Discover the reward of realizing your full potential through discipline and consistency. Shine your light for those around you and set a new standard for what is possible.
Unlearning is the first step towards growth. What habits or beliefs do you need to shed? Once you've identified them, it's time to replace them with something better. Whether it's committing to a new diet, staying hydrated, or nurturing a daily reading habit, consistency is key. Avoiding these challenges may shield you from failure, but it won't lead to progress.
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Relax your hold on expectations, embrace the journey, and allow faith to guide you.
Tidying up your home can also bring clarity and joy to your heart. Discover the magic of creating space both physically and emotionally, and unleash your inner sparkle!
Learn how to make the most out of your day by mastering your calendar and prioritizing tasks. We'll explore practical strategies to help you stay organized and accomplish your goals with ease.
When we uphold integrity in our words, we cultivate a profound sense of peace and hope in our actions. Though challenges may arise, there's solace in knowing we're on the right path. Or could it be time to embrace honesty and contemplate tweaking our trajectory?
Would someone know whats important to you if they followed you around for a day or two?
What you focus on grows. If you’re only focused on you… you grow. If you’re focused on how you’re not enough, that will get magnified.
What are you carrying that is not meant for you?
"If you're in doubt about something that's not in your life, try it. Things are so different in practice versus in theory. The only way to know is to experience it yourself. ... Err on the side of yes. Try it. If it was a mistake, at least you’ll know first-hand, instead of always wondering.
If you're in doubt about something that's in your life already, get rid of it. Not just things, this goes for identities, habits, goals, relationships, technology, and anything else. Default to not having it, then see how you do without. ... Err on the side of no. Get rid of it. Start with a clean slate. If it was a mistake, you'll get it back with a renewed enthusiasm."
Musician and entrepreneur Derek Sivers on how to handle doubts.
James Clear Newsletter
To feel like you always need to be preforming is an exhausting and unrealistic measure to try to pursue. It would be like driving a car but only allowing the gas pedal to be full bore, all the time, no time to slow down. That might work on the high way, but what about when you need to adjust, pivot, stop for gas?
You need to be able to adapt, adjust, turn smoothly (and safely). You need to be able to process when & where to make these adjustments.
It’s like the tortoise and the hare. There is a time for head down, all out, energy. But if that’s the only mode you operate in, you will get to a place where your identity is in that “hustle and grind” mentality. You’ll be digging yourself a hole that’s not easily able to adjust from.
If you believe the ONLY way to do something is one specific way, I believe you’re limiting yourself for what’s actually possible. Your actual making it more difficult, putting up these unintentional “blinders” that will cause you NOT to grow.
You are speeding down the freeway at 85 mph, with only one goal in mind. Great but what about your family? Values? Health? Finances?
No life won’t be balanced, and yes we need goals and focus. But the HOW we are executing is, makes a world of a difference.
Please don’t go ask your high school friend if your goals are realistic or obtainable.. they need to stretch you. They need to push you past what you think you’re capable of.
They are dreams. They are future goals. That means your present self is not capable of currently achieving the goal.Hence future.
That is why you need to pay attention to HOW you are showing up today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and determine, “am I truly doing what it takes to achieve it?” Am I being consistent and disciplined? Am I resting and being mindful?
Have I shaped my environment to support me? Am I staying connected to God and praying for His will for my life? Am I doing what it takes?
WHILE enjoying life and truly transforming as a person. Gosh this road is not black and white. It’s up and down, stop and go, light and dark, peaks and valleys. Happiness and tears in the same day. Crying out to God with “why?!” And also the ultimate praise and gratitude for all the blessings.
It’s knowing you’ll never fully arrive at the destination. It’s a hungry for life. A determination to become all that you are capable of, while knowing you’ll never reach it. So, take a moment, be present and breath deeply.
Because if you’re actually here for this ride, it’ll last a life time. It’s in Gods hands, have faith and go out there one day at a time to become the next level version you were meant to be.
Gratitude. Intention. Affirmation
A moment to get honest with yourself and take action, today, on things you have been putting off. Don’t put off until tomorrow, what can be done today.
Are you willing to be “wrong”, put your ego aside and learn a new and better way? Sometimes the "tool" we have, isn't being used in the BEST way, the most optimal way?
Don’t live the day by doing what makes you happy.
90 Day Plan to set up 4th quarter, and create momentum NOW before heading into the New Year
You do make a difference.
Knowing when anxious thoughts creep in is important to knowing which tools to use to overcome and push through. For me its not a matter "if" the anxiety will come, its when. I needed to have the tools to be prepared.
What happens when you are feeling unmotivated? How can you snap out of that and make the next best choice?
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