
  • Podcast guest Tim Fairbrother: https://rivalwealth.co.nz/financial-advice-provider-rival-wealth-2/


    00:00 Farming Background and Family History

    04:33 Lessons from Parents and Upbringing

    08:38 Leadership, Positive Reinforcement, and Communication

    14:15 Creating a Flexible Work Environment

    23:33 Planning for Growth and the Future

    25:29 Building Relationships and Personal Conversations in Financial Advisory

    27:41 The Role of a Financial Advisor as a Life Coach

    30:10 The Value of Feedback and Continuous Improvement

    33:22 The Challenge of Relinquishing Control as a Business Owner

    36:02 Determining Good Service through Client Surveys

    46:39 Embracing Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Financial Advisory

    48:34 Setting and Upholding High Standards

  • Podcast guest: https://theinsuranceguy.nz/


    00:00 Sleep Deprivation and Baby Sleep Strategies

    02:40 The Secret Club of Parenthood

    03:19 The Significance of Children's Birthdays

    04:47 Debating Burt and Ernie's Sleeping Arrangements

    05:48 The Role of Technology in Parenting

    13:28 AI and Administrative Tasks

    31:19 The Magic of Doing the Work

    32:41 Streamlining Content Creation with Video Editing

    33:41 Offloading Tasks and Focusing on Proficiency

    34:48 Overcoming the Fear of Failure

    49:34 Marketing Intent: Attracting the Right Audience

    53:05 Building Trust through Consistent Messaging

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  • Podcast guest Wayne Head: https://stratusnz.nz/


