
  • While listening try to answer these 2 questions;

    What are two activities Ethan did with his friends in the small city?Why did Ethan like the new city?


    Community (noun) - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

    Mixed Emotion - conflicting feelings or emotions. I am happy and sad.

    Vibrant City - energetic, bright, and full of life

    Reminisce (verb) - indulge in enjoyable memories

    Cherished (verb) - hold (something) dear

    Bittersweet (adjective) - arousing pleasure tinged with sadness or pain

    Bustling (adjective) - (of a place) full of activity

    Diversity (noun) - the state of being diverse; variety.

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a man named Ethan who lived in a small city. He had made many wonderful friends in his community, and they shared countless joyful moments together. However, Ethan's heart was filled with mixed emotions when he received a job opportunity in the vibrant city of New York.

    Ethan was sad to leave his dear friends behind. They had become like family to him, and he cherished the laughter and support they shared. But deep down, he knew that moving to New York would open up new doors and bring exciting adventures into his life.

    As Ethan prepared for his move, he couldn't help but reminisce about the memories he had created with his friends. They hiked nearby mountains, enjoyed many delicious restaurants, and sang karaoke together. Each memory brought a bittersweet feeling to his heart.

    On the day of his departure, Ethan's friends gathered to bid him farewell. Tears filled their eyes as they expressed their sadness at his leaving. They gave him handmade gifts and heartfelt letters to remember them by. Ethan felt their love and knew he would cherish their friendship forever.

    Arriving in New York, Ethan was greeted by the bustling city streets and towering skyscrapers. It was a completely different world from his small city. The sounds, sights, and energy of the city filled him with a sense of wonder and anticipation.

    As he settled into his new apartment, Ethan made an effort to explore his new surroundings. He discovered vibrant neighborhoods, famous landmarks, and an incredible diversity of people. Slowly but surely, he began to make new friends who shared his love for adventure and discovery.

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  • While listening try to answer these 2 questions;

    Name the 2 characters in this story.What was she training to do?

    Determined (adjective) - having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

    Athlete (noun) - a person who is proficient in sports.

    Potential (adj) - having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.

    Undeterred (adjective) - persevering with something despite setbacks.

    Gradually (adverb) - slowly, little by little.

    Exhaustion (noun) - a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness.

    Perseverance (noun) - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a determined girl named Sofia. Sofia had always dreamed of becoming a great athlete, and her favorite sport was running. One day, she heard about a big marathon race coming to her town, and she knew that this was her chance to shine.

    Excitedly, Sofia went to the local running club to sign up for the marathon. She met her coach, Mr. Thompson, who was known for his expertise in training athletes. He believed in Sofia's potential and agreed to help her prepare for the race.

    However, there was a problem. Sofia had been having trouble with her knees. They would ache and sometimes even hurt when she ran for too long. She was worried that her knee problems would stop her from reaching her dream.

    Undeterred, Sofia and Mr. Thompson decided to come up with a plan. They started with small steps, gradually increasing Sofia's training sessions. They focused on strengthening her leg muscles and taught her the importance of warming up and stretching before running.

    As weeks went by, Sofia's knee problems started to improve. She was careful not to overexert herself and always listened to her body. Slowly but surely, she began to run longer distances without feeling any pain.

    The day of the marathon finally arrived. Sofia stood at the starting line with her heart pounding. She looked around and saw her family and friends cheering her on. With a deep breath, she began to run.

    Throughout the race, Sofia pushed herself to keep going. She faced moments of exhaustion and doubt, but she remembered the hard work she had put into training. With every step, she felt closer to her dream.

    Finally, Sofia crossed the finish line, surrounded by applause and cheers. She had completed her first marathon, despite her knee problems. Sofia's determination and perseverance had paid off

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  • Name the 3 characters in this story.Why didn’t Aria want to quit her job?

    Bustling (adj) - full of activity.

    Yearned (verb) - have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.

    Embark (verb) - begin (a course of action).

    Wanderlust (noun) - a strong desire to travel.

    Weighed heavily on mind - to be causing someone to worry

    Dilemma (noun) - a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable

    Resilience (noun) - the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

    Embracing the Unknown - to live the life as it was meant to be lived

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a young girl named Aria. Aria had a job that paid well, but deep inside, she longed for adventure and yearned to see the world. Every day, she would sit at her desk, daydreaming about exploring far-off places and experiencing new cultures.

