You understand your English teacher in the classroom, and maybe the BBC. But what about English spoken by native speakers in the real world, or in movies and on TV? That's a lot more difficult- in those situations, native speakers speak more quickly. But HOW are they able to speak so quickly? The answer is- they change the pronunciation of words and phrases so that they are easier to say. Sounds change, mix and even disappear. It's not magic- it's rules.
In Episode 102, Tim returns to the topic of these real world pronunciations, called CHEWING GUM pronunciation, and gives you the basics needed to understand them, and future episodes on the same topic.
More episodes on chewing gum pronunciation:
Episode 7: The Chewing Gum Accent
Episode 18: More Chewing Gum, Please!
Cover image taken from Wikipedia. The original image has been cropped to fit a square frame.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In Episode 101, Tim does the hard work for you, diving into 10 words with 24 meanings from the NGSL, a list of the 2800 most used words in formal and written English- words that make you sound smarter. And for the first time, Tim combines two favorite topics: the NGSL and etymologies, sharing the histories of 3 NGSL words. Learning etymologies helps you make connections between words and remember them better. Plus- it's a lot of fun!
Earlier episodes in the series:
Episode 2: The NGSL- 2800 Words For Better English.
Episode 11: NGSL 1331-1340. 10 Words, 27 Meanings.
Episode 62: NGSL 1341-1350.
Episode 73: NGSL 1511-1520.
Episode 84: NGSL 1011-105.
Episode 99: NGSL 1801-1810Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
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In Episode #100, Tim takes a deep look into a favorite topic- prehistoric roots or word parts that can be found in modern English words. In this week's episode, Tim focuses on the Indo-European root SKR, which can be found in over a dozen English words. Listen to Episode 100 to learn the meaning of the root SKR, and the fascinating connections between the words with this root.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Most words have more than one meaning or function, and exploring them is really fun! That's what Tim does in this episode- explore ALL the important meanings of 10 words from the NGSL, 1801-1810. Learning the more advanced meanings of these words will help you to understand and communicate in depth and detail- which is what the goal is right?
Earlier episodes in the series:
Episode 2: The NGSL- 2800 Words For Better English.
Episode 11: NGSL 1331-1340. 10 Words, 27 Meanings.
Episode 62: NGSL 1341-1350.
Episode 73: NGSL 1511-1520.
Episode 84: NGSL 1011-105.
Photo credit: Rope ClimbHosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Let's keep learning small things that bring big results! The star of this week's episode is a small, powerful and easy to understand prefix that you can add to many different action verbs. Just attach the prefix OUT-, and most of the time you get a new verb with an expressive meaning, like OUTFOX or OUTRUN. Add color and interest to your speech by listening to this week's episode for intermediate to advanced students of English!
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Did you know that the 100 most used words in English- words like GET, BE, and LIKE (and also articles) are 50 percent of all words in text and speech? This means that you need to know these 100 words- and know them WELL, with several meanings of each word.
In Episode 97, Tim focuses on the meanings of one very common word from the top 100. Listen to find out which word, and learn this word so you understand it in depth and detail!Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
How to learn advanced English vocabulary more easily? Well, by learning word roots- learn one root's meaning, and you will understand and learn words with that root faster.
This week's episode is all about the Latin root ERR, which means two things: "leave a path" and "make a mistake". You can find the root ERR in words like ERROR and ERRATIC. Listen to Episode #96 to learn this root's meaning- it will help you to remember several advanced words and expressions.
Photo credit: From Wikipedia. The original image has been cropped to fit a square frame.
CR106WestboundDetour1 - Detour - WikipediaHosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
With a Swiss Army knife, you can open a bottle, cut your food (or your nails!), take the skin off the fish you just caught, and lots of other things, besides.
