
  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 56 - 8 Things Your Mind Can Help Your Body HealThis is the eighth of eight podcasts, where we have been talking about the different pieces of our Better Eye Health program, more specifically, on what your doctor does not tell you. Your doctor does not tell you these diseases can be improved, that there are things you can do to reverse vision loss, and there are things under your control that make a huge difference in not only your health, but the health of your eyes. 8 Things Your Mind Can Help Your Body Heal. Part 8 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.056 OMDPodcast 8Things MindBody-8of8CarlyleWelcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller. This is Carlyle Coash. How are you doing today, Dr. Miller?Dr. MillerI am happy to tell you that I am doing well today, and I am grateful for that and for today. How about yourself, how are you doing?CarlyleI am still in one piece. I am walking and breathing, mostly. The air quality has been better since all of the fires, but I am still here breathing. Dr. MillerIt is almost like the like icing on the cake, you cannot go out to mingle because of the pandemic. Now, you are not able to even go outside for a walk because the air is so toxic, but what are we going to do? CarlyleSmall victories. Dr. MillerYes, it is.Today is the eighth of eight podcasts, where we have been talking about the different pieces of our Better Eye Health program, more specifically, on what your doctor does not tell you. Your doctor does not tell you these diseases can be improved, that there are things you can do to reverse vision loss, and there are things under your control that make a huge difference in not only your health, but the health of your eyes. We have talked previously about the different pieces to our Better Eye Health Program, like microcurrent stimulation, color therapy, and supplements. We also recommend the elements of Oriental Medicine, like needleless acupuncture and exercises, which are important if you have already developed an eye disease, or if you have a predisposition to it. The piece we have not spent much time talking about is the fact that if you want to make your eyes healthy, you need to take care of your health.This sounds too easy and too good to be true, but the things you do to take care of your health have a huge impact on it. That is a dirty little secret about modern medicine, most of what you can do to be healthy, and even to reverse significant disease, is under your control and based on choices you make every day. We are here to help you make good choices and give you some good information about what you can do to take care of yourself. With western and allopathic medicine, they talk about the body and mind connection, but they do not really know what to do about it. This leaves us with just body, so we are going to be talking not just about your mind, but of your spirit and body. We will go over all the things you can do to take care of these three important pieces. I am going to start by discussing the body because I am an MD, and that is what I was trained in. Then Carlyle will go over the mind and spirit because this is his expertise. He has been working for decades with people on their mind and spirits. The basic thing about our body is pretty simple stuff, eat a decent diet. We should not be eating too many processed foods or sugar. If you drink alcohol, it is toxic to the brain and eyes, so you should stop drinking. The same goes for smoking cigarettes, they impair the circulation to your brain and eyes, so you should stop smoking. This is especially true if you area already impaired by a disease; these can all make it worse. You can find out more about what eating a decent diet is, by doing our Healthy Eating Workshop. We should do whatever it takes, even if it means giving up alcohol and smoking. We can talk about alcohol in moderation because everyone has a different idea of what moderation is.

  • BEH Podcast 54 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 6 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.

