
  • 鈴木一朗的棒球生涯:
    日本職棒時期: 1992 年加入歐力士隊,以獨特的「鐘擺式打法」聞名,連續 7 年獲得打擊王,3 度獲得最有價值球員(MVP),奠定了他在日本棒球界的指標地位。

    進軍 MLB:
    2001 年加入西雅圖水手隊,初登場即獲得新人王和年度 MVP。2004 年創下單季 262 支安打的紀錄,至今無人能破。MLB 生涯累計 3089 支安打,加上日職紀錄,總計超過 4367 支安打。 “2004 年,他達成了單季 262 支安打紀錄,這個紀錄不僅無人能破,更成為大聯盟史上的燦爛頁章。

    名人堂入選的意義: 鈴木一朗接近全票( 99.75% )入選,是 MLB 歷史上極為罕見的成就,證明了他的傑出成就獲得了完全認可。 他的入選也象徵著棒球運動的全球化,為亞洲球員開創了更廣闊的可能性。 “他的入選也證明,棒球已經越過了國界,成為一個真正全球化的運動。亞洲棒球員的入選,讓對這項運動愛好者們看到了更廣闊的可能性和未來。”

    鈴木一朗的成就與影響力: 驚人的數據: 超過 4367 支安打的紀錄,展現出他對棒球的非凡天賦和頂尖打者的實力。 場外影響力: 他的職業態度、精進的技術、穩定性與耐力,都是年輕球員的楷範。他也是日美文化交流的橋樑,促進兩國體育界的互動。 “他的職業態度,不斷進步的基本功、一致性與耐力,都成為年輕選手不可或缺的樣本。

    名人堂榮耀背後的故事: 個人魅力: 鈴木一朗場上是巨星,場外也以幽默、謙遜和獨特的個性著稱,與球迷和媒體互動良好。

    光榮退役的時刻: 2019 年在東京巨蛋球場的最終戰,熱情的觀眾、輝煌的紀錄和經典名言,都令人感動和敬佩。

    未來影響: 他的入選將提升亞洲球員在 MLB 的能見度,帶來更多國際化機會,並啟發新秀。

    鈴木一朗未來是否會以教練、顧問或大使的身份繼續在棒球界發揮影響力,令人拭目以待。 結論: 鈴木一朗入選名人堂,是實至名歸的榮耀。


    Ichiro Suzuki Inducted into the Hall of Fame: A Cross-Border Baseball Legend

    Main Content
    Ichiro Suzuki’s Baseball Career

    Japanese Baseball (NPB) Era:In 1992, Ichiro joined the Orix BlueWave and became known for his unique “pendulum swing.”He achieved 7 consecutive batting titles and won the MVP award 3 times, solidifying his iconic status in Japanese baseball.MLB Era:In 2001, Ichiro joined the Seattle Mariners and made an explosive debut, winning Rookie of the Year and MVP in the same season.In 2004, he set the record for the most hits in a single season (262), a feat that remains unmatched.Ichiro’s MLB career included 3,089 hits, and when combined with his NPB totals, he amassed over 4,367 hits.“In 2004, he achieved 262 hits in a single season, a record that not only remains unbroken but stands as a shining chapter in MLB history.”

    Significance of the Hall of Fame Induction

    Near-Unanimous Selection:Ichiro’s induction with near-unanimous votes is an extraordinary achievement in MLB history, affirming his exceptional contributions to the sport.Symbol of Globalization:His induction represents the globalization of baseball, opening broader opportunities for Asian players.“His induction proves that baseball has transcended national boundaries to become a truly global sport. The inclusion of Asian players inspires fans worldwide to see greater possibilities and a brighter future.”

    Ichiro Suzuki’s Achievements and Influence

    Staggering Statistics:Over 4,367 career hits showcase his extraordinary talent and skill as a top-tier hitter.Off-Field Influence:His professionalism, meticulous skills, consistency, and resilience serve as a model for young players.Ichiro also acts as a cultural bridge between Japan and the U.S., fostering interaction and cooperation between the two nations' sports communities.“His professional attitude, constant refinement of fundamentals, consistency, and endurance have become indispensable examples for young players.”

    Stories Behind the Hall of Fame Honor

    Personal Charisma:Beyond the field, Ichiro is known for his humor, humility, and unique personality, fostering strong connections with fans and media alike.Glorious Retirement:In 2019, he played his final game at the Tokyo Dome, a moment filled with passionate fans, remarkable records, and memorable quotes that left a lasting impact.

    Future Influence

    Inspiring the Next Generation:His induction will enhance the visibility of Asian players in MLB, creating more opportunities for international players and inspiring rookies.Ichiro’s Next Chapter:Whether he takes on roles as a coach, advisor, or ambassador, his continued influence in baseball is eagerly anticipated.

    Ichiro Suzuki’s induction into the Hall of Fame is a well-deserved honor. He is not only a legendary figure in baseball history but also a cultural symbol transcending borders. His legacy will continue to inspire countless fans and players around the world.

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  • Review: Sports League Profit and Market Sizes

    作者: Jason Winfree, Connor Allen, Stefan Szymanski出版資訊: International Journal of Sport Finance, Volume 19, Number 1, Pages 25–38, 2024. DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/191.022024.02

























    作者Jason Winfree, Connor Allen, Stefan Szymanski

    Citation: Winfree, J., Allen, C., & Szymanski, S. Sports League Profit and Market Sizes. International Journal of Sport Finance, 2024, 19, 25–38. DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/191.022024.02.

    作者: Jason Winfree、Connor Allen、Stefan Szymanski
    出版資訊: International Journal of Sport Finance,第 19 卷,第 1 期,第 25-38 頁,2024 年。DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/191.022024.02
    本文探討了體育聯盟在選擇市場規模時,市場規模的異質性如何影響聯盟的經濟效益,並挑戰了「聯盟應將球隊安置於最大市場」的傳統觀點。 過去的文獻通常假設聯盟會偏好將球隊置於最大的市場。 然而,基於經濟模型分析,研究發現市場規模的異質性(即大小市場混合)實際上可能增加聯盟總收益,儘管這可能導致競爭不均衡。 小市場球隊的存在可以降低人才競爭的成本,並且在特定條件下可能提高整體聯盟的利潤。 簡而言之,相對於大市場球隊的優勢,小市場球隊的加入在特定條件下反而能對聯盟有利。

    重新評估市場選擇策略: 本文指出,聯盟的整體利潤最大化並不總是依賴於選擇最大市場,小市場的加入能帶來更高收益的潛在可能性。挑戰競爭平衡假設: 過往文獻認為,競爭平衡對消費者需求至關重要,但本研究表明,競爭不平衡對收入的影響可能較小,甚至在某些情況下有助於提高利潤。擴展理論模型: 通過結合市場規模的異質性與投資水平,建立了新的經濟模型,量化了不同條件下聯盟利潤的變化。

    1. 經濟模型設計:


    2. 數學分析:


    3. 實證數據參考:



    理論結果: 聯盟總利潤在市場規模適度不平衡的情況下最大化,這主要是由於降低了人才競爭成本。 小市場球隊的存在限制了大市場球隊的投資需求,從而減少了整體聯盟的支出。實踐洞察:聯盟在進行球隊擴展或遷移時,不應僅考慮最大市場,而應關注市場規模的多樣性及其對利潤的潛在影響。需警惕過度競爭平衡對收益的可能負面影響。