    00:00 Interest in Learning and Improving as an Advisor

    02:35 Understanding Individual Client Needs

    07:18 Designing an Ideal Financial Advisory Business

    08:20 Helping People and Making a Difference

    10:29 Fundamentals of a Successful Financial Life

    11:38 Money Management and Behavioral Issues

    14:57 Choices and Decision-Making with Money

    17:02 Saving and Investing for the Future

    17:43 Understanding Risk and Return in Investments

    26:41 The Value of Financial Education

    28:08 The Importance of Budgeting

    30:40 Providing Hope and Practical Financial Skills

    32:00 Understanding Spending Patterns

    34:47 The Dangers of Gambling and Impulsive Spending

    37:50 Using Incentives for Health Improvement

    40:43 The Aging Population and Financial Support

    42:48 The Role of Politics in Distribution of Assets

    43:31 The Challenges of Budgeting and Health

    44:45 The Benefits of Walking and Personal Goals

    47:01 Lessons Learned from Walking

  • Guest Sue Aitken: https://sjamortgages.co.nz/


    00:00 Creating Distance and Setting Boundaries

    04:09 Celebrating Successes and Solving Problems

    07:04 The Importance of Compassion and Understanding

    10:10 Learning from Personal Experiences

    12:13 Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

    15:20 Trusting the Gut Feeling

    22:37 Managing Expectations and Delegating Tasks

    24:21 Being Selective in Helping Others

    26:19 Setting Boundaries and Valuing Yourself

    30:45 Navigating Self-Worth and Charging for Services

    33:02 Training Referrers and Setting Expectations

    34:47 Defining the Quality of Opportunities

    39:28 Understanding Clients' Goals and Dreams

    44:53 Selling a Sense of Financial Security

    48:49 Helping Clients Sleep at Night

    52:05 Building Personal Connections with Clients

  • Kody Thompson: https://www.wrkpod.com/


    00:00 Introduction and Farm Life

    03:06 Experiences with Animals and Death

    04:25 Introducing Kids to Death

    05:06 The Psychology of Crying Babies

    06:09 Manipulative Behavior of Children

    07:17 Loving a Child Despite Annoyances

    09:10 Upbringing and Divorce

    10:33 Perceiving Trauma and Moving On

    11:29 The Influence of Past Experiences

    13:59 Balancing Past and Future Focus

    15:14 Awareness of Past for Present Understanding

    17:18 Preparing for Marriage

    21:52 Navigating Sexuality in Christian Relationships

    22:09 Approaching Relationships and Sex

    24:07 The Benefits of Waiting

    25:19 Leadership and Accountability

    27:58 The Liberating Power of Faith

    28:37 Balancing Accountability and Feedback

    31:28 Transparency and Emotional Stress

    33:09 Dissociation and Prioritization

    36:11 Sharing Emotions in Personal and Professional Relationships

    40:49 Inspiring Others with a Clear Vision

    46:04 Finding Purpose in Helping Others

  • Andrew Lavulavu: https://homeownership.org.nz/


    00:00 Efficient Business with AI

    01:53 Philosophical Question on AI Consciousness

    04:25 Human Connection and Value in AI

    06:14 The Value of Personalization and Human Touch

    09:07 The Cost and Value of AI Relationships

    09:53 Adapting to Life Events and Empathy in Advice

    11:23 The Evolution of Business Models

    12:25 The Role of Humans in Driving AI

    13:14 Efficiency and Scale in Business

    14:32 The Shift to Remote Work and Efficiency

    15:23 Incorporating AI in Customer Service

    16:36 The Benefits of Remote Workers

    19:20 The Rewards of Hiring Remote Workers

    20:56 The Challenges and Opportunities of Remote Workers

    23:03 Changing Lives Through Remote Work

    24:00 Starting a Business in Financial Services

    25:29 Success in Sales and Financial Services

    25:42 Early Sales Career and Financial Advisory Business

    27:10 Working in IT and Property Investing

    30:34 Starting the Home Managership Pathway

    31:54 Opening Hop Cafe

    38:12 Running a Cafe and Creating Loyalty

    45:19 Creating Connection and Quality in the Cafe Business

    46:55 The Importance of Coffee in Business Meetings

    48:04 Becoming an Entrepreneur and Creating Employment

  • Rose Ross: https://www.mikepero.co.nz/mortgage-broker/tauranga/rose-ross


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    01:48 Traveling and its Impact

    05:21 Marriage and Family

    06:54 The Rewards and Challenges of Motherhood

    09:58 Personal Development through Parenting

    12:10 Transitioning into a Career as a Financial Advisor

    15:11 Working with a Spouse

    22:25 Advice for Young Mothers Returning to Work

    24:10 Managing Different Types of Work

    25:27 Structuring the Day for Productivity

    26:54 Efficiency and Time Management

    27:39 Taking Over the Business

    28:44 Growing the Business within Time Constraints

    30:16 Setting Realistic Goals and Comparing to Yourself

    31:24 Leveraged Activities for Business Success

    32:21 Process Optimization and Efficient Resource Allocation

    33:53 Prospecting and Referral Sources

    34:58 Building Strong Relationships with Referral Partners

    35:59 Asking for Referrals and Expressing Gratitude

    37:44 Overcoming Barriers to Asking for Referrals

    40:14 Strategies for Asking for Referrals

    44:03 Prioritizing Prospecting and Growing Referral Sources

    46:25 Focusing on Client Growth and Satisfaction

    47:24 Building Genuine Relationships and Partnerships

    48:34 Taking Action and Putting Yourself Out There

    48:58 Vision for the Future

  • Richard Renfrew: https://www.lyfords.co.nz/


    00:00 Do fish have consciousness?

    00:26 The plight of animals and dissociation

    02:52 The downfall of humanity and inherent goodness

    05:03 Optimism vs. pessimism

    05:19 Creating a smaller bubble

    05:50 The fascination with polar bears

    06:40 The peaceful nature of harsh animals

    09:08 Differences in power and relationships

    10:29 Equitable relationships and agreements

  • Podcast guest details Peter Barry: https://mortgagelink.co.nz/find-an-adviser/mortgage-link-hawkes-bay/peter-barry/


