“Awareness doesn't come about by silence”. Naomi is joined by Naomi Hoffman, a clinical sexual health nurse and HIV positive speakers Tasha and Mel. Listen as they discuss testing and treatment options available in Australia and the importance of raising awareness of women and HIV.
Naomi shares her clinical experience working with and supporting women living with HIV in the Illawarra Shoalhaven Sexual Health Clinic. As a proud Kamilaroi women, Naomi works to educate the wider community to remove stigma associated with HIV.
Tasha and Mel, from the Positive Speakers Bureau, share their lived experience with HIV, their advocacy for marginalised communities and their impact in education and prevention.
Take some time and experience the real and honest stories from Tasha and Mel and expand your knowledge of HIV through a new lens.
This episode was recorded in November 2024
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references physical and emotional trauma
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Positive Speakers Bureau
World AIDS Day
National HIV Testing Policy
NSW Health DBS (dried blood spot) Testing
My Test
Positive Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Network (PATSIN)
Positive Speakers Bureau
Positive Life NSW
Red Cross
Albion Centre
Disability Support Pension (DSP)
You Can't Ask That
IBAC Unit, St. Vincent's Hospital
National Association of People With HIV Australia (NAPWHA)
Pregnancy and HIV
Ending HIV - Injectable HIV Treatment
PrEP Access Now (PAN)
Word On The Sheets
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Naomi Hoffman, Tasha and Mel
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Join Naomi as she chats with Rachel Wotton and Mohammed Samrah about the importance of people with disability’s access to sexual and reproductive health services. Rachel, a sex worker and academic in the field and Mohammed, a man of lived experience have a dynamic and eye-opening conversation about sex as a human right.
Rachel shares parts of her PhD research and elaborates on the role the NDIS plays in the disability communities' access to sex worker services. Mohammed eloquently shares his own lived experience and how sex worker services have transformed his life.
This episode was recorded in September 2024
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Charles Sturt University
Co Culture Communication
Administrative Review Tribunal
Changes to NDIS Legislation
Bill Shorten
Rachel Wotton PASA - Research
Rachel Wotton TED Talk - Open Your Mind to What Goes on Behind Closed Doors
Scarlet Road Website
Caddyshack Instagram
Caddyshack Facebook
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Rachel Wotton & Mohammed Samrah
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
¿Faltan episodios?
In this special edition mini-episode, Maddy and Winnie sit down with Public Health Placement Student Jade Scott at the University of Wollongong recording studio. Listen as they reflect on Jade’s project that explored podcast production and how it can be better used as an innovative tool for sexual health education and promotion.
This episode was recorded in October 2024
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Caddyshack Project On The Couch
The Infinite Dial 2023 Australia from Edison Research
Keegan Julia, Cooper Spring Chenoa, Porter Andrew, Ciervo Courtney, Khalid Rafia (2023) Unlearning and relearning sexuality: a qualitative exploration of The Sex Wrap, a sex education podcast. Sexual Health 20, 531-537.
Talking Frank
Love Clews
Sticky Q’s
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Sexual Health Matters
Doing ‘IT”
University of Wollongong
Sexual Health Victoria
Sexual Assault Support Service
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
University of Technology Sydney
Caddyshack Instagram
Caddyshack Facebook
Host: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Guest: Jade Scott
Producers: Maddy Stratten, Winnie Adamson & Jade Scott
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Join Winnie as she sits down with Tessa Opie and Kerrin Bradfield in a nuanced discussion on consent, sex education and porn literacy education for young people. Tessa and Kerrin are dedicated and passionate in empowering others to develop healthy attitudes toward relationships, consent and sex. Listen as they share their dynamic collaboration in creating the Respect Collective: Relationships and Sex Education for the Real World. Respect Collective is an online hub for High School educators to create safe and engaging spaces where students can explore and develop health attitudes toward relationships and sexuality.
This episode was recorded in September 2024
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual, physical and emotional trauma
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Respect Collective
Co-Culture Communications
In your Skin
Adrienne Maree Brown
Respect Collective
Society of Australian Sexologists
Caddyshack Project On The Couch
The Commonwealth Consent Policy Framework
Triple J Hack Misogyny Forces Teachers to Quit
Fiona Vera Gray
Giselle Woodley
Kris Taylor
Who is Andrew Tate - BBC News
Host: Winnie Adamson
Guest: Tessa Opie & Kerrin Bradfield
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
"Young people are experts in their own experiences." Maddy chats with Laura Crozier a victim survivor, passionate youth advocate, Affirmative Consent Project Officer, a podcast co-host and ice hockey enthusiast. Laura shares how our life experiences shape not only who we are, but how we can help others. In this episode we are reminded the importance of centering young people in our work and ensuring their voices are heard and respected.