    本研究為體育聯盟的市場選擇提供了新的視角,強調市場規模異質性對利潤最大化的重要性。 未來研究應進一步實證化模型,並探討如何最佳化市場分配策略以提升聯盟的經濟績效。
    Jason Winfree, Connor Allen, Stefan Szymanski
    Winfree, J., Allen, C., & Szymanski, S. Sports League Profit and Market Sizes. International Journal of Sport Finance, 2024, 19, 25–38. DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/191.022024.02.
    Sports League Profit and Market Sizes Review
    Authors: Jason Winfree, Connor Allen, Stefan Szymanski
    Publication Information: International Journal of Sport Finance, Volume 19, Number 1, Pages 25–38, 2024. DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/191.022024.02
    This article explores how the heterogeneity of market size affects the economic benefits of sports leagues when selecting market sizes, and challenges the traditional view that "leagues should place teams in the largest markets". Previous literature often assumes that leagues prefer to place teams in the largest markets. However, based on economic model analysis, the study finds that market size heterogeneity (i.e., a mix of large and small markets) may actually increase total league revenue, although this may lead to competitive imbalance. The existence of small-market teams can reduce the cost of talent competition and may improve overall league profits under certain conditions. In short, compared to the advantages of large-market teams, the addition of small-market teams can actually be beneficial to the league under certain conditions.
    Main Contributions

    Re-evaluation of market selection strategies: This article points out that maximizing overall league profit does not always depend on choosing the largest market, and the addition of small markets can potentially bring higher revenue.Challenge the competitive balance hypothesis: Previous literature believes that competitive balance is crucial to consumer demand, but this study shows that the impact of competitive imbalance on revenue may be small, and even in some cases, it helps to increase profits.Expansion of the theoretical model: By combining market size heterogeneity and investment levels, a new economic model is established to quantify the changes in league profit under different conditions.

    Research Methods
    1. Economic model design:

    Apply a two-team game model based on the contest success function (CSF) to simulate how team investment affects winning percentage and revenue.Assume that market size (σ) affects the revenue and investment decisions of the team.

    2. Mathematical analysis:

    Use backward induction to analyze the optimal investment strategy of the team.Simulate the changes in total league profit under different market sizes, and draw the relationship curve between total profit and market size.

    3. Empirical data reference:

    Use market population data from American professional leagues (MLB, NBA, NFL) for comparative analysis to evaluate the practical applicability of the model conclusions.

    Results and Recommendations

    Theoretical results: Total league profit is maximized when the market size is moderately imbalanced, which is mainly due to the reduced cost of talent competition. The existence of small-market teams limits the investment needs of large-market teams, thereby reducing the overall expenditure of the league.Practical insights:When expanding or relocating teams, leagues should not only consider the largest market, but should also pay attention to the diversity of market sizes and their potential impact on profits.Be wary of the possible negative impact of excessive competitive balance on revenue.

    Future research directions:

    In-depth exploration of the nonlinear impact of market size on team investment and league revenue.Empirical testing of model assumptions, especially the impact of small markets on the long-term economic benefits of the league.

    This study provides a new perspective on market selection for sports leagues, emphasizing the importance of market size heterogeneity for profit maximization. Future research should further empirically validate the model and explore how to optimize market allocation strategies to enhance the economic performance of the league.
    Jason Winfree, Connor Allen, Stefan Szymanski
    Winfree, J., Allen, C., & Szymanski, S. Sports League Profit and Market Sizes. International Journal of Sport Finance, 2024, 19, 25–38. DOI: 10.32731/IJSF/191.022024.02.

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  • TOWO 文具董事長李聖文訪談紀要
    主題: 從金門少年到文具巨擘,李聖文董事長分享創業路上的挑戰與成就。

    出身金門,白手起家: 李聖文來自金門,高中畢業後帶著僅有的三千元隻身前往台灣,從水泥工、送貨員到業務員,一路摸索,奠定了創業的基礎。勤奮努力,創立品牌: 李董早期借宿親戚家,培養了尊重與感恩的態度,並將其融入創業理念。23 歲創立巨煬文具,以 "KMB" (金門囝仔) 鋼珠筆打響名號。逆境重生,放眼全球: 2005 年一場大火讓公司損失慘重,但李董並未放棄,反而將工廠遷至寧波,並藉此機會拓展海外市場,產品銷售至歐美及東南亞。創新研發,永續經營: 李董重視創新,曾與日本專家合作開發台灣首支凝膠筆,並持續投入環保文具、觸控筆等新產品研發。回饋社會,飲水思源: 李董秉持 "取之於社會,用之於社會" 的理念,長期捐贈文具給弱勢學生,並支持公益義賣活動。展望未來,多元發展: 未來將整合旗下品牌,成立東文集團,並跨足房地產、家電、線上文具平台等領域,持續追求成長與創新。



    結論: 李聖文董事長的故事充滿了勵志與啟發,展現了台灣企業家堅韌不拔、勇於創新的精神。他的成功不僅來自於勤奮與智慧,更源於回饋社會的善心,值得所有創業者借鏡學習。

    Interview Summary with Jack Lee, Chairman of TOWO Stationery
    Topic: From a Kinmen Boy to a Stationery Tycoon: Chairman Jack Lee Shares His Entrepreneurial Challenges and Achievements
    Key Points:
    Starting from Kinmen, Building from Scratch:
    Chairman Jack Lee hails from Kinmen. After graduating from high school, he ventured to Taiwan with only NT$3,000. From working as a cement laborer and delivery person to becoming a sales representative, he steadily built the foundation for his entrepreneurial journey.
    Hard Work and Brand Creation:
    In his early days, Jack Lee lived with relatives, cultivating respect and gratitude, which he later incorporated into his business philosophy. At 23, he founded Juyang Stationery and made a name for himself with the "KMB" gel pen, which stands for "Kinmen Boy."
    Rising from Adversity, Expanding Globally:
    In 2005, a fire caused severe losses to the company. However, Jack Lee didn’t give up. Instead, he relocated his factory to Ningbo, China, and seized the opportunity to expand into international markets, selling products to Europe, the Americas, and Southeast Asia.
    Innovation and Sustainability:
    Jack Lee values innovation. He collaborated with Japanese experts to develop Taiwan’s first gel pen and continues to invest in eco-friendly stationery and touch pen research and development.
    Giving Back to Society:
    With the belief in "taking from society and giving back to society," Jack Lee has consistently donated stationery to underprivileged students and supported charity sales, contributing significantly to social welfare.
    Looking Ahead, Diversifying Growth:
    Jack Lee plans to integrate his brands under the TOWO Group and diversify into real estate, home appliances, and online stationery platforms, aiming for continuous growth and innovation.
    Notable Quotes:

    "Back then, living in someone else's house taught me discipline—I washed my own dishes and never touched anything that wasn’t mine.""I realized many suppliers offered identical products without innovation, so I thought, why not create my own brand?""The setbacks at that time led me to move the factory to Ningbo, which ultimately helped expand my business globally.""Innovation is the lifeblood of all industries; we must keep learning and improving.""Taking from society and giving back to society has always been my guiding principle.""Young people should dream big, but stay grounded. Give back to society—success is more meaningful when shared."

    Chairman Jack Lee's story is both inspiring and enlightening, showcasing the resilience, innovation, and dedication of a Taiwanese entrepreneur. His success stems not only from hard work and ingenuity but also from his commitment to giving back to society, serving as a valuable lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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  • 乒乓球:活化腦力、預防失智的運動良方
    想要維持腦部健康、預防失智嗎? 讓這集 Podcast 為您揭開 乒乓球運動 的神奇功效!

    乒乓球是一項 結合有氧運動和認知訓練的獨特運動,它不僅能鍛鍊身體,還能活化大腦。研究顯示,乒乓球可以促進腦部血流,增加 神經滋養因子 (BDNF) 的分泌,並有助於清除有害的 β-類澱粉蛋白,這些都有助於 預防認知衰退和失智症。特別是對於 早期失智症患者,乒乓球的干預效果尤為顯著。相較於其他運動,例如跳舞、走路、體操和重量訓練,乒乓球對認知功能的提升效果可能更為出色。

    準備好迎接更健康、更靈活的腦力了嗎? 讓我們一起來探索乒乓球運動的奧妙!

