
  • Welcome back to Parenting Is Easy podcast! In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lavinia Brown, an expert in inner child therapy, who shared her insights with us.
    We delve into the concept of the inner child, exploring its significance in parenting and emphasizing the need to address lingering childhood emotions. Lavinia presents her unique perspective on the utilization of an 'inner parent' to cultivate a nurturing environment for healing, while placing strong emphasis on the role of self-awareness and compassion. This episode offers practical advice for parents on triggers and relationship dynamics. Parents, join this discussion to nurture your children and yourselves. It's transformative!

    Inner Child
    The concept of an inner child is discussed, particularly in relation to parents. The inner child represents unresolved childhood experiences and emotions within individuals. Healing this internal child can lead to improved handling of present-day stressors, enhancing interactions with children.

    Recognizing Triggers

    Parents are encouraged to identify and reflect on their triggers. If an emotion feels extreme or uncontrollable, or it continually loops in their mind, this may indicate underlying unresolved issues.

    The Role of Therapy

    For more severe or emotionally charged experiences, Lavinia advocates seeking professional help. A therapist can provide a safe space to explore these painful memories and work towards healing.

    Self-Care Practices

    Lavinia also introduces practical self-care techniqu

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • # Balancing Career, Health, and Parenting:

    Maria, a leadership and career coach with an impressive food science background, joins us in this podcast episode. Her journey from Ecuador to the United States, Netherlands, and Singapore has provided invaluable experiences. Today, we explore Maria's story and her tips for work-life balance in the modern world.

    ## The Impact of Parenthood

    Parenthood brought significant changes to Maria's life, as with many career-focused individuals. Having a daughter made her reassess her career goals and personal expectations. Maria believes that the idea of "having it all" is often unrealistic, especially when managing a new business and a newborn.

    ## Finding Balance in the Chaos

    Maria overcame challenges to achieve work-life balance. She emphasized the need to adjust expectations and reject the idea of a binary choice between parenthood and career. Maria discusses the trial-and-error process of finding what works for oneself.

    ## The Importance of Health

    Maria emphasized the importance of health, especially as a parent. She advocates for reframing stress and prioritizing well-being to ensure that one can be agile, independent, and present for their children and future generations. Exercise, particularly running, is a non-negotiable for Maria. It serves as her time to recharge, move energy, and be present in her body.

    ## Technology and Community Support

    Maria values support and technology due to living far from family. She understands how video calls help maintain relationshi

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

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  • Join Chananya Abaham and Jeff Nelligan on the Parenting is Easy podcast as they discuss instilling ambition, resilience, confidence, and personal courtesy in children. Jeff shares his journey of raising three sons to highlight the significance of nurturing healthy ambitions and addressing challenges. Discussed strategies included children overcoming failures, cultivating responsibility and humility, and acknowledging parents' role in their connections to the world. The discussion underscores the need for balance between ambition and well-being. Parents should encourage their children to pursue paths aligned with their own interests and well-being.

    Keywords: Army Parenting, Raising Resilience, Kid Confidence, Parenting Podcast, Parenting Strategies, Jeff Nelligan, Healthy Ambitions, Child Responsibility, Teaching Humility, Parental Role, Ambition Balance, Military Parenting, Resilience Kids, Parenting Podcast, Child Development, Easy Parenting

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • Welcome to another episode of Parenting is Easy podcast! Join us as we explore the complexities of parenting with Karen Wagnon, who provides valuable insights and practical advice for addressing the ever-evolving challenges of raising children. From understanding children's personalities to fostering emotional resilience, this episode offers valuable guidance to parents looking to enhance their parenting skills and build stronger family connections.
    Understanding the DISC Model in Parenting

    The DISC model, a framework describing four primary personality styles—Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive, and Cautious—can be a game-changer in how we parent. Unlike traditional parenting advice that adopts a one-size-fits-all approach, the DISC model emphasizes the unique needs and motivators of each child (and parent).

    1. Dominant (D): These children are determined, strong-willed, and often challenge boundaries. They thrive on challenge, choice, and control. Understanding their need to feel autonomous can help parents avoid power struggles and develop a more cooperative relationship.

