
  • Do you find yourself putting off something that you know God is calling you to do?

    Fear, doubt and worry will hold you back and keep you from doing what you’re called to do.

    Today I’m going to share practical tips you can implement today that will help you take action and be more confident to step into your calling.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    New TikTok Channel: Join me on Tiktok @mama.with.a.legacy! I started a new channel and I’d love to have you connect and join me over there.

    Checkout my YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_HbebgITicAAXWjECAsjzw

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

    💵Want a way to start making online without having to create your own course or product?👩🏻‍💻 Learn how to have a done-for-you-product that comes with all you need to start a business following a proven blueprint that thousands of people have used to make money online (no this isn’t an MLM or a scam. It’s a legit product that I myself use in my own business). To learn more and get started, go to www.mamawithalegacy.com to get the free 10k in 30 days guide.

  • Discerning what your purpose is in life and figuring out what God is calling you to do are some of the biggest questions we ask as Christians. It can feel overwhelming and confusing when we try to see what gifts and talents we have.

    Today I’m talking with Carol Gutierrez about her Evidence Board™ method for discovering what God is calling you to do in a very easy, practical way.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    Getting clarity on your calling using The Evidence BoardFacing impostor syndrome What to do when you doubt God’s callingGoing through the mundane while pursuing your callingPulling out of a mindset funk to have the courage to do what God And much more.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    More About Carol

    Carol is dedicated to helping individuals rediscover their true essence by piecing together the threads of their experiences and making connections to reveal their unique life map. This map is called the Evidence Board.

    Beyond her work with The Evidence Board, Carol conducts workshops using inner healing art therapy, forgiveness practices, and empowerment strategies tailored to individual personalities. As a life hacker and life mapper, she passionately guides others in decoding the messages life has woven into their stories, empowering them to reclaim their identity and embark on a purposeful journey.

    Connect with Carol:

    Website: https://evidenceboard.com

    The Evidence Board Book (Affiliate link - Get it on Amazon here)

    Instagram @theevidenceboard and @carolghacks

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

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  • Do you ever find yourself worrying about making too much money as an entrepreneur? Would making that kind of money make you greedy? Is it wrong for Christians to make a lot of money (whatever that number is)?

    In this episode, we’re going to be talking about how to get rid of the shame around making money and how to open our hearts to receive God’s provision instead. We’re going to be gaining insights into this heart posture of receiving what God has for you and letting Him care and provide for you from the Book of Ruth.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    Secret Church by David Platt: https://radical.net/secret-church-events/

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More resources in my shop (including planners, mindset cards, etc) at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/breakthrough

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Are you a high earning woman and struggling to transition to having your own business? Does the fear of failure keep you from actually taking next steps in your business?

    Today I’m talking with Anita Anello about how to be successful as a high-achieving, driven woman that also wants to be home with your children.

    In this episode, you’ll hear about:

    Overcoming the fears that get in the way Why it’s ok to earn good money as an entrepreneur Help navigating the family dynamics that come up as an entrepreneurAnd much more.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    More About Anita

    Anita helps corporate women of faith in the tech industry who want to break free of corporate life and develop a consulting business by providing spiritual guidance and support as they transition into a new phase of their career. She offers practical advice and resources to help them establish and grow their consulting business, such as tips for building a client base, setting rates, and finding a healthy work-life balance as they work towards their goal of working 20 hours a week while making 2-3 times their previous income.

    Connect with Anita:

    Website: https://www.therippleaffect.net

    Resource: 6 Step Blueprint to Build Your Business

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Do you ever feel like you “have” to do business a certain way? Maybe you’re feeling a lot of pressure to create a course or start a membership or a podcast but it’s causing a lot of stress and overwhelm for you. Instead of just pushing through those emotions, I want to invite you to listen to those signals. Maybe the reason you’re feeling so much resistance around it is because it’s not what God is actually leading you to do. Or it could be, but you’ve got the negative mindset drama going on that’s keeping you from sensing how God is moving in your business. Either way, I’m here to help you make sense of why there’s so much resistance and overcome those feelings so you can have the clarity and confidence to move forward with your business calling.