    In this podcast, we are going to jump in with both feet and talk about a subject that is at the core of our work in the Better Eye Health program. There are powerful tools that support regeneration, and it is important to understand the notion of how you can help your eyes if you do have a serious retinal challenge, like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s disease, etc.I am not some magic sorcerer that has a way to take cells that are damaged and replace or repair them. I do know the body knows how to do this; your body can help you heal your eyes. I cannot heal your eyes, but I can help your body have the tools and resources it needs. We make sure everything that needs to be working is working, so your body can heal your eyes.
    8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 6 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.
    009_OMDPodcast_8Things_RegenerationCarlyleWelcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller, and myself, Carlyle Coash. Welcome back Dr. Miller, how are you doing?Dr. MillerI am good, it is good to hear your voice Carlyle. CarlyleIt is good to hear yours.Dr. MillerI really enjoy doing this, it is a good day for a podcast. Today we are going to jump in with both feet and talk about a subject that is at the core of our work in the Better Eye Health program. There are powerful tools that support regeneration and it is important to understand the notion of how you can help your eyes if you do have a serious retinal challenge, like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt’s disease, etc.I am not some magic sorcerer that has a way to take cells that are damaged and replace or repair them. I do know the body knows how to do this; your body can help you heal your eyes. I cannot heal your eyes, but I can help your body have the tools and resources it needs. We make sure everything that needs to be working is working, so your body can heal your eyes. Through research, we now know when something gets regenerated in your body, it involves our adult stem cell system. We are born with this elegant system, full of stem cells that are able to go where damage has occurred and help is needed. Your adult stem cells completely restore and regenerate, leaving the cells that were damaged, like new. You have the best stem cell system in the body and we are here to help you support your own stem cell system. We have seen it work and now we understand why it works. The results are far better than anything recorded, like injecting stem cells. CarlyleStem cells work from birth until death. There may be times when they slow down, and not work as well or be as effective, but they are always doing something. Take cutting your finger, for example. After it is cut, your finger heals and this is your stem cell system working. Dr. MillerExactly, breaking a bone is a great example too. CarlyleBasically, all of the tissues in our body regenerate numerous times throughout our lives because your system is constantly working. It can be hard to realize, but our body has so much going on and is always doing so much for us. Dr. MillerOur body is constantly regenerating and repairing the parts of us that need fixing, but we only found out recently this is true for every tissue in our body. It was not that long ago that I was in medical school where we were taught the brain and the central nervous system tissues, like the eyes and spinal cord, do not regenerate. It was taught that you are born with a certain number of cells and that is it. Through Nobel Prize awarded research, it is now understood all of these cells and tissues regenerate. The cells in your brain and eyes are turning over at least every ten years, possibly more often. These are the most complex tissues in the body and they do not repair or regenerate quickly, but are capable of it.

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  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 55 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 7 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.

    This is the seventh of eight talks that we are putting together about the eye work we do to help people who have chronic degenerative eye conditions, like macular and retinal dystrophies. Some of the specific names include macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa, and cone rod dystrophy. We also help people who have severe glaucoma and separated retinas. Our eyes need a lot of support to be able to heal itself because it can. Today, we will be talking about the genetics behind these diseases. Especially, the idea that your genes are not your destiny. Let me say it again, your genes are not your destiny.
     8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 7 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.
    055_OMDPodcast_8Things_Genes-Not-Your-Destiny-7of8CarlyleWelcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller. This is Carlyle Coash. How are you doing today, Dr. Miller?Dr. MillerI am doing pretty well during these tough times, by the grace of whatever. History will look back on this time, shake its head and wonder how we all got through it. I am grateful to be here because we are going to be talking about some important things. It is good to hear your voice, are you doing well?CarlyleI am holding up, as you said, by whoever is handing out grace. It seems to be helping to, at least, get through the day.Dr. MillerThis is the seventh of eight talks that we are putting together about the eye work we do to help people who have chronic degenerative eye conditions, like macular and retinal dystrophies. Some of the specific names include macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa, and cone rod dystrophy. We also help people who have severe glaucoma and separated retinas. Our eyes need a lot of support to be able to heal itself because it can. Today, we will be talking about the genetics behind these diseases. Especially, the idea that your genes are not your destiny. Let me say it again, your genes are not your destiny. Carlyle and I have been working with people for a couple decades now, and we see people in all different types of domains of their life. What we find of most people is they assume if it runs in their family; they will have and do the same thing their parents did. Your genes are not your destiny.CarlyleInstead of medical hexing, like we have talked about, we can say it is like a family or gene hexing. As opposed to seeing the pattern and looking to change it. Dr. MillerI see people respond to it if we can put it in some familiar ways. Without getting into a significant talk about genetics and epigenetics, consider the most common of these eye problems. Take the most common form of macular degeneration, called age related macular degeneration or ARMD. As it says in the name, the degeneration shows up in people when they are in their 60s, 70s, or 80s. From the time they are kids to the time they retire, there are no problems with their eyes. All of a sudden, their eyes start to fall apart. You need to be asking yourself if these diseases have a strong underpinning of some genetic predisposition, meaning you have a gene that predisposes you to the disease. We know that almost everybody who gets macular degeneration has some sort of abnormal gene. How is it that you can live to be 60, 70, or 80 years old, and have no idea that you have any kind of a genetic problem? You have had the gene from birth and your body has kept it suppressed. If it starts to rear its head, your body is able to fix things faster than they could break. This is true of many other diseases. Another bit of data that is interesting are the genetic testing kits, which look for genetic abnormalities. It is so common now, for only $90 you can get an at-home test kit that shows you any tendencies you may have for all these different dispositions.