What if you had one simple verb that was like a Swiss Army knife, one that could express seven very different meanings? In Episode #95, Tim tells you about a verb with seven different meanings or functions. Listen to Episode #95 to find out which verb! (No, it is not GET, which Tim talked about in Episode #6.)Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Direct and indirect objects are a key part of English grammar, and one that many learners get wrong. In Episode #94, Tim explains how to identify direct objects and indirect objects so you understand English with less effort and make fewer mistakes yourself. Direct objects specifically also help you to make correct yes/ no questions and wh- questions.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
The New Academic Word List is a list of the 964 most used words in academic English. Learn these words and you will:
-Understand academic English texts and lectures much better
-Sound smarter when you speak and write
-Get a higher score on IELTS or TOEFL
In Episode #93, Tim shows you the first eleven words of the NAWL: repertoire, denote, domain, authority and more, with 24 meanings and 72 example sentences.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Okay- I forgot several things.
"¡Hi! ¡Happy 2025! I'm Tim, and I don't know how to stop podcasting. I love it! But I've been podcasting for 91 years (oops- I mean 91 episodes!), and I have forgotten to include certain things in some of my episodes. This week, I want to improve those past episodes with information that can help make your English better. Okay, forgetting these things isn't as serious as forgetting your passport like in the picture- but still! I want to improve those old episodes. Happy listening!"Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Tim traveled to France with family and friends for the 2024 Christmas season, visiting two regions: Alsace (where French and German culture, cuisine and even language are mixed together- listen here) and Ile de Paris, where Paris and all that famous stuff like the Eiffel Tower can be found.
Listen to Tim's experiences and impressions of Alsace and of Paris- their architecture, cuisine, sights and people.
And don't forget to check out the best photos of Tim's trip- right here!Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
"You are listening, aren't you?"
"She does speak English, doesn't she?"
Tag questions, also simply called tags, are a great way to sound more natural and more native. They also can make you sound more friendly- and who doesn't want that? In this week's episode, Tim explains to you everything you need to know about tags, and finishes your lesson with a short, fun quiz to test your new knowledge of tags.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Episode 89 will help you speak with impact! For example:
Millionaires live in wealth... but billionaires live in opulence, or extreme wealth. And the richest people of all, like Elon Musk (love him or hate him) live not just in opulence, but in utter opulence.
Advanced vocabulary like opulence, words that express more extreme ideas,really help you to "spruce up" your speech (make it more interesting) and make people listen.
Listen to Episode 89 to learn ten words and expressions with meanings that are truly STRIKING.Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Few people like job interviews- it's often a question of bad, worse and worst, even if you do get the job you want. Okay, there are exceptions, but not many.
In Episode 88, Tim tells about a tragicomic (sad and funny) interview he attended earlier this year. Let Tim's pain and disgust become your entertainment and jollification, just by listening to Episode 88.
Cover image: By Edvard Munch - National Gallery of Norway 8 January 2019 (upload date) by Coldcreation, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=69541493Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
People associate the US with hard work- but don't forget that here in the US (but also Canada!), we spend around 15 percent of the year in the holiday season that starts with Halloween and ends with New Year's. The second holiday in this long holiday season is of course Thanksgiving. In this week's episode, Tim tells about his Thanksgiving travels before telling how he shared this special holiday with family and a couple of new friends.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
In this week's episode, Tim focuses on just one phrasal verb, take down, with three different meanings and ten examples.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Word roots are an awesome (and sadly underused) tool for learning vocabulary. A word root is a group of letters at the beginning of a word that has a certain meaning. For example, several English words include the Germanic root DR- which is connected with drinking or liquid. This shared meaning across several words makes words more interesting and it makes their meanings easier to learn.
If you're curious about word roots, then don't forget to listen to episodes 15, 19, 34, and 45.
Photo credit: Dan Lundberg.
Mangrove roots at low tide - Mangrove - WikipediaHosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Words are like stairs- they take you to beautiful places, but only if you do the work!
This week, Tim continues progressing through the 2800 words of the New General Service List, or NGSL. This week's five target words are: wind, none, exchange, budget and famous. Five words, twelve meanings. If you think you know these five words but only know one meaning for each one... then you don't really know these words.
Tim has said it before, and now he's saying it again: if you want to really master English, you need to know the different meanings of words!Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Learning vocabulary is the biggest task you have when studying English, so it's natural to try to learn more words and expressions... But you also need to know words well, and not stop just at pronunciation, spelling, and one meaning. In Episode 83, Tim explains what it means when you REALLY know your vocabulary, or if your knowledge is too basic and you need to go back and learn more.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
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