    One day, Aria woke up with a brave idea in her heart. She wanted to quit her job and embark on a journey to fulfill her wanderlust. But fear held her back. The uncertainty of leaving her stable job weighed heavily on her mind.

    Aria's best friend, Lily, noticed her restlessness. Sensing Aria's dilemma, Lily shared a story of her own. She told Aria about a time when she too was afraid of leaving her comfort zone, but she took a leap of faith and pursued her passion. Lily's story inspired Aria to overcome her fear.

    With newfound courage, Aria made up her mind. She decided to follow her dreams and see the world. She handed in her resignation and began planning her grand adventure. Aria was both excited and scared, but she knew deep down that this was the right path for her.

    As Aria traveled from one country to another, she discovered breathtaking landscapes, tasted exotic foods, and made friends from different corners of the globe. Each new experience brought her joy and taught her valuable lessons about resilience and embracing the unknown.

    During her travels, Aria encountered a wise old traveler named Mr. Jenkins. He shared his own wisdom about life and taking risks. He told Aria that sometimes, the scariest decisions lead to the most rewarding experiences.

    Aria's journey around the world opened her eyes to the beauty of diversity, the kindness of strangers, and her own strength. She realized that life is too short to let fear hold her back from pursuing her passions and dreams.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    What kind of animal gave Olivia advice?Why did Olivia get a job offer?


    Disheartened (adjective) - having lost determination or confidence

    Opportunity (noun) - a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

    Encouraged (verb) - give support, confidence, or hope to someone

    Rejections (noun) - dismissing or refusing a proposal, idea, etc

    Contribute (verb) - give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something

    Dedication (noun) - being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose

    perseverance (noun) - persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success

    Willingness (noun) - be prepared to do something; readiness

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Olivia. Olivia lived in a small town and wanted to find a job. She searched high and low, but every place she went said they didn't have any openings.

    Feeling disheartened, Olivia met a wise old owl named Oscar. She shared her troubles with him. Oscar said, "Olivia, sometimes it takes time to find the right opportunity. Keep trying and never lose hope."

    Encouraged by Oscar's words, Olivia continued her job search. She applied to different places, handed out resumes, and even went for interviews. But still, she received rejections.

    One day, Olivia noticed a poster in town. It was a notice for a local community event seeking volunteers. Eager to contribute, Olivia decided to offer her help.

    At the event, Olivia met many kind-hearted people and worked hard to make it a success. The organizers were impressed by her dedication and positive attitude.

    A few days later, Olivia received a call. It was the event organizers offering her a job! They were impressed by her work and wanted her to join their team.

    Olivia happily accepted the job and thanked the owl, Oscar, for his wise advice. She realized that sometimes, unexpected paths lead to the best opportunities.

    The moral of the story is that even when things don't go as planned, it's important to stay positive, never give up, and be open to new possibilities. Olivia's perseverance and willingness to help others led her to a job she truly enjoyed.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    What is the main character’s name?Why did she leave her job at the cafe?


    Nervous (adjective) - easily agitated or alarmed.

    Made Mistakes - you do something which you did not intend to do, or which produces a result that you do not want.

    Mixed up - Confused

    Coworker (noun) - a person you work with

    Encouraged (verb) - give support, confidence, or hope to (someone)

    Applied (verb) - put oneself forward formally as a candidate for a job.

    Opportunities (noun) - a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Naomi. She was excited to start her new job at the local coffee shop, but she was also nervous. She didn't know how to make coffee or help out, but she was willing to learn.

    On her first day, Naomi arrived at the coffee shop early and met her new coworkers. They showed her how to make coffee, take orders, and clean up. Naomi tried her best, but she made mistakes. She spilled coffee on the floor and mixed up orders.

    Despite her mistakes, Naomi never gave up. She kept practicing and asking for help. Her coworkers were patient and kind, and they encouraged her to keep trying.

    As the days went by, Naomi got better at her job. She learned how to make different types of coffee and serve customers with a smile. She loved working at the coffee shop, and she made many new friends.

    However, one day Naomi got a call about a new job she had applied for. She was excited but sad to leave the coffee shop. She knew that she would miss her coworkers and the customers.

    On her last day at the coffee shop, Naomi hugged her coworkers and said goodbye to the customers. She felt grateful for the experience and the lessons she had learned. She knew that she would never forget the skills she had gained and the friendships she had made.