    00:00 Introduction and Decision to Stop Drinking

    02:44 Confronting Life Without Drinking

    06:15 Finding Happiness and Meaning

    08:14 Overcoming Fear of Missing Out

    10:52 Navigating Social Interactions

    15:23 Exclusion and Self-Discovery

    22:42 Striving for Balance and Personal Growth

    26:15 Navigating Passion and Responsibility as a Father

    28:19 Parenting and Allowing Mistakes

    29:16 Navigating the Balance of Letting Kids Take Risks

    32:38 Positive Reinforcement in Parenting

    36:15 Accepting That Children Can Be Difficult

    38:38 The Challenges of Co-Parenting

    42:45 Diversity of Thought in Parenting

    47:02 Communication and Conflict Resolution in Parenting

    50:58 Maintaining the Relationship Amidst Parenting Challenges

    53:46 Navigating Arguments and Different Perspectives

  • Podcast guest Chris Batisan: https://streamgold.nz/meet-the-team/


    00:00 Upbringing in the Philippines

    02:35 Transition to Entrepreneurship

    05:35 Starting a Donut Franchise

    08:34 Setting Up an Internet Cafe

    11:45 Challenges of Starting Over in New Zealand

    15:37 Finding Community and Overcoming Loneliness

    23:39 Maintaining Love and Connection with Family

    25:41 Reuniting with Family in New Zealand

    27:36 Overcoming Financial Challenges and Pride

    31:34 Corruption and Poverty in the Philippines

    37:45 Addressing Corruption in the Philippines

    41:35 Benefits of Overcoming Adversity

  • Guest, Brian William Burgess: https://www.swainwoodham.co.nz/


    00:00 Starting a Company in 1996

    02:55 Referrals and Building Relationships

    05:01 The Value of Insurance and What Clients Buy

    07:58 Developing Financial Advisors

    11:47 Dealing with Emotional Situations

    15:52 The Role of Insurance in Healthcare

    19:56 Understanding the Client and Product Features

    21:47 Understanding Clients' Concerns

    22:15 Simplifying Complex Concepts

    23:01 The Power of Storytelling

    24:04 The Impact of Storytelling

    25:30 Using Stories to Educate Clients

    26:10 The Role of Intuition in Storytelling

    27:29 The Importance of Claims

    28:21 The Power of Personal Stories

    29:19 The Significance of Trust and Honesty

    29:58 Creating Compelling Offers

    32:16 Changing the Perception of Insurance

    35:36 Expanding Beyond Insurance

    38:11 Adding Value to Clients' Lives

    41:18 Understanding Clients' Needs

    42:58 Having Hard Conversations

    44:04 The Bell Curve of Insurance

  • Guest details Christopher Boon: https://ains.nz/


    00:00 Introduction and Company Overview

    02:09 Business Models and Licenses

    03:09 Staff and Roles

    05:39 Joint Venture

    07:28 Partnerships for Insurance Brokers

    08:15 Complementary Combination of Mortgage and Insurance

    10:33 Selling Insurance and Convincing Clients

    11:09 Identifying Risks and Needs

    12:06 Determining Optimum Level of Cover

    13:33 Building Personal Protection Plans

    15:01 Adjusting Insurance Over Time

    16:36 Importance of Health Insurance

    17:51 Risk Retention and Transfer

    20:14 Consultative Approach to Insurance

    21:42 Importance of Health Insurance Coverage

    25:34 The Impact of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain

    26:05 The Importance of Surgical and Non-Surgical Cover

    27:04 Advancements in Non-Surgical Medical Procedures

    28:20 The Future of Medicine and Non-Surgical Treatments

    29:38 Non-Pharmac Funded Drug Cover

    30:06 The Role of MedSafe and Pharmac in Drug Approval and Funding

    30:55 Immunotherapy and the Treatment of Cancer

    32:16 The Importance of Non-Surgical and Non-Pharmac Cover in Health Insurance

    33:45 Addressing Objections and Affordability

    38:37 The Consultative Approach to Selling Insurance

    46:04 Building Rapport and Earning Trust

    49:25 Handling Objections and Closing the Sale

  • Kyle McElwain: https://kylemcelwain.co.nz/


    Investing in meaningful relationships has a high return on investment.

    Money can make life easier, but it doesn't guarantee happiness.

    Loyalty is important in both personal and business relationships.

