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    Episode 27: Nazis

    0:13 – Today we’re obviously talking about Nazis

    2:49 – “Unite the Right” Rally – just the facts

    6:14 – White men: What’s being taken from you?

    7:48 – History has already been revised to erase women, the abuse of women, people of color…

    9:52 – But, it’s 2017, discrimination isn’t a thing, right?

    12:04 – We are living in a time in America where racism has this new permission to breathe

    17:12 – Messy politics + a bad earpiece [insert eye roll]

    20:11 – If you still don’t understand white supremacy…

    24:08 – A message to white people (& DISCLAIMER)

    29:04 – I keep fucking up and saying the wrong shit + feeling defensive

    35:08 – Silence is complicity + What to do when you don’t have words

    39:09 – Where are we as white women?

    40:06 – It’s time to start doing work that’s important

    43:15 – If I find a funny meme, and you are at a funeral…

    45:05 – You aren’t excused from the conversation

    FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Ten Ways White People Can Stop Annoying People of Color on Social Media

    46:51 – Erin Brown represents all white people

    47:30 – Why can’t we say, “I don’t see color?”

    53:47 – GOOGLE IT

    56:05 – Want to take action, but not sure what to do or how to speak up? Use your DOLLARS! DONATE!





    Huffington Post Women

    Huffington Post Black Voices


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    Episode 26 : Gossip Girl

    0:56 – Jen Sinkler and Power Clashing


    7:41 – Repositioning ourselves in the conversation of gossip – AND holding ourselves accountable

    12:04 – Venting and not creating positive experiences for yourself

    14:43 – Pop culture gossip = A OK

    16:22 – Gossip as small talk (and we DESPISE small talk)

    20:17 – Feeling triggered?

    21:46 – Salon Gossip Pact

    22:44 – It’s time to unpack: WHY do I feel the need to gossip?

    26:38 – Venting cut off + Stepping into a new space

    30:55 – Giving people passes for their behavior vs. setting boundaries

    34:23 – “…I want to punch you in the face.”

    36:12 – The bottom line

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    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nasty-women-radio

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    Email questions, comments to: [email protected]

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  • Episode 25 : Self-Presentation

    00:32 – Videos of myself…with myself

    2:00 – Privacy when littles are constantly playing with our phones

    2:57 – Intro to this week’s subject

    6:16 – Policing our kids’ clothing – especially girls

    11:48 – How I see kids expressing themselves now + How community perpetuates self-expression

    14:35 – As a woman, you can either be sexual OR you can be intellectual…

    18:21 – Being comfortable in what you choose vs. being comfortable in what your peers choose – and the freedom to make that choice

    22:55 – Self-reflection on judgment, triggers, and beliefs

    24:50 – What I wish more men were upset about…

    27:44 – “We don’t respect you and you’re not safe” – CULTURE

    29:19 – There is no outfit that will communicate exactly who you are

    33:58 – That’s not appropriate for children…

    37:47 – Underbutt + judgment

    41:48 – Moving forward thoughtfully…

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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/nasty-women-radio

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    Email questions, comments to: [email protected]

  • Episode 24 : The Lie of Having Your Shit Together

    0:57 – There’s a LOT of pressure for millennials today

    1:35 – I feel so fortunate that social media wasn’t a part of my younger life

    3:08 – What we were doing in our early twenties

    7:43 – The most important thing Neg learned in her 20s

    9:54 – For the first time the other day, I reflected back on college and realized I love the woman I was

    13:24 – How I feel like I have my shit together

    20:32 – Perfectionist society and choosing your own priorities

    23:24 – Stop auditioning for relationships + Hustling for worthiness

    29:30 – Getting over it

    32:23 – Unpacking, authenticity, and honest relationships

    34:48 – It’s OK to be vulnerable

    37:36 - Whatever you do, someone is going to make fun of you

    42:13 – It was like reading a whole different book

    44:15 – Tools we would recommend

    44:30 – Finding people through social media that resonate with you, not what you think you should be doing

    45:21 – Connections vs. comparison

    47:00 – There’s not really an “all together”

    48:43 – “Is this gonna be FOREVER??”

    51:45 – Doing our best

    Rate. Review. Subscribe. SHARE THIS PODCAST!! Please?

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    Email questions, comments to: [email protected]

  • Episode 23 – Body Hair!

    0:46 – Neg’s body hair removal inner dialogue

    2:37 – The why and how of body hair removal – a history

    6:54 – Make yourself slippery and then no one will attack you

    8:47 – “Who wears short shorts?”