    想要維持腦部健康、預防失智嗎? 讓這集 Podcast 為您揭開 乒乓球運動 的神奇功效!

    乒乓球是一項 結合有氧運動和認知訓練的獨特運動,它不僅能鍛鍊身體,還能活化大腦。研究顯示,乒乓球可以促進腦部血流,增加 神經滋養因子 (BDNF) 的分泌,並有助於清除有害的 β-類澱粉蛋白,這些都有助於 預防認知衰退和失智症。特別是對於 早期失智症患者,乒乓球的干預效果尤為顯著。相較於其他運動,例如跳舞、走路、體操和重量訓練,乒乓球對認知功能的提升效果可能更為出色。

    準備好迎接更健康、更靈活的腦力了嗎? 讓我們一起來探索乒乓球運動的奧妙!

    Table Tennis: A Fun Way to Sharpen Your Mind and Prevent Dementia
    Want to keep your brain healthy and prevent dementia? This episode will reveal the amazing benefits of table tennis!

    Table tennis is a unique sport that combines aerobic exercise and cognitive training. It not only strengthens your body but also activates your brain.Studies have shown that table tennis can improve blood flow to the brain, increase the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and help clear harmful beta-amyloid proteins. These all contribute to preventing cognitive decline and dementia.Table tennis is especially effective in intervening in early dementia.Compared to other exercises, such as dancing, walking, gymnastics, and weight training, table tennis may be even better at improving cognitive function.

    Ready for a healthier, more agile brain? Let's explore the wonders of table tennis together!

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  • 樊振東退賽事件: 勇敢抉擇與對桌球未來的承諾
    核心議題: 世界排名第一的中國桌球選手樊振東宣布退出世界排名,引發體壇震撼,也引發了關於運動員權益、職業規劃和賽事規則的深度討論。

    新規則的壓力: 世界桌球職業聯盟(WTT)於 2025 年實施的新規定要求世界排名前 100 的選手提前半年提交參賽計劃並強制參加指定賽事。樊振東認為新規則缺乏彈性,時間緊迫且缺乏溝通,他表示:「我僅在上週收到正式通知,要求嚴格遵守這些新規,並立即簽署相關文件。我目前無法對未來賽程做出清晰規劃,為了避免違反規則並對規則表示尊重,我選擇退出排名。」健康與長遠規劃: 長期高強度訓練和頻繁參賽對運動員身心健康造成巨大壓力。樊振東的退賽被視為對健康的重視和對長遠職業生涯的規劃。 文章提到:「近年來,全球體育界頻繁討論運動員因過度賽程安排導致的壓力與傷病問題。」退賽不代表離開: 樊振東強調退賽不意味著他放棄桌球,他仍會以其他方式支持和推廣桌球運動。文章指出:「他的每一次比賽、每一次舉動,已經為全球桌球運動注入了無限的價值。」對WTT的影響: 樊振東的退賽可能促使 WTT 重新審視新規則,並在體制與運動員需求之間找到平衡點。 WTT 在聲明中提到將提供更多獎金和資源支持賽事公平性,顯示其對此事件的重視。榜樣力量: 樊振東的決定展現了運動員在面對壓力和挑戰時的勇氣和責任感。 文章總結:「他的舉動讓我們看到,一位偉大的運動員不僅在賽場上成就輝煌,更能在關鍵時刻堅守自己的價值觀與選擇。」

    總結: 樊振東的退賽事件不僅是個人抉擇,更凸顯了當今競技體育面臨的挑戰。 如何平衡賽事規則、運動員權益和身心健康,是需要各方共同努力解決的課題。 樊振東的勇敢決定為體育界帶來反思,也為運動員發聲樹立了榜樣。

    Fan Zhendong’s Withdrawal: A Bold Decision and a Commitment to Table Tennis’ Future
    Core Issue:
    World No. 1 table tennis player Fan Zhendong’s decision to withdraw from the world rankings has sent shockwaves through the sports world, sparking in-depth discussions about athlete rights, career planning, and competition regulations.
    Key Points and Facts:
    Pressure from New Rules:
    The World Table Tennis (WTT) organization implemented new regulations in 2025, requiring the top 100 players to submit tournament schedules six months in advance and mandating participation in designated events. Fan Zhendong criticized the new rules for their inflexibility, short notice, and lack of communication. He stated:
    "I only received official notice last week, which demanded strict adherence to the new rules, and I was required to sign the documents immediately. Currently, I cannot make a clear plan for future competitions. To avoid violating the rules and out of respect for them, I chose to withdraw from the rankings."
    Health and Long-Term Planning:
    Frequent competitions and intensive training pose immense pressure on athletes’ physical and mental well-being. Fan’s withdrawal highlights the importance of prioritizing health and planning for a sustainable career. The article notes:
    "In recent years, the global sports community has frequently discussed the pressure and injuries athletes face due to over-scheduling."
    Withdrawal Does Not Mean Departure:
    Fan emphasized that withdrawing from the rankings does not equate to abandoning table tennis. He remains committed to supporting and promoting the sport through other means. The article states:
    "His every match and action has already contributed immense value to the global table tennis community."
    Impact on WTT:
    Fan’s withdrawal may prompt WTT to reassess its new rules and strike a better balance between institutional requirements and athlete needs. WTT acknowledged the incident in a statement, highlighting plans to increase prize money and resources to ensure fairness, demonstrating its attention to the issue.
    A Role Model:
    Fan’s decision showcases the courage and responsibility of an athlete when facing pressure and challenges. The article concludes:
    "His actions remind us that a truly great athlete not only shines on the court but also upholds their values and choices in critical moments."
    Fan Zhendong’s withdrawal is not just a personal decision but a reflection of the challenges competitive sports face today. Balancing competition rules, athlete rights, and health is a pressing issue that requires collective effort. Fan’s bold choice has sparked reflection within the sports community and set an example of advocacy for athletes.

