Caitlin and Alan are watching the Netflix hit Lockwood and Co, and want you to listen along! The Problem will cover each episode of the season, in the hopes that the show can find a new home. Just like in Measures of Truth, we will be comparing the books to the show, and trying to figure out what it all means.
You can find the podcast page HERE or on any of your favorite providers.
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan talk about the final two episodes of His Dark Materials! Warning: these episodes could make you violently cry! We sure did. We love gay Mary! Metatron was almost human looking enough to be perfect! Will and Lyra’s story was perfectly heartbreaking.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
¿Faltan episodios?
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan finish “The Amber Spyglass!” We debate the nature of Dust. What it means to grow up. If Philip Pulllman planned it all out from the start. We love this book, and we love the bittersweet ending.
Sophia is a wisdom thing.
Novellas are a thing.
Telenovelas are a totally different thing.
Teleology is a philosophical thing.
You can visit the place Lyra and Will share across worlds.
The Hero’s Journey is a mythic thing.
Spinoza was a philosopher.
Pan settled as an European Pine Marten.
The Alpine Chough is a bird.
University of Iowa study of corvid analogical thinking abilities
The Abyss is a lack of a thing.
Bruno Latour was a process philosopher.
Socratic Dialogues are a literary structure thing.
Ents are a Tolkien thing.
Berserk is a manga thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan loved episodes 305 and 306 of His Dark Materials. No notes. Just great.
There is a His Dark Materials stage play.
Amber is a tree thing.
No Man’s Sky is a galactic exploration video game simulation.
Wheel and axel is a tool thing.
Ball Bearings are also a tool thing.
Limbo is a liminal thing.
Purgatory is a Catholic thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan debate if Will is a Jedi, can’t remember MacPhail’s new title, and are delighted to hear “Everyone is beautiful.” Ruth Wilson is our favorite again- but we still love to hate Lord Asriel. Iorek using a hammer off-screen was the right choice, but changing the Gallivespians was a mistake.
The Matrix is a film thing.
Innocence is an important idea in Western Culture.
Jurisprudence is a legal thing.
Brutalism is an architectural thing.
Torii Gates are a Shinto thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan debate what exactly happened between Will and Lyra when they confess their love for each other in chapters 33-35 of “The Amber Spyglass.” We also learn about the science of coevolution and the garden of Eden. Who is sex-crazed on the podcast, and are they right?
Christian Fascism is a political thing.
Marzipan is a dessert thing.
Turkish Delight is also a dessert thing.
The Problem of Susan by Neil Gaiman
Coevolution is a science thing.
Replaying Life’s Tape could give us Mulefa (maybe)
E Coli Long Term Evolution Experiment
Vertebrates are a biological category thing.
Mutualism is an evolutionary thing.
Ants and Acacia Trees have an evolutionary relationship.
Chemotrophs are a thing.
Basic Belief is a philosophy thing.
New Atheism is a thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan talk about the return of His Dark Materials! Why is there so much Lord Asriel? What is Mrs Coulter doing waiting for a man? Why is Father Gomez so hot? And… wow Father Gomez has dreamy eyes… and- hot Father Gomez!
Amber Fitzgerald-Woolfe performing a poem in sign language.
There are lots of sign language.
The Swiss Guard dress like the Gallivespians.
In skydiving a greenlight does not mean- jump! It just means the pilot’s job is finished and air traffic control has been informed there will be skydivers in the area. Jumping is at the discretion of the skydivers.
Huntsman spiders are a thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan talk about taking the lid off of canned god in chapters 30-32 of “The Amber Spyglass.” Mrs Coulter and Lord Asriel meet their fate, String Theory and Hermes make an appearance, and we argue if Marissa Coulter can be redeemed by one good deed.
Tater tots are not archangels.
Fragile Masculinity is NOT a thing. And furthermore men are NOT compensating! And are never vulnerable!!
Weighing a soul after death as a form of judgement, is an ancient motif in many religions.
99% Invisible Beyond Biohazard: Why Danger Symbols Can’t Last Forever.
Signifier and Signified are a semiotic thing.
Tokyo Pet Shop of Horrors on Hallowed Ground StoryCast.
String Theory is a math things.
Gravitons are a hypothetical thing.
M-Theory might be a thing.
Hermes Trismegistus is an easy-to-pronounce thing.
