
  • Get the most out of today’s tech products that are specifically created to save you time on the mundane stuff so you can focus on getting results for your clients. Guest Ernie “The Attorney” Svenson’s biz tech consulting firm helps small and solo firms apply tech solutions without being overwhelmed and learn the “80/20 Rule,” getting more output with less input.  
    When it comes to efficiencies, automation plays a big role. In a solo or small firm, resources come at a premium. Learn to reduce wasted input through standardized, repeatable operating procedures and automation. (There are even tech products that help you create written standard processes learning from and organizing the work you’re already doing). 
    Imagine speaking into an app as you “brain dump” and having those thoughts come out organized and notated for later use. Imagine dictating legal work into an app and having AI organize your dictation, even correct it. You don’t need to type everything in today’s tech world. Maximize downtime.   
    It’s all about training yourself to think “automation first.” Even when a virtual assistant (VA) located in another country can fill gaps in your practice, learn your preferences, match your brand, and help you be your most efficient you without hiring a full-tie employee. Today’s most successful law firms are high-tech hubs. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. 
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    There’s no reason for a solo practitioner or small firm not to engage in today’s tech. Leverage technology to get a lot of results without a lot of effort. Learn how the “80/20 Rule” helps you get more done with less effort.

     If you’re a lawyer, time spent marketing is time spent not lawyering. Automation can perform repeatable marketing tasks (even social media, newsletters, and referral marketing) to help you bring in new business while you focus on results for your clients.

     Virtual assistants, or VAs, are remote workers, often in another country, who can perform the routine tasks that are eating up your time while you focus on practicing law.

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    ABA Techshow
    Zoom Clips
    Windows dictation
    Text Expander 
    “8 Great TextExpander Alternatives” 
    Lawclerk legal assistants

  • Clio, the longtime, long-trusted software tech provider for lawyers, has plunged into the accounting game. Time and case management, billing, payments, and simply keeping track of your bottom line all take up time when you could be doing something else, like, you know, serving your clients’ needs. 
    Now Clio has baked that accounting service directly into its practice management software package. 
    Frankly, attorneys – especially new solo practitioners – may have been taught very little about running a business. Being a good lawyer is only part of the game. Lawyers also need to know how to manage money and accounting. That’s where software and money management programs can help, including tax prep, accounting for ongoing work in anticipation of payment, capital distributions, and handling funds your clients have entrusted you with.  
    Hear why legal-specific accounting is so important (hint, legal accounting is not like any other accounting, and mistakes can truly hurt your practice). Plus, the top five features that must be part of any legal accounting platform. 
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Law schools and legal training may overlook the importance of accounting for a new law firm. It’s not intuitive. Hear how legal practice management firm Clio is incorporating legal-specific accounting functions into its platform

    Practicing law is what you signed up for, but managing money is what will keep your firm running. Never forget, your firm is a business that depends on accounting.

    Tax management, income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow management are not only crucial, but very weirdly specific in the world of legal accounting.

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Clio Accounting and Demo
    2024 Legal Trends for Solo and Small Law Firms
    New Solo, “Oh, The Messes We See” 
    New Solo, “Money Management 101 for Solo and Small Firm Professionals” 
    New Solo, “Winning The Battle: When It’s Time To ‘Modernize’ But There’s One Holdout” 
    Affinity Consulting
    Joshua’s Previous Appearances on Legal Talk Network:

    New Solo, “HIPAA Happens, But Compliance Software Can Help”

    On Balance: “Insights on Clio’s 2023 Legal Trends Report with Joshua Lenon”