  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 53 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 5 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.

    In this episode, we are covering toxicity, which is part five of the eight part series about things your doctor does not tell you when you are diagnosed a retinal disease, like macular degeneration, Stargardt’s, or retinitis pigmentosa.

    Toxicity is something I wrestle with while talking with people in my office all the time. It is not the cause of a disease, it is an obstacle to getting better, no matter what kind of health problem. No matter what you are doing, toxicity gets in the way and it can stoep any progress from happening. It has to be addressed. People wonder all the time if they are toxic, but how do you find out?
    8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 5 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.
    053_OMDPodcast_8Things_Toxicity-5 of 8Carlyle Welcome to the organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller, and me, Carlyle Coash. Welcome back to our interesting, ongoing conversation about bettering your health. How are you doing today, Dr. Miller?Dr. Miller I am doing well today. We are recording this while the great fires in Northern California are happening. It is bad enough that we are stuck here because of social distancing due to the pandemic, but it is almost dangerous to walk outside. It is getting better, and it is a good day to record a podcast. Today, we are covering toxicity, which is part five of the eight part series about things your doctor does not tell you when you are diagnosed a retinal disease, like macular degeneration, Stargardt’s, or retinitis pigmentosa. Toxicity is something I wrestle with while talking with people in my office all the time. It is not the cause of a disease, it is an obstacle to getting better, no matter what kind of health problem. No matter what you are doing, toxicity gets in the way and it can stoep any progress from happening. It has to be addressed. People wonder all the time if they are toxic, but how do you find out? There was a large study done to help find the toxins we have in our bodies. The study group consisted of hundreds of people, who were all seemingly healthy. They chose a healthy group of people to study toxins in, so they would have a control group to compare with those who have a disease or illness. Samples of everything were taken, stool, urine, spit, hair, and even skin biopsies. They tried to get as much information they could possibly obtain and came up with a list of about 150 toxins. The results were astonishing. Everyone had every toxin on the list, and in dangerously large amounts. This sparked a lot of interest in toxicity when the results were published in 2000 and doctors wanted to know if their clients were full of toxins. It was a mini industry for a number of years and some of the centers where the study was taken, put an elaborate test kit together. Doctors would get these kits with different tubes, vials, and envelopes to gather all the information from their clients; everything would then get sent back to the centers. This kit cost about $4,000 and you would get a 13-page printout back showing the results. This did not last for long because every test came back completely positive for toxins, everyone is full of toxins.This is a long conversation and we have a course on Do It Yourself, Detox. This first piece of work helps you mobilize the toxins in your body because they need to be shaken loose from where they have been stuck. This will help you from being sick while the toxins are floating around until your body can figure out a way to excrete them out. The toxins that are stuck are for a good reason and if it cannot deal with something it buries it in your solid organs, bones, tissues, brain, spinal cord, and in your eyes. This is so the toxins are not freely floating around your body, poisoning you; it is poisoning wherever it is stationed though.