    Naomi learned that even when you don't know how to do something, it's important to try your best and ask for help. And that sometimes, you have to move on to new opportunities, but you can always cherish the memories and friendships you've made along the way.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    What kind of event did Jenni join?What happened to Jenni during her training?


    Participate (verb) - take part in an action or endeavor

    Determined (adjective) -having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it

    Sore Throat - a feeling in your throat that makes it hard to swallow

    Fever (noun) - an abnormally high body temperature

    Struggling to Breathe - A feeling you can’t get AIR in your lungs

    Pounding (noun) - repeated and heavy striking or hitting of someone or something.

    Exhausted (adjective) - very tired

    Elated (adjective) - very happy

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jenni. She loved running and wanted to participate in a marathon. She knew it would be hard work, but she was determined to succeed.

    Jenni started her training by running a little bit every day. She ran in the park, on the street, and on the track. She practiced every day, rain or shine.

    One day, Jenni woke up with a sore throat and a fever. She felt terrible, but she didn't want to miss a day of training. So, she put on her running shoes and went for a run. However, she quickly realized that she was too sick to run. Her body was weak, and she was struggling to breathe.

    Jenni had to take a break from training for a few days. She rested, drank plenty of water, and took medicine. Soon, she felt better and was ready to resume her training.

    Jenni continued to practice every day, and she got stronger and faster with each run. Finally, the day of the marathon arrived. Jenni was nervous, but she was also excited. She lined up at the starting line with hundreds of other runners.

    The starting gun fired, and Jenni started to run. She ran and ran, passing other runners one by one. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and her legs burning with effort. But she didn't give up.

    Finally, after hours of running, Jenni crossed the finish line. She was exhausted but elated. She had completed the marathon, and she felt proud of herself.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    Why was Ana nervous after the interview?What happened at the end of the story?


    Flight Attendant - a person who attends to passengers on an airplane

    Job Opening - a specific position that needs to be filled at an establishment

    Anxiously (noun) - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

    Impressed (adjective) - feeling or showing admiration or respect for someone or something.

    Overjoyed (adjective) - extremely happy.

    Pursue (verb) - follow or chase

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Ana who dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. She loved the idea of traveling the world and meeting new people.

    One day, Ana saw a job opening for a flight attendant at her favorite airline. She was so excited that she immediately applied for the job.

    However, when she got to the interview, she was very nervous. She had never been interviewed for a job before and didn't know what to expect.

    The interviewer asked her questions about her skills and experience, and Ana did her best to answer them. She was nervous, but she tried to stay calm and confident.

    After the interview, Ana waited anxiously to hear back from the airline. Days went by, and she started to worry that she hadn't gotten the job.

    Then, one day, she received a call from the airline. They told her that they were impressed with her interview and wanted to offer her the job!

    Ana was overjoyed. She couldn't believe that her dream was finally coming true. She worked hard in her training, learning everything she needed to know to become a great flight attendant.

    And soon, she was flying all around the world, meeting new people and having amazing adventures. She loved her job and felt grateful for the opportunity to pursue her dream

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    What was happening in Steven’s life? Why did his worries “melt away”?


    Married (noun) - Two people joining together as partners. By the government or by religion.

    Fiance (noun) - a person to whom someone is engaged to be married.

    Mixed Feelings - you feel both happy and sad about it at the same time

    Commitment (noun) - To be dedicated, to a person, activity, or idea.

    Opportunities (noun) - a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

    Words of Wisdom - Good Advice

    Embarking (verb) - begin (a course of action).

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a guy named Steven who was about to get married. He loved his fiancé very much, but he also had some mixed feelings about the big day.

    As the wedding approached, Steven felt nervous and unsure if he was making the right decision. He worried that he might not be ready for such a big commitment or that he might be missing out on other opportunities.

    One day, while taking a walk in the park, Steven met an old man who noticed his worries. The old man asked Steven what was wrong, and Steven shared his doubts and fears about his upcoming wedding.

    The old man listened to Steven's story and offered some words of wisdom. He told Steven that it's natural to feel scared and uncertain when embarking on a new journey, but that's also part of the adventure. He encouraged Steven to trust his heart and follow his dreams.

    With the old man's words in his mind, Steven continued to prepare for his wedding. On the big day, he felt a mix of nerves and excitement.

    When he saw his fiancé coming towards him, all of his worries melted away. He realized that she was the one he truly loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He felt happy and confident in his decision to marry her.