    2. Inspiring (I): These energetic and social individuals crave recognition, approval, and popularity. They often seek attention in unique ways, which, if not met positively, can lead to illogical behavior. Parents can support them by providing genuine praise and opportunities for social engagement.

    3. Supportive (S): These individuals are known for their reliability, kindness, and tendency to avoid conflict. Their needs revolve around appreciation, security, and acceptance.

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • ##Dental Visits and Preventative Measures at Home

    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends scheduling a child's first dental visit six months after the first tooth comes in, or around their first birthday. This visit is more about educating parents on proper dental care practices than about conducting a thorough cleaning.

    At home, parents can play a crucial role in preventing dental issues. Daily routines that include brushing, avoiding sugary snacks before bedtime, and incorporating healthy eating habits can dramatically decrease the risk of dental problems. Understanding that even healthy, natural sugars in milk or juice can lead to cavities is crucial. Offering water instead of sugary beverages and ensuring teeth are cleaned, especially before bedtime, can help maintain oral health.

    ## Oral Hygiene Tips for Toddlers

    As children grow, continuing to emphasize the importance of dental hygiene is essential. For toddlers and young children, making dental care fun can be particularly effective. Use of character-themed toothpaste and toothbrushes, as well as positive reinforcement for a job well done, can make a big difference in their enthusiasm for brushing and flossing.

    For older children and adolescents, maintaining good dental hygiene habits can be challenging, especially as they gain more independence. Continuing the conversation about the importance of dental health, the consequences of neglect, and the aesthetic benefits of a healthy smile can motivate them to keep up with their dental hygiene habits.

    Guest: Dr. Mike

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • #Parenting with #ADHD

    ## The World of ADHD

    ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities within the household dynamics. Contrary to the perception of it being merely a hurdle, our discussion illuminated ADHD as a realm of 'special energy,' suggesting that individuals with ADHD harbor a reservoir of untapped potential and creativity. Understanding ADHD's multifaceted nature - from hyperactivity to bouts of deep focus - is crucial for parents and educators alike.

    ## The Role of Parents and Educators

    The crucial role parents and educators play in shaping the lives of children with ADHD. Central to this is the delineation of clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations, a foundation that enables children to navigate their world with greater assurance. It's about crafting an environment where resilience, life skills, and habits can be nurtured explicitly tailored to their unique learning and interaction styles.

    ## Building Structure and Resilience

    *Building Resilience: Children with ADHD flourish in environments that encourage trial, error, and eventual mastery of life skills. It entails embracing their 'special energy,' guiding them to channel it into productive pursuits, and teaching them the value of resilience in the face of setbacks.

    *Creating Structure: Despite craving freedom, children with ADHD benefit significantly from clear, consistent structures and routines. This clarity doesn't mean rigidity but rather a flexible framework within which they can explore,

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • * Navigating the World of New Parenthood

    Becoming a parent is a transformational journey filled with incredible highs and challenges. In this new episode of Parenting is Easy, we delve into the intricacies of new parenthood, providing insights from the front lines of parenting and expert advice from Suzzie Vehrs, a passionate doula and childbirth educator with extensive experience in assisting new moms in creating a birth experience they cherish.

    * The Realities of New Parenthood

    Navigating the early days of parenthood can feel like uncharted territory. It's a phase marked by a rollercoaster of emotions, from overwhelming joy to daunting insecurities. Perhaps one of the greatest revelations is the onset of imposter syndrome, which seems to strike with particular intensity during this transformative period. The constant questioning of one's decisions and the pursuit of perfection in parenting can lead to significant stress, underscoring the importance of understanding the normalcy of these feelings.

    * The Birth Experience: Home vs Hospital

    The choice between a home birth and a hospital birth is deeply personal and influenced by numerous factors, including personal comfort, medical necessity, and, at times, insurance considerations. Suzzie Vehrz brings to light the unique aspects of both options, offering insights into her own experiences and professional observations. From the intimate, personalized care of a home birth to the more regimented yet equally supportive environment of a hospital birth, understanding the pros and cons of each setting

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • The journey of parenthood is filled with unique challenges and riches, especially for those navigating the path of adoption. In an enlightening conversation with Gail Weill we dive deep into the essentials parents need to know about adoption, address the detrimental effect of shaming behaviors within the family, and explore the transformative power of hypnotherapy in parenting.