  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 52 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 4 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.Today, this is the fourth of eight podcasts on Organic MD. We will discuss our Better Eye Health program that helps people with serious eye diseases, like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and Stargardt’s disease. We have a very effective program for stopping and reversing the progression of these diseases. To some extent, allowing people to get vision back that has been lost. I want mention how important your diet is – what you choose to eat and how you eat it, not just taking supplements. Our title of this podcast, the benefits that come from improving your diet can go beyond your wildest dreams, says it all.8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 4 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.007_OMDPodcast_8Things_DietCarlyleWelcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller. I am Carlyle Coash. How are you doing today Dr. Miller? Dr. MillerI am doing well today. I am very grateful. We are in a time where we get to spend more time listening to podcasts. Grateful for that and making our offering here. Today, this is the fourth of eight podcasts on Organic MD. We will discuss our Better Eye Health program that helps people with serious eye diseases, like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and Stargardt’s disease. We have a very effective program for stopping and reversing the progression of these diseases. To some extent, allowing people to get vision back that has been lost. I want mention how important your diet is – what you choose to eat and how you eat it, not just taking supplements. Our title of this podcast, the benefits that come from improving your diet can go beyond your wildest dreams, says it all.CarlyleI would agree. We talked a last time about my dad making his diet choice. Among other thing he did, the main shift was what he ate and how he ate it. From the time he made the change to the next 30 plus years, he kept to it. There were times he may stray and have a meal that was a little more heavy or cheesy. He would suffer a little, but would say it was worth it because he did not get to eat it that often. He was suffering at the other side of it though. You have talked about this many times over the years, your health can start reflecting the types of food we are eating and putting into our system. Our body works with what we give it, to some extent. If you are giving your body not-so-great-things, it will do the best it can to process them, but your body may take a hit for it. Dr. MillerYour dad was motivated. The doctor said he could lose some weight, but they would end up doing surgery anyway to take out his gallbladder. Your dad wanted to try losing the weight first. This is the basic philosophy here at Organic MD – when you have multiple things to try, go with the safe ones that easy, simple, and cheap. It may take some work, motivation, and effort on your part, but if there are options to surgery, we want to exhaust them. I cannot tell you how many people I have seen go into a fairly simple surgery and come out very scarred or dead. This is also true with a degenerative eye disease, like a retinal disease, or macular degeneration, etc. Will changing your diet reverse these diseases? It is not clear. There are many things you can do to take care of your health that are worth mentioning, in terms of the science behind it. When we talk about macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa, we are talking about problems that almost always have an underlying abnormal gene that predisposes you to it. I choose these words very carefully – predisposes you. Having an abnormal gene does not mean that gene is your destiny. We have another topic we will be talking about in a later podcast called epigenetics. This is the information that sits on top of a gene. The gene is simply the strand of DNA holding the information.

  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 51 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 3 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.We are continuing this series on macular degeneration, and specifically things that we can do around it. Today we are focusing on something you mentioned in the last session, which is really exploring supplements as one of the many things we can do. One of the first things that your ophthalmologist may suggest or do is hand you a little packet of vitamins as they are hustling you out the door. They offer a consolation prize, one piece in an array of things you can do to help reverse the situation of degenerative eye disease.8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 3 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.004_OMDPodcast_8Things_2-SupplementsCarlyleWelcome to the Organic MD podcast. My name is Carlyle Coash and I am here with Dr. Damon P. Miller II. Hello Dr. Miller.Dr. MillerHey Carlyle, it is good to be hear. CarlyleWe are continuing this series on macular degeneration, and specifically things that we can do around it. Today we are focusing on something you mentioned in the last session, which is really exploring supplements as one of the many things we can do. One of the first things that your ophthalmologist may suggest or do is hand you a little packet of vitamins as they are hustling you out the door. They offer a consolation prize, one piece in an array of things you can do to help reverse the situation of degenerative eye disease. Dr. MillerAt the beginning of each podcast, we will briefly repeat what we covered in our last sessions. To start, the whole focus of this is for you to realize if you, or someone you love or know has one of these retinal diseases: macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa, cone rod dystrophy, etc., that there are things you can do to regain vision lost to these diseases. We know this to be true and we are here to tell you what we know about it, so you can do this for yourself or your loved ones.This is not something your eye doctor is going to say, but it is something we help with all the time. The eye doctors tend to tell you, if they are compassionate and honest, they do not have anything to offer you. There is no drug or surgery. If they are operating more from a typical script, they might say there is nothing that can be done. If they do not have anything to offer you, there is nothing that can be done. There are things that can be done. More recently, one thing the eye doctors do offer after making the diagnosis, like Carlyle was saying, is recommend taking certain vitamins – a brand called, Ocuvite. This is done routinely now because of the ARED Studies. The Age Related Eye Disease Studies is trying to codify what has been seen in research since the 1940s and 50s. A huge body of hundreds and hundreds of peer reviewed papers, looked at what supplements, vitamins, other herbs, etc., that we could do to try and help people with these degenerative eye diseases. The ARED Studies have found, if this is the only intervention you do is take vitamins and supplements, will slow the progression of the disease. These are progressive diseases – they never get better over time, but they do get worse. There is no single vitamin, supplement, or combination of the two that has shown to stop the progression of or reverse the diseases. I stand by that statement. I will say it again, “Vitamins and supplements will slow the progression, but they will not stop the progression of the diseases. They will not reverse the diseases and they do not lead to the recovery of vision that is lasting.” You need to do more. We will be discussing this topic over the next sessions. Today is our second of the eight-part series, and we will be talking about the things you can do. We want to be clear that supplements are necessary, but they are not sufficient. One important thing to keep in mind as we are laying out the program,