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  • Guest Debbie Foster is the CEO at Affinity Consulting, delivering custom business strategies for legal teams. With her years of experience helping law firms modernize, she explains how to overcome internal roadblocks to modernizing. How do you recognize, and overcome, bottlenecks?
    It comes down to how people, often unintentionally, keep firms from using the best available new tech. It can be anyone from top leadership to support staff. But by understanding the reluctance, you can win them over.  
    The world of legal tech offers myriad solutions. True they cost money, but that should never hold a firm back if there’s ROI on the other side. Modernizing a firm’s tech can advance a firm, create efficiencies, and push the firm ahead. But fear of the unknown, and not understanding an investment’s potential, even if that’s coming from a single person, can hold everyone else back. 
    Hear how “absolute clarity” and a laser focus on what your firm needs can clear those roadblocks by helping you explain exactly what solutions you need and how new tech will meet them. Fear and uncertainty are the enemy. Start with defining a problem, then educate everyone on how a solution will solve it and how you will support the adoption process.
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Today’s legal tech is getting better, and faster, and more efficient. But sometimes a “this is how we’ve always done it” from a single person – anyone from a managing partner to a bookkeeper – can block upgrades.

    Don’t let one person hold back an entire firm. Hear how it all starts with identifying a problem and helping your “human roadblocks” overcome their concerns and get onboard.

    Fear of the unknown is real. Fear of looking “dumb” in the face of a tech upgrade is real. Fear of overspending is real. Empathize. Educate. Elevate. Help those resisters feel empowered and excited. 
    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Ben Schorr, LinkedIn
    Microsoft Designer
    Microsoft Bookings
    “Legal 3.Oh!” podcast archives
    Affinity Consulting
    “Pardon the Interruption: 2023 Edition,” Kennedy-Mighell Report
    “Prioritizing Progress: Building a Roadmap for 2024, with Debbie Foster,” Lawyerist Podcast

  • Two friends of the podcast return for this episode of New Solo to talk all things legal tech and the latest in AI services for lawyers. Guests Renee Thompson and Liz McCausland are both accomplished mediators and solo practitioners who depend on tech to boost productivity and keep up with their busy lives.
    AI is an emerging technology that is finding its way to more and more law offices. McCausland and Thompson served on a Florida Bar committee to draft an advisory opinion laying out ethical guidelines for the use of AI in legal practice.
    With ethical guardrails published, what’s next? A best practices guide and clear definitions and examples of AI for legal services. Client consent, the impact on fees and confidentiality, and even how judges view the use of AI and informing the court that AI played a role in your presentation are all pieces of the puzzle.
    It’s a brave new world. Where can attorneys new to AI find mentoring, what will clients and courts expect, and what about billing?
    Plus, hear about the Florida Bar’s Solo & Small Firms Section and how other solo and small firms are incorporating legal technologies. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but if you take in all these new tools step-by-step, you’ll quickly find yourself up to speed and exploring new frontiers.
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]   

    Hear from two lawyers who helped the Florida Bar Association develop ethical guidelines for attorneys adopting AI technologies into their practice.

    New tools are emerging at a rapid clip. But if you take it step-by-step, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed.

    Every small and solo firm is different. There’s no single “right way” to incorporate legal tech into your practice, but the days of a legal pad and pen are in the past. Stay current or fall behind. Help is out there, and you can do this. 

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Florida Bar Ethics Opinion 24-1, Jan. 19, 2024
    “Lawyer Cites Fake Cases Generated by ChatGPT in Legal Brief,” Legal Dive
    Damien Riehl on LinkedIn
    Jerry Bui on LinkedIn
    San Diego County Bar Association Member Benefits
    Clio legal software
    Smokeball AI
    Noodle AI Assistant
    vLex AI
    LexisNexis AI
    Miami Dade Public Defender Carlos J. Martinez

  • A new survey finds that clients care deeply about their attorney’s tech tools and tech skills. The numbers don’t lie: Legal tech matters. An efficient, integrated system is no longer “nice to have.” It’s table stakes, from case management to client communications to online filing and billing. 
    As a lawyer, guest Dan Lear found himself gravitating to the field of legal tech, including stints at Microsoft and Avvo and now as vice president of partnerships at InfoTrack, helping software developers provide the tech today’s lawyers, and their clients, want. 
    If you’re running your own firm, hear what clients say about their attorney’s tech skills and their expectations and how you can explore and implement the latest tools. 
    And if you’re a law school graduate who has found you aren’t truly attracted to traditional legal work, hear about the fascinating opportunities for lawyers in the field of legal tech development and consulting.
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    A new survey finds clients care (deeply) about their attorney’s tech and tech skills. And they expect those attorneys to use that tech to efficiently manage their cases

    Legal tech tools are advancing rapidly. Today’s tools can integrate every facet of a law practice, from case management and scheduling to digitally filing briefs, seamlessly.