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  • 詩與遠方:寒川的詩與情







    Poetry and Beyond: The Journey of Han Chuan ( 寒川 )
    In Singapore, a land of diverse cultures and vibrant creativity, there lives a poet who writes with his pen dipped in emotions—Han Chuan (birth name: Loo Kee Pow). His life is a symphony interwoven with nostalgia, literature, and passion. His work reflects a deep longing for his native Kinmen while embodying an unwavering dedication to the promotion of Chinese literature in Southeast Asia. As a representative figure of the Chinese literary community in the region, his story is a harmonious blend of literature, culture, and life.
    The Poetic Essence of Home: From Kinmen to Singapore
    "I write my heart, I write my words." This is how Han Chuan describes his creative philosophy in this interview. Born in Kinmen, he moved to Singapore with his mother at the age of five, growing up and building his life in the Garden City. Yet, the essence of Kinmen has never left his heart, becoming an indelible part of his literary work.
    "Kinmen is deeply etched in my soul. No matter where I am, my memories always take me back to that land," Han Chuan remarks. From Childhood in Kinmen to The Old House, his works are imbued with a profound sense of nostalgia and emotional connection to his homeland. He notes that separation and return are recurring themes in his poetry, representing not just physical distances but also emotional journeys.
    Literary critic Zhang Guozhi once commented, "Han Chuan's poetry is a symphony of Kinmen and Nanyang. Through his poems, he records history and connects with the roots of Chinese culture."
    A Literary Promoter: A Beacon for Indonesian Chinese Literature
    Han Chuan’s literary journey is not confined to poetry alone. His wife, an Indonesian Chinese, exposed him to the challenges faced by the Chinese community in Indonesia, particularly during the suppression of Chinese education and literature from the 1970s to the 1990s. Braving the odds, he became a bridge, smuggling thousands of Chinese books into Indonesia to support local writers.
    "The situation was extremely difficult at the time. Chinese books were taboo, and bringing them in required immense courage," Han Chuan recalls with determination. His efforts not only preserved Chinese literature in Indonesia but also earned him a legendary status in the Indonesian Chinese literary community.
    "I refuse to let Chinese literature disappear anywhere," he asserts.
    Building Bridges: A Leader in Southeast Asian Chinese Literature
    Beyond his personal creations, Han Chuan actively participates in literary organizations, fostering regional literary collaborations. As a key member of the Singapore Literature Society, he held positions such as treasurer and editor of multiple issues of Singapore Literature. Furthermore, he served as the Chairman of the Xishan Literary Arts Center (2012–2016) and was a long-term editorial consultant for the Xishan Biannual Literary Journal. His efforts have elevated the standing of Chinese literature in Singapore and established vital cultural connections across the region.
    In recent years, Han Chuan has taken on voluntary roles as the editor of the ASEAN Literary supplement in Indonesia’s International Daily and the ASEAN Forum section of the Indonesian Chinese Daily. He curated weekly columns featuring works by Chinese writers across ASEAN countries, including Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, leaving a lasting legacy for Southeast Asian Chinese literature.
    "Southeast Asia is fertile ground for culture. We need to cultivate it together so that Chinese literature can take root and thrive here," Han Chuan emphasizes, his tone filled with a sense of mission.
    Awards and Recent Works: The Continuing Impact
    In 2024, Han Chuan was honored with the "Indonesian Chinese Literary Contribution Award" by the Indonesian Chinese Writers Association, recognizing his enduring dedication to the development of Chinese literature in Indonesia. That same year, on June 1st, he released his latest masterpiece, Han Chuan’s Collected Prefaces and Postscripts, a compilation of his literary critiques, prefaces, and reflections—a comprehensive review of his literary journey and a tribute to his legacy.
    "Han Chuan’s Collected Prefaces and Postscripts is not only a testament to my literary journey but also a reflection of my hope for the future of literature," Han Chuan says about his latest work.
    In addition, Han Chuan has recently published the poetry collection Three Pieces of Sorghum, the essay collection The World According to Han Chuan, and the prose collection Writing from Huagang. He notes, "Literature is a form of inheritance and a hope for the future." He hopes his works will leave a space for thought and inspiration for future generations.
    The Poet's Mission
    Han Chuan, a poet who transcends time and space, has written a luminous chapter in the history of Southeast Asian Chinese literature through his selfless dedication and profound creations. His poems brim with intense emotions and profound insights, while his life itself is as moving and eternal as poetry.
    "Wherever we are, poets should always be the voice of human emotions," Han Chuan states.
    Through his story, we see not just the pursuit of personal literary goals but also a commitment to culture and a hope for the future. This traveler, with poetry as his compass, has journeyed through his homeland and foreign lands, turning his life into the most touching verses.
    This English version faithfully captures Han Chuan's literary achievements and his unwavering commitment to the promotion of Chinese literature, while maintaining the emotional depth of the original text.

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  • Nexus Voices Program Summary: Goals and Dreams
    Episode Theme: Goals and Dreams
    Core Concepts:

    Dreams are the call of the soul, driving us to become our better selves.Goals are the steps to realize dreams, helping us move closer to our ideal future.Many people fear failure, trying, and change, leading to stagnation.We should constantly reflect to ensure our actions align with our dreams, rather than remaining stuck in our comfort zones.

    Program Highlights:

    Definition of Dreams and Goals & Their Relationship:Dreams as the soul’s call: "Dreams are the call of our inner selves, driving us to become better versions of ourselves."Goals as a plan: "Goals are the steps to realize dreams, helping us move closer to our ideal future."Overcoming Fear and Taking Action:The fear of failure, trying, and change: "Many people get stuck because they fear failure, trying, and change."Avoiding ineffective behavior patterns: "As Einstein said: ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’"Constant reflection to align actions with dreams: "Perhaps each of us needs to pause from time to time and ask ourselves: Are my actions truly helping me achieve my dreams, or am I just spinning my wheels in the comfort zone?"

    Actionable Guidance:

    Three Questions to Clarify Goals and Dreams:What is your dream? "It doesn’t have to be perfect or practical, as long as it ignites a spark in your heart."What is the first small goal you can set for your dream? "It should be clear and actionable."If you can’t achieve this goal, is there another way to pursue your dream?Do one thing daily to bring you closer to your dream:"Make a commitment to yourself: Do one thing every day that brings you closer to your dream, no matter how small—whether it’s reading a book, sketching a blueprint, or simply talking to someone who supports you."

    Program Closing:
    This episode of Nexus Voices, themed "Goals and Dreams," guides listeners through an insightful discussion on the relationship between dreams and goals. It also provides actionable advice to encourage overcoming fear and actively pursuing dreams. The content is inspiring and sure to uplift and empower listeners who are on the path of chasing their dreams.

    Nexus Voices 節目摘要:目標與夢想 節目主題: 目標與夢想 核心概念: 夢想是靈魂的呼喚,驅使我們成為更好的自己。 目標是實現夢想的階梯,幫助我們逐步接近理想的未來。 很多人害怕失敗、嘗試和改變,導致停滯不前。 我們應該不斷反思,確保行動與夢想一致,而非在舒適圈裡原地打轉。 節目重點: 夢想和目標的定義及兩者間的關係: 夢想是靈魂: "夢想是我們內心的呼喚,它驅動著我們去成為更好的自己。" 目標是計劃: "而目標則是實現夢想的階梯,幫助我們一步步接近那個理想的未來。" 克服恐懼,積極行動: 很多人害怕失敗、嘗試和改變: "很多人會卡在一個地方:他們害怕失敗,害怕嘗試,害怕改變。" 避免重複無效的行為模式: "就像愛因斯坦的那句話:「瘋狂的定義是一次又一次地做同樣的事情,卻期待不同的結果。」" 不斷反思,確保行動與夢想一致: "或許我們每個人都需要時不時停下來,問問自己:我正在做的事情,真的能幫助我實現夢想嗎?還是我只是在舒適圈裡原地打轉?" 行動指引: 三個幫助釐清目標與夢想的問題: 你的夢想是什麼? "它不必完美,不必實用,只要能點燃你內心的火花就好。" 你為夢想設立的第一個小目標是什麼? "它應該是明確且可以行動的。" 如果你達不到這個目標,是否有其他方式能繼續追逐夢想? 每天做一件能讓你靠近夢想的事: "給自己一個承諾:每天做一件能讓你靠近夢想的事,不管它有多小,哪怕只是多看一本書、多畫一個藍圖,或者僅僅是多和支持你的人聊聊。" 節目結尾: Nexus Voices 這期節目以「目標與夢想」為主題,以深入淺出的方式,引導聽眾思考夢想和目標的關係,並提供具體的行動指引,鼓勵聽眾克服恐懼,積極追尋夢想。 節目內容富有啟發性,相信能為正在追夢路上的聽眾帶來鼓舞和力量。

