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  • Today is Yom Yerushalayim where we celebrate the unification of Jerusalem and the miracles of the Six Day War. Following the War of Independence in 1948 when the Arab countries surrounding Israel rejected the partition plan and sought to annihilate the 600,000 Jewish residents of the new State, the Jewish people won a resounding victory, but Jordan took possession of the Old City of Jerusalem. Those who had been living in the Old City, lost their homes. Synagogues and Yeshivot were destroyed and the area around the Wall was stripped of Jews who had been living there for decades and centuries. We could no longer worship at the Kotel. 

    19 years later the voice of Motta Gur, commander of the paratrooper’s brigade, rings in our ears and we can all hear his historical announcement: “Har Ha-bayit be-yadeinu!” “The Temple Mount is in our hands!” ... It is this we celebrate with Hallel and praise for Hashem’s miracles. 

    We read each day in the Amida: 

    תִּשְׁכּוֹן בְּתוֹךְ יְרוּשָׁלַֽיִם עִֽירְךָ כַּאֲשֶׁר דִּבַּֽרְתָּ, וְכִסֵּא דָוִד עַבְדְּךָ מְהֵרָה בְּתוֹכָהּ תָּכִין, וּבְנֵה אוֹתָהּ בִּנְיַן עוֹלָם בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵֽינוּ

    Dwell within Jerusalem Your city, as You spoke about, & the throne of David, Your servant, speedily prepare it within it, & build it an eternal structure speedily in our days.

    We mention the throne of David. Some compare the throne below with the throne above and just as we long for the throne below to be re-established, we realize that in some ways, the throne above is not whole. 

    We read each Friday morning, Friday afternoon, evening and Shabbat: 

    נָכ֣וֹן כִּסְאֲךָ֣ מֵאָ֑ז מֵעוֹלָ֣ם אָֽתָּה׃

    Your throne stands firm from of old; from eternity You have existed. Again the throne! 

    When Amalek attacks Benai Yisrael after leaving Egypt, Moshe sends Joshua to fight them. It is there we are commanded never to forget what Amalek does and Moses builds an alter and says 

    וַיֹּ֗אמֶר כִּֽי־יָד֙ עַל־כֵּ֣ס כַּהּ מִלְחָמָ֥ה לַהֹ’ בַּֽעֲמָלֵ֑ק מִדֹּ֖ר דֹּֽר׃

    He said, “It means, ‘Hand upon the throne of Hashem, Hashem will be at war with Amalek throughout the ages.”

    Rashi asks: And what is the force of כס — why does it not say as usual (throne or chair) כסא? And the Divine Name, also, is divided into half (Kah is only the half of the Tetragrammaton)! The Holy One, blessed be He, swears that His Name will not be perfect nor His throne perfect until the name of Amalek be entirely blotted out. 

    And I would venture to put forward based on this that Amalek and the establishment and rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple are diametrically opposed. 

    Although Jerusalem is mentioned in Tanach in some way between 700 and 800 times, it is not mentioned at all in the Torah itself. 

    We do have a verse in Devarim which states: 

    כִּ֠י אִֽם־אֶל־הַמָּק֞וֹם אֲשֶׁר־יִבְחַ֨ר הֹ

    but look only to the site that Hashem will choose amidst all your tribes as Hashem’s habitation, to establish the divine name there. 

    There you are to go, Rabbeynu Bachya writes: The place in question is Mount Moriah; it is well known among the Goyim. They know of its spiritual advantages through tradition. There is no need to mention this location by name. The people all had a tradition that this was where their ancestor Yitzchak had lain bound on the altar. Maimonides writes in his Moreh Nevuchim (3,45) that there were three reasons why the location of the future Temple was not spelled out at this point. 

    1) If the nations of the world had known that in that location prayers are answered positively by G’d and sacrifices are welcome to Him, every nation would have made a supreme effort to take possession of that site. This would have resulted in untold slaughter among the nations and ongoing strife among them. 

    2) If the Canaanites who dwelled in the land at the time Moses spoke these words had heard of them and they had realized that the Israelites would dispossess them and take over that site they would have utterly destroyed it before the Jewish people had a chance to conquer it. 

    3) Even the tribes of the Israelites would have argued among themselves in whose territory this site, would be located at the time the land was distributed among the tribes. Such a division among the people would have been even worse than the rebellion of Korach when the people were not prepared to recognize the preferred hereditary status of the Priests. 

    For all these reasons Moses preferred not to spell out the exact location of where the Temple would be built in the future. If even the Jews did not know the location, it is clear that the Gentiles did not know it either. Although everyone knew of the significance of Mount Moriah in the past, they had no idea of what this meant in terms of its future religious significance, in terms of the place G’d would choose.

    We know that even King David did not know that Har HoMoriah was the mount to build the Temple on. He originally selected the tallest mountain in Yehuda and only after learning in detail with Samuel the prophet, did they ascertain that the choice from the sacrifice was the shoulder and thus chose the second highest spot. 

    If I have not lost you yet, a couple of more facts and then, let’s try to put the pieces together. 

    Rabbi Ari Kahn writes: The Shulchan Aruch, section 580, reports that on the 28th day of the month of Iyar a fast day is observed, marking the anniversary of the death of Shmuel HaNavi (Samuel the Prophet). In antiquity this day was widely celebrated.

    The Radbaz teaches that the tomb of Shmuel HaNavi was a site of pilgrimage. People would take their young sons and travel to the burial place of Shmuel to cut the child's hair for the first time. When it became dangerous to travel to Jerusalem, the custom evolved to travel to meron on the 18th of Iyar and thus we have the custom to go on Lab LaOmer to the Kever of Rashbi (as cutting hair on Lag makes no sense to Sephardim who don’t cut until the 34th).