    10:48 – How marketing plays into female hair removal

    12:52 – “Lady Pens”

    13:20 – So, Neg, what’s YOUR body hair sitch?

    “I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of it, and I don’t keep myself from showing up because of it, but I do like removing it.” Neg

    16:58 – Erin’s body hair sitch – and making sure its removal is for her

    19:52 – No more with, “I’m OCD,” unless you have that.

    20:35 – On the topic of not wearing underwear

    23:06 – A woman is supposed to look like whatever the fuck she looks like

    25:34 – It doesn’t make you less of a feminist if you shave your legs

    26:26 – I’m just excited, because I didn’t know I was trash. And now I am.

    28:12 – We get to decide for ourselves what is classy or elegant or attractive…and if we give a fuck about any of those things

    30:00 – If you remove it, more power to you. If you have it…

    31:23 – Who only shaves when they shower, and who makes a ritual out of it

    34:33 – You do NOT have to suffer!

    Rate. Review. Subscribe. SHARE THIS PODCAST!! Please?

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    Email questions, comments to: [email protected]

  • Episode 22: Second Listener Q&A

    0:20 – Neg’s Nipples

    1:00 – Choices for decorating our faces: does it leave us more or less empowered?

    4:30 – How do I know if changing my physical appearance is for me and not for someone else?

    6:55 – You don’t have to show up bared faced on social media to be authentic

    8:21 – Neg’s Nails

    10:34 – Your opinion of me and how I dress, decorate, etc. is your problem

    15:16 – Anybody know where I can get a swimsuit in my size to have my butt out in?

    16:30 – On to listener questions…

    16:50 – What are the consequences of a woman having sex because she feels obligated to, and just because she wants it to be over?

    20:14 – Nothing prevents cheating, except for…

    “Your role as a woman is whatever the fuck you decide your role as a woman is.” – Neghar Fonooni

    25:16 – Tarot: where do I begin?

    39:35 – Any advice on showing up vulnerably and powerfully in the workplace?

    42:24 – “I love everything Neghar said, but it looks like she forgot her pants.” Say WHATTTTT?

    53:50 – “You GUYS”


    Learning the Tarot – book by Joan Bunning

    Holistic Tarot – basically tarot bible

    Google: “witch store”


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    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    Email questions, comments to: [email protected]

  • Episode 21: What the FUCK is happening right now?

    **Erin isn’t often at a loss for words…so this episode is monumental for SO MANY REASONS**

    1:27 – Philando Castile verdict – also, not an isolated issue

    7:23 – When someone dies in an every-day restraint scenario, EVERY fucking thing changes

    9:20 – It’s not even a police officer’s job to execute a dangerous criminal

    11:05 – Obviously there are great police officers

    12:21 – When I see police officers, I think, “Am I fucking something up?”

    13:12 – Dear White People + being treated differently on a regular basis

    16:00 – Jordan Peele’s Get Out

    17:04 – Colin Kaepernick’s movement – Know Your Rights

    18:30 – I don’t know how to correct for a legitimate fear that is based in racism

    22:41 – What are we going to demand for our own communities around this?

    24:23 – In HAPPY news, Beyonce had a couple of babies + how she handles drama!

    28:48 – Back to bad news – NC says you can NOT revoke consent once it is given…

    34:14 – This is where we are at in America today

    34:56 – What the HELL is going on with this Trump investigation???

    39:52 – I am really tired of people avoiding discussing politics

    42:30 – Trump supporters: I implore you to have conversations of substance with people in your life who are NOT.

    43:13 – There’s a difference between having a different opinion from you and thinking you shouldn’t exist or have rights

    46:11 – The 20th anniversary of the release of the very first Harry Potter book – MAGICCCCC

    48:03 – I love having these conversations – it feels free not to bottle it up!

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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/
  • Episode 20 (??): Wonder Woman and femininity and whatever else pops up!

    00:54 – Neg’s thoughts on “Wonder Woman” (movie, 2017)

    Side note – the director is from Lawrence, KS (where Erin hails from), and, a WOMAN!

    1:45 – “As the sociopolitical climate stands currently, we can’t afford for this film not to crush”

    2:32 – Mentioning the controversy around Gal Gadot

    4:36 – Here at NWR, we don’t want to avoid the messy conversations…

    5:21 – Gal isn’t my hero. Wonder Woman is! + what Neg learned about her training

    6:56 – Uh…Robin Wright TOTALLY made up for Buttercup (finally)

    7:45 – Erin’s thoughts on the movie


    10:30 – Fair criticism – when you get ONE female superhero movie, there is so much that it won’t get right!

