
  • IN THIS EPISODE: I speak with Jana Carrey, a New Paradigm Teacher, Master Intuitive Healer, and an Arcane Wisdom Keeper. We discuss the role of healing, awakened awareness, and shifting paradigms to bring about a greater capacity to thrive in life and business. How do we actually become more generative, nourished, and fully of vitality as we align with sacred purpose and bring out gifts into the world? How can we transform hustle culture and live on the other side of of burnout without sacrificing our achievements? We answer these questions and more as Jana shares her unique wisdom and embodiment from her own healing journey and reconnection to her body and the Earth. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/eJ2LO_AP1Ms CONNECT WITH JANA:Jana CarreyEmail: [email protected] Jana Carrey is the Founder of Jana Carrey Healing: Ancient Alchemy for Modern Women® Jana is a New Paradigm Teacher, Master Intuitive Healer, and an Arcane Wisdom Keeper. Her Soul work weaves together a unique combination of channeled intuitive guidance, quantum energy healing, flower essence therapy, transformational mentorship & embodied educational programming. Jana serves as a pioneering and revolutionary emissary who is here to support the return of Divine Feminine Consciousness fully to Planet Earth. She has a passion for guiding women to heal their relationship to Gaia and with their bodies at a fundamental and functional level. As a key part of this greater Planetary Awakening, she supports others in crossing the threshold into the New Paradigm by serving as both a Death Doula to the dying ego and a Mystical Midwife to the rebirthing Soul. She loves helping other humans to live from higher, more loving states of consciousness, in a more embodied, easeful, and down-to-earth way. Jana is the Creatrix of the upcoming Temple of Joy Membership Community that includes New Moon for New Earth® her monthly group healing ceremony where lightworkers from across the globe gather intentionally during the power of the new moons to seed the energies of the New Earth together. She has a rare gift for bringing lightness, laughter, and a rebellious sense of humor into the wild journey known as awakening and ascension. You can learn more about working, praying, and playing with her at www.janacarrey.comInstagram & Facebook: @janacarreyhealing. To learn more about the Nourished Woman Mentorship, go here: https://www.janacarrey.com/the-nourished-woman FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: I interview Zoe, a Feminine Embodiment Guide, Sacred Union Mentor and Certified Hypnotherapist here to help people thrive in their destiny timelines. Zoe openly shares her journey courageously embracing life/death process in her union within one's self, dharma, and sacred partnership. She highlights how a devotional commitment to an intimate relationship with the God/Goddess has allowed her to anchor more deeply centered in love on her spiritual path through tantric practice. She discusses how feeling, sensuality and embodiment play vital roles in a union dynamic--and how the frequency of love in its Divine emanations provides the sustenance needed to trust and surrender to truth in its highest, particularly in the face of separation, heartbreak, and alchemizing shadows/darkness. If you're cultivating intimacy in any relationship, this transmission and personal anecdote is not to be missed. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/swDvC82bjpk CONNECT WITH ZOE:https://zoedanecoaching.com/ FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

