
  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Professor Stephen R. Foerster.

    Stephen is an investment historian, award-winning author, and professor of finance. He has just released his latest book: Trailblazers, Heroes, and Crooks: Stories to Make You a Smarter Investor.

    In his book, he delves into key stories from history, teaching lessons about sound principles of investing, and controlling emotions and bias when managing your investment portfolio to help you become a stronger, more intelligent investor.

    What a Roman general, the NY Mets, and Cristiano Ronaldo teach us about investing today.Why investing success requires we act rationally and how our emotions and bias often get in the way. The dangers of impulsivity: what not to do when investing (thanks to history!).Learning from legends: how to develop an evidence-based investment philosophy that helps you achieve your financial goals.Three levers to achieve our financial goals: how much we save and invest, how long we save and invest, and what returns we expect.For anyone starting on their investment journey, what would be the most important lesson you could give them?What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?What has been your biggest mistake and what did you learn from it?How about your success, what did that teach you?

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this podcast, Henry Jennings is joined by Jonathon Higgins, Head of Research, MD Unified Capital Partners.

    Many of you will be familiar with Jonathon from previous podcasts.

    He has worked in equities research for approximately a decade, having held previous roles at Shaw and Partners and Bell Potter Securities.

    During that period, Jonathon has covered a range of sectors including telecommunications, healthcare, financials, payments and broader industrials, with a focus on structural growth.

    Jonathon has a passion for financial markets and a desire to get out and meet the new wave of entrepreneurial emerging high-quality companies.

    Talking points:

    Reporting season? Any standouts?What are your three favourite stocks currently?Have you been surprised by the rise and turnaround in ZIP?Are there any lessons we can learn from that?How do you handle the volatility of reporting season?Any advice you can give investors on coping with volatility?Is there a sleeper stock out there?

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

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  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Scott Kirkland, CEO and Co-Founder at EMVision Medical Devices (ASX: EMV).

    Scott has held several senior sales positions, including Head of Client Sales at Quantcast, a US-based technology company, before establishing EMVision as a leader in innovative neurodiagnostic technology.

    In this episode they talk:

    What is EMV trying to achieve?Why is it important?What progress has EMV made with Emu and First Responder?How long do the trials take?When can we expect the first revenue?How is the cash position?What are the milestones and catalysts for investors in the next 12 months?Why should investors buy EMV?

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by John Caulfield from VanEck - Director, Institutions and Intermediaries.

    John joined VanEck Australia in 2014 and has over 20 years of experience in the finance sector. He is an ETF expert and features regularly on ausbiz and podcasts.

    John is responsible for the institutional and intermediary client business in New South Wales, Queensland and New Zealand. He previously worked at FTSE Group (Australia) as the Director of Business Development and at the London Metal Exchange. John has a Bachelor of Business Science (Hons) in Finance from the University of Cape Town.

    Some of the things discussed:

    How are ETFs handling this volatility? Given the current volatility, which strategy should ETF investors use?Are there any products that can help with managing volatility?Where do you see the opportunities in the current market?Some see the rise of passive ETFs as a bad thing, thoughts?Do ETFs distort the market and chase the winners to extreme levels?What are the trends in the ETF market?Are ETFs a great way for investing beginners to build wealth over the long term?You put out a magnificent email every week, how do our members access that?

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Luke Cummings from Harvest Lane Asset Management.

    Luke is the Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director of this pure-play M&A fund, specialising in takeover arbitrage.

    He has more than 20 years of financial markets experience.

    In this podcast, they discuss:

    Why M&A?The M&A Checklist.What is so special about Harvest Lane?How do you assess the risk-reward of a bid going through?Do you identify M&A targets beforehand (and take a position) or wait until the deal is announced?Is there an optimal point to take profits?What sort of return do you target for a bid situation?What advice can you give to retail investors playing this game?

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Colin Moorhead, Executive Chairman and MD at Xanadu Mines (ASX: XAM).