    Still we see that the 28th day of Iyar was, in antiquity, a day of pilgrimage as well as the yearly remembrance of Shmuel HaNavi. On that day, of all the days in the calendar, Jerusalem was the destination. We might even venture to say that the power of the prayers uttered all those years ago on this day by the pilgrims at the end of their arduous journey contributed to Jerusalem's liberation on the very same date, causing it to once again become the day when people venture up to Jerusalem. 

    But something else occurred on the 28th of Iyar. According to Seder HaOlam. The battle with Amalek took place on the 28th of Iyar. 

    Rabbi Kahn explains: This association allows us a deeper appreciation of the date and its significance. The battle with Amalek is the archetypical struggle between holiness and depravity. This struggle defines the essence of the 28th of Iyar. It is its nature, its character, its 'personality'. The victory of holiness over depravity was achieved when the prayers of Moshe and the nation were answered. When the Beit Hamikdash was eventually constructed on the holy mountain, symbolizing the possibility of human connection with God and holiness.

    On the 28th of Iyar, Amalek tries to destroy the throne. It is up to us to rebuild it. Samuel is born on the 28th. He anoints Saul whose task is to destroy Amalek. Saul fails. 

    Samuel then anoints David. Together they discern that the place of the Temple to establish the throne on earth corresponding to the throne above is Jerusalem.

    Thus, Samuel in anointing the Davidic dynasty through Mashiach and in establishing the “place” as Jerusalem is forever associated with the City. Perhaps in his merit (as he is noted as in a way equal to Moses and Aaron) miraculous victory and celebration came on the 28th of Iyar in our lifetimes.

    But I cannot help but think. Did we in 1967 make the same mistake as Saul? Har HaBayit BeYadeynu. And the Mashicach was riding in on his white donkey as Rabbi Abittan would explain. In Jerusalem a banner was unfurled. As they unrolled it we read. Yisral – Israel, a bit more Boteach – puts its faith and trust and then the final word which should have said Hashem read Sahal – the army. We handed the keys to Har HaBayit (and Maarat HaMachpelah) back and Mashiach turned around.

    Still though today is a day of tremendous celebration and joy. The geulah begins step by step. We are experiencing it. But we must remember the geulah does not come on its own. The Mikdash does not fall from the sky on its own. Mashiach does not ride in on his own. It is up to each of us to contribute a spiritual brick. To learn, to teach, to watch, to do and to fulfil that which we are asked to and volunteered to do. 

    In the Omer we are at the day of Chesed shel Malchut, the Kindness of Kingdom. The first step towards reestablishing Hashem’s Kingdom on Earth. And as we arrive at Shavuot at the end of the week, the date of Matan Torah and the birth of King David, let us pray together and see fulfilled BimHerah Beyameynu the words we utter each morning: 

    תִּשְׁכּוֹן בְּתוֹךְ יְרוּשָׁלַֽיִם עִֽירְךָ

    Dwell within Jerusalem Your city, as You spoke about, & the throne of David, Your servant, speedily prepare it within it, & build it an eternal structure speedily in our days.



    תֵּלֵ֑כוּ וְאֶת־מִצְוֺתַ֣י תִּשְׁמְר֔וּ וַעֲשִׂיתֶ֖ם אֹתָֽם׃

    If you
    follow My laws and faithfully observe My commandments,

    וְנָתַתִּ֥י גִשְׁמֵיכֶ֖ם
    בְּעִתָּ֑ם וְנָתְנָ֤ה הָאָ֙רֶץ֙ יְבוּלָ֔הּ וְעֵ֥ץ הַשָּׂדֶ֖ה יִתֵּ֥ן פִּרְיֽוֹ׃

    I will grant
    your rains in their season, so that the earth shall yield its produce and the
    trees of the field their fruit.

    וְהִשִּׂ֨יג לָכֶ֥ם
    דַּ֙יִשׁ֙ אֶת־בָּצִ֔יר וּבָצִ֖יר יַשִּׂ֣יג אֶת־זָ֑רַע וַאֲכַלְתֶּ֤ם לַחְמְכֶם֙ לָשֹׂ֔בַע
    וִֽישַׁבְתֶּ֥ם לָבֶ֖טַח בְּאַרְצְכֶֽם׃

    threshing shall overtake the vintage, and your vintage shall overtake the
    sowing; you shall eat your fill of bread and dwell securely in your land.

    וְנָתַתִּ֤י שָׁלוֹם֙
    בָּאָ֔רֶץ וּשְׁכַבְתֶּ֖ם וְאֵ֣ין מַחֲרִ֑יד׃

    I will grant
    peace in the land, and you shall lie down untroubled by anyone;


  • One of the most uniquely celebrated days on the Jewish calendar is ל'ג בעמר /Lag BaOmer

    (the 33rd day of the Omer-Count), when tens of thousands of Jews descend upon Meiron

    in the Galil to celebrate the yartzeit (anniversary of death) of the holy Tanna Rabi

    Shimon bar Yochai (known by the acronym Rashbi), the primary author of the teachings

    found in the Sefer HaZohar. And ultimately all of Eretz Yisrael is ablaze on Lag BaOmer

    with bonfires lit in honor of the day.

    Though, as celebrated as this day is, if one delves into the matter, it’s actually not so

    straightforward what exactly is being celebrated. That is, most people understand that

    Lag BaOmer is a double-rejoicing over the fact that the students of Rabi Akiva ceased to

    die after many weeks of them passing away in a plague, together with a celebration in

    honor of the yartzeit of Rashbi. But the truth of the matter is that neither of these

    explanations for the Lag BaOmer festivities is clear cut. In order to understand why not,

    let’s first get the necessary background.