    There are opportunities for law school graduates who don’t want to practice traditional law, instead helping tech firms develop new tools and helping law firms understand and implement those tools. 

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    InfoTrack Attorney Competence and the Client Experience
    Previous episodes featuring guest Dan Lear, On the Road, “Legalweek 2024: The Future State of the Industry”

  • You’ve opened your firm, hung out the shingle, and taken the leap. Now that you’ve made it a year or two, what’s next? There’s no step-by-step guide for small and solo practitioners, but you can learn from those who established a solo practice and made it through the first few years and how they’re moving forward. Hear guest Joanne Martin’s story, how she learned to hire, add relevant tech, and build on her success. 
    Martin is the founder, managing director, lawyer, and accredited mediator at Align Family Law, a boutique law practice based in Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Hear how she joined professional organizations, expanded her marketing, and drove her practice to the next step. 
    As you grow, you can build a network of like-minded professionals, ask clients for a Google review, manage and improve your branding and website, and hire a pro when you need technical help (and even personal coaching). You’ll learn as you go, but you can also learn from others.
    Once you get your feet under you, it can be tempting to be overly cautious with your emerging practice, but growth is essential. Spend the money when you need to, hire when the practice demands. Get better and bigger. 
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Launching a solo firm is hard. But so is taking that firm to the next level. Hear tips for growing beyond a one person show

    Adding associates and support staff may sound challenging, but making the right additions builds your business and takes routine tasks off your shoulders.

    It’s OK to spend on the tools and professionals you need, such as legal and practice management software and professional help optimizing your tech, even professional coaching. 

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Collaborative Family Separation Professionals
    Legends Legal Marketing
    Clio (Grow, Manage, Documents, and Payments)
    Microsoft 365
    Melissa Shanahan, Velocity Work coaching
    Previous appearance, “A Second Career: Building a Solo Law Practice Later in Life” 
    Previous episode, “Productivity Boost: Real Uses of AI in the Software You Already Have” 
    Previous episode, “Google, Maps, And Business? This is YOUR Episode” 
    Previous episode, “A Better AI, Built For Lawyers: Results You Can Finally Trust?”

  • In our previous episode, we talked about getting the most from the software you already pay for and use, especially those Microsoft tools. Now, we’re going deeper into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and how these tools help you be more productive and profitable. Don’t be scared, be ready. 
    AI enhancements and tools are already incorporated into the latest versions of your current office software. Remember when some were wary of early word processors, later hard drives, and eventually cloud services and document sharing? We learned to overcome those fears and master the advances. AI is no different.
    Look at your paid versions of Adobe Acrobat. If you have an online subscription, or the latest desktop version, you may already have an AI assistant. Learn to use it for contract and document review, document summaries, information consolidation for quick email distribution, and even reformatting. 
    Zoom offers AI “note taking” and post-meeting summaries (even a takeaway “to do” list for each participant). So does Microsoft Teams. How about turning a Microsoft Word document into a PowerPoint? Hear how we learned to stop worrying and love the AI.
    Questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    AI isn’t going anywhere. The technology is weaving its way into products you already pay for and use. Learn how to take advantage.

    Computer software advances are nothing to be afraid of. Increase productivity, cut repetitive tasks, and free yourself.


    But AI isn’t magic, and it isn’t as smart as you. Learn to build guardrails and know where you can’t fully trust it. A hammer is a great tool, but it won’t build a house. AI won’t run your practice, but it can help.