    ## Understanding Adoption

    Adoption is a journey that comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. One of the first aspects Gail underlines is the importance of openness about a child’s background. The child needs knowledge for identity and understanding their origins is a natural part of the adoption journey. As society moves towards greater transparency in adoption, parents are encouraged to engage in open and honest dialogues with their children about their adoption story, ensuring that the child's search for identity is met with support and love, not secrecy or evasion.

    ## The Significance of Adoption Competency

    When seeking professional support, the significance of adoption competency cannot be overstated. Gail emphasizes the importance of working with professionals who possess a nuanced understanding of adoption. These professionals can offer evidence-based recommendations that are specifically tailored to the complex dynamics of adoptive families. This specialized support can make all the difference in navigating the adoption journey successfully.

    ## Age, Circumstances, and Support

    The needs of adoptive families can vary greatly depending on nu

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • Fatherhood is a journey filled with challenges, rewards, and the constant quest for balance. In a recent insightful conversation, we delved into the delicate balance of fatherhood, entrepreneurship, and the importance of self-care with our guest Purdeep Sangha.

    #The Balance of Fatherhood

    The need to redefine the concept of balance in parenting. Rather than just focusing on time management, it's essential to consider harmony – ensuring that the time, energy, and resources invested in various aspects of life align to create a harmonious existence.

    Setting clear goals is another crucial aspect often overlooked in fatherhood. While we meticulously plan our professional endeavors, setting goals for our role as a father is equally important. Our brain responds to goals, directing resources accordingly towards our priorities.

    #The Importance of Setting Goals as a Father

    Quality over quantity was emphasized when it comes to spending time with our children. Being present and engaged, even in smaller time increments, can have a more significant impact than mere physical presence without engagement.

    #Being Present for Your Children

    Improving productivity and discipline were discussed as key elements in effective parenting. By optimizing our productivity in other areas of life, we can create more quality time for our families, emphasizing the importance of discipline in managing our time effectively.

    #Improving Productivity and Discipline for Better Parenting

    Transitioning from work to home requires a conscious effort

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • The Foundation of Literacy

    The journey toward literacy begins with understanding what reading truly embodies. Beyond the mere act of sounding out words, reading is an intricate blend of print recognition and comprehension. This vital skill is rooted in early childhood, nurtured through constant and meaningful conversations between parents and their children. These interactions lay the groundwork for vocabulary development, idea formation, and content knowledge—all essential components of reading comprehension.

    Developing Language and Literacy Milestones

    Parents play a pivotal role in recognizing and fostering early language development. Well-defined language milestones can guide parents in supporting their child's language acquisition. Tools like the CDC's Ages and Stages serve as helpful benchmarks, enabling parents to monitor progress and address any concerns during pediatrician visits. Additionally, integrating letters and print into everyday activities can spark curiosity and encourage early literacy skills.

    The Role of Parental Engagement

    Engaging with children about their reading material is paramount. Whether it’s discussing differences between a book and its movie adaptation or exploring character motivations, these conversations enrich the reading experience. They not only enhance comprehension but also motivate children to delve deeper into literature. Smart emphasizes the power of asking "why" questions, urging parents to challenge their children to think critically about the content they consume.

    # Balancing Screen Time

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • Join Dr. Hiba Khalid in an eye-opening exploration of Leadership & Parenting, where every insight is a step towards nurturing stronger family bonds! Learn to navigate challenges, foster independence, and cultivate leaders at home.

    Family Potential with Leadership
    Dr. Hiba Khalid offers a compelling perspective, viewing families as intricate systems where each member contributes to overall dynamics. Drawing from adaptive leadership principles, initially designed for organizational challenges, Dr. Khalid illustrates their transformative potential within familial contexts.

    Emphasizing curiosity, empathy, and self-understanding, Dr. Khalid demonstrates how applying adaptive leadership principles enhances familial relationships and fosters effective communication, nurturing environments for children.

    Family Systems
    Explore the family as a multi-layered system, from the nuclear to the community level. Understanding one's position within these layers equips parents to address diverse challenges effectively.