    Based on Insights of

    HaGaon HaGadol Rav Yaakov Hillel shlit”a

    In the פתיחה and first essay of his sefer on Lag BaOmer – Eid HaGal HaZeh


    Prepared by Chaim Rosenblatt

    Also based on the notes of Rav Pinchas Friedman 

  •  Apropos the fact
    that rain on Sukkot is an indication of divine rebuke, the Gemara cites
    several related topics. The Sages taught: When the sun is eclipsed it is a
    bad omen for the entire world. The Gemara tells a parable. To what is
    this matter comparable? It is comparable to a king of flesh and blood
    who prepared a feast for his servants and placed a lantern [panas]
    before them to illuminate the hall. He became angry at them and said to
    his servant: Take the lantern from before them and seat them in darkness.


    It is taught in a baraita
    that Rabbi Meir says: When the heavenly lights, i.e., the sun and
    the moon, are eclipsed, it is a bad omen for the enemies of the Jewish
    people, which is a euphemism for the Jewish people, because they are
    experienced in their beatings. Based on past experience, they assume that
    any calamity that afflicts the world is directed at them. The Gemara suggests a
    parable: This is similar to a teacher who comes to the school with a
    strap in his hand. Who worries? The child who is accustomed to be beaten
    each and every day is the one who worries.


    The Sages taught in another baraita:
    When the sun is eclipsed, it is a bad omen for the other nations.
    When the moon is eclipsed, it is a bad omen for the enemies of the Jewish
    people. This is due to the fact that the Jewish people calculate
    their calendar primarily based on the moon, and the other nations
    calculate based on the sun. When the sun is eclipsed in the east, it
    is a bad omen for the residents of the lands of the east. When it is
    eclipsed in the west, it is a bad omen for the residents of the lands of
    the west. When it is eclipsed in the middle of the sky, it is a bad
    omen for the entire world.


    If, during an
    eclipse, the visage of the sun is red like blood, it is an
    omen that sword, i.e., war, is coming to the world. If the sun is
    black like sackcloth made of dark goat hair, it is an omen that arrows
    of hunger are coming to the world, because hunger darkens people’s faces.
    When it is similar both to this, to blood, and to that, to
    sackcloth, it is a sign that both sword and arrows of hunger are coming to
    the world. If it was eclipsed upon its entry, soon after rising, it
    is an omen that calamity is tarrying to come. If the sun is eclipsed upon
    its departure at the end of the day, it is an omen that calamity is
    hastening to come. And some say the matters are reversed: An eclipse in the
    early morning is an omen that calamity is hastening, while an eclipse in the
    late afternoon is an omen that calamity is tarrying.


    The Sages said: There
    is no nation that is afflicted whose god is not afflicted with it, as it is
    stated: “And against all the gods of Egypt I will mete out judgment; I am God”
    (Exodus 12:12). The Gemara adds: When the Jewish people perform God’s will,
    they need not fear any of these omens, as it is stated: “Thus
    says the Lord: Learn not the way of the nations, and be not dismayed at the
    signs of Heaven; for the nations are dismayed at them” (Jeremiah 10:2). The
    nations will be dismayed, but the Jewish people will not be dismayed,
    provided they do not follow the ways of the nations.


    The Sages taught that on account
    of four matters the sun is eclipsed: On account of a president of the
    court who dies and is not eulogized appropriately, and the eclipse is a
    type of eulogy by Heaven; on account of a betrothed young woman who
    screamed in the city that she was being raped and there was no one to
    rescue her; on account of homosexuality; and on account of two
    brothers whose blood was spilled as one.




    Rabbi Abraham Zacuto was born in
    Salamanca, Spain in 1452. He studied Tora with his father Shemuel Zacuto and
    with rabbi Isaac Abohab. He was a great Tora scholar, very well versed in
    Talmud, Jewish Law, Philosophy and Mysticism. He also studied astronomy
    in the famous university of Salamanca and taught in the universities of
    Zaragoza and Cartagena.

    Abraham Zacuto engaged in astronomical research, an indispensable knowledge for
    navigating the seas. In 1478 he wrote his major astronomical work, Ha-
    ibbur ha-Gadol. This book along with
    other books and treatises on astronomy (e.g., “On the solar and lunar eclipses”) were
    translated to Spanish and Latin.
    Zacuto wrote many Tora books as well. His most famous book in Hebrew is called
    sefer yohasin (
    יוחסיןDespite several attempts, the current and winds kept forcing them back,
    so they set up camp inland. In the process, they murdered, raped, or pillaged
    many of the local people.

    Page from Abraham
    Zacuto’s Almanach Perpetuum. (Public Domain/ Wikimedia Commons)

    Rabbi Abraham ZacutoColumbus saw that Zacuto had predicted a lunar eclipse for the night of
    February 29, 1504. So he warned Huero that if he didn’t supply provisions for
    him and his men, God would publicly display His anger. The tribal chief scoffed
    until a few hours later when the moon started to disappear. He ran quickly to
    Columbus and begged him to leave the moon alone.

    With great howling and lamentation, they came running from every
    direction to the ships, laden with provisions, praying the Admiral to intercede
    by all means with God on their behalf; that he might not visit his wrath upon

    Columbus used his hourglass to time when the
    eclipse was nearly finished (it lasted for 48 minutes), then emerged from his
    cabin to say that he had prayed and God would forgive the people.

    The Arawak continued to feed Columbus and his
    men until the Spaniards were finally rescued on June 29, 1504.

    But Zacuto’s tables were much more than a trick to fool the indigenous
    people. No seafarer at that time would leave port without his astronomical
    charts. For example, Vasco di Gama met with Zacuto before setting off around
    the Cape of Good Hope on his voyage to India.

    Zacuto also designed a new type of astrolabe,
    which mariners used to determine their latitude while at sea. He taught
    astronomy at the universities of Zaragoza and then Cartagena and was Royal
    Astronomer and Historian to the King of Portugal, until Manuel I expelled the

    In addition to several invaluable
    astronomical works, Zacuto wrote a history book entitled Sefer Yuchasin, and a
    kabbalistic book called Matok Lanefesh, in which he discusses the soul, the
    afterlife, and the resurrection of the dead.