    Adobe Acrobat AI
    Microsoft Copilot, “Announcing Microsoft Copilot, Your Everyday AI Companion”
    Copilot for Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Copilot
    Microsoft 365
    Microsoft 365 AI Tools And Applications
    Microsoft OneDrive
    Zoom AI
    PC Guide, “What Is ChatGPT And What Is It Used For?”  
    Previously on New Solo, Adam Alexander, “AI And The Evolving Security Threats (And Protections)”

  • Is it time to review the tech tools you use every day? Are you getting the most out of your online services (or are you using the right ones?) 
    A lot has changed in the way Microsoft tools interact with the world of legal tech in the past year or so. So, we’ve got a special episode on tech. A back-to-school session where host Adriana Linares offers some no nonsense tutoring to help you get the most out of your Microsoft subscriptions and tech and be more productive. 
    Start with understanding your Microsoft account and the types of available add-ons and subscriptions. Take a deep dive into the types of Microsoft accounts: personal/family, work, and third-party accounts. Dig into available AI and how they apply to your business. And learn about security options, and why they are so important.
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Understand the array of Microsoft accounts and services. Business or personal? Security? Plus, add-ons and subscriptions.

    Learn why you should never mingle your personal and private accounts.

    Get the latest on AI add-ons such as Microsoft Copilot (and understand the security around these new tools). 

    Mentioned in this Episode
    Microsoft 365
    Microsoft 365 Pricing
    Microsoft Office.com
    Microsoft OneDrive
    Microsoft SharePoint
    Microsoft Defender
    Microsoft Loop
    Microsoft Copilot, “Announcing Microsoft Copilot, Your Everyday AI Companion”
    Copilot for Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Copilot
    Create a Gmail account
    Create an Outlook email account
    Google Workspace
    Previously on New Solo, Adam Alexander, “AI And The Evolving Security Threats (And Protections)”

  • AI, artificial intelligence, is super cool. But it’s not perfect, and it can get you into trouble. Start by reading the terms of service. Understand if you’re getting something for free, you get what you pay for. And finally, be careful.
    ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and all the new, exciting versions of artificial intelligence, AI, are exciting. But have you read the “terms of service?” Guest Daniel Whitehouse is a lawyer who practices in the areas of IT and digital security. He says even lawyers forget to read (really read) the terms. And that’s a mistake.
    Do you know who owns the data you input? Is it being absorbed into the AI’s own machine learning and shared with the public? Broadcasting your information into the world, for everyone to see, can be as easy as a checkbox you clicked on.
    Not to make you paranoid, but … be a bit paranoid. Even if you’re using Microsoft 365 and OneDrive, do you know if you’re using the professional or personal version (hint: there is a difference).
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected] 

    AI is a miracle but remember, it’s a “continuous learning model.” What is it learning from you? What are you sharing with these products?

    If you can’t find something you’re looking for in the terms of service, ask why that information is so hard to find. Be suspicious. Terms and service provisions should be clear and easy to read.

    Understanding how AI uses information, and how accurate it is, is especially vital in the legal world. 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Previous appearance on New Solo: “Did You Really Read Those Terms of Service?” 
    Previous appearance on New Solo: “Data Security and Florida Breach Notification Law”
    Bob Ambrogi, LawNext.Com
    Damien Riehl, LinkedIn 
    Carolyn Elefant, My Shingle 
    Microsoft 365
    Microsoft OneDrive
    Microsoft Copilot, “Announcing Microsoft Copilot, Your Everyday AI Companion”
    Copilot for Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Copilot
    Windows Security Center
    Microsoft Defender XDR

  • The world is changing, technology is changing, and the threats to your private files and security are changing. The evolution of AI is making it hard to keep up. 
    But don’t lose hope. It’s been a while since we’ve had IT expert Adam Alexander with us, but he’s back with more tips for solo practitioners and small practices. Alexander and his firm, InterNetwork IT, help attorneys identify, deploy, and manage security solutions and keep firms running efficiently. 
    AI is shaking up everything. We’ll talk about Microsoft AI “Copilots” and how Microsoft is integrating AI into your entire PC experience. You’ll be surprised at how this combination works for both Windows and Macs.
    Learn how to check security settings. Breaches are real and can be costly. Hear why it’s so important (and easy) to back up your files offsite
    We’ve seen some tremendous tools in both productivity and security. If you aren’t keeping up, you might be missing out on some time saving hacks (even a way to convert handwriting to text built into your Snipping tool). Get the scoop on this episode of New Solo. . 
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    AI is changing a lot, including the simplest tasks. In our latest tech talk, dive into AI products that plug right into your web browsers.