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  • IN THIS EPISODE: Kyle shares the way we can weave awareness into life's many facets and dimensions so that we can unlock our potential and guide ourselves and others to more efficient stages of evolution and transformation. He shares his integrative background and embodied presence of ancient perspectives, philosophy, and disciplines that have allowed him to live a more conscious life. We discuss the importance of embodiment, unleashing our vital energy, and expanding into a deeper union with life and harmonic resonance. Kyle shares integrative frameworks for ego integration and liberation in our ascension process and what it means to create from the future. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/-pQBWeiDhI8 CONNECT WITH KYLE:https://www.azulea.org/ Kyle Hubert is an integrative healer, embodiment and integration guide, entheogenic medicine teacher, and retreat leader. He perpetually learns and expands his healing capabilities because of his deep love for human alchemy. With a background in psychology and inner work, he believes in the integral connection between heart, body, mind, and spirit through dedicated personal practice and the gifts and Mother Earth. Kyle has ten years of experience utilizing earth medicines, multidisciplinary healing, and coaching to support others in eliminating their core subconscious programs, cellular memory, limiting beliefs, and traumas. He is an active member of the Association of Entheogenic Practitioners (AEP), an association dedicated to supporting practitioners in ongoing education, ethics, and personal advancement. He believes everyone’s highest potential, optimized health, and greatest purpose rests within each individual. He uses his multidisciplinary approach of modalities and intuition to guide others in their transformation. Kyle considers earth medicines valuable allies worthy of respect and reverence; they should never be used as a crutch. By developing a foundation of personal inner work and devotion to becoming the best version of oneself, humans can utilize earth medicines to catalyze profound shifts in their paths. Kyle creates a container of love, safety, and soul nourishment for others to unfold and bloom into the remembrance of their true self. Since the age of six, he has dedicated himself to inner work and healing. His ongoing commitment allows him to fulfill his purpose of supporting and guiding others in reaching their highest potential and living their most fulfilling lives. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Can sex open a portal to infinite creativity? Yes! Of course, it can! If you're not harnessing your sexual energy for creative pursuits or you love exploring sex as a creative channel, you may need a mind-check. Often our mind takes us into pursuing joy and pleasure outside of ourselves. Are you embracing joy as an inner template and foundation for your creativity? Perhaps the pleasure you seeks is closer to you than you think, and it may serve an even greater role for your business than you think. We share intimately about our sexual experiences as they relate to manifestation, creativity, and bliss. And we discuss the difference between manifestation from the level of mind/ego vs. surrendering to soul desire. We talk about how to tap into the universal muse through greater receptivity and deeper allowance of the quality of experience in the present moment. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/n_sAR_-BJzk CONNECT WITH DANIELLE & KINAN:https://www.daniellekort.com/https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • Episode 35: Choosing Our True Fulfillment - The Art of Creative Bliss Mini Series Pt. 3 IN THIS EPISODE: We explore perspectives on fulfillment as it changes form through time in the course of our lives. What is truly fulfilling? How do you create from a place of fulfillment? What are levels of fulfillment? Our discussion spans from clarifying values, following the heart, and trusting true desires in the face of external authorities and conditioning to following the leading edge of our creative desires in the present moment. We talk about dissolving layers of the ego to live more fully in the heart and be with what is more presently calling us into our fulfillment. How do we crush the limiting stories of our ego to embrace more of what we truly want? We speak to tools and awareness in the process of creating one's self over again, of birthing the new and letting go of what no longer serves a purpose and expression of genius. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/Cm5iuD_mQpw CONNECT WITH DANIELLE & KINAN:https://www.daniellekort.com/https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Matt Sudowski, a Recovery and Wellness Expert, discuss the healing powers of Ibogaine, an indole alkaloid with naturally-occurring psychoactive elements that are some of the most powerful found in nature. We discuss Matt's journey and what led him to this powerful plant medicine and its notoriety for facilitating lasting sobriety by addressing core-level issues, traumas, and unmet needs that have initiated patterns of addiction, distraction, or numbing as opposed to western detox treatment facilities that focus primarily on the physical detoxification of substances. From my personal connection to Matt, I can say this man is paving the way for the future of effective addiction recovery and wellness innovation.

    ABOUT MATT: Matt is the founder of the Ibogaine Healing Center. A clinical and spiritual approach to Ibogaine treatment offers a rare opportunity for effective and lasting substance detox, even for those who have struggled with addiction most of their life. He and strategic partners have mastered the craft of administering ibogaine safely medically and the practices, tools and environment to truly reconnect with yourself.

    Matt grew up the son of two doctors, and three siblings, two of which were disabled. Love, affection, and stability were not consistencies in his household. His joy is in relating to others, knowing that all stories are unique, and we have all experienced trauma.

    At an early age, Matt experienced both emotional, and sexual abuse. This was something that took him years of vulnerability to open up and start talking about. But that’s where the healing began. Throughout his adolescence, Matt suffered from depression and anxiety. After a kidney stone sent him to the hospital when he was 14, he was prescribed opiates for the first time. Unable to talk about his pain, opiates became an easy emotional release.

    Opiates took Matt down a very different path. You name it, Matt’s been through it. Incarceration, suicide attempts, hospitalizations for PTSD, relapse after relapse, coming off of methadone cold turkey, losing a parent to cancer, losing friend after friend to overdose. Matt has seen it all.

    Noticing that the cycle of addiction and drug replacement therapy was not healing, Matt realized he had to make significant life changes—or die—and he was able to work a successful program of recovery since. Throughout his stays at rehab Matt always intuitively felt there must be another option to treat addiction—one that actually healed.