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  • Pete Alonso's Free Agent Market Analysis
    In the MLB free agent market, 29-year-old "Polar Bear" Pete Alonso faces a pivotal career turning point. This article analyzes Alonso's market value and potential strategies from a sports economics perspective.
    1. Market Landscape and Competitive Environment
    The dynamics of supply and demand in the free agent market directly impact Alonso's positioning. Recent signings, such as 33-year-old infielder Christian Walker securing a 3-year, $60 million deal with the Houston Astros, highlight the continued demand for players with balanced offensive and defensive abilities, even at an older age. However, Alonso's high strikeout rate and relatively mediocre defensive performance diminish his appeal, particularly when compared to elite first basemen.
    Alonso's primary potential suitors currently include the New York Mets and the New York Yankees, but the bidding motivation from these two teams appears weak. Meanwhile, the Seattle Mariners' interest in Cleveland Guardians first baseman Josh Naylor may further undermine Alonso's utility as a bargaining chip for his agent, Scott Boras.
    2. Market Value Assessment
    According to MLB Trade Rumors (MLBTR), Alonso's market value is estimated at approximately $125 million over five years. However, the realization of this valuation is uncertain. The Mets' potential contract offers during the midseason or offseason are unlikely to deviate significantly from this benchmark, but the market's overall environment applies significant pressure against inflated salary expectations.
    Notably, some agent teams may hope to leverage Juan Soto's high-value contract to indirectly elevate Alonso's market status. However, Soto's "star premium" does not apply to a position like first base, especially for a player with a high strikeout rate. This approach is unlikely to yield the desired outcome.
    3. Insights from WAR Data Comparison
    bWAR (Baseball Wins Above Replacement) is a comprehensive metric used to evaluate a player's overall contribution. A comparison between Alonso and Freddie Freeman reveals critical differences in market positioning:
    Player Career bWAR (First 6 Seasons) Average bWAR Age Range Pete Alonso 19.8 3.3 26-29 Freddie Freeman 21.5 3.58 First 6 Seasons Freddie Freeman (Before Age 29) 26.2 4.36 Before Age 29 Freeman's metrics, both during his early career and at a similar age range to Alonso, demonstrate greater stability and contributions. At age 31, Freeman signed a 6-year, $162 million contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers, setting the benchmark for first baseman salaries. In this context, Alonso's market ceiling may fall short of this standard.
    4. Challenges for Agent Scott Boras
    As Alonso's agent, Scott Boras is known for his aggressive negotiation strategies, often creating competition among multiple teams. However, the changing market environment limits his maneuverability. For instance, if the Baltimore Orioles, San Francisco Giants, and Toronto Blue Jays fail in their pursuit of Corbin Burnes, the Giants might reallocate their budget to target Alonso. However, such scenarios are low-probability events.
    Additionally, the Cleveland Guardians' move to save $72.5 million through Naylor-related trades demonstrates a focus on cost efficiency. This trend exerts additional pressure on Alonso's bargaining leverage.
    5. Strategy Adjustments and Market Prospects
    In the free agent market, Alonso must account for the market's realities. He and Boras may need to adopt the following strategies:

    Short-Term High-Salary Contracts: Secure a 2-3 year high-salary contract to provide flexibility for re-entering the market later.Incentive-Based Contract Design: Include performance-based incentive clauses in contracts to reduce buyer risk perception.Differentiated Positioning: Emphasize his power-hitting capabilities and align with specific team needs, such as those of the Giants or Yankees.

    Alonso's market value is influenced by multiple factors, including performance metrics (particularly bWAR), age trajectory, and strikeout rate. These contribute to a cautious investment attitude among potential buyers. For Boras, finding breakthroughs in a constrained market environment will be critical. For Alonso, adapting to market realities and leveraging performance to secure the next contract is essential for realizing his long-term value.

    MLB自由球員市場中,29歲的「北極熊」皮特·阿隆索 (Pete Alonso) 面臨重要的職業轉折點。本篇文章以運動經濟學的視角,剖析阿隆索的市場價值與潛在的策略選擇。

    1. 市場情勢與競爭環境
    自由球員市場的供需狀況直接影響阿隆索的市場定位。從近期簽約動態來看,33歲的內野手克里斯蒂安·沃克 (Christian Walker) 以3年6000萬美元加盟休士頓太空人 (Houston Astros),顯示出市場對具備攻守全面能力、且年齡略長的選手仍保有需求。然而,阿隆索的高揮空率與相對平庸的防守表現,限制了其吸引力,特別是相較於一壘手的精英水準需求。
    阿隆索目前的主要潛在買家包括紐約大都會 (New York Mets) 和紐約洋基 (New York Yankees),但這兩支球隊的競價動力較弱。同時,西雅圖水手 (Seattle Mariners) 表現出對守護者一壘手喬許·奈洛 (Josh Naylor) 的興趣,可能削弱其作為經紀人斯科特·波拉斯 (Scott Boras) 提升價格工具的可能性。

    2. 市場價值評估
    根據 MLB Trade Rumors(MLBTR) 的評估,阿隆索的市場價值約為5年1.25億美元。然而,這一數字的實現前景存有不確定性。大都會在季中及季後可能提供的合約條件,預計與此評估相差不遠,但市場環境對於過高的薪資期望呈現出明顯的壓力。
    值得注意的是,部分經紀團隊可能期望利用胡安·索托 (Juan Soto) 的高價合約來間接提升阿隆索的市場地位。然而,索托的「明星溢價」並不適用於數據驅動的價值衡量模式,特別是在揮空率較高的一壘手角色中,這樣的策略難以達成預期目標。

    3. WAR數據對比的啟示
    bWAR(Baseball Wins Above Replacement)是一個綜合性的球員價值衡量指標,用於比較球員的全能表現。將阿隆索與弗雷迪·弗里曼 (Freddie Freeman) 進行對比,可以揭示出重要的市場定位差異:
    生涯前六季 bWAR
    年均 bWAR
    皮特·阿隆索 (Pete Alonso)
    弗雷迪·弗里曼 (Freddie Freeman)
    弗里曼的數據無論是生涯早期還是在阿隆索同齡時期,都顯示出更高的穩定性與貢獻率。他31歲時以6年1.62億美元加盟洛杉磯道奇 (Los Angeles Dodgers),創下一壘手的薪資天花板。在這一背景下,阿隆索的市場上限可能低於這一基準。

    4. 經紀人波拉斯 (Scott Boras) 的策略挑戰
    作為阿隆索的經紀人,波拉斯以談判策略強硬著稱,通常試圖在多支球隊間製造競爭。然而,市場環境的變化縮小了其操作空間。例如,如果巴爾的摩金鶯 (Baltimore Orioles)、舊金山巨人 (San Francisco Giants) 與多倫多藍鳥 (Toronto Blue Jays) 在爭奪科賓·伯恩斯 (Corbin Burnes) 的過程中出現結果偏差,巨人可能重新分配預算追求阿隆索,但這樣的情境屬於低機率事件。
    此外,守護者 (Cleveland Guardians) 透過奈洛交易節省7250萬美元的操作,顯示出球隊對成本效率的高度重視,這對於阿隆索的議價能力形成進一步壓力。

    5. 策略調整與市場前景



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  • O Captain! My Captain!
    By Walt Whitman
    O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
    The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
    The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
    While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
    But O heart! heart! heart!
    O the bleeding drops of red,
    Where on the deck my Captain lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.
    O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
    Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,
    For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,
    For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
    Here Captain! dear father!
    This arm beneath your head!
    It is some dream that on the deck,
    You’ve fallen cold and dead.
    My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
    My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
    The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
    From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
    Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
    But I, with mournful tread,
    Walk the deck my Captain lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.

    《O Captain! My Captain!》是一首由美國詩人沃爾特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)於1865年創作的詩,收錄在他的詩集《草葉集》(Leaves of Grass)中。這首詩是為悼念美國第16任總統亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)而寫,林肯於南北戰爭結束後不久被刺殺。

    船長與航程:詩中的「船長」(Captain)象徵林肯,「船」象徵美國,而「航程」則隱喻南北戰爭。詩以航程結束(戰爭勝利)、船安全靠岸(國家統一)為背景,但船長(林肯)卻不幸喪生,表現出詩人的悲痛與敬意。對比與情感:詩中將勝利的喜悅與失去領袖的悲痛形成強烈對比:人們在歡慶國家的成功之際,詩人卻因林肯之死陷入深深的哀悼。惠特曼運用了「心」、「血」、「死亡」等意象,刻畫出沉痛的情感。重複與呼喚:詩多次呼喚「O Captain! My Captain!」,既是對林肯的懷念,也是對他的尊敬。詩中還用「父親」(Father)來比喻林肯,突顯他在國家重建中的重要角色。


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  • "Does practice really make perfect?"
    We’ve all heard the saying "Practice makes perfect," but many psychologists and successful individuals argue that the way you practice is what determines whether you actually improve or not.
    Today, we’ll explore this idea in depth and share some vivid examples to help you understand how deliberate practice can take your skills to the next level!
    Part 1: What Is Deliberate Practice?
    Our main point is this: practice isn’t just about repetition—it’s about strategy and goals.
    Psychologist Anders Ericsson, the pioneer of the deliberate practice concept, emphasized that intentional, focused practice is the secret to mastering any skill.
    Example 1: Learning Guitar
    Imagine two people learning to play guitar:

    John spends two hours every day playing his favorite songs but never stops to check if his chord transitions are accurate.Alex, on the other hand, spends 30 minutes daily focusing solely on improving the speed of his chord transitions. He also records himself playing and reviews it to identify mistakes.

