online Tabs
    Van Halen Tab Interview
    Mick Goodrick's The Advancing Guitarist
    Yang Yuanzheng on Ancient Guqin Tablature
    Solitary Orchid on the Guqin
    Tantacrul's Critique of Sheet Music Software
    Laura Gary's Amazing Legal Analysis of Tabs
    Paul McCartney on Blackbird
    NYTimes on Guitar Tab Legal Troubles
    Ultimate-Guitars Licensing
    Chesney's Paper Studying Guitar Tab Authors
    Polyphia Tabs
    Pinegrove Tabs NPR Interview
    Tom's Habanero Tabs
    Newspeak Dictionary

  • With Tom as their DM, Ella, Caroline, and Ellen Weatherford team up for a dicey heist in the big apple. Only one catch: they're rats! Can Rex, Tango, and Muriel ratatouille their way to nab the cheddar, or will they crumble like feta? Believe it or not this is only the first quarter of the full 2 hour episode that you can only get by becoming a member at MaximumFun.org/join

  • Can Tom finally take on his science communication white whale: Quantum Physics?? And what is gossip, what did it mean in the past, and could it actually be... good?? Find out on a very special MaxFunDrive episode!

    See all the MaxFunDrive events, pins, and links here!

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:06:29) Quantum Physics
    (01:00:14) MaxFunDrive!
    (01:09:08) Gossip
    (01:44:14) Outro

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    We also learn about:

    One minute of self indulgence, another bit?? when bugs gossip, Moby Dick was warning about the perils of teaching quantum physics, the word quantum is boring, every grocery list is quantum (except Ella’ infinite and continuous grocery list), Ocean’s 11 is a quantum movie, quantum physics is 100 years old, why doesn’t my toaster blast me with radiation, Lord Rayleigh is literally the why is the sky blue guy, Planck really didn’t want to be right, “an act of desperation”, you’re taught quantum physics in high school chemistry, Heisenberg v Pauli v Schrodinger beef, fully just saying jackass, even smart people hate quantum physics, “nobody feels perfectly comfortable with it”, YOU ALREADY KNOW QUANTUM PHYSICS, Newton has been redeemed! we almost called photons “quantums”, some of quantum physics is bullshit but not all of it is, what has quantum physics ever done for us? we do actually have a quantum phone and quantum machines at the hospital, Quantum Nuclear MRI machines, sometimes it’s nice to remember that, Schrodinger's Cat is the worst first thing to learn, “not a real experiment, does not prove anything, does not match physical reality, and was intentionally designed to be absurd”, it’s like learning about vision through only optical illusions, “but where’s the weird?”, making peace with your whale, as long as you support us we will live forever, no Ella, there’s nothing wrong with you, “debrief”, gossip can be positive! GODSIB MEANT GOD SIBLING, you wouldn’t bang your godbrother, Tom you don’t have kids, in the 12th century you could leave your kids to watch Dune 2 whenever you wanted, a gossip is someone you can tell anything to, gossips were backup for lecherous men, gossip was a neutral term for an essential supportive community, gossiping about witches gossiping “that’s gossip as well babe”, spoiler for most social issues it’s about class and power, scold’s bridle, “I love idle talk, I’m a witch”, coffee houses are just gossip houses, “oooh yeah, evolution and gossip, this is good stuff”, we wouldn’t be humans if we weren’t sociable and idle talking, gossiping is like primate grooming, animals would LOVE to gossip if they had language, I don’t care what you think as long as it’s about me, work stopping gossip seems neutral but isn’t, I’m not gossiping I’m receiving evaluative information about a colleague, it’s good the science doesn’t show bullying is cool actually, most gossip is neutral gossip, I wouldn’t compliment my boss - only in gossip, you think it’s not gossip cause it’s about Tom Brady?? It is!! it’s all preamble for review corner.

