
  • You can create content templates on particular areas of your general expertise that you can memorise and then feel confident when presenting to your audience.

    Decide what is regular topics that you cover and what are the most important components of your presentation memorise it, and begin with three parts, and then included the foreign five and become comfortable with these portions, and then you can deliver them comfortably and confidently because you have memorised your content.

    Listen to this recording, as I explain it to a client who was experiencing a lack of confidence in her public speaking due to forgetting information.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

  • To communicate and speak in public more powerfully you need to know how to identify the voice of the genuine in yourself and others.

    When you are genuine you will speak more powerfully because you are in your flow and personal power.

    When you are not in your genuine space, authentic and real, you will like credibility and authority.

    The genuine have a powerful voice and relaxed and agile, body movement, and facial gestures.

    When you are not genuine, your voice will become fake and high-pitched or very low and monotone voice, because your mind is in the conversation more than your heart listen to this recording to hear what I have to say about how are you can identify the genuine in yourself and others.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

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  • Be mindful when you speak is about remembering that your thoughts are not you.

    Sometimes our thoughts take over our speaking, and they are randomly moving in an out of our mind and we feel mindless.

    When this happens, we lose track of what we say, and we become breathless, our voice tone doesn't sound, credible.

    In this recording, I explain what Perma Chedron says, “we are the blue sky and everything else is the weather”

    Listen to this recording, where I explain how everything else the weather can distract you from the flow of what you are saying.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

  • Communication is about making something common, communing with another, it is also about connection, so when we are already doing this in a conversation or presentation, we have flow and our voice tone quality and pace isn’t always a problem. When you are in deep rapport and trusted by another or your listener your voice quality isn’t a problem because there is a flow in your conversation.

    However if you take that same voice tone somewhere else, with someone other than your trusted listeners you may have a problem in the communication.

    As an observer you may notice that someone has a rude sound in their voice but the other person, listening and communicating with them, doesn’t seem to notice or even disturb them. So voice tone isn’t always the most important aspect of speaking when you are in flowing relationship with another. Listen to this short recording to better understand why I wanted to share on this topic.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

  • To find and access to free and engaging verbal and non verbal communication expression, you need to use your whole body. When you do this you are able to empower your voice to be free and supportive of what you want to say. You will say what you mean and mean what you say because your whole body is aligned with what you are saying. Your voice tone is connected to your body and so moving your body, gesturing, eye contact will enable your voice to become stronger, louder, and meaningful. If you don’t move your body and only use your head intelligence to communicate you will sound robot, linear and you will lack intention, passion and emotion in what you say and this makes you less influential and memorable to others. Listen to how I have used my approach to learning to sing a song and the relevance to speakers delivering a message.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

  • When we speak by focusing on yourself you will take away the energy from your audience. You must clear up your doubt and hesitation so that you can be free and at ease. You can accept what you can be and what you cannot be and move forward with more ease. For today what you can do is enough and your body needs to feel that by accepting what you can and not what you cannot. You don’t need to be perfect only available and present to what you have prepared. When you can accept what you can bring to your audience and not what you cannot you will be authentic and relaxed with your audiences. However, on the flip side, when you don’t and you are insisting on being more than you can be you will come across as lacking credibility and power, because your focus is in self protection instead of focusing on what you can give to your audience. Listen to this recording to find out more how you can prepare and change to be available for you audience.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

  • Sharing the conversation means you need to create space for others to listen to you when you are speaking, like slowing down your speaking pace and also pausing. Sometimes we speak as if no one is listening. Communication is about others as well as you and what you want to say. If you are speaking and no one is engaged, observe or listening you will not be impacting, neither influential or meaningful to your audience because they are not important to you and in the end everyone is listening for themselves and looking for what is in it for them.