    13:57 – Something we can learn from Wonder Woman – preparing girls in our culture…

    14:42 – Ann Wolfe – world-class badass who is NOT afraid to take up space!

    16:00 – We need to stop saying “Women CAN be strong”

    16:39 – The new animated “Snow White” movie…things aren’t looking good

    17:26 – I would love it so much if she was fat and it was never talked about

    18:08 – Playing into awful marketing


    19:36 – Segway into FEMININITY!

    22:04 – Addressing over-sexualization and romantic plotline in Wonder Woman

    24:08 – Femininity as a social construct, necessary energies, and stripping feminine energy from men

    26:47 – There’s no nailing it when it comes to femininity!

    30:03 – I feel both masculine and feminine in energy ALL the time!

    31:31 – We have to be able to show up authentically (and feel things in a REAL way)!

    31:49 – “I get teased a lot at the gym” – Neg

    36:09 – Pullups and having your nails done don’t have to be masculine/feminine

    36:40 – Girl World Magazine – letter to the editor

    39:36 – I shouldn’t have to explain why sometimes I like to wear snapbacks, and sometimes I like to wear lipstick! + EVERYBODY should be able to have all of these forms of expression available to them!

    41:30 – Is there any way to avoid religion in this conversation?

    42:07 – Nothing’s off topic anymore…we are talking about marriage and religion now!

    43:14 – Talking intersectionality with my guy friends over beer

    46:46 – Warrior archetypes!

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    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2N

  • Episode 19: Consent

    00:25 - Definition

    1:34 - “I would just do it anyway.”

    4:20 - It’s too bad Erin hates men…

    5:20 - It’s about OUTERcourse, too

    8:00 - Conversations with our kids about sexual consent

    16:20 - Is it possible to rape your spouse?

    17:41 - Sneak attack games at the pool and safe words

    22:57 - Thinking of “pesky” sexual assault allegations

    25:40 - Consent is SEXY

    26:50 - There are APPS!!

    28:00 - Dick pics: I would like to share an artistic portrayal of my dick with you!

    33:32 - We always question the victim.

    34:45 - It’s about power and control, not about sex - there are PLENTY of willing participants!

    35:21 - Explaining “The Bachelor” + digging into “Bachelor in Paradise” news…

    43:14 - Bottom line: EVERYONE has to be on board.

    47:27 - The beginning of the lack of consent comes from immaturity and the inability to discuss this stuff

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    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2
  • Episode 18: Activism

    1:17 - Clothing sizes are bullshit

    4:02 - Today we thought we’d talk about different forms of activism after seeing some really cool walk outs recently at graduations

    6:45 - Organizing via Facebook

    8:05 - Speaking to the young white women who looked so confused/shocked during the ND walkout...

    9:56 - This is a really inflammatory time in America because we have inflammatory politicians

    14:53 - Lots of ways to get involved - Planned Parenthood

    17:38 - The most important pieces of activism to Erin right now…


    19:22 - How do you respond to comments from coworkers that are inflammatory/bigoted?

    23:47 - I’m not necessarily looking to change someone’s mind all the time, I just want to make it significantly more annoying for them to show up with that perspective…

    26:04 - If we started speaking up, it would be a much less safe place for people to be bigots

    32:40 - Violence Against Women Act

    34:05 - Volunteering as a form of activism

    35:28 - Donating as a form of activism

    36:38 - Social Media/Digital forms of activism

    39:19 - Everybody’s busy...but you have SOMETHING to offer

    41:15 - When someone tells you their story, listen and believe that is their experience. How can you show up for them?

    44:35 - Don’t support spaces that actively go out of their way to go against causes you care about

    46:21 - Figure out how to be an activist that makes sense to you + use your voice in ways that are safe!

    48:30 - Don’t overwhelm yourself

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    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2


    Planned Parenthood


    Erin’s YT channel


    Book - Rules for Radicals

  • Episode 17: Internalized Vulva Phobia

    2:00 – Neg: How’d you become the princess of camel toe?

    5:05 – Our feelings about camel toe ARE internalized misogyny

    6:24 – Female genitalia shaming

    7:43 – Taking on camel toe activism and normalizing the SHIT out of it

    8:24 – Is Jen Sinkler now Princess Moist?

    9:48 – Internalized vulva phobia is just internalized misogyny and unpacking that

    11:48 – Camel NO and moose knuckles

    13:24 – We’ve been conditioned to hide it, but you can love how it looks!