    Transparency and communication are key in maintaining trust in corporate environments.

    The distribution of wealth should be more equitable.

    The perception of value is often based on status and branding. Apple products create a consistent user experience that reinforces consumer behavior.

    Homeostasis plays a role in resistance to change and the preference for familiar experiences.

    Elon Musk's polarizing nature stems from his unconventional thinking and challenging of traditional norms.

    Conditioning and upbringing influence decision-making and the perception of choices.

    The pursuit of happiness involves constant learning and improvement.

    Impressing others can be a driving force, but it's important to find satisfaction within oneself.

    Anxiety can arise from the pressure to meet others' expectations and the need for constant adaptation.

    Handling high-stress situations requires a balance between outward calmness and self-care.

    The concept of free will and the idea of being 'enough' are complex and personal.

    Resilience can be built through navigating challenging experiences and finding ways to cope.


    00:00 Choosing between money and relationships

    01:56 The balance of money and happiness

    04:42 Building trust and loyalty in finance

    05:48 The importance of loyalty in partnerships

    06:46 Personal values and loyalty

    07:55 The impact of loyalty in corporate settings

    10:14 The loss of humanity in corporate environments

    10:56 The focus on shareholders in corporate decision-making

    12:51 The impact of corporate decisions on employees

    13:58 Maintaining transparency and communication in corporate settings

    16:47 The morality of CEO salaries and wealth distribution

    21:41 The perception of value and pricing in the market

    23:03 The influence of status in purchasing decisions

    24:15 Apple's Brand and Consumer Behavior

    26:10 The Polarizing Figure of Elon Musk

    27:34 The Influence of Conditioning and Free Will

    28:47 The Power of Choice and Personal Responsibility

    31:39 The Pursuit of Happiness and Contentment

    33:26 The Constant Drive for Improvement

    35:59 The Challenge of Impressing Others

    37:10 The Search for Self-Worth and Identity

    40:22 Anxiety and the Need for Adaptability

    48:27 The Cost of Emotional Resilience

  • Guest Warwick Walker: https://foxplan.nz/advisers


    Being a police officer is both rewarding and stressful, and it teaches valuable life lessons such as the importance of teamwork and the ability to influence and listen to people. Many people go into policing because they want to make a difference in their community and help others in times of crisis. Transitioning from a career in policing to financial planning requires following a system and process, investing in education, and building relationships with clients and other professionals. Referrals are a key aspect of growing a financial planning business, and trust, credibility, and reliability are essential in building client relationships. Business owners who have accumulated wealth need to navigate the challenges of transitioning out of their businesses and preserving and enhancing their wealth, which requires working with a team of professionals and developing a mindset of saving and investing.


    00:00 Introduction and First Jobs

    03:10 Life as a Policeman

    09:46 Challenges and Changes in Policing

    14:08 Transition to Financial Planning

    16:09 Following a System and Process

    27:31 The Importance of Professional Partnerships

    33:28 Helping Business Owners Transition

    41:21 Balancing Wealth and Family

    44:59 The Importance of Saving and Investing

  • Guest Details Marc Hamilton: https://coveryours.co.nz/about/


    Music and comedy can evoke emotions and create a sense of connection. Authenticity is important in creative endeavors and can attract like-minded individuals. Universal themes in storytelling and music resonate with people across cultures and time. Constructing a set or a song involves considering the emotional journey and engaging the audience. Dealing with hate or criticism requires thick skin and the ability to not take it personally. Finding humor in absurd or anger-inducing situations can be a source of comedy. The creative process involves finding inspiration in everyday experiences and emotions. Crafting comedy takes time and practice, and it's important to learn from failures and keep refining jokes. Art, including comedy, has the power to eloquently convey the harshness of the world in a socially acceptable way. The ability to shock and offend depends on the context and the audience, and it's important to understand the crowd and adapt accordingly. Working with troubled youth requires empathy, understanding, and the ability to separate their actions from their identity. Asking for help and finding someone to talk to can make a significant difference in difficult situations.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    04:03 Finding Joy in Work and Life