    Melville's Book on Quantum Physics
    Dan Styer's Amazing Brief History of Quantum Physics
    Dan Styer's Textbook "The Strange World of Quantum Mechanics"
    Futurama Quantum Joke
    Chad Orzel on the Origin of Quantum Physics
    Helge Kragh's History of Planck as "The Reluctant Revolutionary"
    Heisenberg's Letter to Pauli (s/o to u/restricteddata)
    Gilbert Lewis' Naming of the Photon
    Chad Orzel "What Has Quantum Mechanics Ever Done For Us?"
    Old Computers
    Nobel Prize Committee on Bloch's Work
    Dr. Baird's Great Analysis of Schrodinger's Cat
    Gossip and Resistance Among the Medieval Peasantry
    From the Whisper Network to #MeToo—Framing Gender, Gossip and Sexual Harassment
    Envy, Poison, and Death: Women on Trial in Classical Athens, Chapter 3.2
    The Psychological Anatomy of Gossip
    Tell Me the Gossip: The Self-Evaluative Function of Receiving Gossip About Others
    BBC Worklife: The Surprising Benefits of Gossip
    Gossip in Evolutionary Perspective
    How the “Gossip” Became a Woman
    Gossip and Gender Differences: a Content Analysis Approach
    BBC Worklife: Why Gossiping at Work is Good For You

  • IT'S THE MAXFUNDRIVE!!! And we're kicking it off with a network-wide trivia competition with other MaxFun hosts!

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    J. Keith van Straaten and Helen Hong from “Go Fact Yourself” are joined by:
    Teresa McElroy - “Shmanners”
    Ross Blocher - “Oh No, Ross and Carrie!”
    Ella Hubber & Tom Lum - “Let’s Learn Everything!”
    Jordan Morris - “Jordan, Jesse, Go!” and "Free With Ads"

    If you’d like to hear more hosts competing for trivia supremacy, visit Maximumfun.org for the full version of this show.

  • What would a man-made ecosystem look like on mars? Just how complicated could it possibly be? And are the human and societal issues just as complicated? Science communicators and authors Zach and Dr. Kelly Weinersmith ask and answer all of these questions and more!

    Check out:

    A City on Mars!
    The Weinersmith's article on Frontier Mythology and Space
    The Weinersmith's paper in the journal Space Policy on Space Communes
    Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:05:30) Mars Ecology
    (00:47:28) Space Communes
    (01:11:59) Outro

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    We also learn about: The superior Weinersmith, we almost have a Doctorate majority but not quite, having a PHD doesn’t make you smarter it just makes you poor and willing to suffer, back in my day Comic-Con was only 2 pence, we only just learned about high perchlorates on mars soil, all those images of glass habitats on mars would be SO DEAD, “this doesn’t sound appealing to me
 to live under the dirt”, just rinse off all your dirt how hard could it be, the engineer brain thinking “if a problem is solvable then the problem is solved”, apologies to the rotating space colony community, space waste is a pain in the ass, cows aren’t efficient but BUGS are, Biosphere 1 is Earth, Lunar palace, there aren’t many experiments and we don’t really know how this all scales, if Sarah goes we’re fine and if I go I destroy the colony by BREATHING TOO MUCH, everything’s more complicated in space, Lungs help your facility PVNRT, humanity needs a plan B but “a backup that loses that much ground on human rights is not a backup i want!”, historiography of space: history of how we think about the history of space, being a wet blanket about frontier mythology - you are speaking to the right people, “there are beautiful dreams, but I feel like the beautiful dreams tend to crack when you look at them with a little more detail”, “cows are just a nonstarter in space”, goat cheese pizza was great for morale, finally we can stop poisoning ourselves with taro, vegans are great on mars, the only life threatening scorpion you can find the US makes it onto Noah’s ark, solar is great but not when there’s dust storms, we have dormant nuclear reactors in space, Simpson reactors, in conclusion: we’re not ready, it’s not as easy as making a terrarium, closed loop ecologies are not normal, who knows what happens 10 years in, “this is the problem with talking to Zach and I”, the superior Weinsersmith has subsumed the other in a violent coup, this isn’t a hypothetical: “there’s answers to these questions”, mars religion, you can’t take your barbies and go home on mars, literally no one wanted to do dish duty, SELL THEIR HOUSES TO WHO BEN FUCKING AQUAMAN, “being able to leave is HUGE for so many reasons”, “so Zach and I are both cowards”, speculating is good to imagine problems to avoid them which is maybe the least funny answer I’ve given, “you can’t jump back to roman law”, “I think the book is much better because of our conflicts”, going on research walks, we don’t have time for space law, “that’s not a common response Tom”