    Questions – Concerns – Feedback? [email protected]

    Rate. Review. Subscribe. Share. Please?

    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

  • Episode 16: Reverse Racism - It’s a lie

    Questions – Concerns – Feedback? [email protected]

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    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2
  • Episode 15 : Street Harassment

    1:20 – I experience this EVERY SINGLE DAY + getting desensitized

    5:10 – My experience with Midwestern hospitality vs. street harassment

    7:18 – The psychology of cat-calling

    8:13 – It makes me feel small, it makes me feel unsafe…

    9:30 – I want to see more men say, “Knock it off!” + implied ownership

    10:50 – It’s really possible to give compliments without being skeezy

    12:29 – If I want to engage with a woman, how else am I supposed to do so?

    14:25 – It’s evolutionary for men to want to spread their seed, right? [eye roll]

    15:34 – Why aren’t more men offended by this? + and what we do when we see an attractive person

    17:17 – The topic of rape culture + arguing with me about my experience

    18:24 – The: “But, this isn’t just an issue for women…” argument

    21:27 – Don’t ask me what I was wearing

    25:15 – When women experience it, we feel unsafe

    27:45 – LISTEN!!

    28:16 – Hollaback and what we can do

    34:00 – Why do I need a gun to feel safe?

    36:09 – Raising our kids to be aware and respectful

    38:24 – My biggest hope…

    Questions – Concerns – Feedback? [email protected]

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    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2


    Hollaback (organization)

    Feminista Jones (blogger/writer)

    JarrettandJennie.com (brass knuckles)

  • Episode 14 :: Is Fitness Feminist?

    0:36 – Erin messed up! “Exploring” and “experimenting” are terms that feel a little heteronormative…

    2:33 – I catch myself saying “You guys”!

    6:10 – Slow the FUCK down

    8:28 – Consistency and cycles

    9:45 – Tease: “I just read a book about orgasmic meditation!”

    11:24 – Let’s get on topic, here!

    12:22 – There is a lot of controversy in the stock photo world

    13:29 – Is it ok to want to become lean, and use fitness to do so?

    15:16 – Autonomy as a driving force of feminism

    16:00 – Focus is on women becoming smaller and/or fitting into a narrow standard of beauty

    18:37 – Fitness is SO important for mental health, so take the parts of fitness that you don’t want to be part of your inner dialogue, out!

    21:43 – How social media is helping the feminist movement in fitness

    23:49 – Erin stopped lifting weights + you can just move

    27:49 – You have to feel your best to show up and give your best

    29:00 – Doing it for someone else is a distraction I can’t afford…Dammit, we’ve got to care about something else

    31:55 – What I am sure of is that the narrative keeps us small

    37:55 – What is anything that you want to do worth to you?

    39:43 – We have the habit of judging peoples’ fitness based on how they look

    40:50 – When I was a fitness model, I was super disempowered

    42:31 – I’ve been thinking a lot about my body recently…

    46:58 – So, Neg, why do you work out?

    49:45 – I was PISSED when I started working out regularly and noticed the difference it made in my mental health

    50:36 – I enjoy feeling more capable

    52:51 – YOU get to choose what strong means

    56:37 – Do you have any tips for making something a practice if it’s new for someone?

    1:00:55 – It’s really easy for me to get to a place where I feel energetically paralyzed

    1:02:13 – Anything can be a form of meditation

    1:05:22 – Focus on what aspects you like - and on enjoying it – while exploring fitness!

    1:06:14 – Question: Is fitness feminist? Answer: It depends!

    1:07:24 – Showing up and doing my thang

    1:12:10 – I want you to move, because…

    Questions – Concerns – Feedback? [email protected]

    Rate. Review. Subscribe. Share.

    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

  • iTunes:

    Episode 13 :: SLUTS??

    1:12 – Capturing our menses and dissecting THINX under fire

    5:33 – Sending lady nudes to my friends, and peers

    8:54 – Should we shop THINX and what do YOU want to take a hard stand on?

    12:46 – SLUTS: a term of endearment?

    15:09 – I don’t know what a slut is

    15:45 – Using it derogatorily – WHY?