The Abyss is a lack of a thing (in the Bible).
Soren Kierkegaard loved to (figuratively) leap.
Facticity is an existential thing.
Process Theology is a network thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan talk about escaping the land of the dead in chapters 26-29 of “The Amber Spyglass.” Lord Asriel reminds us of a certain billionaire. Roger rejoins the universe. We argue about if souls have mass. All of the important stuff.
NFTs are a scam thing.
Elon Musk’s Hyperloop is a dumb thing.
Monism might be a thing.
Trepanning is still a thing.
The 21 grams Experiment is a famous example of trying to measure a dying human for a soul.
Dualism might be a thing.
Process Philosophy is a thing.
Segways are no longer a thing.
The Harrowing of Hell is a theological thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan discuss chapters 23-25 of “The Amber Spyglass.” We gush about the perfection of chapter 23. Well… most of us do. What will you tell the harpies when you die? Maybe it will be a metaphor, but does that make it a lie? Will it be a buddy cop story with Lord Roke and Mrs Coulter? Because we want that.
Modernity is a paradigm thing.
“The Origin of the Universe: Philip Pullman on Stephen Hawking” by Philip Pullman appeared in the Autumn 2006 edition of Exeter College Magazine.
Mbombo is a vomiting god thing.
“Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Wall Kimerer is a nonfiction book about botany from different cultural perspectives.
Monism might be a thing.
Emergentism might be a thing.
Necromancy is probably not a thing.
Harpies are a mythological thing.
The Good Place is an NBC comedy thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan march into the world of the dead in chapters 19-22 of “The Amber Spyglass.” We rant about the Suburbs of the Dead, learn about Psychopomp Ferrymen, and argue about what Mary’s bliss is all about.
Swindon is a (boring) place.
Garth Nix wrote “The Keys to the Kingdom” series. Each of the seven books is named after a day of the week.
Dark Matter is a thing that doesn’t interact with anything else.
Psychopomps are a mythological thing.
Bad Faith is a Sartre thing.
The Ethics of Ambiguity is a Simone de Beauvoir thing.
Absurdism is a Camus thing.
Authenticity is a Kierkegaard thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan read Chapters 15-18 of “The Amber Spyglass!” Lyra and Will move to The Suburbs of the Dead, and re-forge the Subtle Knife. What kind of rocks did Lyra use for forging? Is the knife an Abstract Machine? Are children fully human? We talk about all of it.
The idea of a White Savior appears in lots of Western Art, but is also a harmful political force in society to this day.
Gas-rich meteorites are a thing.
MIG and TIG Welding are modern techniques for working with metal.
Chemical Glove Boxes are a thing.
Being or Becoming may or may not be a thing.
“If a tree falls..” is a thought experiment thing.
Actor Network Theory might be a thing.
Swiss Army Knives are a thing that is merely ok.
Anduril is a thing that was once Narsil.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan talk about Chapters 11-14 of “The Amber Spyglass.” We talk about the factions that clash over Lyra. What is Africa in Lyra’s world? Does quantum entanglement require violins? We find all the answers.
Check out a binaural version of this episode!
The Swiss Guard are the personal security force of the Pope.
Meganisoptera are an extinct thing.
Quantum Entanglement is a thing.
Plato’s Republic is a (novel?) thing?
Hardcore History is a good podcast.
The Tripartite Soul is maybe a thing?
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan read chapters six through ten of “The Amber Spyglass.” For the first time ever we all agree about our Least Favorite Thing- and so we argue about it. We talk about the science of Mulefa evolution, the real-world history of the Consistorial Court, and the morality of hunting children.
Stephen Jay Gould proposed the thought experiment of “replaying the tape of life” in his book “Wonderful Life.”
Catholic Sex Scandals involving children
Senescence is a thing.
The Paleocene was a thing.
Oxygen Toxicity is a thing.
Coevolution is a thing.
Capsaicin is a thing.
Biological Teleology is not a thing.
Paradise Lost Book 4, Paradise Lost Book 3
Indulgence is a Catholic thing.
The Council of Clermont was a thing.
Calvin’s Genevan Consistory was a thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan are back to talk about the first five chapters of “The Amber Spyglass!” We debate if the book starts too slow, or just right. Should Lyra’s dreams of Roger get edited out? What on Earth is Gnosticism? Are Gallevespians venomous or poisonous? We (do not) have all the answers!