    After three months, Alex can smoothly play complex songs, while John is still struggling at the same level.
    Takeaway: It’s not about how much time you spend practicing—it’s about targeting your weaknesses and improving them systematically.
    Part 2: Why “Practice Makes Perfect” Can Be Misleading
    Many people believe that practicing more automatically leads to perfection. Here’s an example that shows why this isn’t true.
    Example 2: Free Throws in Basketball
    NBA players practice free throws all the time, but not everyone can shoot like Stephen Curry. What’s his secret?
    Curry doesn’t just "take more shots"—he ensures every practice session mimics the pressure of a real game. He sets time limits, simulates crowd noise, and imagines high-stakes scenarios, forcing himself to stay focused under pressure.
    Insight: If your practice doesn’t reflect the challenges you’ll face in real situations, it won’t help you improve where it matters most.
    Part 3: The Five Elements of Deliberate Practice
    How can you make your practice more effective? Let’s break down the five key principles of deliberate practice, with practical examples for each:

    Set Clear GoalsExample: Instead of saying, "I want to run faster," a beginner runner could set a specific goal like, "I want to finish a 5K in under 25 minutes within a month."Focus on Specific SkillsExample: A swimmer aiming to improve their speed might focus on perfecting their flip turns, as they directly impact lap times.Seek Immediate FeedbackExample: A dancer can record their performances or ask an instructor for real-time corrections to refine their movements.Challenge Your Comfort ZoneExample: Language learners can practice conversations with native speakers instead of sticking to simple exercises on a language app.Rest and ReflectExample: Acclaimed writer Haruki Murakami dedicates 4 hours a day to writing and balances it with running. He says physical rest helps him sustain his creativity and focus.

    So there you have it! Today, we explored the differences between “practice makes perfect” and deliberate practice. We also shared practical stories to inspire you to adopt a more effective approach to learning and improvement.

    這篇文章探討了「熟能生巧」和「刻意練習」的差異。文章指出,並非單純的練習就能讓人變得完美,更重要的是練習的方式。1 心理學家安德斯·艾利克森提出的「刻意練習」理論強調,有目標、有策略的練習才是精進的關鍵。1
    文章以學習吉他為例,說明了刻意練習的重要性。小華每天只花 30 分鐘專注練習手指換和弦的速度,並錄影檢討,結果三個月後,他的技巧突飛猛進。23 反觀小明雖然每天花兩小時彈吉他,但卻從不檢討和弦的準確性,因此進步有限。2 這個例子說明了,練習的重點不在時間長短,而在於是否聚焦問題並持續改進。3
    此外,文章還以 NBA 球星史蒂芬·柯瑞為例,說明了刻意練習的另一個重要面向:練習必須針對真實情境中的挑戰。4 柯瑞在練習罰球時,會模擬比賽的壓力,例如計算時間、設定分數、想像觀眾噓聲等,藉此提升自己在高壓環境下的專注力。4

    設定明確目標:例如,一位想學跑步的朋友,應該設定具體的目標,例如「一個月內把 5 公里跑進 25 分鐘」。5




    適當休息和反思:例如,作家村上春樹每天寫作 4 小時後會去慢跑,讓身體休息,以便獲得更多創作靈感。7

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  • Review: Web Scraping MLB Statistics to Predict Player Salaries Based on Performance
    Author: Alexander J. Schoessler
    Publication Information: Swarthmore College Senior Theses, Projects, and Awards, Spring 2023
    This study investigates the relationship between player performance and salaries in Major League Baseball (MLB) and predicts salary fairness using machine learning models. The research utilizes Python web scraping techniques to collect player performance statistics, personal details, and salary data from ESPN and Spotrac. Separate datasets for batters, starting pitchers, and relief pitchers were established. A linear regression model was applied to predict salaries and analyze the alignment between salaries and performance.
    Results indicate that high-salary players (e.g., top batters and starting pitchers) are often overvalued, while seasoned players with strong performance but lower salaries are undervalued. The model achieved a moderate accuracy with R² scores ranging from 0.5 to 0.6.
    Key Contributions

    Data Construction and Web Scraping Techniques: Demonstrates a comprehensive workflow using web scraping to create high-quality datasets integrating player performance statistics, salary, and contract details.Analysis of Salary-Performance Matching: The model reveals the overvaluation of high-salary players and quantifies the undervaluation of seasoned low-salary players.Practical Implications for Decision-Making: The study provides scientific support for salary decision-making in team management, especially in contract negotiations and player value assessment.

    Data Sources
    The data primarily came from ESPN and Spotrac, including player performance statistics, salary, and contract information.

    Dataset Construction: Data was scraped using Python and integrated performance metrics with contract details to form comprehensive player datasets.Data Preprocessing: Included data cleaning, variable standardization, and grouping, with separate modeling for batters, starting pitchers, and relief pitchers.Salary Prediction Model: Linear regression was used for salary prediction, and the model's accuracy was evaluated using MAE and R² scores.


    Model Accuracy: The mean absolute error (MAE) for batters was $4.28 million, $3.66 million for starting pitchers, and $1.28 million for relief pitchers. R² scores ranged between 0.5 and 0.6.Salary Mismatch: High-salary players (e.g., some batters and starting pitchers) are often overvalued, while low-salary, high-performing players are undervalued.

    Conclusions and Recommendations
    The study highlights significant structural issues in MLB salary distribution and recommends adopting data-driven methods for salary decision-making, using player performance metrics to enhance salary evaluations. Future research could improve prediction accuracy and utility by incorporating more advanced metrics and exploring other machine learning models.

    Review: Web Scraping MLB Statistics to Predict Player Salaries Based on Performance
    作者Alexander J. Schoessler
    出版資訊Swarthmore College Senior Theses, Projects, and Awards, Spring 2023







