Jeff and Scott conclude this podcast series by giving an overview of St. Luke the gospel writer and briefly explaining the second part to this story which is the Book of Acts. They also encourage listeners with other ways they can continue growing in understanding of the Bible and the spiritual life.
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Jeff and Scott go through the last verses of the Gospel and unpack the significance of Jesus appearing to his disciples. They explain how, in this Gospel, Jesus highlights how he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and calls them to be a witness to all they have seen and heard. Today's reading: Luke 24:36-53
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Jeff and Scott examine the events after the Resurrection of Jesus, particularly the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They walk through this story of the Emmaus journey, discussing how it may have been the greatest Bible study of all time. Today's reading: Luke 24:1-35
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Jeff and Scott discuss the events of the Crucifixion and point out how Jesus is the fulfillment of all that was foretold in the Old Testament. They go through the history of crucifixion in the Roman Empire and and focus on the various biblical characters who are part of these events. Today's reading: Luke 23:26-56
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Jeff and Scott walk us through Jesus' sentencing to death. They highlight parallels to the Old Testament and how these moments fulfill numerous prophecies that foretold this moment. Today's reading: Luke 23:1-25
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Jeff and Scott talk about the events surrounding Jesus' arrest on the Mount of Olives. They walk through the progression of those events and how Jesus remains fully in control at each stage of the arrest. Today's reading: Luke 22:35-71
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Jeff and Scott compare the Last Supper with the institution of Passover and the release of the Egyptians from bondage. They also discuss the various aspects of the Last Supper meal with the celebration of the Mass that we participate in today. Today's reading: Luke 22:1-34
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Jeff and Scott step back from the readings to explore another central theme in Luke's Gospel, which is the Temple. They explore the significance of a temple though a historical, theological, and spiritual lens. They also discuss what the centrality of the Temple meant in the Old Testament and how Jesus transforms the understanding of the Temple in the New Testament.
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Jeff and Scott talk about the meaning and history surrounding the Temple and how it relates to Jesus through both Old and New Testament connections. They describe how to read the apocalyptic writing of the Gospel of Luke and how it relates to Daniel 7. Today's reading: Luke 21:1-38
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Jeff and Scott examine the nuances of the various questions the Pharisees and Sadducees use to try and trap Jesus. They explain how Jesus uses his answers to make a definitive statement about the Temple, salvation history, and himself. Today's reading: Luke 20:20-47
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Jeff and Scott discuss how Jesus teaches with authority, unlike the other rabbis of his time. They also examine the parable of the wicked tenants and how Jesus is using this parable to relate the story of salvation history. Today's reading: Luke 20:1-19
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Jeff and Scott explore Old Testament stories that prefigure Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. They cover multiple connections with the Passover, King Solomon, Macabees, and Ezekiel 10. Today's reading: Luke 19:28-48
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Jeff and Scott share different insights about the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. They highlight the historical and cultural context in this section of readings, along with a technique Jesus is using to speak directly to the leaders. Today's reading: Luke 19:1-27
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Jeff and Scott talk about several parables and point out how Jesus lifted up people who were considered unfavorable or were despised to highlight the theme of Jubilee. They also discuss the story of Jesus' encounter with the rich ruler, which shows how Jesus is preaching an internal understanding of the law in the heart, not just righteous external actions. Today's reading: Luke 18:1-43
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Jeff and Scott step back from the readings to explore another central theme in Luke's Gospel, which is the theme of ages—the present age and the age to come. They discuss what can be seen in the Scriptures and how Jesus sometimes reveals what is happening that cannot readily be seen except through the eyes of faith.
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Jeff and Scott discuss the themes of gratitude and graciousness in the story of Jesus' cleansing of the 10 lepers. They also offer their perspectives on the leper that returned to thank Jesus and his Samaritan background. Today's reading: Luke 17:1-37
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Jeff and Scott examine this parable from several angles and explain how it can be understood as a standalone story. They also discuss the different allusions to Christ in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Today's reading: Luke 16:1-31
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Jeff and Scott explore why this famous parable could also be called "the parable of the merciful father." They explore the perspectives of the different characters in this story in the context of Old Testament connections and Jewish culture. Today's reading: Luke 15
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Jeff and Scott share their insights about the significance and importance of meals in the time of Jesus. They also share various stories about humility and finding Jesus in others. Today's reading: Luke 14
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Jeff and Scott examine the parable of the mustard seed in light of Jesus' references to the Kingdom of God. They also relate how these parables relate to the themes of the Exodus story. Today's reading: Luke 13:17-35
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