This episode was recorded in August 2024
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual, physical and emotional trauma
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Growing Up Clueless & This is ADHD
Youth Affairs Council of Victoria
Australian Youth Affairs Coalition
Growing Up Clueless
Co Culture
Time to Talk
Respectful Relationships Program
Kyneton Community House
Zonta club of Kyneton
Affirmative Consent legislation for Victoria
Stealthing video
Yeah Nah campaign
The Hum Academy
National secondary students' sexual health survey
Play Safe Pro – condom ordering
Caddyshack Project Condom Dispenser Project
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
Chantelle Otten
Chanelle Moriah author of I Am Autistic and This Is ADHD
Caddyshack Project What We're Reading
Caddyshack Project Goodreads profile
Host: Maddy Stratten
Guest: Laura Crozier
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
People are not the problem, the problem is the problem. Maddy sits with mental health social worker Danyelle Mei Kaplan and massage therapist Egan Magee. They spend time sharing their coordinates of belonging and explore autonomy and dignity over their own fields of existence. A powerful conversation collating thoughts on collective holding, mutual aid and healing centered approaches. Working within the LGBTQ2IA+ community, they dream of helping people heal their relationships with themselves and others to create systemic change and liberate each other. A thought-provoking episode full of depth, this is one not to miss.
This episode was recorded in June 2024
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual, physical and emotional trauma
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Co-Culture Communication & Magkasama
Lean Manaema from Co-Culture Communication
POC Queerness
Victoria Cruz at the Anti-Violence Project
Rebecca Howe
Radical love
Sekneh Hamoud Beckett
Vikki Reynolds
White saviour
Inclusive Therapists
Internal family systems
Trauma informed practice
Healing centered engagements
Not On Our Backs – Vikki Reynolds
Emergent strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown
Abolition is love by Marcus Syrus Ware
Mutual aid YouTube video
Mutual aid by Dean Spade
Mia Mingus
Tian Zhang
Manifesto for Radical Care ( or How To Be Human in the Arts)
The Value of Experiential Learning and Lived Experience with an OT Training
Caddyshack Project What We're Reading
Caddyshack Project Goodreads profile
Host: Maddy Stratten
Guest: Danyelle Mei Kaplan & Egan Magee
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Have you ever wanted to know more about sexological bodywork? Together, Naomi and Stella Topaz from Abundant Body talk through the wheel of consent and the somatic therapy approach of sexological bodywork and how it varies from other types of therapy and sexology. Stella reveals the inside of a sexological bodywork session and walks us through how she works with compassion and gratitude.
This episode was recorded in March 2024
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual, physical and emotional trauma
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Comfortable in my skin & More than a body
Institute of Somatic Sexology
Wheel of Consent by School of Consent
Urban Tantra Professional Training Progam
Barbara Carellas
Dossie Easton
Scar Tissue Remediation
Ellen Heed
Abundant Body
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Stella Topaz
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Spend some time and listen to an honest and open conversation about medical consent, consent culture, TransHealth, queer and disability healthcare with Axel Nathaniel Rose. Axel shares with Naomi his lived experience as a queer, transgender, and disabled man, reflecting on the life-long impacts of when medical consent is not given. An empowering episode challenging necessary system change and inspiring individual advocacy.
This episode was recorded in February 2024.
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references medical abuse, explicit transphobia, sexual violence, and transphobic and misogynistic public policy.
