Brought to you by Virtual not Distant, the 21st Century Work Life podcast looks at leading and managing remote teams, online collaboration and working in distributed organisations.
Join Pilar Orti, guests & co-hosts as they shine the spotlight on the most relevant themes and news relevant to the modern knowledge worker. -
If you need advice on how to find and keep the right talent in the trucking industry, you have made it to the right place!
Recruit and Retain: Trucking Edition is all about developing the best practices and methods for finding talent and keeping it in the trucking industry.
Turnover can be almost 100% for many companies over the course of a few years which is ASTOUNDING! Yet the demand for employees in the trucking industry remains at an all time high. What is going wrong? Why is it so hard to find the right employee? And when you do, why is it so hard to keep them?
Chad Hendricks will be interviewing experts across the country to help you solve those problems and make your company more profitable and stable than it has ever been! -
Why is it that products are so hard to develop and deliver?
How can we truly deliver value with so many different variables that can affect the outcome?
We are Sander Dur and Jim Sammons, professional consultants and trainers who support organizations in their pursuit of creating valuable products. Passionate about helping the community and practitioners apply the theory many authors and thought leaders bring to the industry, we started this podcast to make these concepts more accessible.
This podcast will change your career and organization. You’ll be entertained while learning about the industry’s leaders and other practitioners, and you’ll feel familiar with the situations discussed as we invite guests over and discuss tools, concepts, models, metrics, leadership, frameworks, and many more elements that help you deliver amazing products.
Both of us understand the many struggles, challenges, antipatterns, and dysfunctions many of us face in our daily working lives. We are here to provide actionable advice and strategies for you to create continuous improvement. You will find things that actually work for many organizations, as we and our guests have tried and tested them.
You will find a goldmine of actionable information from many fields, including the space industry, Formula 1, psychology, and Silicon Valley’s top entrepreneurs. We break down these complex topics into easily digestible insights that you can start applying in your careers right away. The best part is that you can even join our live recordings to ask your most burning questions and get them answered based on your needs!
We dive deep into the world of business agility, product discovery, delivery, validation, product management, and product frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, LeSS, and many more. We’ll explore the benefits of decentralized decision-making, autonomous empowered teams, leadership, and much more. We empower you with the information you need to become the leaders your organization deserve.
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information. -
De Broedcast neemt je mee in de zoektocht naar leiderschap van deze tijd. Leiderschap dat het verschil maakt, dat nu nodig is op weg naar een betere wereld. Deze podcasts volgen het ritme van de seizoenen en
zijn een opmaat voor onze meet-up CALL-out. -
Der Podcast „Menschen in Führung“ stellt tradiertes Wissen über Leadership und Unternehmertum auf die Probe. Gemeinsam mit ihren Gästen begibt sich Sabrina von Nessen auf die Suche nach der Essenz von Unternehmensführung und Mitarbeiterführung. Sie suchen die Antwort darauf, wie Menschen ticken, was sie antreibt und zum Erfolg führt. Dabei berichten die Gäste nicht nur über Höhen, sondern auch über Niederlagen, schwache Momente und Tiefpunkte des Lebens, denn Führungspersonen dürfen verletzlich und authentisch sein. Der Zeitpunkt für eine neue, humane und emotionale Art der Führung und ein neues unternehmerisches Denken ist gekommen, denn gerade in New Work suchen Mitarbeitende nicht nur nach Verantwortung und Erfüllung, sondern auch nach Austausch auf Augenhöhe.
Kristen Harcourt is an emotional intelligence expert, keynote speaker, executive coach and trainer who’s on a mission to humanize work and transform leaders. She interviews progressive CEOs, strategic HR leaders and forward-thinking experts who are passionate about leadership development and creating positive work cultures. You will leave these conversations with fresh ideas, new perspectives, actionable ways to grow as a leader and tons of inspiration ⇢ Learn more at
In 'Omgevingsmanagement, de podcast' neemt Carlijn Bergshoeff je mee langs mooie projecten in Nederland, waar omgevingsmanagement op een inspirerende manier wordt ingevuld.
Een podcast over innovatieve technieken die we gebruiken in ons expertise center voor de beste klantervaring!
The Workplace Forward Podcast is designed to empower perpetually busy, always overstretched senior leaders to prioritize professional development. We aim to answer the question: what behaviors, practices, beliefs, and skills must the future leader possess so that they can successfully lead systems that have changed (and will continue to) at warp speed?
The Workplace Forward Podcast provides senior-level leaders and executives with essential insights they can use to navigate the future workplace—along with best practices on bringing out the more human side of leadership.
The Podcast features Tegan’s interviews with executives, experts, authors, and innovators about their leadership journeys. Tegan’s conversations focus on workplace issues, business initiatives, and self-care solutions that will help executives take well-deserved time to learn, recharge, and stay ahead of the curve on emerging leadership ideas to gain peace of mind. -
Informatiehuishouding, digitaliseren, vernietigen, KPI’s, selectielijsten, e-mailarchivering, records, procesflow, MDTO-schema’s, normering.
Archieven saai en stoffig?
Nee hoor! Luister maar eens wat wij hier doen. Wij zijn DOCFactory uit Rijswijk, een bedrijf dat overheden en organisaties helpt met informatiebeheer en archivering. Maar we zijn vooral een bedrijf met mensen! Onze collega Hester neemt je mee naar haar collega’s op verschillende locaties in het land om te horen wat zij doen. Luister naar PODFactory de podcast van DOCFactory en wie weet zien we je binnenkort als nieuwe collega of relatie. Kijk op en volg ons op LinkedIn en Instagram.