    17:11 – I wonder if my being called a slut leant to more aggressive experiences for me (NOTE: the aggression is ALWAYS on the aggressor)

    18:52 – How did YOU respond to being approached as “easy”? + learning to be NICE

    21:37 – Societally, we think we have some kind of right to judge how people show up in their bodies and lives

    22:45 – We aren’t educating our children at all

    23:40 – TRIGGER WARNING STORY (through 24:20)

    25:00 – I wish more men would speak to this…

    26:10 – Putting our daughters in protective outfits

    31:04 – I am at the point where I am so sick and tired of being street harassed that I’m aggressive about it now

    33:50 – Erin’s big fancy news!

    35:44 – I am SO glad to have grown up in a world without social media and why

    36:45 – Moments of shame when I was a child, and how I thought I deserved it

    40:55 – Let’s pretend for a moment that Trump had consent to grab the pussies…

    43:03 – Googling “slut shaming” videos – here’s what I found (cat-calling is excused as evolutionary??)

    46:19 – What’s our role in this?

    48:33 – Keep asking yourself WHY you have these ideas of how women SHOULD act, dress, etc. (HINT: 100% of the time it’s misogyny)

    51:26 – Make empowered choices for your body, in your body, for you & “I was just raised better than you”

    53:06 – Stop judging people, it’s none of our fucking business!

    55:08 – It’s all about “What’s wrong with these girls?” What holding the men responsible?

    56:34 – We are choosing to show up differently, and we expect you to join in

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    We are told constantly how women need to be having more conversations like these...regularly. It’s time to get your tribe together (EVERYONE can be invited...even men!) and host a listening party! Treat it like your favorite show’s watch party, and have a discussion at the end! Once you get your crew together, make sure to snap some pictures of the fun and tag us on social media! Erin Brown has been known to Skype into book clubs about her books, so who knows what could happen???
  • Episode 12 :: First Listener Q&A

    2:23 - I just took Plan B for the first time…

    3:37 - Do we talk about tampons enough?

    5:40 - Plan B continued

    7:08 - RADIANCE RETREAT: Details & Real Talk (http://womensradianceretreat.com/)

    11:05 - Whose period is more powerful?

    Follow us on Instagram!! :: https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    13:06 - We got TROLLED and what makes me physically ill about it

    16:51 - ANAL episode feedback, our missteps, and NEVER go B to V!!

    Miss the ANAL episode? Check it out!

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

    23:27 - What’s the deal with mansplaining and men commenting on the female body?

    26:38 - We’re CALLING OUT THE MEN: Why DO you want to talk about women’s bodies and give us unsolicited advice?

    30:14 - How do I get out of the comparison trap? + Make your own stuff & FUCK your table

    36:36 - Addressing Roles: Gender Roles, Over-Identification with Roles, Role Reinforcement, etc.

    45:25 - How do you deal with everything - socially, politically, etc. - without letting it affect you on a cellular level (i.e. getting bummed out or depressed with it all)??

    53:28 - “Could you go back in time and do this show when I was a teenager?” and what we would go back and tell our teenage selves.

    Rate. Review. Subscribe. Share.

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2


    We are told constantly how women need to be having more conversations like these...regularly. It’s time to get your tribe together (EVERYONE can be invited...even men!) and host a listening party! Treat it like your favorite show’s watch party, and have a discussion at the end! Once you get your crew together, make sure to snap some pictures of the fun and tag us on social media! Erin Brown has been known to Skype into book clubs about her books, so who knows what could happen???


    Radiance Retreat - http://womensradianceretreat.com/

    Instagram (find us there!) - https://www.instagram.com/nastywomenradio/

    ANAL episode - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oslKqtdX9JE

    iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2

  • Episode 11 :: Cultivating Confidence

    0:43 - The myth of consistent confidence and worthiness

    3:30 - Your presence matters

    4:36 - Navigating feedback and not taking things personally

    10:06 - Showing up as I am

    11:06 - What makes you feel low and moving out of it (the pendulum)

    16:15 - Internal Struggle: the judge and the victim

    17:38 - Beyonce doesn’t wake up as Beyonce + tangent (putting energy towards change...and Beyonce)

    20:12 - What happens when you put too much stock in others’ opinions

    21:02 - Attaching outcomes to projects

    23:24 - “Write drunk, edit sober.”

    26:25 - They key to feeling confident is…

    27:09 - Inviting clarity in and tree huggers

    35:21 - Tear experiment - It’s OK to cry

    37:56 - This idea of perfection shows up everywhere

    39:27 - What’s in the way of you showing up as you need

    40:05 - Confident people own their mistakes

    42:27 - When it’s appropriate to apologize

    45:44 - Let’s talk daily confidence rituals

    51:38 - Music as a confidence boost

    52:28 - Borrowing power

    54:48 - Nobody is doing it like you are

    56:16 - We should all have the confidence of a mediocre white guy

    57:07 - We need you now

    59:41 - PRACTICE

    1:01:30 - “The Charisma Myth”

    1:03:38 - Do you experiment with confidence?