    In this episode, I use 3 simple thought exercises to help you process through if the business you’re creating (or have plans to create) is actually coming from what others have told you or is it where God is leading you.

    Knowing the answer to this can save you so much time, effort, and money but more than that, it will give you the peace of mind needed to run a successful business as a Christian.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Can I really hear God? Does He actually speak to me? Isn’t He too busy with everyone else?

    Hearing God clearly is the one of the biggest things I hear from clients and friends alike, but it’s especially prevalent in the Christian entrepreneur space.

    And that makes sense. We are all navigating our journey as entrepreneurs and hearing God is central to that.

    This Good Friday and Easter weekend, I felt led to share a word of encouragement from the crucifixion story that can be overlooked.

    At the core, God wants a relationship with each of us and that includes being able to communicate with us.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Yes, you’re called to business but you’re also called to many other things; wife, mom, friend, to name a few. But inherent to being a woman, there is also a calling on your life. What is the calling on our lives as women? Is it just to be the helper or is there more that God has planned?

    Today, I’m talking with Christian author and speaker Beth Guckenberger about her new book called Warrior of Eden: how curiosity and questions lead to understanding God’s call for women.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    Learn More About Beth

    Ministry: back2back.org

    Blog: recklessfaith.com

    Instagram: @bguckenberger

    Beth’s new book Warrior of Eden: How Curiosity and Questions Lead to Understanding God’s Call for Women. Check it out on Amazon or wherever you buy books.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Your calling is important. It’s not just a fun idea but something God has put on your heart to serve and help others in a very specific way.

    But often, we forget that it’s that important. We can start believing the lies that we aren’t called to this, this business idea didn’t come from God or that no one cares.

    So today, I want to encourage you to shift the way you see your calling and your business.

    Changing the way you see your business and your mission will change how you show up for your business altogether.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More free resources in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    💥Mindset Breakthrough Session: A powerful 60 minute 1:1 coaching session focusing on a specific issue where you’re feeling stuck and you’re ready to see breakthrough. Get out of your own way so you can move forward and take the next step in your business where God is leading you to go. To sign up, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/coachingsession

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Feel called to write a children’s book? Maybe you’re curious about the book writing process but aren’t sure how to navigate it.

    Even if you’re not interested in writing a book (or aren’t sure), this interview is an honest conversation about many of the ups and downs that we face as entrepreneurs. Esther shares about her doubts along the way, how God showed up and how she overcame those doubts along the way.

    For this episode, I’m talking with Shiloh Esther.

    In this interview with Shiloh, you’ll hear about:

    The ins and outs of writing a children’s bookFollowing God through the book writing processEncouragement and inspiration for the ups and downs that come with pursuing a callingMuch more.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    Book mentioned in episode (affiliate link): The Floating Zoo: A Humorous Story about Noah’s Ark by Shiloh

    More About Shiloh

    She is fueled by an unwavering love for Jesus. She has become a beloved Pastor, Lead a Women's Ministry and an unexpected favorite Sunday school teacher to many little ones. She is a Creative, a Musician, and a Serial Entrepreneur with several businesses. Shiloh left Fashion school, to answer God’s calling on her life to ministry.

    Her education background is in Communications, Ministry, Design, Business, and Child Psychology and she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her work. Through various outreach programs, she has had the privilege of working closely with orphans and inner-city kids from different countries.

    She is originally from Zimbabwe—a captivating country in Southern Africa, known for its breathtaking adventures, abundant wildlife, and loving and delightfully intriguing people. She now lives in the United States, and in the hearts of more than 4000 children that I have read to and ministered to.

    To connect with Shiloh

    WEBSITE - https://shilohesther.com/new-book

    INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/ladyesthershiloh/

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Do you find yourself worried about where provision will come from in your business? Are you holding back from working on your business because it doesn’t make money yet so you can’t justify spending time on it?

    We’ve all struggled with money mindset and our beliefs about God’s provision at some point. This is part of our unique journey with God.