    After years of exploring various alternative medicine’s and therapies, Matt learned about ibogaine and its anti-addictive properties, and felt drawn to experience it himself. After his first treatment, his depression, anxiety and drug cravings were nonexistent. He felt as though he’d experienced a miracle, and felt like a whole human—who was not dependent on anything—for the first time in decades.

    If you’re coming to Ibogaine Healing Center after having tried a lot of other treatment options, he wants to encourage you that it’s time to try one more treatment option. Having been through similar things that you may be going though, he knows that you can do this, and you can heal. He looks forward to supporting you on your journey, however messy, he is here for it.

    REACH OUT TO MATT:[email protected]


  • IN THIS EPISODE: We highlight the dance between surrender and the structure to create flow. We offer spiritual perspectives, channeling our soul desires, merging our bodies of consciousness, and letting go of the "me". Kinan talks about the power of contemplative practice in the Gene Keys in the process of embodying a higher vibration. He shares his own Life's Work and how the three qualities/frequencies of a Gene Key (Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi) interplay. What does surrendering to control really offer us as a gift in life? How does surrender actually open the door for flow? Danielle brings in fresh perspectives on surrendering to the creative flow and overcoming limitations of the rational mind. She highlights the role of spirit in a spacious self-discovery process. We share some stories of how we've transmuted densities of shadow frequencies and fears into creative alignment. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/2xiQnGcvAqg CONNECT WITH DANIELLE & KINAN:https://www.daniellekort.com/https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Authenticity is a cornerstone to radiating truth. We share stories about how to work with limiting beliefs and transcend perfectionism to cultivate authenticity, presence, and access to true creative genius. What is the importance of being safe? How does the body play a role in creativity? How does the nervous system play a role in our creative process? Through some vulnerable shares, we express our own journey of being seen for who we really are in being more of who we are in the world. We touch on the subject of trauma as an interference of creativity and how to find empowerment in the integration process while making room for more joy and creative faculty. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/8aDnma1xmOM CONNECT WITH DANIELLE & KINAN:https://www.daniellekort.com/https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • Episode 31: Integrative Medicine Part 2: Sacred Sexuality and Unity Consciousness w/ Fred Grover, M.D. IN THIS EPISODE: Fred Grover Jr., M.D. continues to share his diverse experience, knowledge, and embodied wisdom in practicing medicine. We discuss the importance and value of sacred sexuality as a path to spiritual awakening, optimal health, and rewiring one's physiology for greater connection. Our discussion spans into the powerful field of plant medicine and entheogens for transforming one's relationship with life force energy, the earth, others, and life/death itself. We continue from our last episode in part 1, this time taking it further into the world of additional plant medicines and substances that support our journey into unity consciousness: LSD, Peyote, Ayuasca, and DMT Fred Grover Jr., M.D., is a board-certified family physician, whose practice emphasizes preventative, functional, integrative, regenerative, and personalized medicine. He has additional board certifications in Integrative Medicine and Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He also has expertise in psychedelic medicine and performs several ketamine sessions weekly for patients struggling with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Supporting healing in the deepest way, he promotes mindfulness-based practices in stress reduction, lifestyle, and nutrition to proactively reduce acute and chronic illness, and enhance overall wellness. In addition to more traditional exam rooms, he has two rooms dedicated to meditation, light therapy, and sound and vibratory therapy in his regenerative medicine clinic in Denver. He’s an Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado and regularly teaches medical students and residents in the Integrative Medicine elective. In addition to his two books, Spiritual Genomics and Awakening Gaia, his most recent research publication, in the November 2018 Journal of Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, demonstrated the benefits of transcranial near-infrared light therapy for the treatment of traumatic brain injury in veterans. His adventurous world travels, coupled with a passionate interest in spirituality, mindfulness, and DNA and Gaia activation, have helped him discover healing beyond a prescription pad, leading him to understand unique ways of maintaining the expression of healthy DNA, while helping others do the same. You can learn about his practice and how his work has influenced the writing of this book by visiting http://revolutionarymd.com and about his books at https://Spiritualgenomics.com. His upcoming book will be on the topic of psychedelic sacred sexually planned for release in late 2023. He has generously offered a copy of Chapter 5 from this book for you here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x6sRrEq3cKJYsNjK9u3nZe8QjgW9wiZu/view