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    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD 



    Welcome to the final section of the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy Of Needs Assessment. In this section, we're going to go over all the information that we've just extracted from you and distill it down into action items that will be done over the next 12 weeks. First thing you must do is pick the date for your next assessment. Pull out your phones right now, open up your calendar, and pick the next date. Once you've settled on a date, set an alert for a week before your assessment. That way your mind starts preparing itself and you're able to accomplish this even smoother next time.

    All right, now that that's all complete, let's go back and grab your overall scores from each category and mark them down. Once you have all five next to each other, let's do some quick math. Add them all up, and then divide them by five, giving you a final score for your overall satisfaction. Keep in mind, this is so you have multiple points of reference. As we continue with these assessments, you will need these numbers to track against, so you can monitor your success along the way.

    The last thing we must do before we close our assessment is to make a plan of action for the next 12 weeks. It's time to go back and review the questions that you had a lower than very satisfied score with. This now is your list to pick from and create your goals for the next 12 weeks. Simply grab a few that are most important to you, write down what category it's in, what you want the result to be by the next assessment, and the first three action items that you need to create the momentum in the right direction.

    At this point, you've taken a much needed clarifying deep dive into the five categories that entrepreneurs struggle with most. This process can be a little uncomfortable. It can bring up some issues that you may feel are better left ignored. You may also feel a little overwhelmed with this perspective and a list of new goals to conquer. However, I can assure you that any short-term discomfort you're feeling pales in comparison to a lifetime of discomfort moving forward in the wrong direction. Our time on this earth is precious and we all know it's limited. Congratulations on taking the first step to your new and intentional path. Wherever it may lead you, I will see you there.

  • Business Worksheets >>> https://bit.ly/3utaMqX



    Instagram: http://bit.ly/3vtLIwD  

    Facebook: http://bit.ly/3Iywvm3  

    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD 



    Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs section on business. We finally made it, the reason you're here. Now it's time to do the assessment on the business section of your life.

    Starting a business is easy. Becoming profitable and managing all the tasks associated with that business is where things get pretty complex. Even after you've made it past the startup phase, you're now presented with a whole new set of challenges. Now, this isn't meant to scare you. It's meant to illustrate that running a business is a major responsibility.

    Luckily, the questions in this assessment are designed to give you an over the shoulder look at your business so you can see what your needs are now and identify what your needs will be in the near future. Speaking from experience, I feel that outside of proper funding and planning, a lack of objectivity when building and growing a business is a guaranteed way to lose all the money and time that you've invested into your dreams.

    We sometimes find that our minds are swimming with questions, and we can't even find the time to actually come up for air to answer them. When going through this assessment, use the time provided to take one question at a time. The deeper you explore each question, the better you will be prepared to manage your current and upcoming challenges in your business.

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  • Recreation Worksheets >>> https://bit.ly/49y7q4J



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    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD 



  • Relationships Worksheets >>> https://bit.ly/42BThRK



    Instagram: http://bit.ly/3vtLIwD  

    Facebook: http://bit.ly/3Iywvm3  

    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD 



    This section of the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of needs is about managing relationships. As much as we need our alone time, relationships are a very important part of who we are now and who it is we want to become. Relationships can be as simple as a quick conversation with a waiter at a restaurant, or a deep friendship that has matured over time. The deeper and higher value relationships can require your attention and dedication to create the bond to maintain its importance over the years.

    Relationships are green and growing, or they're ripe and rotting. During the time we spend with people, we have the opportunity to improve our relationship skills. If you want to make any relationship last, we need to make sure that we're showing up with our A game. And that means taking care of ourself first, so that we can then serve the relationship better. As always, when thinking about the answers to these questions, take as much time as you need. The more thought out your answers are, the easier it will be to build the action steps later in the program. I'll see you in the next video.

  • Wealth Worksheets >>> https://bit.ly/3UCNNo0



    Instagram: http://bit.ly/3vtLIwD  

    Facebook: http://bit.ly/3Iywvm3  

    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD 



    Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs section on wealth. As entrepreneurs, one of the most powerful assets is our wealth. Unfortunately, the act of obtaining, maintaining and increasing our wealth is not something commonly taught in our schools, and even more rare inside our homes.