    1:07:51 - It’s not just you + girl club

    Like us? Please leave a review on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nasty-women-radio/id1197519158?mt=2


    Book - “The Charisma Myth”

    Book - “Feminist Fight Club”

  • Episode 10 :: BAD MOMS

    1:19 - Seeking diversity in Momming, not some standardized “perfection”

    3:10 - I lived so many years feeling guilty that I wasn’t the mom I was supposed to be

    5:33 - The politics of PTA & not room parent material

    9:56 - Talking about, and unpacking, guilt

    13:10 - Have you ever been mom-shamed?

    16:26 - I censor myself around other people's’ kids while still showing up as myself

    20:37 - I am someone’s mom...and I am a whole person raising a whole person

    21:58 - Female Speakers at events → do they exist? + a solution

    25:51 - My primary identifying characteristic isn’t “MOM”...does that make me a bad mom?

    28:24 - “I had all of these hopes and dreams. And then I had you…” & adding self-care to the mix

    32:19 - The taboo of not wanting kids and talking about it

    35:30 - Defaulting to Mom Group

    42:39 - Pregnant friends, mom forums, and support

    48:27 - Finding your place as a mom and permission to show up as you want
  • Episode 09 :: BODY IMAGE

    1:30 – Addressing #BoPo & Body Image Overview/Intro

    2:39 – You might not realize you have issues with your body until something sparks it

    3:20 – Neg’s story

    8:30 – “If, Then…”

    11:10 – Neg’s main healing mechanism

    13:00 – Erin’s story

    15:14 – “Just love yourself”, and other bullshit tropes

    20:50 – You have to be mindful of your own stuff…it’s not one-size-fits-all

    21:05 – Is it worth it for me to track macros?

    22:29 – Freedom vs. Restriction

    24:28 – “Everybody knows that if you lose the correct amount of weight, guys don’t cheat anymore”

    26:37 – We aren’t thinking about ourselves and what we want

    26:53 – How Erin suggests people start…

    27:27 – Nothing will change unless we change.

    30:00 – Magazines are NOT fully to blame for where we are...

    31:12 – The Beauty Myth

    32:27 – Stepping OUT of the box just to create a new one?

    35:04 – There’s ALWAYS a way for you to be failing…

    35:56 – It’s all about that ROOT wound

    42:49 – Where I agree with the body positivity community…

    43:43 – I FUCKING HATE: “We’re all works in progress”

    47:27 – Big difference between “gray hair” and “gray hair, gross”: Taking thoughts as truth

    49:11 – Today, I am not really excited about every part of my body, AND I love my body.

    52:05 – What makes Erin mad

    55:04 – What I love about beauty

    57:43 – Our challenge for you...

  • 0:01 - I try to convince all the women I know to have anal sex

    1:06 - Why we are talking about it

    2:15 - Erin’s brief narrative - It wasn’t working for me

    3:45 - “I think I should create detailed metrics about this” - Neg

    4:10 - Let’s talk EXPLICIT CONSENT

    5:24 - Communication is sexy

    9:03 - “Pure” societies and the “sanctity of your asshole”

    11:30 - Opening up to conversations on pleasure

    13:18 - Shout out to the Punany Poets & Pussy Potions Tea!

    14:53 - Finding extreme pleasure

    15:43 - You don’t have to try it, but I ask you to…

    17:22 - It’s far easier to time simultaneous climax

    18:42 - Laying out options...choose what’s best for you

    19:52 - Fear of having an accident

    20:40 - What made you continue exploring this option for yourself?

    23:07 - Avoiding accidents

    24:20 - How anal sex is portrayed in porn

    25:40 - Safety & security conversation

    27:20 - Erin’s labor poop story

    29:35 - Positions in porn make anal uncomfortable & positions for most pleasure

    35:36 - Is there prep work? What’s the foreplay for anal?

    36:25 - Olive oil?

    38:30 - Taking care of the mess

    40:28 - Main take aways

    42:00 - What’s the pitch for anal when I’ve got this other thing that’s working??

    46:09 - Exploring your body and feminist standpoint

    46:58 - How much lube?

    50:33 - Modern day anal sex with an empowered woman

    54:00 - The Aftermath

    55:30 - Submission can be hot