    From then on, Steven knew that he had made the right choice. He and his wife had many happy years together, filled with love and adventure.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    At first, what did Mia use her superpower for?What made Mia change her mind about how to use her powers?

    Extraordinary (adjective) - very unusual or remarkable.

    Chaos (noun) - complete disorder and confusion

    Barely (adverb) - only just; almost not.

    Anxiously (adverb) -Showing anxiety - feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness

    Ashamed (adjective) - embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, characteristics, or associations

    Criminals (noun) - a person who has committed a crime. Bad guy.

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Mia who was a regular girl just like anyone else. One day, she woke up with an extraordinary gift - the gift of superpowers! She was overjoyed and couldn't wait to show everyone what she could do.

    However, as time passed, Mia started using her powers for evil. She would fly around and cause chaos wherever she went. She would steal things from people and cause destruction to the city. Everyone was afraid of her and didn't know what to do.

    One day, while flying over the city, Mia noticed a hurt animal lying on the ground. Barely breathing. She flew down to take a closer look and realized that the animal was hurt because of her actions. She had caused an explosion that had injured the animal.

    Mia felt terrible and knew she had to make things right. She took the animal to a nearby vet and waited anxiously for the animal to recover.

    As she waited, Mia realized the error of her ways. She saw how much fear and destruction she had caused and felt ashamed of herself. She knew she had to use her powers for good and make a positive difference in the world.

    From this experience, Mia learned an important lesson. She learned that power can be a dangerous thing and that it's important to use it wisely.

    Over time, Mia started using her powers for good. She helped people in need, saved lives, and stopped criminals.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    What does Emma learn to do?What kind of Job does Emma do to make money?

    Afford(verb) - have enough money to pay for.

    Necessities (noun) - the state or fact of being required. Needs.

    Determined (adjective) - having made a strong decision and not to change it.

    Conversation (noun) - a talk, between two or more people

    Translator (noun) - a person who translates from one language into another.

    Provide ( verb) - make available for use; supply.

    Opportunities (noun) - a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

    Obstacle (noun) - a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Emma. She lived with her family in a small house in a village. Emma's family was very poor and they couldn't afford to buy even the basic necessities of life. Emma wanted to help her family but she didn't know how.

    One day, Emma's friend told her that if she learned English well, she could get a good job and earn money. Emma was determined to learn English and she started studying hard every day. She practiced speaking English with her teacher, friends and joined conversation groups.

    After a few months of hard work, Emma started becoming very good at English. She decided to use her new language skills to help her family. She started looking for jobs and found a job as a translator at a local company.

    Emma worked very hard at her job and was able to earn enough money to provide for her family. She was very happy that she could help her family and make a difference in their lives.

    From this experience, Emma learned that hard work and determination can help you overcome any obstacle. She also learned that learning new skills can open up new opportunities and change your life for the better.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    How many kids does Jaimie have?What are the 3 pieces of advice given to her to learn English?

    Communicate (verb) - share or exchange information, news, or ideas.

    Chores (noun)- a routine task, especially a household one.

    Situation (noun) - a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs.

    Advice (noun) - guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.

    Phrases (noun) - a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause.

    Confident (adjective) - feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a woman named Jaimie who lived in Japan with her two sons. Jaimie always wanted to learn English so she could communicate with people from other countries and teach her children the language as well. However, she found it difficult to find time to study because of her busy schedule with her children and household chores.

    One day, Jaimie met a kind English teacher who understood her situation and wanted to help her learn. The teacher gave Jaimie three pieces of advice to help her find time to study.

    The first piece of advice was to make a schedule and stick to it. Jaimie started to write a daily schedule to help her manage her time better. She planned to wake up an hour early to study English before her children woke up.

    The second piece of advice was to make studying English fun. The teacher suggested that Jaimie listen to English music or watch English movies with her children. This way, they could learn together while having fun.

    The third piece of advice was to join an English conversation group. The teacher gave Jaimie information on a group where she could practice her English with other learners. Jaimie was nervous at first, but she realized that everyone was there to learn and improve their English skills.

    With the teacher's help, Jaimie found time to study English every day. She learned new words and phrases and became more confident in her ability to speak English. Her children also enjoyed learning with her and they even made new friends at the conversation group.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    Why did Sarah get lost?Who helped her?

    Realized (verb) - become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly.

    Hesitant (adjective) - tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.