    Today, I want to share a story from the Bible about God’s provision in an unexpected way and the lessons we can learn from this for our own lives and businesses.

    You’ll learn how to find the root of your own mindset blocks in this area and instead, lean on the truth found in this story of Elisha from 2 Kings.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Business finances can be confusing, especially when you don’t have a business background like many of us. From taxes to cash flow, it can be overwhelming. After many questions from my clients and listeners about the financial side of business, I wanted to bring Donna Edge, CPA on to ask her professional opinion.

    Donna not only has experience with this from owning her own business, but she also teaches entrepreneurs how to approach their finances in an easy-to-understand way.

    In this interview with Donna, you’ll hear about:

    Why setting your business up the right way from the beginning is importantBeing an LLC and what that meansFinancial stewardship as a business ownerWhat a CPA can help with and when to hire oneMuch more.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    Book mentioned in episode (affiliate link): The E-Myth Chief Financial Officer: Why Most Small Businesses Run Out of Money and What to Do About It

    More About Donna

    Donna has been a CPA, which she likes to call a Caring Passionate Accountant, since 2010 and has extensive experience working with many small businesses. As a business owner herself, she understands the ups and downs that accompany entrepreneurship. That is what drives her passion to work with entrepreneurs, especially in the areas of tax and business coaching. As a tax specialist, she takes the time to explain the technical side in a way that is accessible and comprehensible. As an experienced business coach and guide, her expertise lies in alleviating overwhelm and stress for entrepreneurs. She accomplishes this by assisting them in getting organized and establishing a solid foundation in both their business and personal life. This comprehensive approach empowers entrepreneurs to optimize their potential for business growth and achieve personal success. In her down time, she enjoys volunteering at her church and exploring new places with her husband in their RV.

    To connect with Donna

    Website -https://businessharmony.life/

    Facebook - Donna Edge, CPA

    Free Business Resources https://businessharmony.life/free-resources

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • If you’re looking for inspiration that God has a plan and that you can do hard things, then this interview is for you.

    Enduring painful hardships as an Iranian woman, Lily Meschi found Christ and freedom from her arranged marriage. As a single mother, she worked up the ranks in her career finding herself successful and established. Then God called her to ministry with Iran Alive to help women find freedom in Christ as she did.

    In this interview with Lily, you’ll hear about:

    Finding Jesus as a MuslimA Beautiful Redemption StoryWhat to do when you’re called to do something that you don’t want to doKnowing when God is calling you and walking in obedienceIran Alive and their amazing impact on the Iranian people

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    More About Lily

    With a passion “to live life on purpose,” Lily Meschi serves in ministry for Iran Alive as the Director of Partners Relations. Through her own experiences as an Iranian Woman, Lily offers profound insight into the current protests in Iran for women’s rights. Lily was born and raised in a Muslim family in Tehran, Iran.

    At the age of 18, her family moved to the U.S. Through a chain of painful hardships relating to her rights as an Iranian woman, Lily came to discover Christianity. In her freedom found in her own testimony, she has developed a heart for Iranian women who, like herself, have undergone similar oppression and loneliness. Lily often speaks on the corrupt practices of arranged marriages of young women to older men in the Middle East, amongst other norms in their societies. She takes pride in working at Iran Alive Ministries, where she is able to speak about cultural dispositions such as arranged marriages and the strong grip of abusive male domination in the culture.

    A few relevant points on the women issues in Iran:

    The Islamic regime lowered the age of marriage for women from 18 to 13 in 1979 and then again to 9 in 1982A married woman cannot leave the country without her husband's permission.Women are not allowed to watch men play sports at stadiums. A man can marry up to four women at one time, but women can only marry one husband.A woman needs a male guardian's consent to marryMuslim women cannot marry non-Muslim men, but Muslim men can marry Jews, Christians, or ZoroastriansWomen can only get a divorce in a court while a man can get a divorce simply by declaring it verbally and not even necessarily in their presence.The Islamic republic mandated wearing a head covering- hijab in public. Violators face punishments that include up to two months in prison, fines up to 5 Million Rialss, and up to 74 lashes.