    07:07 The Power of Music

    10:15 Humor and Writing Songs

    16:17 The Emotional Impact of Music

    25:07 Dealing with Criticism and Hate

    27:18 The Craft of Comedy

    29:20 The Process of Crafting Comedy

    30:18 The Art of Comedy

    31:37 Navigating Different Audiences

    32:31 The Consequences of Offensive Comedy

    34:09 Favorite Comedians

    35:16 First Attempt at Comedy and Worst Bomb

    36:31 Creating Original Material

    37:28 Different Crowds and Testing Material

    38:11 The Influence of Comedians

    39:48 The Power and Influence of Individuals

    40:24 The Role of Soft Power

    42:45 Empathy and Understanding

    43:16 Previous Work with Troubled Youth

    47:44 Pharmaceutical Sales and Dark Humor

    51:19 Dealing with Horrific Experiences

    56:23 Seeking Help and Support

  • Guest Jon-Paul Hale: https://www.willowgroveinsurance.co.nz/about-us/about-us-j-p-hale-menu


    The insurance industry can be complex and challenging, with various pitfalls and potholes that individuals may encounter. Understanding the client's needs and providing tailored solutions is crucial in the insurance industry. Underwriters play a significant role in assessing risks and determining coverage terms. Trust, education, and personalized advice are essential in the insurance industry. Insurance companies consider both medical and financial information when underwriting policies. Advisors play a crucial role in guiding clients through the application process and ensuring accurate disclosure. The misconception that insurance companies do not pay out claims is refuted, with statistics showing a high percentage of claims being paid. The current application process can be inefficient and time-consuming, and there is a need for improvements, such as allowing insurance companies to access medical notes with client consent.


    00:00 Understanding the Challenges in Business

    03:37 Approaching Insurance Sales

    07:51 Building Rapport and Understanding Client Needs

    09:25 Motivational Interviewing and Client Engagement

    10:33 Empowering Clients to Make Decisions

    11:53 The Difference Between Sales and Advice

    14:29 Developing Skills and Personalizing Delivery

    15:31 Setting Boundaries for Advisors

    18:15 Staying Educated in the Insurance Industry

    26:47 The Role of Underwriters in Insurance

    30:59 Underwriting and Financials

    32:14 Predicting Mortality

    34:30 Role of Advisors and Brokers

    36:19 Reinsurance and Risk Spreading

    38:39 Financial Strength Ratings

    41:17 Misconceptions about Insurance Payouts

    44:30 Buying Insurance Online

    45:58 Application Process and Claim Rates

    51:15 Improving the Application Process

    53:38 Value of Advice and Automation

  • Guest Martin Robinson: https://sharenz.com/advisers/martin-robinson/


    Defining success: Martin defines success as having the time, money, and health to attend any sporting or cultural event. Financial planning: Martin humorously defines good financial planning as when your payment to the undertaker bounces. Lessons from surf life saving: Martin emphasizes the value of meeting new people, learning from mentors, and staying physically active. Finding joy in passions: Martin's love for football and surf life saving has brought him joy and lifelong connections. Learning from experiences: Martin shares stories from his career in finance, highlighting the importance of perseverance and adaptability. Computerization revolutionized the mortgage industry, making it easier to track and manage mortgages. Commission rates for mortgages in the late 1980s were high, with advisors earning a significant amount per mortgage. Diversification is crucial in the mortgage industry to mitigate risks and avoid relying on a single client or industry. Building relationships with real estate companies can be an effective way to find prospects and convert them into clients. The formation of Apex Financial and its transformation into Share demonstrates the power of collaboration and camaraderie in the financial advisory industry.