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  • 乾坤大略十部

    Photo by Felix Mittermeier / Unsplash












    "Essentials of Strategy"
    Volume 1: Knowing the Direction Before Raising Troops
    Before the troops are deployed, there is much to consider, though not every detail needs to be expounded. Once mobilized, success lies in advancing decisively and swiftly. Advancement amplifies momentum, while swiftness seizes opportunity; in a matter of moments, victory or defeat is decided! Understanding the direction of movement is critical, and this direction depends on the relative strength of the enemy. If the enemy is weak, a direct strike to their core might be possible. If the enemy is strong, it is imperative to flank and weaken their periphery—this is a fundamental principle.
    What does it mean to weaken their periphery? It means to "avoid the strong and attack the weak" and "capitalize on favorable opportunities." Avoiding the strong and attacking the weak throws the enemy into disarray, as if struck by a bolt from the blue. Capitalizing on opportunity spreads your fame and garners support far and wide. Consider how Emperor Taizong of Tang advanced toward Xianyang; he triumphed through progression. Conversely, note how Ying Bu retreated to Changsha and was defeated. Such moments of decision are fleeting and must not be squandered.
    Mastering these foundational principles of strategy is key to achieving dominance. Those who understand this need nothing more. As for temporary advantages or minor tactical decisions, they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
    Volume 2: The Essential Role of Unconventional Tactics
    Is there only one way to wage war? Certainly not. Once the direction is clear, the conventional approach becomes self-evident. However, without unconventional tactics to complement the conventional, victory cannot be achieved. For example, Xiang Yu fought Zhang Han at Julu, enabling Liu Bang to take advantage and enter the heartland. Similarly, Zhong Hui engaged Jiang Wei at Jiange, allowing Deng Ai to bypass obstacles and penetrate Shu.
    Thus, every battle has its unique unconventional tactic, every nation its distinctive strategy, and the world its overarching unconventional approaches. Sometimes, the conventional can serve as the unconventional, and vice versa. Yet, unconventional tactics are indispensable.
    Commanders who fail to recognize the importance of unconventional tactics are either incompetent rulers or blind generals, deserving the label "abandoning one's troops." Consider Su Shi’s analogy of scaling walls by unconventional means—his insight is irreplaceable. For instance, Liu Bi’s advisor proposed taking five thousand troops to secure the regions of Huainan and Changsha, then converging at Wuguan. Likewise, Cao Cao’s feigned retreat at Yan Ford while secretly attacking Baima illustrates the power of unconventional methods. Therefore, never presume a direct path suffices without complementary maneuvers; doing so courts failure.
    Volume 3: Decisive Engagements in Initial Encounters
    Should armies invariably engage in battle when passing cities they do not intend to occupy? The answer is no. Battles occur not because they are desired but because they are unavoidable. When encountering an adversary, fighting becomes essential to deter pursuit. Deep within enemy territory, the opposing forces will rally their full strength against you, hoping to crush your momentum. In such cases, swift and decisive action is necessary to break the enemy's will, lest your troops scatter in panic. Striking unexpectedly demoralizes the enemy while bolstering your forces, laying the groundwork for further advances.
    Historical examples abound: the decisive battles of Emperor Guangwu at Kunyang and Emperor Taizong at Huoyi are illuminating. Another instance is Shen Tianzi’s small force of a thousand defeating Yao Hong’s tens of thousands at Qingni. Shen declared, "Victory relies on ingenuity, not numbers. Facing overwhelming odds, it’s better to strike than be cornered." His success epitomizes the critical importance of seizing opportunity.
    Volume 4: The Art of Ambush and Surprise
    Combat is inevitable, but ill-conceived engagements bring ruin worse than inaction. Skillful commanders achieve victory through ambush and surprise. Examples include Sun Bin's defeat of Pang Juan, Han Xin's triumph over Chen Yu, and Li Mi's victory against Zhang Xu. Each employed weak forces to overcome the strong. While these are not the only techniques for victory, mastery of these methods guarantees success. Failure to employ them invites inevitable defeat.
    Volume 5: Consolidating Victory Through Diplomacy
    After victory, one must consolidate gains wisely. Subduing adversaries is best achieved through diplomacy, minimizing bloodshed. Following triumph, leaders must attract talent, stabilize governance, and integrate local populations, ensuring lasting control. For instance, granting titles to regional leaders often secures their loyalty without further combat.
    Victory breeds authority; fear compels compliance. Conversely, reliance on empty promises in moments of weakness leads to failure. Diplomacy succeeds only when backed by the weight of victory.
    Volume 6: Prioritizing Strategic Strongholds
    The ancient adage, "Do not attack unassailable cities," is fundamental. Strategic locations determine the success of campaigns. For instance, Emperor Gaozu’s decision to first capture Wan before advancing westward secured his rear, enabling unhindered progression.
    Neglecting critical strongholds often results in catastrophic setbacks. Examples like Di Qing’s capture of Kunlun showcase the decisive impact of securing strategic positions.
    Volume 7: Defending Strongholds with Tactical Foresight
    Conquering territory is easier than defending it effectively. Examples like Xiang Yu’s abandonment of critical locations, ultimately enabling Liu Bang to consolidate power, highlight the necessity of strategic foresight in defense. Mismanagement in this regard has repeatedly led to defeat throughout history.
    Volume 8: Building a Nation on Strong Foundations
    The advice of Zhuge Liang, advocating for a dual base in Jingzhou and Yizhou, exemplifies long-term planning. Establishing governance, securing alliances, and maintaining order are integral to nation-building. The decline of later dynasties often stemmed not from a lack of insight but from a failure to act decisively on sound strategies.
    Volume 9: Sustaining Armies Through Agriculture
    Warfare devastates civilian life and resources. Maintaining large armies becomes unsustainable without effective logistical planning. Historical successes often relied on agricultural initiatives like military settlements to sustain troops.
    Volume 10: Patience Over Hastiness
    Like cornering a tiger, overwhelming an enemy requires careful preparation. Rash actions often lead to unnecessary losses. Historical campaigns by Zhou Shizong and Song generals demonstrate the wisdom of patience. Victory is more often achieved through calculated restraint than reckless speed. This is an unchanging principle of warfare.

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  • Real Window / 秘境之窗
    Artist: Huang Yu Feng (黃郁芬), Taiwan, 1978
    Artwork Description:
    This piece, titled "Real Window", is created by the talented artist Huang Yu Feng using mixed media, a medium she excels in.

    Dimensions: 50.00 cm x 110.00 cm (artwork), 55.00 cm x 115.00 cm (including frame).The artwork features a title and date on the liner and comes directly from the artist.

    Artistic Style:
    Huang Yu Feng employs vivid colors and delicate brushwork, seamlessly blending nature with a dreamlike quality to craft a poetic ambiance.

    The artwork predominantly features floral and natural landscapes, incorporating both abstract and figurative elements to reflect the artist's profound observations of life.It is classified under Contemporary Abstract Expressionism.


    Overall condition: Excellent, with visible tonal and textural variations on the surface.Detail: A semi-transparent brown drip mark is visible at the bottom right corner. Under UV light inspection, no signs of restoration are detected.

    Additional Information:

    Artwork ID: 3, shipped from Taiwan.Terms: To Be Determined (TBD).

    Key Features:

    Mastery of Mixed Media:Huang Yu Feng demonstrates exceptional skill in mixed media, creating a unique artistic effect.Fusion of Nature and Fantasy:The piece merges natural elements with dreamy components, offering a surreal visual experience.Poetic Atmosphere:Rich colors and meticulous brushstrokes evoke a tranquil and poetic ambiance.Emotional Depth and Reflection:Beyond its visual appeal, the artwork conveys the artist's deep emotional insights and reflections on life.

    "Real Window" stands as one of Huang Yu Feng's signature works, showcasing her distinctive artistic style and profound understanding of nature and life. With its remarkable technique, vibrant palette, and meaningful narrative, the piece invites viewers into a dreamlike, poetic world of art.

    秘境之窗 / Real Window
    藝術家:黃郁芬 (Huang Yu Feng),台灣,1978年生

    畫面:高 50.00 公分,寬 110.00 公分含框:高 55.00 公分,寬 115.00 公分










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  • The Department of Industrial Economics at Tamkang University provides comprehensive information about the department, including its history, faculty, curriculum planning (for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs), as well as admission qualifications and graduation requirements for each program.
    The undergraduate program focuses on equipping students with foundational knowledge in economics and business. The master's program trains industry analysts and mid-level managers, with an emphasis on firm competitive behavior and industrial management. The doctoral program aims to cultivate academic researchers specializing in industrial organization and development, with rigorous graduation requirements that include publishing research papers.
    The department boasts a strong faculty team and collaborates with professors from other departments to enrich the course offerings.

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  • It’s true—life can feel overwhelmingly heavy at times. But in those moments, finding ways to conquer adversity with strength and even humor can make all the difference. Laughter doesn’t erase the weight of life’s burdens, but it can lighten the load, even if just for a moment. Sometimes, the simplest chuckle at life’s absurdities can remind us of our resilience and ability to keep moving forward.
    Do you have a favorite way to lighten the mood when things feel too much?