    Why file security is so important (and protecting your files is easier than you think … if you pay attention).

    Some daily activities require specific security efforts, including Payment Card Industry (PCI) security and even, if you work with medical information, HIPAA security. But you can do it.  

     Mentioned in this Episode:
    Previous appearance on New Solo, “The Microsoft 365 Special: Your Questions, Expert Answers”
    Microsoft 365
    Microsoft OneDrive
    Microsoft Copilot, “Announcing Microsoft Copilot, Your Everyday AI Companion” 
    Copilot for Microsoft 365
    Copilot for Microsoft Edge
    Microsoft Copilot for Windows
    Windows Security Center
    Microsoft Defender XDR
    Microsoft HIPAA products
    Previous episode, “A Short Primer on Microsoft Accounts, OneDrive, and SharePoint”
    Previous episode, “The All-Mac Edition: The Episode For Mac-Curious Attorneys” 
    Previous episode, “HIPAA Happens, But Compliance Software Can Help

  • Personal injury attorney Joshua “Josh” Bonnici left his first job out of law school to launch his own firm. Starting from scratch, just nine months later he hired his first employee and has been growing ever since. Bonnici built on his own love of cycling to focus on bicycle accidents and injuries, helping bicyclists in the bustling city of San Diego.
    Now he’s known as “The Bike Guy” and stands out in the crowded personal injury field by specializing in an area he’s passionate about. He’s an example of specializing in something you love, and he’s sharing his story with new lawyers just starting out.
    Bonnici walks us through, step by step, how he took advantage of an available incubator system, learned on the job from a mentor, and built his practice and his reputation. Hear how he got started, networked, built a brand, made himself memorable, and hired an assistant to make himself more productive. Real lessons from real life. 
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    “Follow your passion” is common advice. But in the case of guest Josua Bonnici, his passion for bicycling helped him stand out in the crowded personal injury field. 

    Hiring your first employee. Why it’s scary and why it’s necessary.

    How to develop a website and social media presence with a library of videos and testimonials. 

    California Lawyers Association
    Thomas Jefferson School of Law
    San Diego Bar Association
    Joshua Bonnici previous appearance on Legal Talk Network’s “On The Road” podcast

  • This inspiring episode tells the true story of a gutsy dad who started his own legal practice from scratch with no clients, no office, and no partner. 
    Guest Michael Mendoza is an Orlando solo practitioner specializing in family law. After graduating from law school with a growing family, Mendoza knew he wanted work/life balance instead of burying himself in a big firm with long hours. For Mendoza, the practice of family law is personal, having witnessed his parents’ contentious divorce. 
    Hear how Mendoza started with nothing, rolled up his sleeves, and launched a practice from putting together his tech to building his client base. How did he find clients? Did he advertise? What about a website? Or office space? 
    It’s been tough. But the combination of running his own practice and the satisfaction of helping families through a difficult period has proven rewarding. Mendoza’s story is a guide for young lawyers who want to hang out a shingle (he even has an employee now). 
    Nothing is easy. Nothing is perfect. It’s scary. But you can do this.
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Starting your own law firm is anything but easy. But it can be done. Hear first-hand from one attorney who did just that, from the ground up. 

    Software? Office space? Clients? Employees? Financials? There are a lot of balls in the air once you start juggling. 

    What are the best and worst decisions you can make starting out? (Hint: find a mentor).