DISCLAIMER:Kinan and Fred will discuss a few psychoactive plants and man-made compounds in this podcast. We cannot endorse their use due to legal restrictions that vary based on local state laws, federal, and those of individual countries. We recommend that you maintain awareness around the legality of various plant entheogens and if they are applied in a solo mindful based practice, with your partner, or in a group, that you have created a safe setting, consent, and boundaries with other participants, and that you have an integration process planned within a day or two of the experience. While we may discuss psychedelic medicine during this podcast, they were all done in a legal or a decriminalized setting and during my free time, and never do at work. Regarding intimate relations with someone while doing plant medicine, again one must mutually consent and agree to the process and have a plan to set limits should one feel uncomfortable during a journey. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/6OM7PrftdMU FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Fred Grover Jr., M.D. shares his diverse experience, knowledge, and embodied wisdom in practicing medicine. We discuss the importance and value of sacred sexuality as a path to spiritual awakening, optimal health, and rewiring one's physiology for greater connection. Our discussion spans into the powerful field of plant medicine and entheogens for transforming one's relationship with life force energy, the earth, others, and life/death itself. Dr. Fred Grover Jr., is a board-certified family physician, whose practice emphasizes preventative, functional, integrative, regenerative, and personalized medicine. He has additional board certifications in Integrative Medicine and Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He also has expertise in psychedelic medicine and performs several ketamine sessions weekly for patients struggling with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Supporting healing in the deepest way, he promotes mindfulness-based practices in stress reduction, lifestyle, and nutrition to proactively reduce acute and chronic illness, and enhance overall wellness. In addition to more traditional exam rooms, he has two rooms dedicated to meditation, light therapy, and sound and vibratory therapy in his regenerative medicine clinic in Denver. He’s an Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado and regularly teaches medical students and residents in the Integrative Medicine elective. In addition to his two books, Spiritual Genomics and Awakening Gaia, his most recent research publication, in the November 2018 Journal of Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, demonstrated the benefits of transcranial near-infrared light therapy for the treatment of traumatic brain injury in veterans. His adventurous world travels, coupled with a passionate interest in spirituality, mindfulness, and DNA and Gaia activation, have helped him discover healing beyond a prescription pad, leading him to understand unique ways of maintaining the expression of healthy DNA, while helping others do the same. You can learn about his practice and how his work has influenced the writing of this book by visiting http://revolutionarymd.com and about his books at https://Spiritualgenomics.com. His upcoming book will be on the topic of psychedelic sacred sexually planned for release in late 2023. He has generously offered a copy of Chapter 5 from this book for you here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x6sRrEq3cKJYsNjK9u3nZe8QjgW9wiZu/view DISCLAIMER:Kinan and Fred will discuss a few psychoactive plants and man-made compounds in this podcast. We cannot endorse their use due to legal restrictions that vary based on local state laws, federal, and those of individual countries. We recommend that you maintain awareness around the legality of various plant entheogens and if they are applied in a solo mindful based practice, with your partner, or in a group, that you have created a safe setting, consent, and boundaries with other participants, and that you have an integration process planned within a day or two of the experience. While we may discuss psychedelic medicine during this podcast, they were all done in a legal or a decriminalized setting and during my free time, and never do at work. Regarding intimate relations with someone while doing plant medicine, again one must mutually consent and agree to the process and have a plan to set limits should one feel uncomfortable during a journey. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/V4_afrbCHYo FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Jon speaks from the deep well of wisdom conjured up from his commitment to returning to love. He highlights how to effectively make the lies of the past obsolete by breaking down the resistance to honest truth. We discuss the power of honesty as it plays an essential role in remembering our enlightened state of being as love and freedom already as we are in this moment. What happens when the Divine Father and Divine Mother meet within us when we are done with "doing the work" that is distracting ourselves from leading the life that we actually want to live and deeply desire but have been lying about? When do the lies end? When can we relax into the glory of who we truly are and what we truly desire? Join us for this heated episode where we walk the edge of truth and lie.

    ABOUT JON:Jon is like a warm smelly fart first thing in the morning. You know something wonderful is about to happen. Jon's motto is ~ "I owe you Nothing, and I Love you."