    Alley (noun) - a narrow passageway between or behind buildings

    Avoiding (verb) - keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something)

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. She was on a trip with her parents to a big city. They were walking around when Sarah saw a toy store and ran towards it. She was so excited to see all the toys but when she looked up, her parents were nowhere to be seen.

    Sarah walked around looking for them but soon realized she was lost. She started to feel scared and wanted to cry. Suddenly, she heard a dog barking. The dog was talking! He introduced himself as Max and offered to help Sarah find her parents.

    Sarah was hesitant at first but she didn't know what else to do. Max took her on a journey through the city. He led her through alleys and backstreets, avoiding busy roads and crowds. After a while, they finally found Sarah's parents.

    Sarah was so happy to see them and she hugged them tightly. She told them about Max, the talking dog who helped her find her way. Her parents were grateful to Max and thanked him.

    From that day on, Sarah knew to always stick with her parents and not wander off on her own. She learned that there are good and helpful beings in the world like Max, but she also learned to be careful of strangers who might harm her.

    And so, Sarah returned home with her parents, feeling safe and happy, and never forgot the lesson she learned from her adventure with Max, the talking dog.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 3 questions;

    What was the girl’s name?What was the boy’s name?What happened when the boy came to visit her?


    Selfish(adjective) - lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. “Always Me,Me,Me,Me”

    Grateful (adjective) - feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received.

    Apologized (verb) - express regret for something that one has done wrong.

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Karen. She was known for being mean and making fun of others. She never wanted to share her toys or help anyone. She was selfish and didn't have any friends.

    One day, Karen got very sick and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Karen felt very lonely and sad. No one came to visit her, not even her parents.

    As time went by, Karen started to think about how she had treated others. She realized that being mean didn't make her happy and it didn't make others happy either. She wished she could go back in time and change her ways.

    One day, a boy named Bobby came to visit her in the hospital. He brought her some books and some soup to help her feel better. Karen was surprised and grateful for his kindness.

    The boy told Karen that he forgave her for being mean and that he wanted to be friends. Karen was touched by his kindness and realized that she had been wrong to treat him so badly.

    Karen began to change her ways. She even apologized to those she had hurt in the past. Slowly but surely, Karen made friends and was much happier.

    Karen learned that being kind and caring is much better than being mean and selfish. She felt good about herself and the way she was treating others. From that day on, Karen continued to be kind and caring to everyone she met.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    Why did Tom lose his business?What did Tom do with his free time?

    Fancy (adjective) - over the top in structure or decoration.

    Lavish (adjective) - rich, elaborate, or luxurious

    Show off (phrasal verb) - display someone or something that is a source of pride.

    Bankrupt (adjective) - (of a person or organization) declared in law as unable to pay their debts.

    Devastated (verb) - destroy or ruin.

    Embarrassed (noun) - a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness.

    Value (noun) - something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

    Blessing in disguise (Idiom) - something that is bad at first BUT eventually has good results

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a man named Tom who had a lot of money. He had a big house, a fancy car, and went on lavish vacations. Tom loved to spend his money and show off his wealth.

    But one day, something unexpected happened. The banks collapsed. Tom's business went bankrupt and he lost all of his money. He had to sell his house, car, and even his expensive clothes.

    Tom was devastated. He had never experienced life without money before. He felt embarrassed and didn't know how to face his friends and family.

    But as time went on, Tom realized that money wasn't everything. He started to appreciate the small things in life, like spending time with loved ones and going on walks in nature. He also learned the value of hard work and started a new business from scratch.

    In the end, Tom realized that losing his money was a blessing in disguise. He was happier and more fulfilled than he had ever been before.

    The moral of the story is that money isn't everything. It's important to value the people and experiences in your life and to work hard for what you want.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 2 questions;

    Where was the big tree?What encouraged Emily to climb the tree?

    Haunted (adjective)- (of a place) frequented by a ghost.

    Grant (verb) - agree to give or allow (something requested) to.

    Skeptical (adjective) - not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations

    Courage (noun) - bravery

    Determination (noun) - firmness of purpose

    Overcome (verb) - succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty).

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily. She loved to play in her backyard, but she was always scared of the big tree that stood in the middle of it. The tree was so big and tall that it seemed to reach the sky, and Emily thought it was haunted.

    One day, a little bird flew down from the tree and landed on Emily's shoulder. The bird told her that the tree was not haunted and that it was a magical tree that could grant wishes. All she had to do was touch the tree and make a wish.

