Natalie Demirian och hennes vänner från Aftonbladets nöjesredaktion lotsar dig igenom de senaste snackisarna och skandalerna från realityns, influencernas och stjärnornas värld.
Two brothers presenting the upcoming DVD releases in their own special kind of way.
Radio Nostalgiassa käy paljon vieraita, jotka ovat paitsi mielenkiintoisia myös ajankohtaisia: kirjailijoita, näyttelijöitä, elokuvan tekijöitä, muusikkoja ja muita kiinnostavia hahmoja, joiden kanssa keskustellaan heidän menneisyydestään, nykyisyydestään ja tulevaisuudestaan.
Andrew’s take on all things, pop culture
[email protected] -
Every week, hosts Chris Young, Josh, Haley and Ryan discuss four topics; Sports, Music, Movies and a Hot Take!
Kuuden innostuneen keskustelijan "Aihe" -podcast tarjoaa kiehtovaa toimistoukkojen höpinää eri aiheista! Eeddspeaks, Vinkare, Jesse Braun, Mikael Lilleberg, Matias Auramo ja Matteplays luotsaavat meitä joka viikko. Pohdimme, analysoimme ja otamme mielellämme kuuntelijoiden ehdotuksia mukaan.
Uudet jaksot ilmestyvät kuvan kera joka keskiviikko Youtubessa kanavalla Konts-toimisto. Tule mukaan kuuntelemaan, keskustelemaan ja saamaan uusia näkökulmia! -
From the editors behind the Toy Book, the Pop Insider, and the Toy Insider comes a new series of podcasts focusing on toys, games, pop culture, and entertainment. Series' include The Toy Report — inspired by our weekly news roundup from the Toy Book, the leading trade magazine covering the toy industry; and the Power Kid Podcast, hosted by Phil Albritton of Power Kid Design, which features in-depth interviews and conversations with some of the brightest stars in the toy, game, and family entertainment industries.
Yhden miehen ajankohtainen ohjelma, minkä parissa päivitellään tapahtumiin liittyvää menoa sekä nostetaan kiinnostavia tulevia tapahtumia ja merkkipäiviä! Vieraina tapahtuma-alan ammattilaisia, vaikuttajia sekä myös ohjelman kuuntelijoita!
Uusin jakso keskiviikkoisin! FB/IG/TT: menossamedia
Haluatko saada tapahtumasi esiin tässä ohjelmassa ja sen kanavissa? Vai löytyykö kenties joku huikea palvelu, mitä haluat kuuluttaa alasta kiinnostuneille? Laitahan viestiä: [email protected] -
Kaikkea elokuvista ja leffateattereista, toimialasta uutisista syvä-analyysiin, keskustelua ja alan ammattilaisten haastatteluja. - Everything about movies and cinemas covered through deep and also superficial analysis, discussion and interviews.
Parenting expert Bethany Braun-Silva interviews your favorite celebrity moms, reality TV stars, and parenting gurus on this fresh and fun interview show.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Interdisciplinary Pop Culture
Two identical twins talking whatever comes to mind. We'll talk movies, sports, music etc. Two twins and one awesome Podcast.
Now you can listen INTERVIEWS & talk shows on Desi World Radio.
Are you a fan of unfiltered, raw and uncensored opinions? Look no further than RickyRomance No Filter, the hottest new podcast on iHeart Radio that's taking the urban communities by storm. RickyRomance, the host of the show, is not afraid to speak his mind and share his honest opinions on a variety of topics within the hip hop community.
Follow Us: @RickyRomanceNoFilter on instagram -
The Pulse with Bill Anderson features in-depth interviews with celebrities, people in the news, and more. Each week Bill talks to actors, musicians, comedians, social media stars, and newsmakers about how they have reached their own level of success. Bill also asks all of his guests how they "use their voice for good?" The Pulse airs weekly on FOX 29 in Philadelphia and FOX Soul nationwide
“The Other Side of Midnight” is live and local radio at its finest, with an emphasis on theater of the mind. Hosted by Frank Morano, a lifelong New Yorker with an encyclopedic knowledge of local politics and an excessive passion for cheese, Star Trek, cigars and martinis, this show takes you where other radio shows don’t dare to tread.
Welcome to the Media Industry Guru podcast. Do you know you want to work in media but not sure where? Are you trying to figure out what you're doing with your life? Are you in college deciding on what clubs you should take part in, how can you volunteer, what to do next? Here, I’ll be interviewing a lot of guests including recent college grads, entrepreneurs, singer/songwriters, record label professionals, film industry execs, to people who work in theatre arts and tech that will give you some professional wisdom so you can achieve your goals.
My show Is to encourage and shed Light to issues that some people are afraid to speak on and to let everyone know you do have a purpose.
"Olá pessoal eu sou Lucas e vou apresentar o boa resenha podcast para vocês
O boa resenha trará conteúdos informativos com bom entretenimento , Tarará tbm de entrevistas sempre introduzido o bom humor
Sigam meu podcast e acompanhe a gente nessa resenha"