    Challenges in Parenting
    Distinguish between technical and adaptive challenges in parenting. While technical challenges have clear solutions, adaptive challenges demand nuanced approaches, learning, and collaboration. Dr. Khalid provides insightful examples, urging parents to partner with children through their journey towards autonomy.

    Guidance and Independence
    Discover the delicate balance between guiding children and fostering independence. Dr. Khalid underscores the significance of parental self-awareness, advocating for priorit

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
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    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • #Understanding Potty Training: Insights from Dr. Stephen Hodges

    Potty training is a significant milestone in both a child's development and a parent's journey. However, misconceptions and societal pressures can make this process more challenging than it needs to be. In a revealing podcast episode with Dr. Stephen Hodges, a pediatric urology expert, we uncover essential insights into effectively navigating the potty training phase.

    #The Truth About Early Potty Training

    Contrary to popular belief, early potty training isn't necessarily beneficial. Dr. Hodges warns that it might lead to overcontrol of the sphincters, causing retention of urine and feces, which eventually results in accidents. This is a reminder that potty training should be about the child's readiness, not societal expectations or milestones.

    # Recognizing Readiness and Addressing Constipation

    A cornerstone of successful potty training is recognizing signs of readiness, typically around the age of three and a half. Equally crucial is understanding the role of constipation, often an overlooked factor contributing to potty training difficulties. Dr. Hodges highlights that constipation can lead to various problems, from accidents to urinary tract infections, and underscores the importance of addressing it proactively.

    # Nurturing Healthy Habits

    Creating a conducive environment for regular and comfortable elimination includes a balanced diet, proper hydration, and a positive and relaxed approach to using the toilet. Engaging resources that explain the importance of g

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    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • ## The Journey of an Educator

    Talene Stephens is a committed life-long learner and a passionate educator. She has 15 years of experience in education, working in various settings, including classrooms and collaborative projects with homeschool families. Currently, she serves as a reading specialist and an ELA coach, focusing on individualized learning experiences for her students. Talene strongly believes in blending traditional educational methods with innovative approaches. A pivotal aspect of her teaching methodology centers on project-based learning.

    ## The Interplay of Education, Parenting, and Mentorship

    Education and parenting are two beautifully intertwined domains that influence each other significantly. Talene beautifully encapsulated the idea as she discussed her parenting journey. While she conceded that parenting was indeed challenging, she also appreciated the rewards she reaped along the way - especially her interactions with her children.

    ## The Role of Reading in Child Development

    Talene emphasizes reading as a fundamental cornerstone for children's development. She explained that children must be subjected to reading even before birth and continue as they grow. The importance of reading is not confined to academics but encompasses an aspect of socio-emotional development. Talene suggests that parents emphasize teaching letter sounds and phonics before teaching letter names. While reading to children, parents can track the words with their fingers, and looking at and analyzing the pictures together is an interactive activity t

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • Join Chananya Abraham in this new episode as he delves into a captivating conversation with Reena Friedman Watts, the dynamic host of 'Better Call Daddy.' Explore the art of balancing parenthood with passion, unearthing insights on authenticity, curiosity, and the magic of storytelling.

    Nurturing Authentic Parenting

    Embark on a journey to craft an authentic parenting narrative with Reena Friedman Watts. Learn the art of sharing stories that not only resonate but also stay true to your unique path and experiences.

    The Power of 'Yes' – Insights from Reena's Journey

    Unlock transformative lessons from Reena's diverse journey, ranging from a radio jockey to an entrepreneur. Embrace a curiosity-driven mindset to turn disagreements with kids into opportunities for positive connections.

    Family Connection through Storytelling

    Discover the vital role of storytelling as the thread binding families together. Reena emphasizes the importance of sharing stories, creating continuity, and leaving a lasting legacy in the digital age.

    Passionate Parenthood Journey

    Reflect on Reena's compelling narrative, urging parents to infuse passion into their parenting. Embrace the uniqueness of each child, fostering growth in an environment that supports their individual journey.