  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 50 - 8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 2 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.

    Welcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller. I am Carlyle Coash. We are continuing our discussion about health, wellness, and the things we can do to improve all of these in ourselves.

    We are going to be talking about what we can do to maintain your health. If there was ever a time to be attending to it, that time is now. Today we will begin talking about our Better Eye Health Program, which will be a total of eight podcasts. We work with people who have serious eye or retinal diseases, like macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, and retinitis pigmentosa. Our program has shown to be highly effective for helping people with these diseases.
    8 Things Your Doctor is Not Telling You About Your Eye Disease, Part 2 of 8. Hint: Your Vision Can Improve.
    050_OMDPodcast_8Things_MedicalHex-2of8Carlyle Welcome to the Organic MD podcast with Dr. Damon Miller. I am Carlyle Coash. We are continuing our discussion about health, wellness and the things we can do to improve all of these in ourselves. How are you today, Dr. Miller?Dr. Miller Hi Carlyle, I am actually pretty good today. We are still in a crazy time in the world, but it is good to be here. We are going to be talking about what we can do to maintain your health. If there was ever a time to be attending to it, that time is now. Today we will begin talking about our Better Eye Health Program, which will be a total of eight podcasts. We work with people who have serious eye or retinal diseases, like macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, and retinitis pigmentosa. Our program has shown to be very effective for helping people with these diseases.I want to start by honoring Grace Halloran, PhD. She was a pathfinder of this field and put the ideas of this program together. ​When people are diagnosed with these eye diseases, their stories are pretty consistent. They go to their doctor because they have trouble with their vision. They may have a family history of the disease and their vision is now starting to be affected. The doctor says they have a very serious eye disease, the problem cannot be helped with a new pair of glasses, and there is nothing they have to offer. If a doctor is not open-minded, they will probably say there is nothing that can be done. This is far from true, there is something you can do. We call this medical hexing, when a doctor tells someone there is nothing that will help. People respect their doctors; if they are told nothing can be done, they believe nothing can be done. If they were being honest, they would say there is no drug or surgery they know of. They would recommend taking some vitamins to slow down the progress, but mention no improvement will be seen in their visions over the course of their life. We work with people to improve their vision all the time and we are here to keep all hope alive. We will let you know what you need to do to salvage your vision, keep it from getting worse, and regenerate some of the vision lost. Today we will go over the basic understanding that the things you hear about and are offered by modern medicine do not treat the diseases, they are treat the complications of the diseases. The disease with the worst complications is macular degeneration and everyone who has this disease starts with dry macular degeneration. As the degeneration process continues, the retina eventually reaches a point where the structure and vessels break down; this leads to leaking and bleeding in the retina. We now have wet macular degeneration, formally exudative macular degeneration. Doctors have developed some interesting treatments that try to stop the bleeding and leaking because it can be very destructive. Drugs, like Avastin and Lucentis, are injected directly into your eye with a needle. It does stop the bleeding, but it does not treat the underlying problem.