    Listen to this recording to learn what making space for others when communicating is important.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • The right words matter because others need to hear them. You will be able express your message powerfully when you find the right words. Often your audience or listen is not able absorb or even engage with you because you are not using the right words for the situation you are trying to express. Listen to this recording to understand why words are important and how they can improve your connection with others.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • When speaking in teams your need to be mindful of being part of the team just like being part of choir. You are not a soloist doing your own thing, exercising your own power over others, being louder or more energetic than the rest of your colleagues. You are blending and harmonising with your the rest of the team. Sometimes the space is shared and your voice may be too loud, or too assertive and this then affects the feelings to others who are sitting right next to you. When you are not mindful of your behaviour and are not prepared to be flexible and adaptable to your environment, you risk being a problem, distraction and out of balance with the energy and purpose of your team. Listen to this recording to find out how you can use emotional intelligence to blend in with your team particularly when you are sharing the same space.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • Have you ever considered the effect your words have on others? Are you speaking from the heart about what is most important to you? It is necessary to express ourselves, but it is also necessary to be aware of our audience. Consider this: someone is listening to you, eager to understand your point of view, but they are having difficulty keeping up with your thoughts and grasping the essence of your message. What if we could effortlessly make our words ring true, ensuring that our listeners not only understand but also enjoy the conversation? Listen to this podcast to find out more

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97. _______________________________




    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • When you are too busy you will make your customers, clients and audiences feel not worthy. Your voice tone and body language will give the signal that they are not important and that your focus is on something else. Listen to this podcast to learn what happened to me while traveling overseas and my experience of customer service while traveling abroad.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • Some clients ask me why writing email instead of speaking makes them communicate differently. They say they feel stronger on email rather than speaking face to face. When we are speaking we are more powerful than when we are just communicating on email and text because there is more of you present. It takes more courage and determination to speak face to face, rather than on email and overall more effective and productive. But you need to do it a certain way. Find out what stops you and creates blockages. Listen to this recording to find out how you can communicate with your voice more powerfully and why you may be avoiding this and instead just writing your message instead.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • To speak confidently you must be clear with what you want.

    When we are divided in what we want we will not speak intentionally we will have a weak voice and our credibility is weak. Once we become clear with what you want. Find out what is stopping you and give that attention it needs.

    Listen to this recording to hear the outcome frame process of discovering clearly what you want and how to find it.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • Fear and anxiety of public speaking is about focusing on not judging your self and allowing yourself make mistakes. Vulnerability is important to help you speak with confidence. It’s not about what others think about you but what you say about yourself.

    Listen to this recording to find out how to think and prepare in a way that gives you the confidence to speak in public.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • Does fatigue affect your customer service. Are you getting frustrated and over worked and your customers feel it. Your voice tone will give others the feeling that you are not welcoming them when you are overwhelmed. Be mindful of your wellbeing and take responsibility in how you speak to others particularly when you are stressed and under pressure. Listen to this video and hear about my experience travelling around Europe and how I felt as a tourist in different countries.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • We need to be aware of the needs of our audiences. There are many different approaches to deliver your message in public speaking and if you always use one method you may be limiting your influence. Listen to this recording to find out more about what really matters when you want to engaging and credible with your listeners.

    About Maria Pellicano Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you.

    Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment. https://mariapellicano.com.au/courses/7-speaking-voice-elements-that-empower-your-leadership-credibility/

    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence. I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97. _______________________________




    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.

  • Join me in this captivating video as I unveil a piece of my heart and soul through a poem that I composed during my unforgettable travels around Europe. As I wandered through charming cobblestone streets, beheld breathtaking sunsets over iconic landmarks, and immersed myself in the rich tapestry of cultures, I found myself connecting the dots between the doors I encountered and the words we use to communicate.

    "Doors are similar to the words that we speak" – a thought that struck me as I meandered through ancient archways and modern entryways alike. Each door, like every word, carries a unique story, a hidden history, and an invitation to cross the threshold into new experiences.

    In this video, I'll share not only a taster of what is to come with my poem but also the vivid memories and emotions that inspired its creation. Let's delve into the symbolism of these doors, the significance of the words we choose, and the magic of capturing moments in written form.

    So, if you're a fellow traveler, a poetry enthusiast, or simply someone who loves to explore the deeper layers of life, hit that play button and join me in this heartfelt journey. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay connected with more insights.