Enthousiast geworden? Bel of mail ons om de mogelijkheden te bespreken: 070-8200371 of -
You got the promotion—now what?
Welcome to Promoted: Stop Doubting, Start Leading, the podcast for professionals navigating the challenges of stepping into leadership.
Whether you’re leading for the first time or moving into a more senior role, this podcast is your go-to resource for making the transition with confidence and intention.
I’m Karen Gombault, a former CEO turned coach for ambitious leaders. I’ve been where you are—facing new responsibilities, higher expectations, and the pressure to succeed. Through my own experiences and years of mentoring others, I know what it takes to help leaders like you thrive in your new role.
Each week, we’ll explore topics like building trust with your team, managing up, setting boundaries, and overcoming self-doubt. You’ll walk away with the tools and insights you need to lead effectively, build influence, and create a leadership style that feels authentic to you.
If you’re ready to stop second-guessing yourself and start leading with purpose, tune in weekly to Promoted: Stop Doubting, Start Leading.
Let’s make your promotion the first step in a successful leadership journey.
Download my free guide "5 Simple Ways To Stop Energy Drain For Busy Leaders" :
You can also connect with me here:
For coaching inquiries or to learn more, visit -
Plevier & de inspirerende leiders is de podcast voor iedereen die stappen wil zetten naar Amplitief leiderschap om teams en organisaties te empoweren op een authentieke, inspirerende en succesvolle manier. Deze podcast wordt in samenwerking gemaakt met SkillsTown, dé online opleider voor professionals. Reageren of suggesties voor gasten? Mail ons via
Listen to Connor Heaney discuss all things open talent with industry experts. In each episode Connor speaks with legal, talent and leadership experts. Connor is the managing director of CXC EMEA a contingent workforce management company. Connor has a particular interest in the future of work in the open talent sector.
Introducing: The Powered by People Podcast 🎙️🎥
Join the rec hub CEO Harry Bigwood and his cohosts as they Our team sit down with some of the most amazing people from companies like Payhawk, Lovehoney Group, Klarna, Microsoft and more to bring you fun and insightful discussions on a wide range of topics. From managing upwards to scaling your TA team and workforce planning.
Stay tuned, because episode 1 is dropping soon! But, while you wait, be sure to check out our official Powered by People podcast trailer to get a taste of what’s to come.🚀 -
Leadership is a learned skill and learning is never-ending. “What got you here won’t get you where you want to go,” is an uncomfortable truth Fast Rising High Achievers run into at every level of their career. In fact, what got you here won’t even help you do your new job effectively.
Every step up the ladder requires a new level of leadership and “people skills.” Because “people” are now your job.
This podcast is here to help you master skills on four fronts on your way to the senior leadership team.
LEADING UP – You are now a trusted advisor. That means you are a sounding board, speak truth to power, and help your CEO get their job done, all while getting your job done.
LEADING ACROSS – You are peers are the power players in the organization. This is the team you are on. Your job is to lead from within that team while being a part of it. You are now a student of the Art of Co-opetition.
LEADING YOUR TEAM – You’ve spent a career honing your leadership skills and now have an even less direct impact on how things get done. Your success will only come from your team’s success.
LEADING YOURSELF – Relentless pressure, ambition, burnout, sleepless nights, and resentments, are the price you may be paying for your lofty position. Mastering your emotions, perspective, health, and relationships are essential to make this fun and sustainable.
The conversations, resources, and subject matter experts we will have is designed to help you “level up” in all four of these focus areas. Each week we will tackle a topic that will move you forward in your relationships with your boss, your peers, your team, and yourself. You'll be armed with tools and insights you will use throughout your career and in your personal life. -
Dé podcast over de woningmarkt.
Hi, I'm Amanda Healy Collins and I'm delighted to welcome you to my podcast. This is where I interview interesting and successful women in business to learn from their experiences. Each session is only 30 minutes long, which is plenty of time to gain some really valuable career insights! These women are true bad-asses so there's a ton to learn. I hope you can join me!
Of het nou gaat om werken met jong talent, jezelf ontwikkelen als professional, leidinggeven aan jongere generaties of leiderschap in het algemeen, wij hebben een hoop kennis te delen. Hoog tijd voor een podcast serie dus! Luister nu naar eerste twee seizoenen Unpacking Gen Z en Unpacking Leadership.
The People Strategy Podcast provides an ongoing coaching experience that the C-suite can leverage to align their people to more effectively execute the business strategy. The show challenges leaders to create a talent strategy roadmap that will increase profits and boost employee engagement. Host, Traci Austin, invites purpose-driven leaders to join her for deep-dive conversations on present challenges across the employee lifecycle. Listeners walk away with insights and strategic action steps to move them and their people forward. Episodes are ideal for Human Resource and Executive Level Managers to better understand how to create a strategy to serve their organization best.
Te beluisteren vanaf 5 februari 2024!
Abonneer alvast om niks te missen.
Met onze organisatie Blikverruimers geloven in de waarde van verschillende perspectieven aan tafel. Daarom stimuleren wij diversiteit in de boardoom en dat doen we altijd door de dialoog aan te gaan.
In deze podcast willen wij de wereld van toezichthouden toegankelijk maken en samen met jullie uitdiepen, door in gesprek te gaan met ervaren en jonge toezichthouders. Wat zijn de dilemma’s, hoe ga je om met aansprakelijkheid, en nieuwe onderwerpen zoals duurzaamheid en digitalisering?
Voor young professionals die misschien wel toezichthouder willen worden, de ervaren toezichthouder en iedereen met een interesse in de bestuurskamers van Nederland.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.