    We're here today for the first of an eight part series. Don't glaze over, stay with us here. The first of an eight part series soon to be a major book. But we wanted to kind of introduce it in pieces here just to get you going. And if you have or know someone close to to you that has been diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease, things like macular degeneration, that's the most common stargardt disease, which is basically just the juvenile form of macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and then a few other odd ones, cone rod dystrophy and things like that. You know, those are diseases that are now the major causes of blindness in people over 65. And they're diseases that just by, I don't know, by the miracle of how life works, it turns out, we've found in our practice ways to work with those to deal with those and even to reverse the vision loss, that those kinds of diseases cause. And that's really what we're here to talk about. It's not something you're going to hear about from your board certified ophthalmologist. Even if they know about it, they're not going to tell you about it. But they are going to tell you that they don't have anything to offer you. So hopefully you found this podcast you found us because you're not going to accept that there's nothing you can do. You're out there looking And you found us. And so we're here today to begin to tell you about the things you need to know. So that you can heal your vision.
    049_OMDPodcast_8-Things_1_of_8CarlyleHello and welcome to the OrganicMD podcast. My name is Carlyle Coash and I am here with Dr. Damon P. Miller II. How are you doing Damon?Dr. MillerWell, it's an odd time in the world, but I'm doing pretty well. I'm really glad to be here. You sound strong. You sound good. I'm glad to hear that.CarlyleI'm doing what I can. Dr. MillerThank you. Okay, well we're here today for the first of an eight part series. Don't glaze over, stay with us here. The first of an eight part series soon to be a major book. But we wanted to kind of introduce it in pieces here just to get you going. And if you have or know someone close to to you that has been diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease, things like macular degeneration, that's the most common stargardt disease, which is basically just the juvenile form of macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and then a few other odd ones, cone rod dystrophy and things like that. You know, those are diseases that are now the major causes of blindness in people over 65. And they're diseases that just by, I don't know, by the miracle of how life works, it turns out, we've found in our practice ways to work with those to deal with those and even to reverse the vision loss, that those kinds of diseases cause. And that's really what we're here to talk about. It's not something you're going to hear about from your board certified ophthalmologist. Even if they know about it, they're not going to tell you about it. But they are going to tell you that they don't have anything to offer you. So hopefully you found this podcast you found us because you're not going to accept that there's nothing you can do. You're out there looking And you found us. And so we're here today to begin to tell you about the things you need to know. So that you can heal your vision. So, Carlyle, what do you thinkCarlyleIt's essential that we remember that the body has this incredible ability to regenerate to heal itself. If we give it support to do that, and this is something that we're Yes, we're talking about degenerative eye disease, and these next few episodes. This can be applied to so many other things. So the same template, I think, plays out for a lot of different illnesses and issues. And so I think, even if you're like, well, I don't have I don't have this issue. You might actually know someone who does.

  • BEH PODCAST EPISODE 48 -- Featuring Dr. Damon Miller with Christine Rosche

    Welcome to the OrganicMD podcast. We're here today. I'm still in the midst of the wildfires in California, and it's become such an issue that Christine Rosche and Dr. Miller decided to get together and devote an entire podcast to dealing with the smoke, with the focus on the kinds of things you can do to protect yourself from the very toxic smoke from these wildfires. The smoke is now blanketing the entire earth! You know, when you're out, if you're, if you're following the air quality index, you know, if the air quality index is 200 parts per million of the small particles, being out in that air for any length of time, it's like smoking a couple of packs of cigarettes a day or more. So it's, it's pretty serious stuff, but there are things you can do.