Balthazar is a monster-of-the-week demon in “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
The Three Wise Men are not named or numbered in the New Testament.
Kendal Mint Cake is pure energy you can keep in your pocket.
Sir Ernest Shackleton led three explorations of the Antarctic Region at the start of the 20th Century.
Baruch Spinoza is the philosophical taproot of a monist materialism in Continental Philosophy.
Poisonous vs Venomous
Titanium Phosphide is a thing.
His Dark Materials was banned?
Gnosticism is a thing.
Coptic Christians are still a thing.
The Aggadah are a non-canon thing.
Anya asks, “Are there any modern Gnostic churches,” but the answer was edited out and lost in Alan’s long rambling. Yes there are modern Gnostic churches, is the answer.
The Hebrew Goddess is a forgotten thing.
Sensus Divinitatis is…. ummm not a thing? But Basic Claims are a thing.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Caitin, Francis, Anya, and Alan loved Æsahættr, even if they can’t pronounce it. We talk about all of Season Two and our favorite parts of the finale. It was mostly people dying. We love it when we cry about characters dying. That is totally normal.
Self-harm is a symptom of other struggles that can have many causes. If you or someone you know struggles with ANY kind of self-harm (including psychological) please seek help! You don’t deserve to suffer and you don’t need to suffer.
Winchester rifles were a colonizing thing.
Existentialism is really hard to do but easy to understand.
Plato was into caves, but only allegorically.
Season 3 of ‘His Dark Materials’ is announced to be in pre-production.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan debate if children deserve hugs in ‘Malice’. Mrs Coulter comes out as a super-hero, we ask ‘do daemons shed’, and Sarafina finally meets Lyra. Do you feel bad for Lord Boreal or do you want more child murder? What kind of choice is that? What kind of podcast is this?
Alexandre Dumas was a famous writer, and had a mixed race heritage from present-day Haiti.
Fascinators are a thing.
‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ is a thing.
Moral Relativism is debated as being, or not being, a thing.
Disney’s Jungle Cruise Attraction is a classic all-family slow-ride.
Eat The Rich is just a rhetorical thing…. for now.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan debate about who exactly is The Scholar, does theology enter into science, and is Mrs Coulter out of Lord Boreal’s league? Buckle up your monkeys for a lesson in spiders, snakes, and the Spanish Inquisition.
Devon, England is certainly a place… with cottages…
Spiders have a body part named Pedipalps which are usually different sizes depending on the sex.
Nephila genus of spiders can be large and are known for creating complicated webs.
The Holy Inquisitions were a series of police actions within the Catholic Church to maintain doctrinal integrity.
Calvin’s Geneva Consistory was a real bummer.
The Character of Consciousness is a thing.
David Chalmers
NP-Hardness is also a thing.
Panpsychism is a somewhat fringe philosophical concept that is popular again thanks to a combination of ignorance and a poor understanding of quantum field theory.
The Gnostic Eden Story is a little different from Sunday School.
Moral Luck may or may not be a thing
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
Francis, Caitlin, Anya, and Alan break into the Tower of Angels and find a civics lesson on English governance, sacred geometry, and the greatness of Hester. We talk about Metatron- who is NOT an fascist alien robot- and the best translation of a scene from the book into the show. Mary talking to angels!
Caitlin, Francis, Anya, and Alan reflect on Theft and disagree about what’s great and what needed more work. But we all agree it has a wonderful moustache. Come fan the hammer with us as we learn about life in an observatory and the philosophy of pedagogy.
Bad Wolf makes ‘His Dark Materials’ and does not listen to our podcast. Probably.
SciPy is a thing.
Fanning the Hammer is a thing.
What is a MP 40?
I Ching Divination
Orientalism is a thing
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paolo Freire introduced the concept of Critical Consciousness in Postmodern Philosophy.
The behind the scenes coverage for Season 2 has been great. We enjoyed “Welcome to Cittagazze” for how detailed the world-building (literally) was.
Our theme song is Clockwork Conundrum by NathanGunn
Follow us on Twitter: Anya @StrangelyLiterl Cailtlin @inferiorcaitlin Francis @franciswindram The Podcast @MoTPod
Please email us contact@hallowedgroundmedia.com
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