Join us on a deep dive into the realm of spiritualism as we sit down with spiritualist medium, Stephen Patrick, who is also a devoted follower of Santa Muerte. In this enlightening episode, we explore the beliefs, practices, and experiences that define spiritualism and its connection to Santa Muerte. From communicating with spirits to understanding the mysteries of the afterlife, this conversation offers a fascinating insight into the world beyond the physical. Tune in for a thought-provoking exploration of the spiritual realm and the profound insights it offers.
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As we approach the dawn of 2024, join us for a special New Year's Eve episode of Anam Cara: A Friend on the Journey. Discover the transformative power of vision boards as we explore spirituality, slow living, meditation, and wellness. Our host, Br. Pax, shares practical tips for crafting a vision board that reflects your deepest intentions and paves the way for a successful, fulfilling year ahead. Say goodbye to traditional resolutions and embrace a new path towards personal growth. Start your year with purpose, mindfulness, and well-being. Tune in and create a visual roadmap for a remarkable 2024!
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Join us in this heartwarming episode of Anam Cara as we venture deep into the realm of spirituality with a nature-focused perspective.
Discover the enchantment of the changing seasons, as we gracefully transition from fall to winter, and uncover the profound wisdom hidden within the essence of Yule.
Immerse yourself in the panentheistic view of the divine, a belief that bridges the transcendent and immanent, and how it can beautifully enrich your spiritual journey.
Delight in the enchanting symbolism of Yule and the comforting return of light during the winter solstice.
Find inner solace in the gentle embrace of the dark, and learn to recognize the sacred in every facet of the natural world.
Embrace the enduring spirit of life, as represented by the evergreen trees, and discover how it can invigorate your own inner vibrancy.
Join us for this heartwarming and reflective episode, designed to kindle your spirit, deepen your connection with nature, and inspire you to wholeheartedly embrace the beauty of the changing seasons.
Find Anam Cara on LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/anamcarapodcast
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AnamCara405 or Instagram @anamcarapodcast
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#panentheism #yule #wintersolstice #contemplative #spirituality
Do you practice your spirituality on the outside? On the in-between places of religion and spirituality? Join Pax as he interviews Ellis Anthony Peters a meditation and yoga teacher about going deep on the outside.
Find Anam Cara on LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/anamcarapodcast
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For more on Ellis Anthony Peters: https://www.ellisanthonypeters.com/
In this episode, Pax answers some questions he has received about what he actually believes. He discusses his four truths about God, life, the purpose of life, and what the heck it even means! Enjoy!
My guest on today's episode is Heather Hamilton, author of Returning to Eden: A Field Guide for the Spiritual Journey. This book is by far one of my favorite books and the best book I have read in years. If you have experienced hurt by a fundamentalist Christian mindset, and are not sure how to deconstruct the experience this book is for you. It invites one to read the Bible mythically and mystically through a lens of oneness rather than literally. It is for people of any or no religion. In this episode we talk about Christ as a Trans Woman, Mother God who won't leave us in our hells, and everything in between!
To learn more about Heather you can find her on Instagram: @heatherhamilton1 Facebook: www.facebook.com/heatherhamiltonauthor or her website and newsletter: returningtoeden.com
Find Anam Cara on LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/anamcarapodcast
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In this episode Pax interviews Marshall, Witch of the Southern Light. We talk about his new book, Cunning Words: a Grimoire of Tales and Magic, growing up gay, the power of story, animism, and living authentically.
Marshall is a cohost of a podcast called Southern Bramble, is a Patheos blogger of a blog called The Southern Light Diaries and author of the newly published Cunning Words: a Grimoire of Tales and Magic. Learn more about this fascinating person here: https://linktr.ee/WitchofSouthernLight
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Ben Stimpson (He/They/Them) has always been keenly interested in stories, whether they were the folktales of his homeland or the personal narratives and lives of others. In both his counselling and spiritual work, story takes a central role in how he explores and conceptualizes his own life or the lives of those around him. Ben hails originally from Caerwys, North Wales, United Kingdom but spent 29 years living in Ontario, Canada.Ben’s deep interest in reconnecting with his homeland and exploration of spiritual traditions of that place lead to a focus on ancestral work over the past half decade, all of which culminated in his debut book, Ancestral Whispers: A Guide to Building Ancestral Veneration Practices, available from Llewellyn Worldwide. Ancestral Whispers encourages readers to look deeper into story: story of self, story of family, story of community. It explores ancestral veneration as a modern spiritual path looking backwards to the ancestors while looking ahead to our own legacies.You can learn more about Ben here.
Find Anam Cara on LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/anamcarapodcast
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Br. Avallach Emrys is a dedicated spiritual seeker living on the shores of Lake Erie in North-Central Ohio, alongside his partner. He is currently a Novice Monk in the Gnostic Celtic Church Monastery, preparing to advance to the rank of Committed Monk. In addition, Avallach is a Novice in the Order of The Sacred Nemeton, exploring the depths of Celtic spirituality.
With a keen interest in parapsychology and the scientific understanding of metaphysical abilities and experiences, Avallach holds the positions of Professor and Dean of Curriculum at a Pagan Seminary. He is also furthering his spiritual education by studying the preliminary courses in the Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF) clergy training program.