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • In this engaging episode of our podcast "Parenting Is Easy, Said No One Ever", we had an mindful conversation with Dr. Maureen. Not only is she a pediatrician, allergist and immunologist, she's also lived the experiences she talks about as a mother of a child with long-term health issues. Drawing from her personal journey, dealing with her daughter's pediatric cancer and type 1 diabetes, she shares valuable advice for how parents can effectively manage similar situations while taking care of themselves.

    ## Chronicle of a Pediatrician turned Resilient Parent

    Dr. Maureen shares that her journey into specializing in long-term child health care was sparked by her own experiences. As a resident in Pediatrics, her six-month-old daughter was diagnosed with pediatric neuroblastoma, a type of pediatric cancer. This life-altering event distanced her from her dreams of being a mom and a pediatrician and plunged her into an unfamiliar world of anxiety and fear.

    ## Embracing Emotions and Taking Stock of Thoughts

    A key element that Dr. Maureen emphasizes throughout the discussions is the significance of embracing emotions. Her journey taught her that thoughts lead to emotions, which lead to actions, which in turn, shape our lives' results. Emotions can sometimes be overpowering, leading us instead of us leading our lives. By becoming conscious of our thoughts and emotions, we can start to control our lives.

    ## The Central Role of Communication

    Dr. Maureen is a strong advocate for maintaining open lines of communication, especially in families deal

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • Welcome to a brand new episode of "Parenting is Easy"! I'm Chananya Abraham, your host. In this exciting episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Sean SF Banks—editor, and author of three inspiring books. Join our conversation for insightful ideas on parenting, resilience, and motivating your little ones. Let's dive into this episode full of parenting wisdom!

    Discovering Superpowers in Single Parenthood

    Single parenting is like a superhero journey without a manual, but SF Banks shows us the way. Drawing from his own family experiences, SF emphasizes the impact of role models, turning challenges into triumphs. Learn how single parents can maintain support systems and embrace self-care while being full-time superheroes.

    Balance and Bounce Back: SF's Recipe for Resilience

    SF's transformation from not liking kids to motivating them is a story of resilience. He shares tips on instilling a strong work ethic, bouncing back from setbacks, and defining resilience as bouncing back like a ball hitting the ground.

    Responsibility, Ownership, and the Love Factor

    SF's parenting philosophy includes teaching responsibility and ownership to kids. Acknowledging missed opportunities and adding a sprinkle of love, SF believes in creating a foundation for accountability. Love is not just a feeling; it's an action that shapes success stories for the kids he mentors.

    Fun Learning with Animated Role Models

    SF knows kids love cartoons! Introducing Team Hot Sauce, a group of "veggie defender" heroes, SF uses animation to impart cru

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • Welcome to a compelling exploration of the often-overlooked issue of hidden stresses caused by toxic metals. In this episode of "Parenting is Easy Said No One Ever," we're joined by Douglas Mulholland, a pioneering scientist and founder of the first biotech company dedicated to restoring artery elasticity.

    Debunking the Problem

    Mulholland challenges the widely held belief that our bodies inevitably deteriorate after the age of 30, dismissing it as unnecessary. He delves into his expertise in toxic metal subtraction from consumer products and living spaces, emphasizing the environmental impact on gene behaviors, particularly during children's formative years. Toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic pervade our surroundings, influencing our well-being.

    Effects on the Body and Cognitive Development

    When these hazardous metals accumulate in our tissues, they disrupt DNA, leading to mutations associated with cancer and chronic inflammation. This condition worsens with age, resulting in chronic inflammation, arterial hardening, and eventual cardiovascular diseases—a concern that starts affecting individuals from birth, posing a significant challenge for parents.

    Preventative Measures

    To mitigate the risk of toxic metal exposure for your child, consider the following measures:

    Educate Yourself: Start by gaining knowledge, with Mulholland's book "Discovering the Nature of Longevity" serving as an excellent resource.Improve Air & Water Quality: Invest in high-quality filters for air conditioning sy

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • ## The Road to Adoption

    The road to becoming a parent through adoption often starts from facing a harsh reality - the inability to conceive. This was the circumstance for Anna Maria DiDio, author of the book, "Love at the Border," which sheds light on her personal experiences behind the scenes of international adoption. Her journey to motherhood started from tackling the ups and downs of infertility treatments.