    In Sefer Yuchasin, Zacuto wrote of himself (Section 1, aleph,
    Rabbi Eliezer ben Yehuda):

    I was in Spain and in other Christian
    countries when my books on astronomy were published, and they would call me
    ‘Rabbi Abraham Zacuto of Salamanca.’ And I am permitted to boast of this,
    because the Sages said ‘What is the wisdom through which you will be considered
    wise in the eyes of the gentiles? It is calculating the astronomical seasons
    and constellations’ (
    Shabbat 75a).
    And I can testify to Heaven that they praised the Jews greatly for this. But my
    only intent was to understand the words of our Sages and the laws that they
    wrote about this.

    So, although Zacuto was praised for his
    scientific knowledge, his goal was not primarily to be a scientist, but rather
    to understand the words of the rabbis.

    Maimonides writes (Hilkhot Yesodei Hatorah

    Which is the path to the love and fear of
    Him? When a person contemplates His tremendous wondrous actions and creations,
    and sees in them His infinite, unbounded wisdom, immediately he comes to love,
    praise, exalt and desire with a great desire to know God… And when he considers
    these very same things immediately he recoils and is afraid, and knows that he
    is a small, lowly creature standing with weak, superficial knowledge before the
    One who has perfect knowledge.

    According to Maimonides, both love and fear
    of God come from studying God’s creations. Maimondes then spends the next three
    chapters explaining physics and metaphysics in detail, so that his readers will
    be able to attain love and fear of God. Although his science is taken from
    ancient Greek philosophers and appears outdated to us nowadays, his point
    remains valid.

    For Maimonides, the path to loving God, and
    to fearing God, begins with understanding the greatness of God through studying

    If it was
    good enough to save Columbus’s life, maybe it is good enough for us.




    R’ Yonasan
    Eybeschutz makes the ingenious suggestion that the Gemara is actually referring
    to sunspots (“which have no known cause”), not eclipses.
    [10] Although “the details of sunspot
    formation are still a matter of ongoing research,”
    [11] and the formation and location of
    individual sunspots are not entirely predictable,
    [12] sunspots are nevertheless considered by
    scientists to be just as rooted in the laws of nature as eclipses.
    Additionally, our Gemara refers to both the sun and the moon (and the
    “luminaries”), and while starspots do exist,
    [13] to the best of my knowledge there are no

    The Rema (Toras Ha-Olah 1:8) asks how
    the Sages can attribute reasons to a solar eclipse, which is a natural
    occurrence. Whether or not people sin, the solar eclipse will happen. What are
    these reasons? He quotes the
    Akeidas Yitzchak
    (Vayechi, ch. 32)
    and Yesod Olam (3:17) who each
    interpret this passage allegorically. The Akeidas Yitzchak explains that
    solar eclipse really refers to the death of the righteous, the lights of our
    community who are extinguished. Yesod Olam goes in the other direction.
    He understands the four reasons for a solar eclipse as allegories for the
    movement of the moon. For example, the two brothers who die refer to the sun
    and the moon who both lose their light, so to speak, during a solar eclipse.
    Rema offers a different allegorical interpretation, connecting the four reasons
    to the movements of the astrological signs relating to a solar eclipse.

    Centuries later, Rav Chaim Elazar Shapiro (Divrei Torah 6:93) offered an
    additional allegorical interpretation. He compares the moon’s receipt of light
    from the sun to the Jewish people’s receipt of divine attention or overflow.
    When that is blocked in any way, it signifies a distance from God.

    Significantly, Rema explains that a solar
    eclipse can be a bad omen even though it is a natural phenomenon. The basic
    premise of astrology is that there are times of the year that are good for
    certain things and bad for other things, which can be understood by examining
    the stars. While great rabbis debated the legitimacy of astrology (e.g. Rambam
    was against, Ibn Ezra was in favor), Rema explains that a solar eclipse is no
    different. It is a natural phenomenon like the movement of the stars, which
    those who accept astrology recognize as meaningful to people. Centuries later,
    Aruch La-Ner (Sukkah 29a)
    Ben Yehoyada (Sukkah 29a)
    explained the bad omen similarly, as a time when bad things happen naturally.

    R’ Yitzchak Arama (the Akeidas Yitzchak) also
    interprets the Gemara allegorically. He rejects out of hand its straightforward
    reading as preposterous and false, declaring that “it is not a condition of
    adherence to the Torah to accept obvious falsehoods.” He approvingly cites the
    Muslim philosopher al-Ghazali’s rejection of a similar idea of eclipses
    constituting omens apparently held by Muhammad, in the course of which
    al-Ghazali states that greater harm is caused to religion by one who takes such
    things literally and accepts them than by one who challenges them

    Rabbi Yeshayahu
    (Shelah haKadosh) and Rabbi Chaim
    ibn Attar
    (Or haHayim haKadosh). The former takes the views that God
    cannot know which moral choices people will make, but this does not impair His
    perfection. The latter considers that God could know the future if He wished,
    but deliberately refrains from using this ability in order to avoid the
    conflict with free will.

    Maharal (Be’er Ha-Golah, ch. 6, p.
    ) explains that the Gemara is offering reasons why God established
    nature in such a way that there would be solar eclipses. If people did not sin,
    we would merit eternal light. However, because God knew people would sin, He
    created the world in such a way that solar eclipses would happen. The Gemara is
    not offering the reason for a solar eclipse (which is nature) but the reason
    behind the reason (why nature is that way). The Shelah (Hagahos to
    Bereishis, quoted in
    Sedeih Tzofim, Sukkah 29a)
    explains similarly


    The Shelah Hakadosh, in parashas
    Noach, addresses a similar question regarding the os of the keshes, which is
    also meant to be connected ..