    GET IN TOUCH WITH JON:720-329-0677

    WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/J_6iRJH5fao


  • IN THIS EPISODE: Stephanie shares her knowledge, wisdom, and experience shifting limitations into empowered freedom and alignment. She offers anecdotes from clients and people experiencing the Rapid Rewire Method, which encapsulates a powerfully transformative process for liberating cycles of suffering and the culmination of her life's work as a Hypnotherapist and teacher of Self-Love. Stephanie Kwong has spent over a decade in the personal development industry, having worked as a Subconscious Rewiring coach, Hypnotherapist, Breathwork Facilitator, and teacher of Self-Love, and now she’s serving her divine calling as the Co-Founder of the Rapid Rewire Method (RRM). She’s deeply obsessed with the Rapid Rewire Method tools, which are groundbreaking and radically effective mental-emotional and spiritual processes that guarantee rapid integrative healing, change, and transformation–and it’s her mission to show the world why these tools are truly capable of cultivating joy, fulfillment, and liberation by ending cycles of suffering. By helping her past clients identify and remove mental and emotional roadblocks, she’s shown them the path to achieving the personal, professional, and financial results they want–her work proves that shifting from a life of limitation and stress to one of power and freedom is possible, and with the Rapid Rewire Method, that shift is fast, painless, and sustainable. GET IN TOUCH WITH STEPHANIE:https://rapidrewiremethod.com/https://www.instagram.com/iamstephaniekwong/https://www.instagram.com/rapidrewiremethod/ WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/pobHDVVu0jk FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Elena shares a message about entitlement and breaking free from expectations that can create pain or suffering. She highlights how when suffering is created, we often feel we have to defend it. What does it look like to create intimacy and open communication instead of creating from fear where we may be hiding something? Kinan shares soul embodiment practices that support the integration of trauma and facilitate left/right brain balancing. How do we learn the languages of the body? In this episode, we offer simple ways to return to simplicity, harmony, and groundedness by increasing communication at the subconscious level.In this radio broadcast, Elena Radford and Kinan Whyte join forces to explore the power of heart presence.

    Elena offers wisdom through the Inca Way, ancient technology, and art sciences that support you to transform subconscious genetic limitations, make higher choices for your life path, and create a better future by shifting the energy of the present.

    Kinan offers guidance through soul alchemical processes and empowerment. He supports others to anchor the divine through authenticity, align with purpose, and cultivate abundance through embodiment practices.

    ***Guest Call In number at scheduled times: (563) 999-3776******Every Tuesday 11am PST / 12pm MST / 2pm EST***

    To contact Elena visit: https://theincaway.com/To book a service with Elena: https://bookeo.com/elenaradfordCall Elena: +1-435-901-9986

    To contact Kinan visit: https://kinanwhyte.com/To book a service with Kinan: https://bookme.name/kinanwhyteCall Kinan: +1-808-675-8900



  • IN THIS EPISODE: Will and I dig deep into the nature of reality, human suffering, and the importance of self-context and spirituality. As we paint a picture of human suffering through our individual lenses, we share personal experiences, conceptual frameworks, and tools for living a liberated life. Will shares some truly insightful perspectives of the ever-evolving field of psychotherapy and its role for his spiritual path as a mystic. We get to debunk some misconceptions about the limitations of psychotherapy and reposition this powerful field as a genuine means for mastering the mind, body, and spirit. GET IN TOUCH WITH WILL:[email protected]://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/will-cohn-san-luis-obispo-ca/959484 "During our time together, I will add all my expertise to your quest toward a more peaceful and fulfilling life. As a team, we can untangle the limiting beliefs that keep you trapped in suffering. I believe in the power of empathic, heart-centered therapy, and in the transformative abilities of mental health services. I know from personal experience, that it is not only possible to withstand hardship and trauma but to thrive in a joyful and meaningful life. My passion is to lighten the suffering that weighs down on all of us. I'm confident that with dedication and an open mind and heart, we can each heal ourselves. It is my hope to champion you as we walk along a path of compassion, acceptance, and freedom." FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: We share messages about opening the heart space and heart chakra. In this dialogue, we explore the power of self-love and creating with the female energy (space, creation, receiving) and male energy (time, direction, providing). How do you give permission to flow in the energy of creation while aligning with direction? In this call, we focus on the simplicity of trusting the uncertainty of the future through co-creating with our feminine/masculine energies. In this weekly radio broadcast, Elena Radford and Kinan Whyte join forces to explore the power of heart presence. On the call, you can learn from others who are receiving information that can help them to understand themselves and the value of being present and in the energy of love. ***Guest Call In number at scheduled times: (563) 999-3776******Every Tuesday 11am PST / 12pm MST / 2pm EST***You can also visit https://www.blogtalkradio.com/thepowerofheartpresence for more information and to listen to previously recorded episodes. Scheduled times are: 11am PST / 12pm MST / 2pm EST every Tuesday starting 8/16/22. During the call, Elena will be offering healing, channeling, and wisdom through the Inca Way, ancient technology, and art sciences that support you to transform subconscious genetic limitations, make higher choices for your life path and create a better future by shifting the energy of the present. Elena helps others to see choices that reflect an alignment with one's higher self and highest potential timeline. ***Guest Call In number at scheduled times: (563) 999-3776******Every Tuesday 11am PST / 12pm MST / 2pm EST***To contact Elena visit: https://theincaway.com/To book a service with Elena: https://bookeo.com/elenaradfordCall Elena: +1-435-901-9986 Kinan will be offering intuitive soul guidance, through alchemical processes and empowerment. I support others to anchor the divine through authenticity, align with purpose, and cultivate abundance through embodiment practices. My work helps others inhabit their bodies in the fullest, most authentic way possible listening to what wisdom of one's body and etheric field to guide living into one's highest potential. To contact Kinan visit: https://kinanwhyte.com/To book a service with Kinan: https://bookme.name/kinanwhyteCall Kinan: +1-808-675-8900 WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/x1i1XwhnXhQ