    Florida Bar Association
    Florida Bar Association, Legal Fuel assistance
    Seminole County (Florida) Bar Association
    San Diego County Bar
    Nebraska State Bar Association
    Clio legal software
    Microsoft 365
    Adobe PDF management
    Text Expander
    Mycase legal software
    LawPay legal software
    George C. Young American Inns of Court

  • Let’s talk AI. Guests Nina Steinbrecker Jack and Ed Walters worked from the start to build Fastcase, now merged with international legal research firm vLex, striving to make legal research faster, better, and cheaper. Digging through law books is so 2010. Under the merger, incorporating generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), lawyers today have fingertip access to not only U.S. case law but also international law. 
    We’re witnessing a revolution in the use of generative AI, often producing results so good that it’s hard to determine what was written by a human and what was generated by the program. This is becoming the bedrock of legal research, saving attorneys time and money, allowing them work on strategy and building cases instead of hunting for case law.
    But regular, layman’s, AI is still experiencing some hiccups, “hallucinating” incorrect information as it struggles to learn. Breaking news only on New Solo: Coming soon to vLex and Fastcase, an AI Lab is developing a new class of AI built just for law, globally, called (for now) “Research Assistant.” This new level of AI will be so up to date it will include cases decided in as little as 12 hours prior to each request, fully vetted and referenced. 
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected] 

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a great tool, but it’s also prone to errors. One popular tool, ChatGPT, is fun, but it’s not for legal research. Can lawyers trust an AI program to create bullet-proof results?

    Breaking news on New Solo: Coming soon, vLex and Fastcase legal research together have built an AI Lab developing a new class of AI honed just for law, globally, tentatively called “Research Assistant.” AI results you can trust.

    AI is not going away. If you’re not keeping up, you’re falling behind. Get involved and stay current. The world of computer assisted legal research is blowing up.

  • You know the legal writing classes you took in law school? There’s a lot more to learn, and with a few steps, you can get better – and get better results. Guest Chris Schandevel is the “Brief-Writing Ninja” and passionate writing clear, simple, concise legal briefs that win over courts. 
    Courthouses are busy places. Judges and clerks deal with a lot of distractions and competing demands. Make your briefs stand out boy making them easier to read and follow. Any jargon, excessive footnotes, parentheticals, and asides just add to the chaos and detract from your argument. Good writing, formatting, and attention to detail matter. 
    Schandevel has created an easy-to-use, three-page style guide for legal writing and clear formatting. You don’t need to use fancy words to sell your case. Clear, simple language and a clean story help the court understand your argument and see your point.
    Take a deep dive into the art and artistry of writing and presenting a legal brief at the highest levels, and get some tips you can start using today. (Plus, do you know the official preferred font of the U.S. Supreme Court?) 
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Judges aren’t impressed with fancy words and jargon. A clear, easy-to-read legal brief is easier to follow to the conclusion you want your reader to reach. 

    Learn to remove barriers to the reader such as excessive footnotes, lengthy sentences and changes in “voice.” And do use the Oxford comma!

    What is the “cleaned up parenthetical?” (And how is it being adopted at the highest levels of the law?) Find out. 
    Mentioned in this Episode:
    BriefCatch software
    “Think Commas Don't Matter? Omitting One Cost A Maine Dairy Company $5 Million”
    “Cleaning Up Quotations” by Jack Metzler in The Journal of Appellate Law Practice and Process
    “Legal Writing: Font Matters,” Thomson Reuters
    Legal Office Guru
    Legal Office Guru’s Deborah Savadra on New Solo, “Word Up 2: Creating Tables of Authority with Ease”

  • The episode you’ve been waiting for. An all-Mac special with real Mac experts. More and more lawyers are using Apple Mac tech, including iPones, iPads, and laptops.
    In the past, there were challenges shifting between Mac and Microsoft, but today’s practice management programs can work on both systems. You like Macs? Then go for it, there is less and less to hold you back.
    Why Mac over PC? Cost, battery life, integrations between iPhones, the Apple watch, and iPads, as well as security are considerations. Only 15% to 20% of lawyers use Macs, so you do need to think things through and ensure you can share information with your Microsoft colleagues and opposing counsel. There are advantages and disadvantages. Make sure you understand every aspect.
    There are some basics to getting started. Maybe most important is to not “cheap out” when you’re getting your computer system set up. Our guests explain what you need, including processor speed and memory. It all matters. Law is your business, your computer is your tool. If you’re investing anywhere, it’s here. RAM? ROM? Gigs? Ports? What do you need?
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Lawyers use Macs. Yes, it happens, and it can go well.