    Guy on the roof 

    You forgot to make the fence 

    The fallen one will fall  

    Was supposed to fall 

    So why am I responsible  

    Because I am the irresponsible agent  

    Hashem knew 

    And arranged pelony guilty  

    The way I explained  

    Set up Split Sea, set up Sun would stop 

    Phenomenon like clock work 

    Set up now  

    Free choice  

    With foreknowledge  


    כי לרשחי כך, כאמח מצאו גלולים, עצמה נמצא
    ומכל שכן זמן ילוע וחשכון, וכאשר יהיו כה כחמים, אין
    כחמים, מכהיק
    כל כך
    אפסה אורה, וזהו סיכח עונש, חמה
    אכל אור כהעלר כו קלמונים הרגישו למאול כחסרון אורה כרוכ או כמעט,
    הוא חשכח אור, וכל כך מיעוט שפעח ככני

    כחוללה, וכל כצחצחו
    עונש משמש, אלם
    כמה שקרה כחמים לחמה וקלרוח, כי למאול גכרו, וזהו
    עיי״ש כמאורוח. הליקוי ממונקאטש זצ״ל כלכרי חורה )ח״ו כזה אות צג-צד( 


    שם. כספר קומץ המנחה )חלק א אות יח( וז״ל: לקוח
    הרע המגיע לארץ ממנה עצמה וכן ישראל פרי מעלליהם
    הם המערכח כעוה״ז ורע גם כלכנה עמו נעלר
    האור. וזהו סימן
    של נחמעטה וכשנחרכ אנכי
    וחסר שהשפע רע וזה
    שכחכ: להשל״ה הקלוש מה שהקשה לוגמא עול שאמרו רכוחינו ז״ל על ל׳ לכרים מאורוח לוקין, על אכ 


    לין שמח ולא

    וירח, לחשוכ כאיזה שעה חהיה הליקוי והוא לכר טכעי. ואני
    כמסכח שכח
    מחורץ כמה מלליקין )לב ע״א( חנא לכי רכי ישמעאל, כי יפול
    לא נפל והכחוכ קראו נופל, אלא שמגלגלים זכוח על ילי
    מששח ופירש ילי וחוכה הלורוח מראש, שנגלו לפניו כל לכחיכ כשניחנה פורענוחם, ומעשיהם חורה עליין לא נפל זה וקראו נופל, עכ״ל. ומאחר שכן
    מעשיהם מראש שקרא על כן המציא הקכ״ה וכרא זו הטכע להיוח הקשח, כי
    עול ככריחו
    והקכ״ה שהם
    מכול. וכן לענין הליקוי, היה

    לקוי השמים מהלך הלורוח,
    הנה ככר גלוי וילוע כל החטאים שיהיו ועל זה נראה לעין מעשה עשה
    איפוא הכרחיים האלה והקושיא הקלומה של יליעה וכחירה היא קשה כענין זה
    הארכחי כי לעין. כחוקף יראו עיין ככיח חוללוח עיניך וישמח לכך, על לרך ההם הוא על לרך הפשט 


    עניינים טוכ מצאחי חכם מופלג וזה לשונו, כענין מאורוח לוקין, הגם
    הנכיא לרך ומסך, ונעשה )ישעיה נט,
    ב(, כי אם עונוחיכם היו מכלילים כיניכם לכין

    יאונה לצליק כל און ולא יעשה רושם והפסק האחל כפני
    והכוככים שהשמש חכירו
    אורם, והיסולוח ואין הלכר הזה. ולהיוח סיכח החטא שכהיוח זה לעומח זה
    כענין הקשח נוכל לומר שהגם שהוא לכר טכעי כהיוח
    גשומה ארץ כזכוחם העליונים הנוטל אלמלא
    העליונים הנוטל סימן רושם
    גשמיי, 0ימ; השחנוח על
    גו6ני מקכל שינוי מעשינו
    כח וחיוח עליוני

    היה היה
    ומקריוח, שינוי שלא של כשאר ומקרה. ודכר זה עיקר גדול ואמוניי, שכ; כידינו על ידי

  •  We begin this week ….  

    צַ֤ו אֶֽת־אַהֲרֹן֙וְאֶת־בָּנָ֣יו לֵאמֹ֔ר זֹ֥את תּוֹרַ֖ת הָעֹלָ֑ה הִ֣וא הָעֹלָ֡ה עַל֩ מוֹקְדָ֨הֿ עַל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֤חַכׇּל־הַלַּ֙יְלָה֙ עַד־הַבֹּ֔קֶר וְאֵ֥שׁ הַמִּזְבֵּ֖חַ תּ֥וּקַד בּֽוֹ׃ 

    Command Aaron and his sons thus: This is the ritual of the burnt offering: The burnt offering itself shall remain where it is burned upon the altar all night until morning, while the fire on the altar is kept going on it. 

    וְלָבַ֨שׁ הַכֹּהֵ֜ןמִדּ֣וֹ בַ֗ד וּמִֽכְנְסֵי־בַד֮ יִלְבַּ֣שׁ עַל־בְּשָׂרוֹ֒ וְהֵרִ֣ים אֶת־הַדֶּ֗שֶׁן
    אֲשֶׁ֨ר תֹּאכַ֥ל הָאֵ֛שׁ אֶת־הָעֹלָ֖ה עַל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֑חַ וְשָׂמ֕וֹ אֵ֖צֶל הַמִּזְבֵּֽחַ׃ 

    The priest shall dress in linen raiment, with linen breeches next to his body; and he shall take up the ashes to which the fire has reduced the burnt offering on the altar and place them beside the altar.   