    Because of this, our wealth satisfaction score usually suffers. Our budgets are never built. Our savings never grows and our investments are never funded. We don't know where to start, and even worse, we don't know how to set expectations for our wealth.

    Luckily, we have well educated and licensed professionals for most of our wealth needs. But some of us need to take baby steps. Start a little bit smaller. It could be quite intimidating if you're just starting to wrap your head around wealth and how it all works, but during the assessment understand that you can always start with education.

    No matter how sophisticated your understanding of wealth is, or how little you may have in your bank act, your wealth deserves your attention. When answering each question, make sure that you're answering accurately and honestly so you're creating a clear depiction of what your wealth satisfaction looks like. Take your time and come out on the other side of this section with a greater sense of control on how to maximize the efficiency of ever dollar you own.

  • Health Worksheets >>> https://bit.ly/48dDcTx



    Instagram: http://bit.ly/3vtLIwD  

    Facebook: http://bit.ly/3Iywvm3  

    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD 



    Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Hierarchy of Needs section on health. Without health, nothing else matters. Our mental and physical health is the foundation for everything that we do. It is truly the support structure that amplifies our efforts that we take every day in our lives and in our business.

    Our health should always be on the highest level of priority, even when we have personal challenges that make the idea of acting on increasing our health daunting, we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to be the best that we are able. Sometimes we find ourselves in the frustrating position of having to start from scratch while also having to build new habits to replace the bad ones.

    No matter where you're starting from, let's take the time right now to refocus on bringing out your highest level of satisfaction with your overall health. Remember that when going through the assessment, give yourself the time to think deeply and fully about each question. Answer each question openly and honestly and as accurately as possible.

  • Full Workbook >>> https://bit.ly/497ImSi



    Instagram: http://bit.ly/3vtLIwD  

    Facebook: http://bit.ly/3Iywvm3  

    Website: http://bit.ly/3G9ceAD



    Welcome to your first assessment. As entrepreneurs, we're juggling so many responsibilities that more often than not, we forget to do the simple check-ins on ourselves to make sure that we're satisfied and operating at our highest potential. The goal of the entrepreneurial hierarchy of needs assessment, EHON for short, is the most detailed way to take a quick but very valuable inventory on how we're operating on our personal levels so our business operations never suffer. Unfortunately, most of us are still running the same old hustle until we drop mindset, but I can tell you from experience that is the fastest way to the bottom. Having built many six and seven figure businesses in the past, I've seen how not paying attention to our basic needs can crash our motivation, slow our progress to a stop, and leave us feeling without direction because we are blinded by burnout.

    But you are here to fix that and protect yourself from ever having to suffer through that again. The five categories that make up the entrepreneurial hierarchy of needs are our health, our wealth, our relationships, our recreation, and of course our businesses. These five categories are what we need to manage and maintain high levels of satisfaction with. This ensures that we will be operating with clear minds, so we are able to approach our business with focus and without distractions.

    Each category is made up of questions that you will be able to rank from one to 10. If you feel that question doesn't pertain to you, just skip it and move on to the next one. When selecting your satisfaction ranking, it is important to take two things into consideration. First, let's talk about how each question is scored. The lowest rank is considered dissatisfied. That would be a score range from one to four. The middle ranking is considered moderately satisfied, ,and that would be a score range from five to seven the highest rank is considered very satisfied and that would be a score from eight to 10 as you're pushing your boundaries, don't be surprised if your score drops a little.

    This is probably a sign of you reaching for higher goals and you're now finding yourself with a little bit more work to do to bring your score back up to where it was. Each score is not a measurement of effort. It is a measurement of where you are in relationship to your goals. The idea behind this assessment is not to make it to 10 and stop. It is to get all of our levels as high as possible until the next time you take it. We're going to be redefining our satisfaction every time we take it. After the questions are answered in each category, take the time to average all of your scores in that category to create your ranking. If you left any blank, then don't apply them and just skip. Do not include them in your average. After you've repeated this step for each category, then take the five answers that you've come up with and create one final average giving yourself the overall satisfaction level for the assessment.

    The second thing to consider is that this assessment should be taken at least every 12 weeks. By dedicating yourself to tracking your satisfaction level every 12 weeks, you are now able to see the direction of your progress. This allows you to become truly objective to your levels of satisfaction in life, guaranteeing that you