    To connect with Lily

    Website - www.iranalive.org

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/IranAliveMinistries/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/iranaliveministries/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/IranAliveMinistries/videos?app=desktop

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/iran-alive-ministries/

    For more information on Iran Alive Ministries, text “Iran” to 85789 on the show.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Biblical Mindset Coaching for Entrepreneurs: Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • For this first episode of 2024, I really just wanted to speak encouragement over you and your business, and I pray that you can just listen and be inspired to say “Yes” to God’s calling in this season.

    That you would see your calling as your Kingdom-mission.

    That you would see the lies of the enemy that are fueling the fears holding you back so you can be free from those.

    That you would grow closer in your relationship with God as you seek His direction every step of the journey of building your business.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🧠Ready to overcome all the mindset blocks holding you back? Then join us inside of The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur program. In this 12 week program, you’ll learn the powerful framework for tackling all the lies that have been keeping you stuck and how to overcome those with Biblical truth. This program comes with 3 months of group coaching to ensure you have breakthrough and transformation. To learn more and join, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/program

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Quick announcement: I recently held a FREE 3-day planning event inside of my FB group.

    Each day is about 30 minutes.

    Day 1: Reflection

    Day 2: Big picture vision

    Day 3: Creating the plan

    This event is completely free. It'll be available until the beginning of January.

    To access the videos, go to www.mamawithacalling.com/community

    I pray that this workshop series encourages you and helps you go into 2024 strong.

  • Wondering how planning fits into your faith-based business? Is there such a thing as planning too much and taking God out of it? Or maybe planning is a good thing required to steward the business God gave you? Join me today to talk all about planning and planners with Polly Payne from Horatio Printing.

    In this interview, we talk about everything from how she started her own planner company to how planning fits into your calling to be an entrepreneur.

    With a business that’s sold over 45,000 planners, you’ll hear wisdom, tips, and encouragement from Polly and all she shares. I hope you’re inspired and motivated by this conversation with Polly here on the podcast.

    More About Polly Payne

    She is the CEO and Founder of Horacio Printing. Originally from the Gulf coast of Alabama, she moved to NYC to pursue her dreams and after six years in advertising she moved to Horatio street and began her dream to create a God-centered Planner company. She has sold over 45,000 Dream Planners around the world and raised over $73,000 to fight human trafficking through her partnership with A21. She launched her own Print School in 2022 to empower other dreamers to make their own bible studies, journals and planners! She is a big fan of empowering the next generation of creators! Polly now lives in Lookout Mountain, GA with her husband and two children.

    Connect with Polly



    Free Live Print Workshop www.horacioprinting.com/workshop

    🎁Merry Christmas: The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur Course now out! Save $200 through Dec 15th. Learn more at www.mamawithacalling.com/calledandconfidentcourse

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

    Fear and doubt holding you back? Grab a Biblical Mindset session to get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. See all coaching options here: www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching

    Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.

  • Do you want to do what God is telling you to do but it feels scary? Maybe you’re struggling with letting go of the old identity wrapped up in your job or maybe it feels scary to go against what society, family or friends have been saying you’re “supposed” to do.

    Today, I’m talking with Stephanie Clarke from The Rediscovering Normal Podcast about how to fully surrender control of your life to Jesus - in career, motherhood, marriage and more.

    She tells us about her Rediscovering Normal Method that has helped her to see where God is working in her life and where He is leading. Through reading the Bible, prayer and this method, Stephanie talks about how this builds confidence in hearing God and overcoming any fear in order to obediently go where He leads.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    More About Stephanie Clarke

    Steph is passionate about helping other moms figure out who they were called to be by Rediscovering Normal. After her ”normal” came crashing down, she knew she needed to start creating the life of her dreams - regardless of what others thought. She finally learned that if she wanted to live the life of her dreams, she needed to pick up her bible, learn who she was and surrender control to Jesus. She quit letting fear stop her from stepping into who God called her to be. 