    The Keli Yakar Writes: The Torah mentions ashes in this context because the rectification for arrogance is ashes, i.e., one should say, “I am dust and ashes,” like Avraham. This causes that he will be elevated to great heights, for anyone who lowers himself is lifted up by Hashem. Thus, the kohein making the atonement wears these two garments: The linen garment, according to his size, and not too big — to hint that one should not behave in a manner beyond his level. Secondly, the linen pants, which atone for the transgression of illicit relations, which he needs if he was arrogant, as Chazal said (Sotah 4b): Anyone who is arrogant is considered as if he transgressed all the illicit relations. The ashes are placed next to the altar, which represents humility.   

    Rabbeynu Bachya Writes: ולבש הכהן מדו
    בד ומכנסי בד ילבש על בשרו והרים את הדשן, “The Priest shall put on his fitted tunic and he shall put on linen trousers on his flesh; he shall remove the ash.” The Torah here teaches that even such a seemingly inconsequential activity as removing the ash from the altar is considered as part of the sacrificial service. Were this not so it would not be necessary for the Priest to don the garments reserved for performing service in the Temple or Tabernacle. 


  • This Shabbat is Shabbat Parah. It is the third of four special Shabbats begiining with Shekalim, Zachor, this week parah and then HaChodesh. Explain each   

    Yesterday morning we were discussing the Keli Yakar - R Shlomo Ephraim ben Aaron Luntschitz b’1550 - served as the Rabbi of Prague from 1604 to 1619 and is buried next to the Maharal who passed away ten years prior – and his comments on the Red Heifer  

    Adinah then sent me an article by CBS news and I looked to see who else is reporting on the same. We have all seen stories of Red Heifers – apparently there is a farm in Texas … 

    In September 2022, five red heifers were flown from the state of Texas to the land of Israel. Farm owned by a Christian who raises Red Angus looking for the Parah Adumah – 

    Since that time, one of them has been disqualified, but the other four continue to be candidates for a red heifer sacrifice. 

    As I discussed last week, there was 'a practice run of the purification ceremony' in 2023. But an official ceremony must be conducted before the heifers get too old to be used for such a sacrifice. 

    So will a red heifer be sacrificed in Israel in 2024? According
    to CBS News, a 'massive altar' has already been constructed. 

    I was absolutely floored when I first saw that. A red heifer sacrifice would need to happen on the Mount of Olives, and the land where the sacrifice would take place is owned by Rabbi Yitshak Mamo. 

    According to those working on the project, the ceremony of the red heifer needs to be performed on the Mount of Olives, and in a place that would have looked directly into where the Temple stood. The land directly east of the Temple Mount, purchased 12 years ago, meets both of those standards.

    Rabbi Yitshak Mamo owns that land on the Mount of Olives. R' Mamo is with Uvne Yerusalim, a group that preserves Israel's history and works to educate future generations. 

    Concerning the specifics of the land, he told CBN News, 'It had to be exactly at the front of the place that the priest that made this ceremony can see the Holy of the Holy Place.' 

    But the clock is ticking. If the heifers get too old, they will no longer qualify.  

  •  On
    Saturday night and Sunday, we will celebrate Purim


    week we discussed the power of Adar and more specifically Adar Bet




    is Purim celebrated in Adar Bet ?


    Sephardim, any yahrzeit or birthday which occurs in a regular year in Adar is
    marked in a leap year in Adar bet.


    learn in Shulchan Aruch under the Laws of Passover Siman 429 Seif 1, we are
    commanded to start (re) learning the Passover laws thirty days after Passover
    right after Purim. Thus, Purim needs to remain thirty days before Passover and
    is pushed to Adar Sheni.


    we celebrate Purim during Adar II, in order to juxtapose the joy of the Purim
    redemption with the redemption from Egypt. We also read the Four Parshiyot
    during this month, because Parashat Shekalim, Parashat Para, and Parashat Ha-
    ĥodesh were instituted as a
    preparation for the month of Nisan, and Parashat Zakhor must be read
    immediately before Purim, which we celebrate in Adar II ( We read Zachor this
    Question if we are commanded to
    remember what Amalek did and also not to forget
    then why not just unfurl a poster or a sign or simply
    get up and say I remember or add it to our prayers which many of us do each day.
    Why must we come to the synagogue and hear the Torah? Remind me at the end to
    bring it back to this.


    we begin

    want you to image a 100 yard dash

    race in a straight line

    starting line and the finish line are the two points furthest from each other


    s imagine a race in a stadium around
    a track

    we circle the track and the start line becomes the finish line

    this case the starting line and the finish line are the two points closest to
    each other


    do you look at time? As a straight line or as a circle?


    class today is based on the beautiful words of Rav Pinchas Friedman of Belz,
    The Shvilei Pinchas


    have learned in the Gemarah (Taanis 29a):
    משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה since this month ushers in the time during which the
    great miracles of Purim and Pesach occurred.


    commentaries wonder:
    What provoked Rashi
    to associate the miracles experienced by the Jewish people on Purim, in the
    month of Adar, with the miracles that they experienced on Pesach in the month
    of Nissan?

    fact, the Gemarah
    s statement -- משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה Achashverosh ascends
    the throne of Persia

    Feast, lasting 180 days

    Esther taken
    to Achashverosh's Palace

    Haman casts

    decrees dispatched by Haman

    days' Fast ordered by Esther*

    downfall and execution by hanging*

    decrees, reversing the first

    turned to gladness; Haman's ten sons executed

    Purim celebrations
    everywhere, except Shushan where a second day of reckoning is added

    3405 (356 BCE)

    celebration in

    Megillah recorded; Festival of Purim instituted for all generations

    including the first day of Pesach. It is written in
    the Megillah (Esther 4, 15):


    Then Esther sent
    back this answer to Mordecai:

    “Go, assemble all
    the Jews who live in Shushan, and fast in my behalf; do not eat or drink for
    three days, night or day. I and my maidens will observe the same fast. Then I
    shall go to the king, though it is contrary to the law; and if I am to perish,
    I shall perish!”