    Thank you for being a part of this poetic expedition through Europe's heart and my own. Let's celebrate the beauty of language, the allure of doors, and the magic of exploration together.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





  • In today's video, I'm diving deep into a topic that has been on my mind ever since my recent travels around Europe. Join me as I explore the incredible journey of communication, where it's more than just the words we speak—it's about the magic of presence and genuine connections. Throughout my adventures, I've had the privilege of witnessing diverse communication styles across cultures and communities. It's fascinating how a simple conversation can transcend language barriers and create meaningful bonds.

    In this video, I'll be sharing my insights on how being present in the moment and fostering connections can transform the way we interact with one another. We'll discuss the unspoken cues, the power of active listening, and the art of empathy that play a pivotal role in making our conversations richer and more meaningful.

    Whether you're a seasoned traveller, a communication enthusiast, or someone curious about enhancing your interpersonal skills, this video has something for everyone. Let's embark on this journey together and discover how we can make every interaction a moment of genuine connection. If you're as intrigued as I am about the nuances of communication and its incredible ability to bridge gaps and build bridges, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to my channel, and turn on the notification bell so you won't miss any of my upcoming explorations into the realms of human connection.

    Thank you for being part of this incredible community, and I can't wait to hear your thoughts in the comments section below! Remember, communication is more than just talking—it's about being present and creating connections that last a lifetime. If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you.

    Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





  • As my unforgettable journey around Europe draws to a close, I couldn't help but notice something quite remarkable during my recent visit to Dubai. Join me in today's video as I share my observations on how communication in this vibrant city has left me utterly amazed and inspired, especially when compared to my experiences across Europe.

    Throughout my explorations, I've encountered diverse communication styles and cultural nuances that have enriched my understanding of human connection. From the charming cafes of Paris to the historic streets of Rome, every encounter has been a lesson in cross-cultural communication. However, my time in Dubai has brought a fresh perspective that I can't wait to share with you all.

    In this video, I'll walk you through the various ways in which the people of Dubai have made me feel not only welcome but genuinely appreciated. From the attentive restaurant staff who go the extra mile to curate a delightful dining experience, to the taxi drivers who offer insightful local tips with warmth and authenticity, Dubai has shown me the power of communication in creating lasting memories.

    Through heart-warming anecdotes and real-life examples, I'll shed light on the practices and gestures that set Dubai's communication style apart. It's more than just politeness; it's an embodiment of genuine hospitality and a deep-rooted cultural value of making guests feel like family.

    If you're curious about the intricate dance of communication and the impact it can have on our travel experiences, this video is a must-watch. Join me in reflecting on the significance of genuine connections as I bid adieu to my European adventures and welcome the lessons Dubai has to offer.

    Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you found these insights intriguing, and be sure to subscribe to my channel for more travel stories, cultural explorations, and insights into the world of communication across the globe. As always, I can't wait to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





  • Communication is complex when we have many thoughts running around in our heads. This can disturb our flow and voice tone and presence for others. Self consciousness takes the energy out of the communication. So the inner voice first and then the outer. When we are speaking we need to keep in mind that the needs of others and our own needs. We need to debrief our intention and our limitation in what we are saying. Being confident speaker is about doing you own work which is to be mindful and present with your own needs, such as hesitations, intentions, fears, needs, feelings and once we do that you can then approach the conversation or presentation with greater confidence and purpose.

    About Maria Pellicano

    Known as a communication specialist and voice coach, for the past 20 years Maria has been empowering people to present on platforms with confidence, competency and certainty by tweaking the voice, mindset, and message to powerfully communicate with influence delivering public speaking training and voice coaching with both business and personal clients.

    If you depend on your voice to be heard and to be credible, here is a comprehensive online course for you. Click below.

    Learn how to speak like a professional with influence and authority in any environment.


    I have created a short course to help you speak with credibility and influence.

    I’m offering my transformational program for the tiny investment of only $97.





    © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.