    A City on Mars!
    The Weinersmith's article on Frontier Mythology and Space
    The Weinersmith's paper in the journal Space Policy on Space Communes

  • Losing your head isn't good, but what actually happens, and what can it tell us about animals, ethics, and bad science? And what is a constructed language, when does it fail, and when can it be use to make great... art? As they say, Ni Lernu Ĉion!

    Content Warning that today's science topic can be a bit grim, so if you want, you can skip ahead to 54:54

    Things we Talk About:
    Mike The Chicken
    Sea Slug Moving
    The Narmer Palette

    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:02:36) Don't Lose Your Head!
    (00:54:55) Constructed Languages
    (01:36:55) Outro

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    We also learn about:

    Pretty clear cut or chopped, did we need to write this down? why do you die when you lose your head? let’s start with a deep philosophical question: are we our brains? Tom clearly doesn’t know Mike the chicken, Mike was the original pitch for Charlotte’s Web, mooching some slugs, The Mystery of the Beheading of Elysia Marginata, capital punishment comes from beheadings, the guillotine could behead 20 people per hour, “the most gentle of lethal methods”, 
do you guys not have the death penalty? ethics of rat euthanasia, Canavero’s bogus self published head transplants, like the language you’re speaking RIGHT NOW, Auxiliary Engineered and Artistic Languages, Tom falls into Ella’s Esperanto trap, Esperanto was banned and persecuted, the benefit of Esperanto is it has no culture, English is a language of exceptions, 1850 to 1920 people were going WILD constructing languages, none of us had heard of VolapĂŒk, “a language without umlauts sounds monotonous, harsh, and boring”, the language wars, a priest and an eye doctor trying to solve the tower of babel, Esperanto has “dipthongs - ugly!”, “rattling an hard bony R”, Artlang POP QUIZ, for Tolkeins the languages came first, english is a tapestry of languages and artlangs can convey that, the use of purposefully meaningless artlangs, soo soo! NOOT NOOT! boyhowdy! nonsense languages have universality, citing the pingu fan wiki, is penguinese more universal than esperanto??? Toki Pona, newspeak, “and that brings us strangely and sharply to the end of the topic”, appreciating real turtles and robot turtles.


    BBC: The Chicken That Lived For 18 Months Without a Head
    Britannica: How Mike the Chicken Survived Without a Head
    Scientific America: Fact or Fiction?: A Cockroach Can Live without Its Head
    New York Times: Meet the Sea Slugs That Chop Off Their Heads and Grow New Bodies
    NewsWeek: Did Anne Boleyn Really Speak After She Was Beheaded? Here's the Science
    American Historical Association: Narmer Palette
    2023 Paper: "The Most Gentle of Lethal Methods": The Question of Retained Consciousness Following Decapitation
    1975 Paper: EEG Evaluation of Humaneness of Asphyxia and Decapitation Euthanasia of the Laboratory Rat
    2013 Paper: Electroencephalographic Evaluation of Decapitation of the Anaesthetized Rat
    2011 Paper: Decapitation in Rats: Latency to Unconsciousness and the ‘Wave of Death’
    1991 Paper: Pain Perception in Decapitated Rat Brain
    New Scientist: Head transplant carried out on monkey, claims maverick surgeon
    2019 Paper: First Human Head Transplantation: Surgically Challenging, Ethically Controversial and Historically Tempting
    The Guardian: First Full Body Transplant is Two Years Away, Surgeon Claims
    The Telegraph: First Head Transplant Successfully Carried Out on Monkey, Claims Surgeon
    Vice: Head Transplant Surgeon Claims Human Brain Transplants Are 'Technically Feasible'
    2017 Paper: Surgical, eEthical, and Psychosocial Considerations in Human Head Transplantation
    Constructed languages:
    Francois Rabelais
    International Auxiliary Languages
    Esperanto 2: electric boogaloo
    Native Esperanto Speakers
    Why Learn Esperanto:
    English language exceptions
    Creating new words in Esperanto
    TrĂŒth, BeaĂŒty, and VolapĂŒk
    Quenya Course
    Klingon Language Institute
    TGIF in Simlish
    How Simlish was Created
    Penguinese example
    Animalese example
    Polygon on Animalese
    Toki Pona:
    Sapir–Whorf hypothesis
    Experimental languages
    Newspeak Dictionary