    00:00 Definition of 'having made it'

    03:29 The significance of football in Martin's life

    04:51 The definition of good financial planning

    06:33 Martin's experience in debt collecting

    09:06 The role of surf life saving in Martin's life

    11:28 Working at General Finance and IFC

    13:33 Working in factoring and financing invoices

    15:55 Working at General Finance and Olly Newland's company

    19:44 Martin's achievements in surf life saving

    20:46 Staying agile and competing in surf life saving at an older age

    21:38 Building relationships in the mortgage advisory business

    24:00 Starting a mortgage advisory business and dealing with challenges

    24:29 Early Days of Mortgage Brokering

    26:56 Approach to Getting Mortgages Across the Line

    30:08 Formation of Apex Financial

    38:03 Formation of Share

    42:37 Size and Success of Share

    43:33 Factors Contributing to Success

    45:27 Passion for Sports and Cultural Events

  • Guest Aaron D'Souza: https://www.lesafs.com/


    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires discipline and finding strategies to make exercise and healthy eating easier. As we age, it becomes more important to prioritize our health and be proactive in maintaining a healthy weight and staying active. Dancing can be a fun and enjoyable way to stay active and express oneself creatively. India has undergone significant growth and development, with improvements in infrastructure and a focus on becoming a developed country. Learning how to swim is an important skill that can save lives and provide a sense of confidence and safety in water. Water polo is a challenging and impressive sport that requires strength, endurance, and skill. Being present and supportive as a parent is crucial for building a strong connection with children. Self-improvement and learning from mistakes are essential for personal growth. Meditation can help reduce stress and improve clarity of thought. Taking action is key to making progress and achieving goals. Being aware of one's thoughts and reactions can lead to better decision-making and emotional well-being.


    00:00 Building Healthy Habits

    02:37 The Challenge of Eating Healthy

    03:32 Cravings and Dietary Changes

    04:32 Health, Aging, and Staying Active

    05:31 Dancing and Performing

    06:44 Theater and Behind the Scenes

    09:43 Dance and Western Influence in India

    11:30 Sports and Childhood Memories

    12:47 Changes in India Over Time

    13:50 India's Political and Infrastructure Development

    14:56 Swimming and Overcoming Embarrassment

    22:25 Water Polo and Competitive Sports

    24:54 Balancing Family and Personal Fulfillment

    27:59 Building a Strong Relationship with Children

    30:12 Effective Communication with Children

    33:33 The Power of Books and Personal Development

    36:31 Taking Action and Learning from Mistakes

    41:13 The Benefits of Meditation

    46:50 Observing Thoughts and Responding vs Reacting

  • Guest Keanan Beyers: https://www.lifetime.co.nz/find-an-adviser/view/keanan-beyers/


    Living in Cape Town can be challenging due to crime and the need to be constantly vigilant. A diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can have a significant impact on one's life and requires careful management. Growing up in challenging circumstances can shape one's perspective and behavior. Finding a balance between enjoying life and making responsible decisions is important. Partying and a carefree lifestyle can sometimes be an attempt to fill a void or mask deeper issues. Maturity often comes from facing difficult circumstances and making tough decisions. Strict upbringings can limit a person's ability to explore their identity and enjoy their youth. Rebellious phases and partying may provide temporary escape, but they do not solve underlying issues. Discovering that you are not the biological parent of a child can be emotionally devastating and lead to a loss of trust. Betrayal and financial struggles can be challenging, but holding on and staying focused can lead to positive change. Patience and perseverance are key in overcoming difficult situations and finding a better path forward.


    00:00 Growing Up in Cape Town

    01:28 New Chapter

    04:52 Overcoming Adversity and Leaving South Africa

    07:48 Living with Type 1 Diabetes

    09:49 Early Life Challenges and Wrong Choices

    13:35 Navigating Boarding School and Cultural Differences

    17:34 Struggles at Home and Financial Constraints

    24:32 Finding Balance and Making Life Choices

    25:41 Filling a Void and Seeking Maturity

    27:42 Strict Upbringing and Lack of Freedom

    28:48 Limited Independence and Struggles with Expression

    31:05 Party Lifestyle and Avoidance of Responsibility

    35:25 False Paternity Claim and Betrayal

    38:20 Moving Forward and Starting Fresh

    43:26 Saying Goodbye to the Pretend Son

    47:51 Deception and Manipulation

    49:18 Words of Encouragement