    Emily was skeptical at first, but she decided to give it a try. She walked up to the tree and closed her eyes. She made a wish that she could be brave enough to climb to the top of the tree. And to her surprise, she felt a rush of courage and determination flow through her body.

    Emily started to climb the tree, and with every branch she climbed, she felt stronger and braver. When she reached the top, she saw a beautiful view of the world below her. She felt like she was on top of the world and knew that she could do anything she set her mind to.

    From that day on, Emily was never afraid of anything. She knew that if she ever needed courage, all she had to do was make a wish and touch the magical tree. And whenever she played in her backyard, she would always remember the little bird that had helped her overcome her fears.

    The moral of the story is that sometimes we just need a little bit of courage to overcome our fears. And if we believe in ourselves and are willing to take risks, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

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  • While listening Try to answer these 3 questions;

    Why was Nana sad?Who did she meet at the park?What happened over time?

    Devoted (adjective) - very loving or loyal.

    Burden (noun)- cause (someone) worry, hardship, or distress.

    Tending (adjective) - direct or manage; work in.

    Approached (verb) - come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time.

    Advice (noun) - guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.

    Grateful (adjective) - feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received.

    Influence (noun)- the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

    Over time - slowly, gradually

    Sense of purpose - the intention to accomplish something that is meaningful to you.

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a kind-hearted grandma named Nana. She had devoted her entire life to raising her children and providing them with everything they needed. But as her children grew older, they became busy with their own lives and eventually stopped visiting or talking to her.

    Nana felt lonely and sad. She missed her children and grandchildren dearly, but she didn't want to burden them with her feelings. So, she started to spend more time on her own, taking long walks in the park and tending to her garden.

    One day, as Nana was walking in the park, she saw a young girl sitting alone on a bench, crying. Nana approached her and asked if she was okay. The girl told her that she had lost her grandmother and felt alone in the world.

    Nana felt a strong connection with the girl and offered to be her friend. She listened to her problems, gave her advice, and showed her the love and kindness that she had once given to her own children.

    Over time, Nana and the girl became close friends. They went on walks in the park together, played games, and shared stories. The girl's parents were grateful to Nana for being such a positive influence in their daughter's life and started to visit her too.

    Nana realized that she didn't need to rely on her own children for happiness. She had made new friends and found joy in helping others. Her kindness had brought her a new family and a sense of purpose.

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  • Try to answer these 3 questions;

    Why was Keilan sad?What kind of sounds did he hear?What did Keilan find by the tree?

    Devastated (adjective) - severe and overwhelming shock or grief.

    Beloved( adjective) - dearly loved.

    Companion (noun) - a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.

    Rush (verb) - move with urgent haste.

    Surge (verb) - increase suddenly and powerfully.

    Cherished (verb) - protect and care for (someone) lovingly.

    --Story Below—

    Keilan was a young boy from Ireland who was devastated by the loss of his beloved dog. His dog had been his faithful companion for years, and his death left a hole in Keilan's heart that he thought would never heal.

    As the days went by, Keilan tried to go about his daily activities, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that his dog was still with him. Sometimes, he would hear a familiar bark or whine, and he would turn around, expecting to see his dog by his side. Other times, he would feel a rush of energy or warmth, as if his dog was still with him, watching over him.

    Keilan found comfort in these moments, even though they also made him miss his dog even more. He knew that his dog's spirit was still with him, guiding him, and protecting him, even though he couldn't see him.

    One day, as Keilan was walking in the park he noticed a figure in the distance. It looked just like his dog. But as he got closer, the dog ran further away. He continued to follow it until he got to an old tree. Then it disappeared. However, at the tree, he saw a small, white puppy, and it looked lost and scared. As Keilan got closer, he realized that the puppy looked exactly like his dog.

    Keilan felt his heart racing as he approached the puppy. As he bent down to pick him up, he felt a surge of energy and warmth, as if his dog's spirit was with him at that moment. He knew that his dog had led him to this puppy, as a way of showing him that he was still with him, even though he was no longer alive.

    As Keilan took the puppy home, he felt a sense of connection and joy that he hadn't felt since his dog passed away. He knew that this puppy was a gift from his dog, a way of reminding him that he was still loved and cherished, even in death.

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  • Try to answer these 3 questions;

    Why did Hana decide to stay home?Where did she meet the foreigner?How did Hana feel when she came back to Japan?