     Know what kind of needs you have and learn how to use your Mac to your advantage. Speed, cross-platform exchanges, and even weight matter.

    Programs abound for Mac lawyers. It’s not like the olden days when Microsoft programs only worked on Microsoft platforms. Adobe, Word, Excel all can work smoothly on a Mac.

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Macs In Law Offices
    Jeff Richardson’s prior appearances on Legal Talk Network
    Brett Burney’s prior appearances on Legal Talk Network
    USB hubs on Amazon
    Adobe subscriptions
    Textexpanders for Lawyers
    Setapp for Mac
    Ulysses app for Mac
    Quick Look for Apple

  • Guest Andrew Schierberg retired from his first career after 20 years as a police officer, investigator, and chief in Northern Kentucky. Then he asked, “What next?” With a law degree and a lifetime of working in tense situations with people during their most stressful moments, Schierberg started a law practice with a focus on helping families by specializing in elder law and estate planning.
    He wrote his own business plan, shadowed established attorneys, sought educational and business development support, found shared office space with other lawyers, and developed a holistic approach that lets him to build relationships with his clients and work not only as an attorney but also as a trusted advisor.
    Learn how he set up his practice, selected case management software, established a flat-fee subscription plan for his clients rather than hourly rates, and developed an understanding of the needs of both elder clients and their families as they navigate a new stage of life.
    If you’re well into a first career, you might be surprised at how much your “real world experience” can translate to a solo law practice.
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]  

    Starting a solo practice as a second career and putting your “old job” skills to work in your new venture.

    The importance of selecting the right practice management and office equipment tools, learning about marketing, and asking for help when you don’t know.

    The value of finding a niche that lets you focus your energy on the kind of law that matches your passion. 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Fearless Paranoia podcast
    Life Care Planning Law Firms Association
    Maximum Lawyer podcast
    The 80/20 Principle podcast
    The Law Entrepreneur podcast
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing podcast
    Peggy Gruenke on Legal Talk Network podcasts

  • Take a deep dive into eDiscovery for small and midsized firms with an old friend and frequent New Solo contributor, guest Brett Burney, a lawyer and longtime consultant who’s passionate about legal tech. Facing a mountain of electronic documents from PDFs to spreadsheets to emails to texts in discovery? You don’t need to be an expert, but you do need to understand the basics, the traps, and the available tools.
    Start by accepting that electronic files aren’t paper files. They are inherently different and aren’t meant to be printed out. Embrace the format and treat electronic documents as what they are. If you print electronic documentation out, or you accept a printed version, you’re not getting the full picture, and you’re letting potentially valuable information slip through your fingers.
    It's a digital world, and litigation is more likely than ever to include emails, smartphones, voice mails, social media posts and comments, and texts.
    If you’ve been wondering if you’re doing the best job possible with eDiscovery, this is the episode for you.
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected] 

    Electronic discovery (eDiscovery) involves electronic files that are inherently different than paper discovery. What you need to know and mistakes you may be making.

    Metadata included in electronic documents can offer valuable clues that help you prepare your case, but it’s easy to contaminate that data.

    Understand the available tools that organize, preserve, and prepare digital evidence, including extracting text messages, voice memos, and emails from smartphones and tablets. 