  • How have human beings evolved, and how could we evolve in the future? And what are some famous first messages, and what can we learn from looking at them?

    Images we Talk About:
    First Record Image
    Second Record Image
    Other Record Images

    Tom's Ingenuity Comic

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    (00:00:00) Intro
    (00:03:15) Are We Still Evolving?
    (00:52:00) Famous First Messages
    (01:38:17) Outro

    We also learn about:

    DANGER BOO BOO, Ella has her own discord?? homo sapiens were 300,000 years ago but humans were 2.5 million, homo sapiens coexisted with 8 other human species, homo habilis was chilling for a million years, the homo hunger games, neanderthals had sewing needles and clothing, they seem so human because they are, maybe it was our chins, it’s hard enough not to anthropomorphize other animals let alone other humans, humans were the same height 40,000 years ago, humans may have lost height from being shit at farming, we have smaller brains but that doesn’t mean we’re less smart, natural selection & mutation & gene flow & gene drift, the iphone gave us smaller jaws, melanin is about synthesizing that sweet sweet vitamin D, we have evolved the adaptation of diversity, physical appearance is mostly just vitamin D and warmth - that’s it, it’s not good genes vs bad genes, microevolution, “instead of a mass of clones, we are already starting to see a glorious riot of variations”, this is all speculation, “we’re very unpredictable”, hello world! I learned it by watching you!! shouting and switching places, Tom live writes fanfic, purpose & imagination & inspiration, no YOU hang up, WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT, hey is your daughter okay? tone poems, Ella bled for her art in *checks notes* We Will Rock You, the dynamic range of the alpine symphony, if found please return littered golden record to Earth, ooh criteria! images on the record are COPYRIGHTED, who knows if they’ll be in the public domain by the time aliens get it, the beauty of the calibration circle, pulsar map, Ella’s not inspired, Caroline inspires Ella a bit, mixing up the golden plaque and golden record, MIR LENIN SSSR, DISREGARD PREVIOUS MESSAGE USA FOREVER

    Homo Habilis
    Natural History Museum on The Origin of Our Species
    Other Human Species
    The Guardian on Neanderthals
    Why were homo sapians the winners?
    How have we changed?
    When did we become fully human?
    Factors Driving Evolution
    Factors Driving Evolution 2
    The Role of Geography in Human Adaptation
    Early Human Height Estimation
    Genetic Drift
    Has Human Evolution Topped?
    What will humans look like in 1 million years
    Sickle Cell Anemia
    Scientific American No, humans have not stopped evolving
    All Wikipedia's Hello World Programs
    Bell's Journals from Library of Congress
    Wired on First Phone Call
    First Telegram from Library of Congress
    First Test Compacy Disc
    Stephen Johnson What is a Tone Poem?
    Houston Symphony on Strauss's Tone Poems
    Boston Sympohony Orchestra on Alpine Symphony
    NASA on Voyager Record
    NASA on Pioneer Plaque
    First MIR Message to Space
    Ray Tomlinson's First Email