    Steph is the self-published author of Rediscovering Normal: Finding Faith after trauma, loss and divorce. Living the fruitful life God has planned for you, Podcast host of Rediscovering Normal, And creator of The Rediscovering Normal Daily Journal & Holy Spirit Mindset Method course.

    Steph is a recovering people pleaser, a Jesus follower, wife and momma of three.

    The Rediscovering Normal Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rediscovering-normal-change-your-thoughts-find-joy/id1631846124




    Feeling stuck? Grab a Biblical Mindset session to get clarity so you can take God-inspired action as an entrepreneur. Identify the thoughts keeping you stuck, get clear on where God is leading you, and walk away with an action plan to take the next steps toward your goals. See all coaching options here: www.mamawithacalling.com/coaching

    Join us in the Faith-drive Business Mamas Community. Meet other Christian moms pursuing the calling to have an online business and navigating the ups and downs of WAHM life, business, and trying to follow God through it all. You’ll find community, support, encouragement, and Biblical mindset solutions to set you free from doubt, mom guilt, and all the negative thoughts keeping you stuck.

    Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

  • As you’ve probably figured out already, starting a business and being an entrepreneur brings up a whole slew of emotions. I always say that starting a business is like therapy. It will just bring to the surface all of your deepest issues.

    Doing mindset work is the key to overcoming all of these limiting beliefs and negative thoughts holding you back. While you may know that, you might also be resisting doing the mindset work because it feels too hard or maybe you’re not sure it’s actually that important.

    So as you’re thinking about diving into mindset work or you’re already doing it, I wanted to share 3 key benefits of doing the hard mindset work as an entrepreneur to encourage you today.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    💥Black Friday sale starts next week: The Called and Confident Christian Entrepreneur Course. This is going to be at least $497 but for the launch I’m running a holiday special where you get the course for only $297!

    If you’re in my free group or on my email list, you’ll be the first to know when it goes live.

    📣Spots open for 1:1 Coaching

    I have just opened up 2 more spots for 1:1 coaching clients!

    This is coaching where we focus on overcoming all the fear that’s been holding you back in your business. We do this by breaking through the lies that are keeping you stuck so you can say Yes to what God is calling you to do. Really this is a process of unlearning what the world has taught you and learning how to see everything God’s way. No more being controlled by your emotions and held back in fear and worry instead of taking action and making an impact in the lives of others as God works through you and your business. If you’re interested in learning more, go to mamawithacalling.com/discoverycall to get started. This is a free call (video or phone) where I can hear about your business, you can ask questions, and we can talk about how I can best support you. Once these 2 spots are full, I will start a waitlist.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • The holidays can bring a mix of emotions as an entrepreneur. From mom guilt for not spending enough time with family to feelings of excitement at the chance to work on the thing we’re longing to work on.

    Not knowing how to navigate these emotions and manage all of the things vying for your time can create stress and anxiety for the holidays.

    So I wanted to give you some things to consider for your business as you head into this season. I want to talk both about mindset and the practical side so you can go into the holidays knowing that you’re doing your best with all that’s on your plate and all that God is leading you to do.

    In this episode, you’ll learn 3 simple steps to having peace in how you navigate your family and your business. You’ll learn about mindset as well as practical things you can do.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    💥Flash Sale Until Nov 10th: 40% off Goal Setting for Christian Entrepreneurs

    Get it at www.mamawithacalling.com/goalsetting 💥

    📣Spots open for 1:1 Coaching

    I have just opened up 2 more spots for 1:1 coaching clients!

    This is coaching where we focus on overcoming all the fear that’s holding you back in your business as we break through the lies that are keeping you stuck so you can say Yes to what God is calling you to do. From making sure you know exactly who you’re serving to working through any money mindset blocks that are in the way, as your coach, I help you boldly and confidently step into what God is calling you to do. No more being controlled by your emotions and held back in fear and worry instead of taking action and making an impact in the lives of others as God works through you and your business.

    If you’re interested in learning more, go to mamawithacalling.com/discovery to get started. This is a free call (video or phone) where I can hear about your business, you can ask questions, and we can see if we will be a good fit.