    As always you will find the link to the Podcast, as well as the full transcript. You can also download a PDF of the transcript down at the bottom the page. Enjoy! 
    Dr. Miller: (00:00)Hi, this is Dr. Damon Miller. Welcome to the OrganicMD podcast. We're here today. I'm still in the midst of the wildfires in California, and, it's become such an issue that we decided to devote an entire podcast to dealing with the toxic smoke, the kinds of things you can do to protect yourself from the very toxic smoke from these wildfires. The smoke is now blanketing the entire earth! You know, when you're out, if you're, if you're following the air quality index, you know, if the air quality index is 200 parts per million of the small particles, being out in that air for any length of time, it's like smoking a couple of packs of cigarettes a day or more. So it's, it's pretty serious stuff, but there are things you can do. Dr. Miller: (00:51)And we're going to talk about that. I'm going to be doing this today, with Christine Rosche. so Christine Rosche is a master of public health and a certified nutritional specialist. And she's, worked for years and years as a specialist with the microbiome and digestive health, is an expert that's developed an integrative approach to health and stress management, and has had over 25 years in this field, including a lot of years recently here in the San Francisco Bay area, working at Stanford. She's written a couple of books, and it's just a really good on this. Now you ask how is a bowel specialist useful here, you want to understand that in most of the major medical systems in the world, besides Western medicine, you know, Vedic medicine, Oriental medicine, and even a lot of the indigenous medicines, there's a clear understanding that the lungs and the gut are linked. The health of one depends on the health of the other. I like the poetry of it in Oriental medicine. The lungs are responsible for bringing in pure energy from heaven and the bowels are responsible for getting rid of everything you don't want. So anyhow, let's, let's just say hi to Christine. Hi Christine. Christine: (02:05)Thank you so much, Damon, and, I'm delighted to be here with you. I also want to introduce Dr. Damon Miller, who is a functional medicine physician in private practice, practicing in Redwood City. And, he's been doing this for many years, since 1985 and detox is an integral part of his practice and helping you with the root cause of your health issues. Dr. Miller: (02:34)Well, thank you. Thank you. So Christine, start us off here. You've been doing a lot of research in preparation for this talk. So, I know we're going to be talking about a number of things, just basically how to protect yourself from the smoke, how to detoxify from the smoke. some things that can be done, in terms of herbs and supplements and, you know, and different kinds of essences and, and how to work with the bow, which we have said is a critical part, keeping your bow functional, healthy, moving, is an important part of all this. So go, go ahead and take, take,

  • ORGANICMD PODCAST – EPISODE 47 Quarantined and Having a Lot of Emotion? It’s Probably Grief

    Quarantined and Having a Lot of Emotion? It’s Probably GriefDoes sheltering in place along with the complete collapse of any semblance of your normal life have you feeling a bit dis-spirited? Maybe more than just a bit?Of course it does. If it did not, I would question if you were actually human.Carlyle Coash offers some practical advice on things you can do to manage the emotions in this time. We need to care for our physical and emotional health if we are to come out the other side of this pandemic intact.To your health, and Dose Your D3Go to: https://doseyourd3.comfor some excellent product. The Virus Survival Kit of the supplements we recommend is offered as an option when you go to buy some D3 (D3 is included in the Virus Survival Kit)You can also find the Virus Survival Kit at:https://fx126.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/addProduct?productId=102

  • ORGANICMD PODCAST – EPISODE 46  Support to Have On Hand If You Do Get COVID-19 Infection

    Support to Have On Hand If You Do Get COVID-19 InfectionAllopathic prescription anti-viral drugs have been pretty ineffective. Integrative medical practices do not rely only on things that are anti-viral, but also take steps to strengthen the host. The virus is a parasite, and you are the host. Human beings have been coexisting with viruses forever, and have very sophisticated systems to defend against invasion of a virus. That’s why we are still here on the planet.The most advanced systems that exist to defeat a viral infection are things you carry around with you wherever you go. You want those systems to be working well, especially in these times.This Podcast outlines some basic products that support immunity, along with some herbal and homeopathic products with anti-viral properties. Together, we have seen the synergy of using these products together work remarkably well in helping people quickly heal from all types of viral infections, and in the short experience we have had with this novel coronavirus, this strategy works for it.To your health, and Dose Your D3Go to: https://doseyourd3.comfor some excellent product. The Virus Survival Kit of the supplements we recommend is offered as an option when you go to buy some D3 (D3 is included in the Virus Survival Kit)You can also find the Virus Survival Kit at:https://fx126.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/addProduct?productId=102