    Colin is an experienced industry executive with a demonstrated track record of over three decades building value in mining companies.

    A geologist by training, Colin is a Fellow, Chartered Professional and Immediate Past President of AUSIMM, a graduate of AICD and Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program (AMP).

    Some of the topics covered:

    Let’s talk copper. Big rally, can it keep going? Where are the big growth projects? (Starts at 1:47)What is the attraction of Mongolia? How do the locals feel about the project? (Starts at 4:22)Brief overview of Xanadu and why it should be on investors' radar. (Starts at 7:09)How does a company with a market cap of around $120m get maximum leverage without being diluted out by its partners? (Starts at 10:26)The Bacchus adviser role. Funding options. (Starts at 13:14)Working relationship with Zijin Mining, what are they like? (Starts at 13:48)When is the PFS due, and what key changes are expected relative to the scoping study? (Starts at 15:40)Let's talk about grades. Is 0.3% going to cut it? Is it going to be an open pit to begin with (like RIO)? (Starts at 18:16)When do you plan to recommence deep drilling? Will fresh funds need to be raised for that? (Starts at 19:33)Other 2 projects (Red Mountain + Sant Tolgoi), what are the ownership and current activities on each? (Starts at 22:54)What are the expected milestones for 2024? (Starts at 23:48)With Zijin at 19% of the company, is there a risk it could bid for the whole company before a serious value uplift? (Starts at 24:50)Will there be more industry consolidation with BHP kicking things off? (Starts at 25:30)As an ASX investor, it’s hard to find copper plays since Oz Minerals was bought by BHP, only really SFR. It’s particularly hard to find quality companies run by good quality management with good quality projects. (Starts at 26:48)Mongolian insights into people, infrastructure, political system and climate. (Starts at 29:40)

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Dr Francis Wedin, Executive Chair at Vulcan Energy (ASX/FSE: VUL).

    Henry has chatted with Francis a couple of times in the past, and this time you get to hear about Vulcan's progress on its Lithium Extraction Optimisation Plant (LEOP) in Germany.

    Dr Wedin is a battery materials and renewable energy industry executive, focused on developing global-scale decarbonisation opportunities.

    He founded Vulcan Energy and its Zero Carbon Lithium™ Business. They are aiming to become the world’s first dual lithium chemicals and renewable energy producer with net zero greenhouse gas emissions.​

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by George Hadjia, Chief Investment Officer at Bristlemoon Capital.

    George is back from a 5-year stint in New York with Montaka Global Investments, set up by Andrew Macken and Chris Demasi. He is now setting up his own hedge fund.

    In this podcast, they talk hedge funds, New York, investing styles, shorting, the good and the bad, and a couple of international stocks on George's radar.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Gregory Hall - CEO & MD of Alligator Energy (ASX: AGE).

    Greg has 30+ years of experience in uranium and other mine management and CEO roles. This includes management roles at WMC Olympic Dam & nickel mines, LKAB Iron Ore (Sweden), ERA Ranger and Jabiluka Uranium. As well as international commodities marketing with Rio Tinto (ERA) Uranium, and Bauxite & Alumina groups.

    He was also the founding CEO of Toro Energy Ltd, which achieved approval for Western Australia’s first modern uranium mine project.

    In a wide-ranging discussion, they talk about where uranium is now, what is driving it, and why, plus, of course, a look at AGE's Samphire Project and the year ahead for this junior uranium explorer. Plenty to focus on and cashed up from recent placement.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Use the promo code 'OTC24' for a discount on subscriptions 6 months and over.

    Subscribe now for in-depth market analysis, stock recommendations, investment and ideas strategies, and the suite of Marcus Today tools to manage your portfolio.

  • If you've ever felt overwhelmed or uncertain about the direction of your superannuation, you're not alone. Many Australians struggle to navigate the complexities of managing their superannuation, often feeling disconnected from their financial goals and aspirations.

    It's time to take control.

    At Marcus Today, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence needed to master your superannuation strategy.