    If you’re even slightly considering it, I’d love to talk with you more about your goals and struggles and how I can support you. Payment plans available so don’t let finances keep you from getting the support you need. I can’t wait to talk with you.

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    🤗Join the Faith-driven Business Mamas free community at www.mamawithacalling.com/community

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Finding Christian community as a mom can be challenging, especially when you’re an entrepreneur as well.

    Sometimes it can just feel easier to isolate and keep to ourselves.

    But my guest today is going to talk about why finding community and fitting in is so important as Christian women. God created us for community and that doesn't stop when we become moms or leave our jobs.

    On this episode, Katy talks to us about how to find our place in the body of Christ and press into Christian community even though it can feel scary at times.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    Resource from the episode:

    Katy’s new book “She Belongs: Finding Your Place in the Body of Christ” is out now wherever you can buy books. Check it out here at Christianbook.com or Amazon (both are affiliate links).

    More about Katy McCown

    Katy McCown is a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries, host of the Best Day Ever podcast, and author of She Smiles without Fear. Katy left her job as a television news reporter to join her husband, Luke, on their adventure in the National Football League. Luke and Katy have six children.

    Connect with Katy

    Website: https://katymccown.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katymccown7

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katymccown/

    🎁Book Giveaway📖: To enter the giveaway for a copy of Katy’s book, simply click this link to enter via email and then get a bonus entry if you post your favorite big takeaways from this episode and tag me (@mamawithacalling) and Katy (@katymccown7) on Facebook or IG. Ends Nov 3, 2023.

    Enter giveaway here: https://www.mamawithacalling.com/katy

    📣The Called and Confident Entrepreneur Program

    If you’re ready to tackle the mindset blocks that are keeping you from boldly doing what God is calling you to do, then I’d love to have you in The Called and Confident Entrepreneur Program. This is a high touch 1:1 program that will walk you through the 5 mindset areas that keep entrepreneurs stuck so you can have breakthroughs toward a Biblical mindset. You’ll be able to take Spirit-led action in your business and stop getting stuck in analysis paralysis and fear of messing up God’s plan (hint: you can’t). If you’re interested, even a little bit, I’d love to hop on a no-pressure call with you to talk more about your business, goals and how I can help you reach those as your mindset coach. Go to mamawithacalling.com/discovery

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse

  • Do you feel like you are fully showing up using the gifts God has given you to do the work He’s called you to?

    In this episode, we’re going to be taking some insight from the life of Solomon in 1 Kings. As we look at his use of the wisdom God gave him, we will be talking about why it’s important to both recognize and use your God-given gifts. You’re also going to learn about 3 common lies that could be preventing you from actually doing this as a Christian entrepreneur.

    I hope you're encouraged by this episode and that you continue shifting your mindset toward Jesus so you can do all that He is calling you to do.

    📣The Called and Confident Entrepreneur Program is now open with only 1 spot left!

    Join us inside of the Facebook group OR sign up to join me live via Zoom and receive the replay link: www.mamawithacalling.com/training

    ➡️New Freebie for You: Biblical Mindset Starter Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Stop letting emotions keep you from your calling. With this starter guide, you’ll learn how mindset is affecting your business, the 5 areas where mindset blocks show up, and how to start rewiring your thoughts to reflect Biblical truth instead. This will set you on the path to being able to confidently step into your calling with a Biblical mindset. So if you’re ready to stop letting worry keep you from doing what God is calling you to do, then get your free Biblical Mindset Starter Guide today. Go to www.mamawithacalling.com/mindsetguide

    To talk more about how coaching can help you on your journey, book a free discovery call by going to mamawithacalling.com/discoverycall

    More freebies in my shop at www.mamawithacalling.com/shop

    💻Website/blog: www.mamawithacalling.com

    Ask a question or share a topic you’d like covered on the show. Leave me a voice message on SpeakPipe at www.mamawithacalling.com/podcast

    🎙️Interested in starting a podcast yourself? My podcast coach Stef Gass taught me everything I know about podcasting. I highly recommend her products. To get started and learn more about Podcast Pro University, (affiliate link): www.mamawithacalling.com/ppucourse