  • IN THIS EPISODE: Jon shares insights on his honest path through codependency and self-sabotage as essential aspects of our initiation into living a conscious and sovereign life. He shares vulnerably and portrays how vulnerability plays a role in bringing us home to the longing of our heart's true desires, authenticity, and experience of true love. Enjoy this delicious treat of an episode as an experience of how to see the value of your inner transformation through its many shades of color. Reach Jon at 720-329-0677 WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/jgVfP0wMiBw FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • N THIS EPISODE: We talk about creating greater commitment in the areas of our lives that need it most. We bring callers in and touch on subjects such as self-trust, getting unstuck, the role of ancestors connected to our intentions, and how to connect your needs while sharing with others. We share insights on what came through this week from our higher selves, light beings, and the wisdom of the present moment.

    In this weekly radio broadcast, Elena Radford and Kinan Whyte join forces to explore the power of heart presence. On the call, you can learn from others who are receiving information that can help them to understand themselves and the value of being present and in the energy of love.

    Guests can call in at this number at scheduled times: (563) 999-3776.You can also visit https://www.blogtalkradio.com/thepowe... for more information and to listen to previously recorded episodes.

    Scheduled times are: 11am PST / 12pm MST / 2pm EST every Tuesday starting 8/16/22.

    During the call, Elena will be offering healing, channeling, and wisdom through the Inca Way, ancient technology, and art sciences that support you to transform subconscious genetic limitations, make higher choices for your life path and create a better future by shifting the energy of the present. Elena helps others to see choices that reflect an alignment with one's higher self and highest potential timeline.

    To contact Elena visit: theincaway.com

    To book a service with Elena: https://bookeo.com/elenaradfordCall Elena: +1-435-901-9986

    Kinan will be offering intuitive soul guidance, through alchemical processes and empowerment. I support others to anchor the divine through authenticity, align with purpose, and cultivate abundance through embodiment practices. My work helps others inhabit their bodies in the fullest, most authentic way possible listening to what wisdom of one's body and etheric field to guide living into one's highest potential.

    To contact Kinan visit: kinanwhyte.com

    To book a service with Kinan: https://bookme.name/kinanwhyteCall Kinan: +1-808-675-8900

    WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/2npwQmQeeeI


  • IN THIS EPISODE:In this episode, we talk about the power of observation and heart coherence as a means to counter manipulation. We discuss how the role of observation in healing disease and share some insights on breaking free from the limits of our conditioning. WATCH ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/nxxjnzda3kQ In this weekly radio broadcast, Elena Radford and Kinan Whyte join forces to explore the power of heart presence. On the call, you can learn from others who are receiving information that can help them to understand themselves and the value of being present and in the energy of love. Guests can call in at this number at scheduled times: (563) 999-3776.You can also visit https://www.blogtalkradio.com/thepowerofheartpresence for more information and to listen to previously recorded episodes. Scheduled times are: 11am PST / 12pm MST / 2pm EST every Tuesday starting 8/16/22. During the call, Elena will be offering healing, channeling, and wisdom through the Inca Way, ancient technology, and art sciences that support you to transform subconscious genetic limitations, make higher choices for your life path and create a better future by shifting the energy of the present. Elena helps others to see choices that reflect an alignment with one's higher self and highest potential timeline. To contact Elena visit:theincaway.comTo book a service with Elena: https://bookeo.com/elenaradfordCall Elena: +1-435-901-9986 Kinan will be offering intuitive soul guidance, through alchemical processes and empowerment. I support others to anchor the divine through authenticity, align with purpose, and cultivate abundance through embodiment practices. My work helps others inhabit their bodies in the fullest, most authentic way possible listening to what wisdom of one's body and etheric field to guide living into one's highest potential. To contact Kinan visit:kinanwhyte.comTo book a service with Kinan: https://bookme.name/kinanwhyteCall Kinan: +1-808-675-8900

  • IN THIS EPISODE:Caress and I talk about the unconscious programs in the body that play a role in our lives. Through a spontaneous direct demonstration of integrating one of Kinan's past lives, Caress displays the magic of her diverse background as a social artist and visionary advocate with skills in Behavioral Kinesiology, Spiritual Response Therapy, and Ancestral Clearing. We explore the importance of drama, contrast, and conflict in life. Listen to this one to see how to re-code and re-template deeper soul impressions that create a true "relationshift" with self and the world around us. Learn how to gauge the barometer of your soul's integration process and healing process. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/RtE11Z-rcNo LEARN MORE ABOUT THE COLLECTIVE:https://luminouspossibilities.co/ FIND A PROFESSIONAL:https://luminouspossibilities.co/directory/ GET IN TOUCH WITH CE:http://www.cekiere.com/Please contact Ce at 530-604-5026 or [email protected] to set up a session. ABOUT CARESS “CE” KIERE:Ce is a social artist and visionary advocate for elevating the human capacity. She has a passion for assisting mindful individuals, foundations, and organizations in enhancing their intrinsic and collective brilliance to create positive impact in their lives and their communities. Through working one-on-one with clients as well as in group dynamic workshops, Ce feels the most in service when contributing to true transformation and progressive change. For the past 20 years, Ce has utilized her certified training in Integrative Behavioral Kinesiology, Spiritual Response Therapy, Social Artistry, and Ancestral Clearing to re-code and re-template individuals to bring forth their optimal potential. The techniques she uses bring to surface the old programs, repeating patterns, archetypes, and outmoded paradigms that run our lives, resulting in a complete “relationshift” with ourselves and the world around us. By clearing blocks, root triggers, limitations, and belief systems, clients awaken to who they are at a core level - their own hero’s journey and ideal template. Ce focuses on the four major levels of energy that affect our lives: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual The psychological and spiritual wounds that we experience in our lives are stored in our cellular memory, and our bodies often continue to hold and store past trauma and negative events. This can result in problems and challenges in our lives because we tend to react to people, situations, and circumstances based on triggers of those buried memories. This often creates feelings of disempowerment, living in unhealthy patterns of behavior, and often times manifest in physical problems. Through an Integration Process, Ce’s clients uncover their inner wisdom, their inherent intention, and guiding motivation. They also learn to release, transmute, and transform old patterns/programs, belief systems, and behaviors. By clearing any and all blocks, clients report increased self-actualization, freedom from conflict, better health, peace of mind, and clarity of purpose. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/

  • IN THIS EPISODE: We discuss methodologies and perspectives in the world of intuitive life coaching. We explore the power of removing unconscious blocks and how to engage processes to create transformation in the direction of the reality you want to live. Maria offers a few live demonstrations of her work with Kinan, providing tangible examples of what energy work is all about. WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/KGQ2gldpE4k GET IN TOUCH WITH MARIA:Maria Shapley is an Intuitive Life Coach and Buteyko Practitioner. She is trained in Acting, NLP, Fitness and Shamanic Psychology. She uses her intuition to figure out the exact problem that blocks people from having the love and success they’ve always wanted and offers an alternative method of healing trauma. Catch her at:https://www.breathewithmaria.com/ FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR HOST, PLEASE VISIT:https://kinanwhyte.com/