    So Mordecai went
    about [the city] and did just as Esther had commanded him.





    עַל דָּת, לְהִתְעַנּוֹת בְּיוֹם טוֹב רִאשׁוֹן שֶׁל פֶּסַח, שֶׁהִתְעַנָּה
    י'ד בְּנִיסָן וְט'ו וְט'ז, שֶׁהֲרֵי בְּיוֹם י'ג נִכְתְּבוּ

    (Masechet Megillah 15a) by fasting on the
    first festive day of Pesach, for he fasted on the fourteenth, the fifteenth
    *I.e., Pesach. Although the holiday feast is obligatory, Mordechai bypassed the
    obligation and ordered the fast, using the special authority of the Sanhedrin
    to suspend such obligations in times of extreme need. *


     ויעבר מרדכי, אמר רב שהעביר יום ראשון
    של פסח בתענית
    the thirteenth, fourteenth and
    fifteenth of Nissan. Mordechai questioned her request on the grounds that one
    of those days was the first day of Pesach. She replied,
    אמרה לו זקן שבישראל למה הוא פסח  

    Elder of Yisrael, what is
    the point of celebrating Pesach?
    Upon hearing her reply, he confessed that she was in the right and proceeded
    to carry out all of her demands
    to eat matzah on the first night of Pesach -- and a
    Rabbinical commandment
    Elder of Yisrael, what is the point of
    celebrating Pesach?
    she was not suggesting that it is permissible to annul or ignore Hashem
    s mitzvos whenever Yisrael is faced
    with an imminent danger.


    hear this well, she was trying to stir things up in the heavens above. Even so,
    why did she specifically choose to annul the mitzvot related to the first night
    of Pesach?


    for a moment the great Rabbi Yisrael of Rozhin
    s, zya, festive Purim meal. How
    can I ask you to imagine if you have no idea who this Rabbi was?


    was the great grandson of the Magid of Mezerich. He was born in 1796 and passed
    at 54 years old in 1850. He was orphaned at 6 and grew up in the home of Rav Mena
    em Naum Twersky, whose daughter he married.  


    Yisraels elder brother, Avraham succeeded his father after the latters death and, at the age of 15,
    became the first yenuka (child officiating as a tsadik) in Hasidic history.


    s death 10 years later, Yisrael, himself then only 16, was called
    upon to take his place. In 1815, he moved his court to nearby Ruzhin, and his
    fame spread quickly. From the very beginning of his
    reign he stood out for his sharp wit, his organizing
    abilities, and his original religious approach. Rejecting asceticism and
    self-imposed poverty as religious ideals, he adopted a maximalist
    interpretation of the idea of
    worship through
    (i.e., the positive religious value
    hidden in trivial, earthly life, such as eating or drinking, sexual relations,
    making a living) as equivalent to Torah study or prayer.


    imagine we can say that the test is to find Hashem in everything!


    by this philosophy, his court was based on an ostentatious display of the
    material wealth and luxury in which the tsadik and his family lived. His palace
    at Ruzhin
    a mecca for admirers of all social
    ranks, including Russian aristocrats
    was famed not only for its splendor, but also for its carriages, the
    thoroughbred horses in its stables, and the klezmer bands that entertained
    visitors and accompanied the tsadik on his travels. He amassed a tremendous
    fortune, mainly from donations from his admirers. He became wealthy enough to
    be registered in the Second Merchants Guild
    an official standing that earned him various privileges and stood him in
    good stead later, when he was forced to flee Russia.


    The dramatic events in which he was involved
    imprisonment on suspicion of aiding and abetting the violent murder of
    informers, flight from Russia to Austria
    made him a legend in his own lifetime, revered by his followers but
    despised and ridiculed by his opponents, mainly maskilim. Descended from a
    distinguished Hasidic family
    claimed descent from King David, and possessing exceptional religious charisma,
    sharp natural intelligence, and organizational talents, he was not only one of
    the most prominent and impressive Hasidic leaders in the period of the greatest
    growth of Hasidism, but also the founder of a new style of Hasidism known as
    regal way. 

    now imagine, you are sitting at a table similar to one set by nobility at the
    time with as much opulence as you can imagine and at that seudah, the Rabbi presented
    divine and enlightening insights encompassing the entire festival of Purim with
    incredible clarity.

    words are cited in the sefer Irin Kadishin. He addresses the issue of why the
    wicked Haman specifically chose to carry out his decree in the month of Adar.
    Here are a few of his remarks that are quoted:


    והטעם שהוא בחודש אדר, כי יש יב צירופי הויה כנגד יב חדשי השנה, ובחודש ניסן אזי מאיר שם
    ה כסידורו והיא התגלות החסדים, ואחר כך נעשה צירופים בכל חודש וחודש, וכל חודש
    אשר הצירוף מתרחק מן השורש יותר הוא בהסתר, ובחודש אדר שמאיר בו הצירוף האחרון הוא
    הצימצום וההסתר יותר מכל חודש. ועל כן טעה המן והפיל פור, וכל זה בכדי לעשות רע לישראל
    ו מחמת שהוא צירוף וההסתר האחרון, אך טעה בזה, כי סוף מעשה במחשבה תחילה, ונעוץ
    סופו בתחילתו, כמו שמזל יום שבת קודש הוא מזל אחרון ]יום השביעי[, ודוקא יש בו התגלות
    הקדושה, וכמו שאנחנו בעיקבתא דמשיחא שהוא ההסתר היותר אחרון, אנו מצפים להתגלות אור
    היותר עליון


    He explains
    as we discussed last week that there are twelve permutations of the four lettered
    name Havaya corresponding to the twelve months of the year, i.e. the letters of
    the four-lettered name can be arranged in twelve different ways.


    month of Nissan is illuminated by the name Havaya with its letters in their
    original order; this permutation signifies the revelation of Hashem
    s favors and kindness.  


    each subsequent month is influenced by its particular permutation of the holy
    four-lettered name. The farther a month and its permutation are from the
    original source, the greater the degree of obscurity and concealment. He
    suggests that the month of Adar, which is illuminated by the last permutation
    of the holy name, reflects the greatest degree of concealment and restriction.


    in fact, was Haman
    s mistake. He reckoned
    that the month of Adar being the farthest away from the source (Nissan and
    redemption of Pesach) was the ideal time to harm Yisrael, chas v
    chalilah. The truth of the matter,
    however, is that the end of the year is intimately connected with the beginning
    of the year.