    Whether you're unsure about the best approach to superannuation management or hesitant to dive into self-directed investing, this workshop is for you.

    Watch the YouTube video here.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Tom Waterhouse - WaterhouseVC.

    Many will be familiar with Tom and his legendary horse racing heritage. His family is racing royalty.

    Tom's grandfather, Bill Waterhouse, was the biggest bookie in the world in the 60s and 70s. His father, Rob Waterhouse, is a bookmaker and part-owner of one of the world’s largest betting syndicates.

    His grandfather, T.J Smith, is the most successful Australian racehorse trainer of all time.

    His mother, Gai, has won over 130 Group 1 races, is a Melbourne Cup winner, and has trained horses for the Queen.

    Founded in August 2019, WaterhouseVC invests in businesses related to wagering and gaming.

    In this short chat, Tom runs through the really interesting strategy that his VC Fund uses to produce extraordinary returns. And they have been extraordinary.

    This is the first part of a wide-ranging chat they had about gambling and how Tom's fund invests, with a further episode after Easter.

    Henry was certainly surprised about the philosophy behind the fund.

    They even touch on his mother's appearance as a 'Time Lord' in a 1978 'Doctor Who' episode.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

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  • Welcome to 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this special episode, Henry Jennings talks with chartist and trading mentor Louise Bedford - The Trading Game. In this broad-ranging chat, Louise runs through several great actionable ideas to give you a trading edge.

    Whether you are a long-term investor or a trader, Louise has some words of wisdom and some rules to put into action. They even talk about cats, spiders, and waterlogged rats, and how they relate to being a better trader.

    Apparently, RSC is not the Royal Shakespeare Company after all.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed about your superannuation, you're not alone. It's time to take control. Join us on March 26 for an exclusive live workshop.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Marcus Padley once again sits down with John Abernethy of Clime Investment Management (ASX: CIW), economist and value investor.

    This month they discuss the Macro Backdrop to the equity market, along with Big Tech, the Resources Sector, the Bank Sector, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and even Bitcoin.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed about your superannuation, you're not alone. It's time to take control. Join us on March 26 for an exclusive live workshop.

  • Welcome to another episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is once again joined by Jonathon Higgins, Managing Director at Unified Capital Partners (UCP).

    Jonathon is no stranger to Marcus Today members and listeners of this podcast. Unified Capital Partners is a new brokerage and wealth management business.

    Today they talk tech and small caps on the ASX, featuring ZIP, ABB, and others.

    Jonathon has worked in equities research for approximately a decade, having held previous roles at Shaw and Partners and Bell Potter Securities.

    During that period, he has covered a range of sectors including telecommunications, healthcare, financials, payments, and broader industrials, with a focus on structural growth.

    Jonathon has a passion for financial markets, and a desire to get out and meet the new wave of entrepreneurial emerging high-quality companies.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    If you've ever felt overwhelmed about your superannuation, you're not alone. It's time to take control. Join us on March 26 for an exclusive live workshop.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by good friend Adam Dawes, Senior Investment Adviser at Shaw and Partners.

    As always, a delight to have Adam on the podcast as they talk some very interesting stock picks. No wishy-washy stuff here with high-conviction sectors and specifics. Sit back and enjoy some groomed runs and off-piste banter!

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Discover your unique investor type with Marcus Today. We invite you to take part in our FREE educational series.

  • Welcome to the first episode of 'On the Couch' for 2024. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is delighted to welcome Emma Davidson, CEO of Staude Capital Limited. She is also Head of Corporate Affairs at The Global Value Fund (GVF).

    Emma has spent more than two decades in financial markets, starting her career on trading floors of London investment banks before setting up her own advisory business.

    From there, she joined forces with her husband to found and run Staude Capital in London. It is a firm that specialises in finding investments trading at a discount to their intrinsic value, and then identifying and creating catalysts to unlock this value for clients.