    ## An Instant Parent But a Gradual Bond

    Becoming a parent happens instantaneously at the moment of finalizing an adoption. Yet, forming a connection and cultivating a bond with the adopted child is a process that takes time. For Anna Maria, the transition from being a mother of one to a mother of two was not instant. It took years and a process of understanding adoption through the lens of grief, loss, and trauma.

    ## Adoptive Parenting Amid Diverse Personalities

    Dealing with diverse personalities within the same family is an integral part of parenting, let alone adoptive parenting. Anna Maria was blessed with two daughters who, despite being raised in the same home, showcased distinctly different personalities. Her older daughter -- a biological child, was an A-class student and a music enthusiast. Conversely, her younger daughter – the adopted one, continually wrestled with the English language and had a keen flair for avoiding homework like the plague.

    ## Looking into the Rear-view Mirror

    Reflecting on her journey of parenthood through adoption, Anna Maria wished she understood earlier the impact of trauma and grie

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • ** Unlocking Child Potential: An Insightful Discussion with Nic Hamilton**

    Getting to know Nic Hamilton

    Nic Hamilton commends the importance of spreading narratives that foster child development. Through her personal journey from addiction and mental health challenges, she discovered the significant role coaches played. As a coach herself, Nic brings creativity into teaching modalities such as hypnotherapy, energetics, personal development, and mindfulness, making learning fun and transforming these practices into methods that kids can easily absorb and interact with.

    Parental Guidance in Pursuit of Help

    When parents notice a need for their child to get additional help, the first step is not to panic; instead, start by asking for help. This could start through searching for options via doctors, psychologists, or drug and alcohol counselors, among others. A good fit might take a couple of tries, but that journey is part of the path to finding significant transformation for your child.

    Family Inclusion in Coaching

    Nic highlights the importance of integrating family and siblings into the coaching sessions to create an environment of open communication. Such an element breeds a healthy family dynamic, which is important in ensuring every child feels noticed, understood and included. This process not only makes the child feel safe but also achieve significant progress through this integrative approach.

    The Role of the Parent in Coaching

    Interestingly, Nic advises parents to adapt an embodiment approach when working with y

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile

  • **Cracking the Code of Kids Sleep Patterns with Jade the Sleep Nanny**

    It's a common experience; countless parents grapple with sleep issues related to their children. Taming the notorious sleep monster often seems unachievable with restless nights, mid-sleep awakenings, and bedtime battles becoming the tedious routine. So, isn't it time we demystified child sleep patterns?

    Understanding Individual Sleep Patterns

    Our discussion began with a reminder that no 'one-size-fits-all' solution exists when it comes to children's sleeping patterns. Each child is unique with distinct personalities and sleep needs. Jade, drawing from her personal experience asserted that recognizing these differences and tailoring sleep solutions accordingly is crucial.

    However, while understanding individual traits is important, it's not the sole determinant to reaching out to a professional. Actual support is warranted when sleep patterns significantly affect the child and the family’s quality of life. Exhausted parents can significantly benefit by reaching out for help when they're unable to cope with their child's sleeping issues themselves.

    The Importance of a Consistent Sleep Environment

    One of the key points that Jade emphasized was the importance of maintaining a consistent sleep environment. This environment is not confined only to a child’s physical space (like their bed or room) but extends to a rhythmic bedtime routine.

    Creating Boundaries with Bed Sharing and Electronics

    Bed sharing and screen times are perhaps among the most deb

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    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    Item Title:                      Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL:                        https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID:                         7CGBCZW
    Author Username:                 MusicalSmile

    This podcast has been associated with affiliate programs. The podcast and host may get a commission from any of the links posted in this description.

    CONTACT Chananya
    Contact to Discuss Therapy: https://cyuahtherapy.com/contact/
    Contact for Podcast: [email protected]
    Website: https://parentingiseasypodcast.buzzsprout.com
    Website: https://cyuahtherapy.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parentingiseasysaidno1ever/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chananya-abraham-a1b5b852/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv35dSG3hE5n6_rSAE_J9VQ

    Item Title: Inspiring Fun Kids Theme
    Item URL: https://elements.envato.com/inspiring-fun-kids-theme-7CGBCZW
    Item ID: 7CGBCZW
    Author Username: MusicalSmile