In Part 2 of Libby's conversation with Emily Nagoski, there's a deeper conversation about the concept of "maintenance s*x" and how you may be doing it to safe your relationship, but it may actually be destroying it.
Emily Nagoski's website: https://www.emilynagoski.com/ Emily Nagoski on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enagoski/
Emily Nagoski's books (highly recommended!): https://bookshop.org/contributors/emily-nagoski-4318b5e2-0f22-4415-963b-ce5a1f467607
The amazing Emily Nagoski joins Libby on Making Polyamory Work to drop truth bomb after truth bomb about sex in long-term relationships.
Emily Nagoski's website: https://www.emilynagoski.com/ Emily Nagoski on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enagoski/
Emily Nagoski's books (highly recommended!): https://bookshop.org/contributors/emily-nagoski-4318b5e2-0f22-4415-963b-ce5a1f467607
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The Multiamory crew takes over Making Polyamory Work to talk about aggressive fairness in polyamory, what it looks like, and how you can find equity in your relationships.
Multiamory's website: https://www.multiamory.com/
Let's think about dating and rejection differently. Shine your light.
What happens when your relationship (or your life) doesn't look the way you thought it would or were told it was supposed to look? Libby talks with Carrie Jeroslow about how having a relationship diversity mindset may help you make peace and even embrace with how your life and love actually work for YOU.
Carrie's Website: https://www.carriejeroslow.com/
If you're struggling and need help with your relationships, where should you turn? Libby shares her advice on how to find good help.
Meta analyses of studies that show that therapeutic alliance matters more than therapeutic modality for positive outcomes in therapy: https://psycnet.apa.org/PsycARTICLES/journal/pst/55/4
APA article explaining: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/11/ce-corner-relationships
What is compersion? Can you cultivate compersion in yourself and in your relationships? Libby invites Marie Thouin, PhD to discuss her research and book on this important and sometimes misunderstood topic in polyamory.
Marie's book! https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538183939/What-Is-Compersion-Understanding-Positive-Empathy-in-Consensually-Non-Monogamous-Relationships
Marie's Compersion Resources: https://www.whatiscompersion.com/
Marie's Coaching Website: https://www.loveinsight-dating.com/
Marie's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/love_insight_dating/
Libby is joined by Genevieve King of Chill Polyamory to discuss individualism, community care, and ways you can shift your mindset to ecological thinking within polyamorous (or not!) relationship structures.
Genevieve's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/chillpolyamory
Genevieve on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3PUizxdp_vj2A5fUdBgzgw
Genevieve's website: https://www.chillpolyamory.com/
Libby invites Courtney Brame of Something Positive for Positive People to discuss herpes, stigma, and sexual health.
Something Positive for Positive People: https://www.spfpp.org/
SPFPP Podcast: https://www.spfpp.org/podcast Herpes Stigma Virtual Conference in May: https://www.spfpp.org/offerings/p/conferences
Courtney's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courtneybrame_/ -
Libby discusses the distinction between offers and requests in relating and how important it can be to make sure you're saying what you actually mean.
Kai Cheng Thom's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaichengthom/?hl=en Spectrum of Consent: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kvYW4eSVKRuwUt5Mc-DnCyNVzvA036f8/view?usp=sharing
Marcia Baczynski on Desire Smuggling: https://askingforwhatyouwant.com/desire-smuggler/
27 Alternatives to "Is this Okay?": https://askingforwhatyouwant.com/27-alternatives-to-asking-is-this-okay/
Libby talks with AASECT-certified sexuality educator Aubri Lancaster about asexuality and aromanticism.
Aubri's website: https://acesexeducation.com/
Aubri's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acesexeducation/
Libby shares her thoughts about debate about whether hierarchy is bad or wrong in polyamory.
Additional reading: Lola Phoenix - the Hierarchy Polyamorous People Don't Talk Enough About: https://www.nonmonogamyhelp.com/the-hierarchy-polyamorous-people-dont-talk-enough-about/
Ready for Polyamory - Is there a Problem with Hierarchy https://www.readyforpolyamory.com/post/guest-post-is-there-a-problem-with-hierarchy
Poly.Land - Sneakiarchy: https://poly.land/2018/11/01/sneakiarchy-secret-hierarchy-dishonest-egalitarianism/
Joreth Retracts Descriptive vs Prescriptive Hierarchy: https://joreth.dreamwidth.org/408917.html
Podcast episodes referenced in the episode: Veto Happens: https://www.makingpolyamorywork.com/episodes/veto-happens
Where is this Going?: https://www.makingpolyamorywork.com/episodes/where-is-this-going
Most folks practicing nonmonogamy accept that no one person can meet all their needs. And yet, sometimes it can be challenging when a new partner starts meeting needs that haven't been met by an established relationship. In this episode Libby explores the trickiness when new relationships fulfill desires that established ones don't some ideas to help you navigate this situation well.
There’s Nothing to Fear: https://www.makingpolyamorywork.com/episodes/theres-nothing-to-fear
9 Relationships of a Modern Marriage: https://www.makingpolyamorywork.com/episodes/9-relationships-of-a-modern-marriage
Where is this going? https://www.makingpolyamorywork.com/episodes/where-is-this-going
This may be a bitter pill https://www.makingpolyamorywork.com/episodes/this-may-be-a-bitter-pill -
This week Libby shares a re-release from December 2019 about the science of compassion, and why it's key to loving relationships, including the one with yourself.
The Gottman Institute on Contempt: https://www.gottman.com/blog/this-one-thing-is-the-biggest-predictor-of-divorce/The Harvard Business Review on Self-Compassion: https://hbr.org/2018/09/give-yourself-a-break-the-power-of-self-compassionAbout the Carleton University Study on Self-Compassion and Procrastination:
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dont-delay/200903/self-forgiveness-reduces-procrastinationKristin Neff's Website on Self-Compassion:
Part two of Libby's conversation with Dr. Joli Hamilton where they discuss how navigating differences can open a relationship and the people in it into transformation.
Joli's website: https://www.jolihamilton.com/
The Year of Opening: https://www.jolihamilton.com/TYO
What happens when exploring different relationship styles reveals uncomfortable differences between you and a partner? In this episode, Libby talks with Dr. Joli Hamilton about polyamory as a sacred process of individuation and grief.
Joli's website: https://www.jolihamilton.com/
The Year of Opening: https://www.jolihamilton.com/TYO
Long-requested, Libby discusses solo polyamory with Crystal Byrd Farmer, author, organizer, diversity consultant.. and solo polyamorist.
Crystal's website: https://crystalbyrdfarmer.com/
Crystal's book: https://newsociety.com/books/t/the-token
Solo polyamory: https://solopoly.net/2014/12/05/what-is-solo-polyamory-my-take/
In this part 2, Libby and Alyssa talk through some of the challenges that can show up in nonmonogamy for people who are neurodiverse
Libby and Alyssa discuss being neurodiverse and how polyamory and being neurodiverse can complement each other beautifully.
Triangles show up in relationships all over the place. In this episode Libby discusses triangulation, what it is, common ways it can show up in polyamory, and whether triangulation can harm or help.
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