    Vibrant (adjective) - Full of energy and life

    Tirelessly(adverb) - with great effort or energy.

    Pursue(verb) - follow or chase

    Loyalty(noun) - a strong feeling of support or allegiance.

    Conflicted(adjective) - having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings.

    --Story Below—

    Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Hana who lived in the vibrant city of Fukuoka, Japan. Hana had always dreamt of exploring the world, experiencing new cultures, and learning new languages. However, her parents were getting old and needed help at home. Hana found herself caught between her dreams and her responsibilities.

    Hana realized that her heart was telling her to stay at home and support her parents. She knew it was the right thing to do, and it brought her a sense of peace. Hana decided to put her dreams on hold and focus on her family.

    Days turned into months, and months turned into years. Hana worked tirelessly to support her parents and keep them happy. But, something felt off. Hana had a nagging feeling that she had made a mistake by staying at home.

    One day, Hana met a foreigner in a park who shared with her his story of following his dreams. He told her that it was never too late to pursue her dreams and that she could still make it happen.

    Hana felt conflicted, torn between her loyalty to her family and her desire to follow her heart.

    Hana made the difficult decision to leave home and travel abroad. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she felt that it was the right thing to do.

    Hana's journey took her to amazing places. She ended up meeting people, having experiences, and learning lessons that she never could have imagined.

    In the end, Hana returned home to Fukuoka, a wiser and more confident person. She was grateful for the time she had spent with her family, and she was also grateful for the opportunities she had taken to pursue her dreams.

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  • While you are listening to the story - Try to answer these 3 questions;

    How did Valentina get to the Island?What was on the island?What did the captain tell her would happen if she touched the treasure?

    Curious - want to know or learn something.

    Mainland - a large continuous extent of land that includes the greater part of a country or territory

    Regretted - feel sad, repentant, or disappointed

    Realized - become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly

    Material possessions - belongings, holding, property. something owned;

    --Story Below---

    Valentina was a curious girl who lived in São Paulo Brazil near the ocean. One day, she heard about a treasure that was hidden on an island. She became very excited and decided to search for it.

    Valentina asked for a boat to take her to the island, but the captain warned her that if she touched the treasure, she would never be able to come back to the mainland.

    Valentina didn't listen to the captain's warning and went ahead with her plan. After all, she needed the money for her family. Surprisingly she found the treasure very quickly and filled her bag with gold coins and jewels.

    But when she tried to return, she became lost in the forest. Forever unable to find a way out, Valentina was stuck on the island and couldn't leave. She regretted not listening to the captain's warning.

    Valentina spent years on the island, and she learned to live off the land. She became one with nature and discovered things about herself that she never knew before. She realized that she didn't need the material possessions that she once valued.

    Valentina was happy on the island, and she felt at peace with herself. She never left the island, but she was content with her life and the experiences that she had on it.

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  • While you are listening to the story - Try to answer these 3 questions;

    Where did Miguel live?Why couldn’t he catch the bird?How did Miguel start making a lot of money?

    Stumbled - almost fall, or come across by accident

    Perched - a bird resting on something

    Melody - a tune

    Enchanted - filled with delight; charmed.

    Capture - take into one's possession or control by force.

    Rare - not occurring very often

    Profit - a financial gain, to make money

    Dedication - devoted to a task or purpose

    Flourished - grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way

    --Story Below--

    Miguel was a young boy who lived near Bogota, Colombia. He loved exploring the hills and valleys around his home, dreaming of one day becoming rich and famous.

    While wandering through the fields, Miguel stumbled upon a small, brightly colored bird. The bird was perched on a tree branch, singing a beautiful melody.

    Miguel was enchanted by the bird's song and decided to capture it, hoping to sell it for a high price. He chased after the bird, but it was too quick and flew away before he could catch it.

    Disappointed, Miguel returned home, but he didn't give up on his dream of becoming rich. He began to think of other ways to make money.

    One day, he discovered a rare type of fruit growing in the forest. He picked as much of the fruit as he could carry and took it to the nearest market. To his surprise, the fruit sold for a high price, and Miguel made a profit.

    Encouraged by his success, Miguel continued to explore the forest, discovering new and exotic fruits and vegetables to sell at the market. Soon, he had enough money to buy a small piece of land, where he began to grow his own fruits and vegetables.

    With hard work and dedication, Miguel's farm flourished, and he became known as the best farmer and businessman in the region. He used his wealth to help his family and friends.

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