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The Pronoun Lowdown & Ask: Building Consent Culture
University of New South Wales
The C-Word (Learning Consent Blog)
Learning Consent
Liz Kelly (Continuum of Sexual Violence)
Kitty Stryker
Ask: Building Consent Culture
Carol Queen
Laurie Penny
Nevo Zisin
Quinn Eades
They Thought It Was An Obsession Article
Trans Broken Arm Syndrome
UNSW Interview (Accessible Healthcare for the Trans and Gender Diverse Community)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
International Transgender Day of Visibility
The Gender Centre
The Albion Centre
On The Couch Caddyshack Project discussions
Sage @sagescrittore (Ursula Le Guin Quote)
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Axel-Nathaniel Rose
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
How can we include pleasure in the consent conversation? Listen as founder of Learning Consent Dr Joy Townsend goes beyond the traditional definition of consent and discusses effective role modelling and consent culture in todays society. Learning Consent delivers comprehensive relationships, sexuality and consent education programs for educational institutions and organisations. Joy shares with Naomi her passion for helping young people to catch a vision for how great communicative, connected and pleasurable sex can be.
This episode was recorded in March 2023
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual assault and sexual violence
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Welcome to Consent , Teaching Consent & 1800Respect
Learning Consent
Joy’s PHD “Her sexual self: A narrative investigation of young women’s sexual subjectives”
Marie-Pierre Cleret
UNESCO International technical guidance on sexuality education
Comprehensive Consent Sarah Casper
French Philosopher – communicative approach to consent
Bad sex vs sexual violence blog
Laurie Penny
Secondary School Survey
Liz Kelly’s Continuum of sexual violence
Professor Michael Flood
Porn literacy curriculum
Betty Dodson
National Student Safety Survey
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Joy Townsend
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Naomi is joined by Maggie Smith, a Clinical Nurse Consultant from the T150 clinic at the Albion Centre in Sydney. T150 is an innovative specialist HIV and Sexual Health Service providing holistic care for the transgender and gender diverse community in a dedicated clinical space. Maggie provides clinical insight into TransHealth and unpacks the importance of community advocacy in ensuring accessible healthcare for the trans and non-binary community.
This episode was recorded in August 2023
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T150 & He She They
Albion Centre
Australian Professional Association for Transgender Health (AUSPATH)
Australian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association (ASHHNA)
The Gender Centre
Brotherboys and Sistergirls
First Nations People
Cervical Screening (Pap Smear)
Transgender Definition
Dr Melissa Kelly
World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
Maple Leaf House
Binary and Non-Binary
Pre-Exposure prophylaxis - PrEP
Gender affirming health care - Transhealth
Reassignment surgery
Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme
Blood Borne Viruses precautions
MDA National
Risk of Regret
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Maggie Smith
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Join Maddy as she sits down with Ruiqi Fan, a clinical nurse specialist working at the Sydney Sexual Health Clinic. Ruiqi talks about being an international student to now working with international students in a clinical setting, providing insight into the experience. Listen as we better understand why having multilingual nurses and interpreters is important in delivering sexual health services for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities in Australia.
This episode was recorded in June 2023
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The International Students Health Hub & Sydney Sexual Health Centre
Sydney Sexual Health Centre
International Student Health Hub
RMB – Chinese Yuan currency
The Guardian
The Daily Telegraph
CPR training
Vaginal douching
Sexual Health Infolink
Australian Healthcare System
Provincial – China health/hospital cover
Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service
Translating and Interpreting services
PrEP campaign – ending HIV
Caddyshack Project Instagram
Caddyshack Project Facebook
Host: Maddy Stratten
Guest: Ruiqi Fan
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
How can we treat ourselves with kindness when unexpected emotions arise? Naomi sits down with psychologist Chris Cheers and reflects on the mental health impacts of lockdown on the queer and creative community. His book, The New Rulebook is a practical game changing guide to embracing uncertainty offering radical, evidence-based solutions to improve wellbeing. Providing individual psychology services and workshops to artists and creatives, and the LGBTQIA+ community, Chris is passionate about creating accessible, accepting and safe spaces.
This episode was recorded in May 2023
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The New Rulebook & QLife
Emotional Agility Susan David
Acceptance commitment therapy
Viktor Frankl Man’s search for meaning
Friends by Robin Dunbar
Host: Naomi Viret
Guest: Chris Cheers
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Maddy catches up with Kirli Saunders and dives into the importance of language, decolonization, feminism and queer space. Kirli is a proud Gunai Woman and award-winning multidisciplinary creator and consultant. Awarded NSW Aboriginal Woman of the Year in 2020, Kirli is an experienced speaker and facilitator advocating for the environment, gender, racial equality and LGBTIQA+ rights. In this episode Kirli shares her passion for continuing connection to Country and reads a powerful poem called Based On Us from her book Returning.
