March is all about competition, luck, and celebration—so what better time to talk about friendship? In this episode, Karo and Matt explore how friendships evolve through the highs and lows of March Madness, the traditions that bring people together on St. Patrick’s Day, and what red flags you should beware of on The Ides of March.
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Matt and Karo give a proper ode to dogs, man's best friend. And Matt says goodbye to his faithful companion of twelve years. Olive the Tiny Frenchie. He talks about how much part of the community you become when you have a dog and how you feel you're suddenly left out when they're gone.
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Too many guys show up to hang-outs with no plan, leading to dead air, surface-level convos, and wasted time. In this episode, Karo and Matt break down why men should write an agenda (or “men-genda”) and share more tips on how to make your bro time more fun, meaningful, and memorable.
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Matt and Karo have a very special guest on the podcast this week. Sahil Bloom has created a groundbreaking blueprint to build your life around five types of wealth: Time Wealth, Social Wealth, Mental Wealth, Physical Wealth, and Financial Wealth. A life of true fulfillment engages all five types—working dynamically, in concert across the seasons of your journey. His new book is out in stores everywhere. We dig deep on the social wealth aspect - everything he's learned about how strong relationships lead to a more fulfilling live. As we've always said, we're friendship billionaires. Have a listen!
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Sahil - @sahilbloom -
Karo gets ganged up on this in special Valentine’s Day episode with our good friend Matchmaker Maria. How do you meet The One? It’s the same way you meet new friends! And make sure to pre-order Maria’s new book: “Matchmaker Maria's No-Nonsense Guide to Finding Love”
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Couples go to therapy to work out their issues, and now there's a growing trend of friends doing the same thing. Would you ever consider friend therapy? We debate the pros and cons of working it out with your friend on this week's episode of Man of the Year.
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This episode delves into the theory that good friends have hard conversations, emphasizing that addressing conflict is essential to building strong and meaningful relationships. Avoiding tough topics may seem easier, but it often leads to resentment or distance. By embracing honest, respectful dialogue, friends can resolve misunderstandings, strengthen trust, and create deeper connections. Hard conversations might feel uncomfortable, but they’re a crucial part of maintaining healthy, lasting friendships.
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This is the second half of our two part series that breaks down all of our tips into a very clear straightforward step by step process on how to make friends. Please check out Episode 113 for the full picture!
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
It’s a new year so we thought we’d get back to basics and answer the foundational question that launched this podcast – how exactly do you make a friend? In the first of this two-part episode, we talk about taking inventory of your existing network to find potential friends that are hiding in plain sight. In next week’s episode, we’re gonna increase the degree of difficulty, and talk about how to meet complete freakin’ strangers and turn them into buddies. You got this!!
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
Most people make resolutions in various areas of their lives, vow to join the gym, which usually lasts all of 3 weeks, vow to save x number of dollars that we fall woefully short of while we rack up credit card debt, but very few of us include our friendship goals into our resolutions. We want to normalize that. So please include one friendship related resolution for 2025.
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The guys celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah with some holiday friendship tips, including the “one hour’s salary” rule for buying gifts for your buddies, and offering “friendship amnesty” to any pals you might have beef with. They also discuss the etiquette of sending holidays cards and Karo’s recent journey to see Taylor Swift. Happy Holidays MOTY crew!!
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
People often think they need to make a concrete plan that involves a location and an activity, but we found a hack that seems to work. Friends benefit from lowering the barrier and just putting out the open call, aka posting up. Just telling people where you're gonna be and make it real easy for them to hang or just swing by.
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
Fireflies, Butterflies, and Wallflowers, oh my! Karo and Matt discuss the different friendship styles, as outlined in a fantastic quiz by New York Times reporter Natalie Proulx. They also debate whether people who are good at foosball are tools and whether people who play Magic the Gathering are called Magic the Gatherers.
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
In this episode, we tackle the challenges of navigating friend group dynamics when different social circles collide. Should you keep them separate to avoid awkwardness, merge them into one big happy group, or find a balance somewhere in between? We explore the pros and cons of each approach, share tips for managing potential conflicts, and discuss how to create a space where everyone feels comfortable. Whether you're planning a party, introducing new friends, or dealing with unexpected overlap, we've got you covered!
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
Tonight is Karo and Matt’s Super Bowl – their annual dinner at Peter Luger in Brooklyn with their childhood friends at which the iconic Man of the Year trophy will be awarded. The guys discuss the origins of the trophy, the importance of creating rituals with your buddies, and Karo jumps the gun by referring to this as their 22nd annual dinner, when it’s actually only the 21st...
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
We have a viewpoint on the pod that you are better served to assume the best of intentions for your friends even when they mess up. It's the better way to friend. Why, well here are just a few reasons: Trust is the foundation of any strong friendship. Assuming the best helps to maintain and build trust between you and your friends. Enhances Communication: When you assume the best, you're more likely to communicate openly and honestly, fostering better understanding and resolving conflicts more easily. Promotes Positivity: A positive outlook can lead to a more optimistic and supportive social circle, benefiting everyone involved. Reduces Misunderstandings: Misinterpreting a friend's actions or words negatively can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Assuming the best helps to prevent such misunderstandings. Encourages Support: Believing in your friends' good intentions can make you more supportive and empathetic, strengthening the bond between you. #maleadultfriendship #scaredtobevulnerable #adultfriendship #socialfitness #howtomakefriends
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
This podcast was inspired by the world’s greatest friendship ritual – Karo and Matt’s annual Man of the Year dinner with their childhood friends. But how can you incorporate rituals into your everyday friendships? The guys share some best practices, and Matt recounts his recent trip to Medieval Times, which apparently still exists.
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Aaron Karo on Instagram, TikTok, and X
We recorded this before the election so we have no idea who won, but we wanted to discuss the thorniest of friendship issues in the hope that not too many friendship bridges get burned Tuesday regardless of what happens. #friendshipexpert #friendship #maleadultfriendship #electionday #trump #kamala #nov5 #politicalnews #politics
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Happy Halloween wolfmen of the year! It’s spooky szn so today Karo and Matt discuss facing your friendship fears, meeting the Ghost of Friendship Past, and dealing with old buddies who know you have skeletons in the closet. Have we beat this Halloween analogy to death yet? Well if you don’t like this episode take it to the grave!
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Karo and Matt are coming to New York City on November 22nd for their next live show!
Man of the Year Podcast presents Friendsgiving Live!
Stand-up, celebrity guests, and the chance to make a brand new bestie!
https://www.caveat.nyc/events/man-of-the-year-podcast-presents-friendsgiving-live-11-22-2024 - Mostrar más