    Some of the topics discussed:

    The outlook for 2024.Lessons learned from decades of investing.How does an LIC avoid a discount to NTA?How will the US market play out after the huge run?

    And plenty more...

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Discover your unique investor type with Marcus Today. We invite you to take part in our FREE educational series.

  • Welcome to the final episode of 'On the Couch' for 2023. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is delighted to be joined by Coby Hanoch, CEO at Weebit Nano Ltd (ASX: WBT). A stock he has followed for a long time.

    Coby has 15 years’ experience in engineering and engineering management, and 26 years’ experience in sales management and executive roles. He was Vice President Worldwide Sales at Verisity, where he was part of the founding team and grew the company to over $100M in annual sales, which facilitated its acquisition by Cadence Design Systems (NASDAQ: CDNS). He was also Vice President Worldwide Sales at Jasper, doubling sales before it was acquired by Cadence.

    Coby holds a Bachelor of Science in Systems Design from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

    Some of the topics discussed:

    How is WBT going with the new technology? What is ReRAM?When will we see meaningful revenues?What products will the technology be used in with large volumes?What does 2024 hold in store?Why is Israel such a tech powerhouse?How can Australia copy that lead and become better at tech?Let’s talk AI. Where do you see the opportunities?Is WBT a part of that AI story, or is this just part of the existing technology suite?Where do you think we will be with AI in a years' time?Who else is working on ReRAM technology?

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Discover your unique investor type with Marcus Today. We invite you to take part in our FREE educational series.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Jonathon Higgins, Managing Director at Unified Capital Partners (UCP).

    UCP is an independent boutique provider of financial services that span institutional broking, research, corporate finance advice and high net worth advice. UCP has deep multiyear corporate relationships across a range of sectors.

    Jonathon has worked in equities research for approximately a decade, having held previous roles at Shaw and Partners and Bell Potter Securities.

    He has covered a range of sectors during that period, including telecommunications, healthcare, financials, payments and broader industrials, with a focus on structural growth.

    Jonathon has a passion for financial markets, and a desire to get out and meet the new wave of entrepreneurial emerging high-quality companies.

    In this podcast, Henry and Jonathon cover:

    Their highlights of 2023.Where investors should be looking in 2024.Data centres and AI plays on the ASX.Two high-conviction stocks for next year.Their best idea for 2024.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Discover your unique investor type with Marcus Today. We invite you to take part in our FREE educational series.

  • Welcome to this special episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Marcus Padley sits down with John Abernethy of Clime Investment Management (ASX: CIW), economist and value investor.

    Discover insights on the future of interest rates, John's view on the 'best income sector in the world', the residential property market, the resources sector, Big Tech, the Australian Dollar, and the U.S. Election.

    Finally, uncover why the Australian economic outlook is brighter than that of our global peers.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Don't miss out on John Abernethy's latest 'Letter to Investors' - grab your free copy.

    Discover your unique investor type with Marcus Today. We invite you to take part in our FREE educational series.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.

    In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Dusko Ljubojevic, Managing Director at Raiden Resources (ASX: RDN).

    Dusko is an experienced geoscientist with over 18 years' experience in the resource sector. Previous positions spanning exploration; mining operations, investor relations and executive roles. He has worked in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe, with significant experience in Eastern Europe. Dusko held positions with a number of junior and mid-tier development companies, and served on the advisory board of a number of private companies. He also acted as an advisor and Head of Small Scale Mining within Barrick Gold Corporations’ Asset Development Group.

    Raiden Resources (ASX: RDN / DAX: YM4) is a dual listed exploration & development company which is advancing the Mt Sholl Nickel-Copper-Cobalt-Palladium deposit in the Pilbara.

    RDN is focused on the Andover South Project in Western Australia, adjacent to Azure Minerals’ (AZS) separately held Andover project, located just to the north.

    Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.

    Why not sign up for a free trial? Get access to expert insights and research and become a better investor.

    Make life simple. Invest with Marcus Today.