This episode was recorded in October 2022
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners are advised that this episode contains the name of and discussion around a deceased person. This episode may contain words, descriptions and terms which may be culturally sensitive and reflect the views of those at the period in which the content was created.
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AIATSIS, Kindred & Returning
Vale Aunty Velma Mulcahy
Joyce Saunders
The Incredible Freedom Machines
Matt Otley
Bec Young
Red Room Poetry
Tamryn Bennett
Jo Featherstone
Kirli Saunders Consulting
Going Home Play
Department of Education on language
United Nations Indigenous Decades of Language
Brotherboys and Sistergirls
Uluru Statement
Griffith Review Dr Lilly Brown and Genevieve Grieves
Raise the Age
Heartbreak High
Tony Birch The White Girl
Melissa Lucashenko
Ellen Van Neerven
Jazz Money
Florence Given
The Front Left
Gang of Youths
Frontier War Stories
Horror Show
Based On Us – Poem from Returning
Host: Maddy Stratten
Guest: Kirli Saunders
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Curious about sexology and the difference between a sex therapist, body therapist, sex coach and sex worker? Maddy chats with Aleks from The Pleasure Centre to explore why an individual or couple may seek sex therapy. Offering a safe and inclusive place, Aleks' practice is guided by multiple evidence-based therapeutic approaches. Hear about the Sex Buffet and Queering Sex concepts and how to put pleasure and desire on the menu.
This episode was recorded in September 2022
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual trauma
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The Pleasure Centre & The Science of Sex
Tanya Koens
Matt Tilley
Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges
Schitts Creek
Host: Maddy Stratten
Guests: Aleks Trkjula
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Join Maddy in conversation with Frances Turner from Nurse Nettie, answering the most commonly asked sexual and reproductive health questions by young people. Nurse Nettie is an online service that provides qualified sexual health information to young people living in New South Wales, Australia. Fran provides a glimpse behind the curtain of how the team approach answering questions without judgement, making health information accessible and inclusive.
This episode was recorded in June 2022
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Nurse Nettie & Sexual Health Infolink (SHIL)
Nurse Nettie
NSW Health Play Safe
Sexual Health Infolink
LGBTIQA+ community
Labia Library
NSW Health
Caddyshack Project
Medicare Card
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs)
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
Sexual Health Clinics
Aboriginal Medical Services
Child Protection Units
Mandatory Reporting Guidelines (MRG)
Can I get an STI from that?
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Cervical Screening (Pap Smear)
Diethylstilboestrol (DES)
Premature ejaculation
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Host: Maddy Stratten
Guests: Frances Turner from Nurse Nettie
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Listen as Naomi chats with Liz and Jan from Relationships and Private Stuff about their lived experience of working with people with disability. People on the autism spectrum, with disability or brain injury face the same issues as other people when it comes to relationships. Friendship is important. And the desire to love and be loved, whether as a friend or an intimate companion, is a drive that defines a person in a way that no disability ever can.
This episode was recorded in May 2022
CONTENT WARNINGS: This episode references sexual assault
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Planet Puberty & Sexuality, Education, Counselling and Consultancy Agency (SECCA)
Relationships and Private Stuff
Lotus Project
Family Planning
Love on the Spectrum
Sex, safe and fun guide
Shine SA
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Jewish Care
Participate Australia
Host: Naomi Viret
Guests: Liz Dore & Jan McGuire
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines
Join Naomi as she unpacks the transgender experience with Sophie from ACON’s TransHub. TransHub is a digital and resource platform providing clear and easy information about gender affirmation and healthcare for all trans and gender diverse people in NSW. Sophie dives deep into the history of transgender language and provides insight into the trans and non-binary experience.
This episode was recorded in February 2022
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Transhub & Disclosure
Trans Definition
Marriage equality
Gender identity vs Sexual orientation
Cisalpine and Transalpine Gauls
Gender dysphoria
Brotherboys and Sistergirls
Gender Fluid
Social affirmation
Legal affirmation
Medical affirmation
Gender affirming doctors
Informed Consent Medical guidelines
Top surgery
RuPaul's Drag Race
Courtney Act
Norman Bates (Psycho movie)
Host: Naomi Viret
Guests: Sophie Keeffe
Producers: Maddy Stratten & Winnie Adamson
Music: Little Pastries Instrumental (descript)
NSW Health social media community guidelines