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  • The secret to feeling rich? Oh, darling, it’s not in the bank account—it’s in the mindset! Feeling rich is about appreciating the abundance you already have and finding joy in the little luxuries of life. Here’s the cheat code:

    Start by noticing. The comfort of a warm bed? Rich. A friend who texts you just to say hi? Loaded. Sipping coffee while the world’s still quiet? Billionaire vibes. Gratitude turns "enough" into "plenty."

    But tell me, what’s one thing in your life right now that makes you feel like you’re swimming in riches?

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  • Alexandra Fernandes, Luís U. Afonso
    Social Sciences, 2020/01

    Digital Transformation in the Art Market: A Case Study of the Portuguese Auction House Cabral Moncada Leilões
    This presentation document, based on "Online Sales and Business Model Innovation in Art Markets: A Case Study" and other related studies, reviews the main trends in the digital transformation of the art market. Using the Portuguese auction house Cabral Moncada Leilões (CML) as a case study, it analyzes how the company has leveraged online sales and business model innovation to address the challenges and opportunities of the digital economy.
    Key Themes and Insights
    Digitalization Trends in the Art Market

    The rise of online auctions has enhanced the transparency and convenience of art transactions, making mid-to-low-priced artworks more accessible to a broader audience.The digital economy has also driven the disintermediation of the art market, reducing the role of traditional dealers and enabling end consumers to directly participate in art transactions.

    CML's Digital Transformation Journey

    Since launching its online auction platform in 2016, CML's online business has grown rapidly. By 2018, online auctions accounted for 33.5% of total revenue.CML adopted a hybrid model, retaining high-value artworks for physical auctions while moving mid-to-low-priced items to online auctions.

    "After establishing its own online auction platform in 2016, CML's online auction business grew quickly, and by 2018, online auctions contributed 33.5% of its total revenue."
    Impact of Digitalization on Company Performance

    The increase in online auctions provided CML with a stable source of revenue, effectively alleviating cash flow pressures. Despite a decline in average lot prices, CML achieved profit growth by increasing commission rates and controlling costs.

    "With more online auctions held (e.g., 74 online auctions in 2018), CML successfully mitigated cash flow pressures, securing stable weekly income through online auctions."
    CML's Business Model Analysis

    Value Proposition: Deliver high-quality services and professional art appraisal, enhancing convenience and transparency through online auctions.Revenue Streams: Auction commissions, ancillary services (insurance, logistics, exhibition design, etc.), and exclusive online auctions.Key Resources: Expertise, the online auction platform, and brand reputation.Key Activities: Lot management and appraisal, auction events, and customer relationship maintenance.Customer Segments: High-end art collectors, mid-to-low-end market buyers, and professional investors.Key Partners: Art suppliers and providers of financial and logistics services.Cost Structure: Technology development and maintenance, physical auction operational costs, and marketing expenses.

    Future Challenges for CML

    CML must balance cost control and market expansion while continuously innovating its business model to meet the internationalization demands of high-value artworks.

    Supplementary Insights from Other Research

    Studies show that the relationship between league market size and profitability is not as straightforward as "the league should target the largest market." Differences in market size can reduce talent competition costs and increase overall league revenues.Research on Taiwan's Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) indicates that player salary adjustments are not entirely performance-based, revealing instances of inequity.Studies on whisky brand ratings and pricing have explored the accuracy of various machine learning models in price prediction.

    CML's ( 葡萄牙拍賣公司 ) case demonstrates that online sales and business model innovation are effective strategies for adapting to digitalization trends in the art market. CML's success offers valuable lessons for other art trading platforms aiming to enhance their market competitiveness.

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  • The Milestone of Global Amateur Table Tennis: The Birth and Development of the GPSL League
    This article is adapted from the podcast interview transcript “The Milestone of Global Amateur Table Tennis ─ The Birth and Development of the GPSL League.” It aims to review the origins, growth, key figures, future prospects of the GPSL League, and comparisons with the MLTT League.
    1. The Origin of GPSL
    Inspired by Germany's DTTB League:
    Aviation pilot Mr. Hong Da-Jun observed the flourishing DTTB League during his international travels. With nearly ten thousand participating teams, the DTTB has become a global benchmark for amateur table tennis.
    Health Benefits of Table Tennis:
    Studies show that playing table tennis significantly helps prevent or slow down dementia while enhancing learning and life enjoyment. It is a healthy lifestyle choice.
    A Turning Point for Amateur Table Tennis in Taiwan:
    Inspired by the DTTB League, Mr. Hong Da-Jun envisioned promoting an amateur table tennis league in Taiwan.
    2. The Birth and Growth of GPSL
    In early 2023, aviation pilot Mr. Hong Da-Jun and econometrics scholar Dr. Lu Chung-Yi co-founded the GPSL League and drafted the WTTA (World Table Tennis Association) blueprint.
    Early Challenges:
    The league faced difficulties such as limited resources, motivating participants, and uniting efforts.
    Key Supporters:
    Notable contributors include Dr. Fang Guang-Zong, a renowned physician from Hsinchu; Ms. Li Jia-Yi, the executive manager; and many engineers from Hsinchu, whose support laid the foundation for the league's success.
    Development Achievements:
    In just two years, GPSL completed two seasons, attracting 15 teams and approximately 200 players. With nearly 200 regular matches held annually, it has become Asia's largest amateur table tennis league, second only to Europe’s DTTB.
    3. Hsinchu: A Perfect Blend of Technology and Sports
    Hsinchu Engineers’ Passion for Table Tennis:
    Hsinchu engineers enthusiastically participate in table tennis matches, form teams, and even contribute to league organization and operations, making them one of GPSL's staunchest supporters.
    Social Responsibility in Promoting Table Tennis:
    These engineers aim to use their influence to allow more people to enjoy table tennis and foster community cohesion through action.
    The Fusion of Technology and Sports:
    Leveraging their expertise and passion, Hsinchu engineers have turned GPSL into a beacon of amateur table tennis in Asia.
    4. The Driving Forces Behind GPSL
    Dr. Fang Guang-Zong:
    An expert in preventive medicine who firmly believes in the positive effects of table tennis on brain health and has actively helped establish GPSL.
    Ms. Li Jia-Yi:
    The executive planner of the league, whose exceptional organizational and execution skills ensure the smooth operation of each match, making her the key figure behind the scenes.
    The Engineering Team and Enthusiastic Players:
    From venue setups to equipment maintenance, from data analysis to match recording, these individuals have laid the groundwork for GPSL’s successful operations through their dedicated efforts.
    5. GPSL and MLTT: A Parallel Journey
    MLTT (Professional Table Tennis League):
    Focuses on professional players, creating a professional and competitive environment.
    GPSL (Amateur Table Tennis League):
    Community-based, providing a fair and fun platform for amateur table tennis enthusiasts.
    Joint Efforts in Promoting Table Tennis:
    Though differently positioned, both leagues strive to develop table tennis, expand its influence, and achieve its universal popularization.
    6. Future Prospects and Best Wishes
    Remarkable Achievements with Limited WTTA Resources:
    With nearly 400 matches completed in two years, GPSL demonstrates that passion and professionalism can overcome resource constraints, uniting communities along the way.
    Future Outlook:
    The league aims to attract more teams and players, aspiring to become a global model for table tennis leagues.
    Best Wishes:
    May WTTA and GPSL continue to thrive, bringing table tennis to a broader audience.
    The birth and development of the GPSL League mark a significant milestone in Taiwan’s amateur table tennis movement. Its success owes much to a group of dedicated and professional advocates. Moving forward, GPSL will continue to provide a fair and enjoyable platform for amateur table tennis enthusiasts, promoting the universal popularization of table tennis.

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