Loyal Listenters - we celbrate our 90th podcast and many thanks for your support! Today, we share our hilarious pub crawl stories. Ever do a pub crawl riding a tandem bike? Hav eyou ever been stranded on an island because you were having too much fun on a pub crawl? Mix up our Drink-Of-The-Week, Three Wiseguys and a Wiseman and laugh at our pub crawl stories!
Are you a Do It Yourself person? If so, have you evercut off the tip of your finger twice doing DIY projects? While doing a DIY projects, hoow many trips do you end of making to the hardware store? Do you find that duct tape is one of your best DIY tools? Mix up our Drink-Of-The Week - The Fixer Upper and laugh with us at our DIY escapades.
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Do you like shoveling snow? Do you own a snowblower or do you have a snow removal service? Do you wish your neighbor would shovel your sidewalk? Have you ever clogged your snowblower with a newapaper? How mad do you get when the city snowplow block up the end of your driveway with snow and ice? Join us as we share our snow removal stories. And when you are done snow shoveling, mix up our Drink-Of-The-Week, A Flaming Snow Drift!
When is the last time you cleaned out all the junk in your house or basement? Ever see your garbage collection people inspect your junk before they throw it in the garbage truck? have you ever watched to see if your garbage people take all the junk you threw out that week? If you have a cleaning service at your house, do you clean before the cleaning service arrives? Mix up our Drink of The Week - The Household Cleaner - and enjoy our throwing out junk stories!
Today's podcast we share our college party stories with our special guests, John and Bryan. Bryan works for Buffalo Trace in sales and marketing and is an expert in bourbon tastings.
So today, you will here our hilarious college party stories. And as a bonus, Bryan conducts a bourbon tasting with us.
So settle in, pour your self at Buffalo Trace and enjoy our podcast!
Can you believe it is already Christmas Eve? Are you ready for unseen circumstances? Have you ever watched your Christmas tree slowly fall over and not done anything to stop it? Ha a chipmunk ever invited itself to your family Christmas party? How many times have you put up your Christmas lights only to find they don't work the next night? Celebrate our Christmas stories with our Yule concocted beverage, The Kris Kringle, a delicious beverage that has the color of the holiday!
Our podcast today Boom Boomer..Out Go The Lights, we explore the Baby Boomer experience along with our special millenial guests, Steph and Mary. Do your children get frustrated with your inability use your phone and computer? Do you send memes to more people than you should? Do you post too much information on Facebook?
If so you may be entitled to compenstation or a Baby Boomer! Mix up our Drink Of The Week, a Next Generation and laugh with us as we Boomers get schooled by our Millenial guests.
Remember the food you loved as a kid? Do you still eat that now? What foods do you eat now that you never ate as a kid? Explore this food mystery with us and partake in our delicious Drink-Of-The-Week, "You'll Drink It And Like It" while you ponder the mystery of foods now and then!
Imagine, if you will and enjoy our hypothetical situation podcast where stange and unusual things happen. While changing your car battery, did you end up welding a wrench to your watchband? Do you have friends, that like to test the limits of the car fuel tank to see how far they can travel on empty? These are just a sample of our hypothetical situation podcast. So mix up our Drink-Of-The-Week, The Conundrum and ponder our hypothetical situations..
Did you ever enter into a subscription relationship with an 8-track, cassette tape, or record company? Remeber the excitement of getting 12 tapes or albums for a penny? But wait! Now the subscription kicks in and you are getting non-stop tapes and records you don't want! Mix up our Drinl-Of-The-Week, The Subscription and laugh with us on our subscription and rebate stories!
Have you ever gone camping with friends, only to be abandoned in the woods? What would you do to survive? Do you have the wilderness survival skills to live in the woods? Today, we share Bob's adventure of wilderness survival, after being abandonded in our Season 1 Espisode 2, The Great Outdoors! We seem to have left poor Bob out there somewhere when we were mixing the drink of the week, never to be heard from again until TODAY! Get your directions out of the woods with our Drink-Of-The-Week - The Compass! And marvel how Bob successfully survives his ordeal!
Today we share our crrazy trail running stories! Have you ever been tricked into running a team trail race and find yourself climbing up a muddy riverbank then running through a hot and humid cornfield? Ever run into a rattlesnake on a trail run? Mix up our earthy elixir, The Happy Hiker - and laugh at our crazy trail running antics!
Today, we talk experiences we would rather not talk about! Ever fail your driver's ed road test? How were your grades at college your freshman year? Ever hit your uncle with a golf cart? Mix up our delicious Drink Of The Week - Use the Fifth - and laugh at our stories. We really don't want to talk about this.....
Today is all about our fun food stories. From growing up around the family dinner table, to the strangest foods we have ever eaten. Ever eat scorpions? How about muskrat or frog legs? Remember eating frozen TV dinners? What was your favorite - the Salisbury Steak or Pork Loin? And after dinner, please mix up our delicious desert drink of the week - The Chocolate Eclair and laugh at our fun food stories!
Today we explore sifferent things to do durin the hot month of August. Ever start your neighbor's trees on fire? Or did you ever go river tubing with Godzilla? Ever been at a friends house and he starts chasing you around with a sword?
Laugh with us at our hot August stories and mix up our Drink-Of-The-Week - a Hot August Night and enjoy!
Today, we are excited to share our 75th podcast with you! Thank to all of our loyal listener's for supporting us. To date, we have listener's from all 5 continents except Antartica! Our 75th podcast is about vending machines.
Ever get a cold beer out of a Coke vending machine? Do you think there was a vending machine that dispensed holy water? Or that there is a live crab vending machine is China or Japan? Mix up our Drink-Of-The-Week, A Cavalier and enjoy our vending machine show!
Please note that this and all future Podcasts will be available on Tuesdays at 6 am.
Today we share our summer vacation stories with a very refreshing drink of the week! Ever go on a vacation to a relative's house and they give you a 50lb bag of potatoes as a parting gift?On your on vacation did you ever open an umbrella in the car and thought you invented cheese bread? Mix up our Drink if the Week - A Lakeside Lounger and laugh at our summer vacation stories!
Ever try to teach your kids how to swim and you can't swim? When you were a kid, did you ever ride your bikes to local motels to go swimming in their pools? When you go on family vacations, don't you find that the kids favorit thing to do is to go swimming? Mix up our refreshing Drink Of The Week, The Swimming Hole and relax in a lounger by the pool to watch the kids swim!
Do you remember your first bike? Do you ever ride your bike into a pool when you were learning to ride? Did you learn to ride a bike with a training wheel on one side? Did you ever try to repair a flat tire on your bike? Laugh with us on our bike stories while you enjoy our Drink Of The Week - a Flat Tire!
Do you enjoy summer grilling? Have you ever set your house on fire while cooking on the outdoor grill? Do you use more lighter fluid than you should to start your outdoor grill? Have you cooked elk on your grill? Mix up our Drink of the Week - Charcoal Starter - to guarantee and excellent grilling experience!
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