    Mentioned in This Episode:
    Previously on New Solo, with guest Brett Burney
    LegalWeek New York
    “Forensic Image,” Science Direct
    Synctech SMS Backup and Restore
    X1 Search
    Page Vault
    WebPreserver vs. Pagefreezer
    Relativity One
    Digital WarRoom
    NextPoint blog, “eDiscovery with Outlook: 3 Reasons Why Outlook is NOT a Document Review Tool,”

  • Quite a few bar associations have practice management advisors (or perhaps someone in a similar role), but a whole lot of lawyers aren’t aware of how this free member service could help them change their practice for the better. Adriana Linares chats with fellow practice management professional Catherine Sanders Reach about the services they provide to attorneys — from consulting on technology and ethics to starting a new business and so much more.
    Later, the term “legal operations” might seem like it only applies to the “Big Law” end of the spectrum, but a solo or small firm should be just as keen on having well-planned operating procedures for their business from the get-go. Adriana and Catherine talk through easy-to-use tools that help law firms big and small operate with efficiency.
    And, last, Microsoft 365 is rolling out Copilot, and Adriana and Catherine are watching its progress with great anticipation. Tune in for their thoughts on how this and similar tech could impact your legal practice.
    Catherine Sanders Reach is director at the Center for Practice Management at the North Carolina Bar Association.

    Tapping into the knowledge your bar association’s practice management advisor has to offer.

    Legal operations for solo and small law firms.

    Microsoft 365 Copilot’s potential for lawyers.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Catherine’s From the Center Blog
    NCBA Center for Practice Management 
    ABA Legal Technology Resource Center  
    Lisa Crosbie - YouTube 
    Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot

  • For solos sharing office space with other attorneys, there are advantages, but also potential headaches. How do you navigate this arrangement?
    Guest Jared Correia is a podcaster, lawyer, and full-time business management consultant, sort of the lawyer you know who knows how to run a business. For clients, he digs into law firm management from the very high-level strategy to the nuts and bolts of tech and daily operations.
    Shared offices create issues with malpractice insurance, shared practice management software, and clearly communicating your solo status while working in what to a client may appear to be a firm.
    Plus, the important distinctions between website chat capability, automated chatbots, and the emergence of true artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. Learn where each product can fill gaps in your practice and turn leads into clients. Tech that may make your solo practice work like a larger firm.
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]

    Practice management problems attorneys in a shared office space encounter.

    Incorporating online chat and chatbots on your website, capture more leads.

    And where does the latest – ChatGPT artificial intelligence – fit?

    Resources from This Episode:
    Nebraska Bar
    Florida Bar
    San Diego Bar
    Book, “The Of Counsel Agreement” by Harold Wren
    ABA, Of Counsel defined
    ABA Techshow
    ABA Legal Technology Resource Center
    Apex remote assistants
    Smith remote assistants
    Abby Connect
    Back Office Betties
    Google A.I., “Bard”

  • Hanging up a shingle takes more than a law degree. Today’s legal tech and software helps solo and small practices be more productive and organized than ever. “Good enough” isn’t good enough. Know what you need, and get it!
    Adriana runs through the tech foundation of a successful firm: from the computers to the office software to the case management software and add-ons that can streamline your practice and better serve your clients.
    Adriana names names, provides recommendations, and answers the questions she hears from clients regularly. This is the personal consultation you have wanted … for free!
    Got questions or ideas about solo and small practices? Drop us a line at [email protected]

    PC or Mac? Does it matter?

    Office management tools? Make sure everything integrates, from your accounting software (hint, most accountants use QuickBooks) to your PDF creation tools. Don’t be cheap!

    Case management tools and “add-ons” save time and organize your practice. And when it comes to labeling files, don’t be clever, be clear and concise. You have 256 characters to name a document, use them all so you can share work.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Microsoft Office 365

    Google Workspace

    Adobe Acrobat Pro



    Clio Integrations

    ABA Legal Technology Resource Center


    Rocket Matter





    Microsoft OneDrive



    Law Firm Autopilot











    Abby Connect


    Back Office Betties

    New Solo Back Episode Library

    A Listener’s Guide to the New Solo Back Catalog