  • ORGANICMD PODCAST - EPISODE 44  Dose Your D3Click to Download Dr. Miller's article on everything you want to know about Dosing Your D3.Supplement with Vitamin D3 to decrease the risk of flu and COVID-19 coronavirus infection. Maintaining an elevated Vitamin D3 blood level is one of the most effective things you can do to protect yourself from infection from the flu virus or the current coronavirus. In this age of the COVID-19 pandemic, one would think that doctors and public health officials would be screaming from the rooftops about the usefulness of everyone doing whatever it takes to keep their Vitamin D status at an optimal level. For most people, all this means is regularly taking a supplement. In the time of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we recommend taking Vitamin D3 supplements year-round.A compelling body of evidence demonstrates the safety and effectiveness of D3 supplementation as a means to increase immunity against colds, flu, and even novel viruses like the COVID-19 virus. This short paper will discuss peer-reviewed literature, dosing recommendations, and safety data on Vitamin D3 supplementation, and provide a short discussion of the biology of Vitamin D3 in human beings.Vitamin D3 is cheap, easy to use, safe, and it works. Even if you already take adequate Vitamin D3, this short paper provides valuable background and useful recommendations.When considering a treatment, doctors are always balancing the risks versus the benefits. When few or no treatments are available, and there is a treatment that is less than 100% proven, but which has zero risk, then it is prudent to use that treatment.For more information, please download and read the PDF, which includes references, and listen to the Podcast. To your health!Vitamin D3 Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 InfectionsFrom the Journal NutrientsNutrients 2020, 12, 988; doi:10.3390/nu12040988Click to Download PDF of this article.

  • The most recent additions to the full DH are two classes. One is the healthy eating workshop. Recent research is shown that recovery from degenerative conditions in the eye and brain is helped by a diet low in sugars and simple carbohydrates and processed foods. The Healthy Eating Workshop introduces a plan for eating that includes those recommendations, and in six weeks puts you on a path to a plan for eating that will serve your eyes for a lifetime. The second course, which you can do at the same time is the "Detoxify Your Body And Your Home" course. We live in a toxic world, and dealing with toxicity has become important for every ill that doctors deal with. We describe this course that lays out how you can start on a simple program to detoxify your body and your home. Link to registration and description of courses

  • Supplements are very important if you have a degenerative eye disease, or if these diseases run in your family. Over 60 years of research, and thousands of peer-reviewed papers have shown that supplements alone will slow the progression of eye disease, but they will not stop the progression, and they will not restore lost vision. Using the proper supplements, and optimizing your health may be all you need to prevent the development of eye disease if eye disease runs in your family. The Basic Protocol of supplements used in the Better Eye Health Program is our recommendation.

  • Macular pseudoholes; macular holes; macular fold; macular tear; epiretinal membrane. The ophthalmologists consider all of the above as very different and distinct problems, but we have come to see that they are all simply different forms of structural degeneration of the retina, and are more common than different. Also we have seen all of them improve, even heal with the basic approaches used in the full Better Eye Health Program. The eye can heal, and there is Hope for Sight!

  • This is the third and final part of our series on autoimmune disease and eye disease. This episode offers the basics of what is needed to manage, even eliminate an autoimmune problem. All autoimmune issues come from an immune system that is over-stimulated. Too much immune stimulation and your body can start producing antibodies that damage your own tissues. The key to reversing this is to reduce the number of things challenging your immune system. Foods can cause reactions, as can toxins. So, changes in diet, and a rational approach to detoxification can have huge benefits.

  • Part Two of the discussion on autoimmunity continues. In the work to reduce the challenges to our immune system, it is important to deal with chronic infections. For many, the challenge is centered in their gut. An unhealthy mix of microbes in the gut makes the gut unhealthy, and spills over into the body, causing inflammation and causing immune reactions. Careful attention to gut health is critical if your goal is to heal an autoimmune problem.

  • Autoimmunity is a big problem in health these days. It is not the cause of your eye challenges, but it makes it harder to heal. Dr. Miller talks about how keeping your wellness - especially in regards to toxins - can prove to play an important role in how you calm your immune system, rebuild tissue and reverse degenerative eye disease. This episode is the first of a three-part series.

  • Tens of millions of people with degenerative retinal diseases like macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt disease hold the same story. When they were first diagnosed their doctor told them that there was nothing that could be done to stop the vision loss or restore lost vision. Maybe they were given some samples of eye vitamins, but nothing else. There is more you can do. Much more. Your doctor has no drug or surgery to offer, but there are proven therapies you can start now that can stop the progression of the disease, even restore lost vision. If you take your doctor's advice and just do nothing? The natural history of these diseases is well understood, and it always involves things getting worse over time. Need a dose of hope? Read Grace Halloran, PhD's autobiography "Amazing Grace: Portrait Of A Survivor" To learn more about the program she developed, go to this link. To order a copy of her autobiography for just the cost of postage, go here.