In his free time, Avallach enjoys a variety of hobbies, including writing, reading, immersing himself in nature, and indulging in his passion for aviation. He is devoted to both personal growth and the enrichment of his spiritual community.You can learn more about him at: www.avallachemrys.com
In this episode, Pax explores topics about "what happens after death?" "What is our spiritual endpoint" and a reflection on the power of silence and contemplation.
Find Anam Cara on LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/anamcarapodcast
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Jory Pryor (he/him) is an inter-spiritual contemplative, grounded in the Christian tradition, while also drawing from the esoteric traditions of Buddhism, Tantra, and Advaita Vedanta. He hosts a podcast called Methods of Contemplation, which showcases various techniques for prayer, meditation, and contemplation from across all spiritual paths. Jory offers virtual spiritual direction for everyday people wanting to transmute their suffering to be of better service to the world.
Follow Jory here:
Find Anam Cara on LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/anamcarapodcastFacebook at https://www.facebook.com/AnamCara405 or Instagram @anamcarapodcast
Join our Patreon at https://bit.ly/3jmbFMi
In this episode Pax interviews Br. Fredrick-James, a married Benedictine monk. We talk about the monk's life, how one can be a married monk, and a God who is bigger than any one religion.
Mark Gladman, also known as Br Frederick-James is your friendly neighborhood Monk In Docs! Mark has served as a chaplain, podcaster, contemplative teacher and many more things. At the core of his work is a heart is to help you (re)discover, (re)frame, (re)imagine, (re)claim, and (re)member God, Jesus, Spirit, Scripture, and who you truly are whatever your religion.
Find Anam Cara on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AnamCara405
Join our Patreon at https://bit.ly/3jmbFMi
Luke is an ordained spiritual director, certified meditation teacher, and leads a non-profit organization called the Spiritual Journey Center in San Diego, CA. Luke has a deep passion for spiritual awakening, cultivating intimacy & Oneness with the Divine, teaching from both ancient & new wisdom sources, and helping with inner healing & wholeness through spiritual practices and Self-realization mentoring. You can learn more about Luke and his work at https://linktr.ee/LukeBricker
Find Anam Cara on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AnamCara405
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Keith Kristich, is a rising star in the Contemplative and Centering Prayer movement and founder of the Closer than Breath Community and organizer of the international Centering Prayer Summit. In this episode we talk about Jesus beyond the church box, self-emptying, and correlations between centering prayer and eastern meditation.
You can find out more about Keith and the Closer than Breath community at www.closerthanbreath.com or on Instagram under Closerthanbreath.
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Ethan Walker III was born and grew up in Oklahoma. In the late 60s, at the age of 19, he read Timothy Leary's interview in Playboy magazine and promptly left for the Los Angeles area to explore the psychedelic revolution. This led to cosmic experiences which put him on the spiritual path for the rest of his life. This is all chronicled in his book Into The Mystic - A Story of Light, Love and Spiritual Adventures. After ten years of practicing non-duality following the instructions of Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj, he met his guru Amma who put him on the path of bhakti or spiritual devotion. Many more cosmic experiences ensued at the hands of Amma. All of Ethan's books are explorations of the spiritual path and especially bhakti with the books Finding God's Love, Amma Is Love, Bhakti Sutras of Narada and 108 Hugs for Jesus. Now, 50 years after driving to Los Angeles to find LSD, he has focused his practice on love and the cultivation of love. These are specific daily practices to which he was directed and guided by his guru Amma. His Beloved is the Divine Mother and he has written three books of devotional poetry to her - Soft Moon Shining, A Cup of Tea and The Divine Mother of the Universe.
Keywords: Spirituality, Faith, Hinduism, Sanatana Dharma, Buddhism, Guru, Amma, bhakti, Nondualism, God
Leslie Grasa is a Laughter Yoga Ambassador and Certified Laughter Yoga Leader. In addition to being passionate about Laughter Yoga, Leslie is a performance artist who creates original performance work inspired by dreams and classic stories. She is also a Spiritual Coach and practices and teaches shamanic healing and Reiki. She is currently a PhD student in Transformative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). She holds both a Masters in Divinity and a Masters of Fine Art in Contemporary Performance from Naropa University. You can find Leslie most days helping to lead the free International Laughter Club on Zoom. https://laughteryoga.org/zoom-laughter-club/
I cannot believe we made it to Season 3. Thank you for joining me in the journey. In this episode I reflect a bit on life right now post-pandemic and glance ahead with easter eggs for upcoming episodes this season.
mindfulness, yoga, meditation, food
What is Embodied Spirituality? How does one practice it? Listen in on this episode as Pax discusses his practices and how it has made a difference in his life and worldview.
Dr. Christena Cleveland is a public theologian and social psychologist and author of the newly released book “God is a Black Woman”. In this episode Dr. Cleveland shares her journey from being a columnist for the evangelical magazine “Christianity Today” to working to dismantle the cultural “whitemalegod” and uncover the sacred black feminine.
You can find out more about Christina through her website: https://www.christenacleveland.com/ and her work at the Center for Justice and Renewal: www.justiceandrenewal.org
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