    We read
    (Shemos 12, 2):
    החודש הזה לכם ראש חדשים ראשון הוא לכם לחדשי השנה the heavens will rejoice and the
    earth will be glad.


    the letters of the holy name are in their proper order, the attribute of mercy
    prevails in the world; hence, the heavens and the earth rejoice. During the remaining
    eleven months of the year, the permutation of the name Havaya changes from
    month to month.


    farther the month is removed from Nissan, the greater the change in that month
    s permutation of the holy name. As a
    consequence, the greater the degree of concealment in that month
    the most distant and different from the permutation
    of Nissan
    Ten Sefiros of Nothingness, their end is imbedded in
    their beginning and their beginning in their end
    beginning with Nissan and ending
    with Adar
    which possesses the
    greatest degree of revelation.


    Pinchas Friedman tells us that he was struck with a wonderful idea based on
    this enlightening concept. Queen Esther puts her life in danger by entering the
    s chambers without permission. She
    did so with a clear-cut plan to foil and bring down the wicked Haman, oppressor
    of the Jews, and to save Yisrael from extermination. With this understanding,
    why was the very first thing she said to Achashverosh (Esther 5, 4):
    ותאמר אסתר אם על המלך טוב יבוא המלך והמן
    היום אל המשתה אשר עשיתי לו
    whenever the Megillah mentions King Achashverosh, it is referring to the
    actual flesh and blood king with that name; however, whenever the Megillah
    employs the generic term
    king, it serves a dual purpose That night the kings sleep was disturbed. Rabbi Tanchum says that the possuk
    is telling us that the King of the Universe
    s sleep was disturbed. Likewise, when Esther says: if it pleases the king, employing the nonspecific term king, she is also referring to the King of the Universe, HKBH. 


    coincides beautifully with a teaching of the Arizal
    s. He teaches us that with this
    statement Esther intended to awaken the King of the Universe
    s attribute of mercy on behalf of
    the people of Yisrael; mercy emanates from the blessed name Havaya. So she
    directs her entreaty to HKB
    H with the introduction: אם על המלך טוב -- if it pleases the king note that the first letters of these
    four words spells out the name Havaya in its original and ideal order, which
    connotes pure mercy.


    let us apply the illuminating concept of the great Rabbi of Rozhin, zy
    a, to gain a deeper appreciation of
    s wise intentions. She realized that
    s lot fell on the month of Adar invoking the ultimate permutation of the name Havaya,
    the permutation that reigns during the month of Nissan. By doing so, she established
    the connection between the end of the year and the beginning of the year
    is contained or dwells within the last month of
    the year.


    upon closer examination an amazing fact becomes evident. The preparations for
    the miracle of Purim already took place eleven months earlier during the month
    of Nissan.
    Firstly, Esther put her life
    in jeopardy immediately after Haman issued his decree on the thirteenth of
    Nissan. She entered the King Achashverosh
    s chambers without an invitation to do so; this was an act punishable by
    death under the laws of that regime. Yet, she miraculously found favor in the
    s eyes and he extended his golden, royal
    scepter to her
    the month designated by Haman for the extermination
    of the Jews
    Haman was unaware that not
    only did Moshe pass away on that date, but he was also born on the seventh of


    HKBH wished to teach us that concerning
    matters of kedushah, the concept of finality and conclusion do not apply.
    Instead, the end is always intimately connected to the beginning. Consequently,
    the end of a tzaddik
    s life, the day of his
    death, is related to the day he was born.


    indicates that their Torah and their life
    s work are eternal and continue to live on in this world. This is the
    significance of Chazal
    s statement: ולא היה יודע שבשבעה באדר מת ובשבעה באדר
    how long will You hide Your countenance from me? How long
    will I continue to seek counsel within my own spirit?


    The Rabbi
    of Rozhin, zy
    a, teaches us a valuable lesson
    related to faith in Hashem. When we want to receive salvation from Hashem, we must
    first understand that we are totally helpless on our own; our salvation depends
    solely on Hashem. As long as we continue to believe that we can save ourselves,
    it is impossible to merit Hashem
    s salvation.  


    David HaMelech poses the question to HKB
    H: עד אנה תסתיר את פניך ממני -- how long will You hide Your countenance from
    He then suggests the
    definitive answer:
    עד אנה אשית עצות נפשי 

    the Rabbis taught in a Baraise: What
    was Esther
    s reason for inviting Haman? . . . so that the Jews would
    not say,
    We have a sister in the royal palace, and neglect praying for divine


    endeavored to bring Yisrael to a state of:
    עד אנה אשית עצות בנפשי in the merit of Mordechais righteousness.  


    his instructions, all the Jews of Shushan gathered together and fasted for
    three days during the month of Nissan. By means of this act of repentance,

    successfully connected the end of the year with its beginning. Their act of
    penitence led to Haman
    s being hung in Nissan;
    subsequently, in Adar, they defeated their enemies, descendants of Amalek, in


    along this exalted path, let us delve even deeper into the intimate
    relationship between the months of Adar and Nissan
    including all of the
    miracles associated with the exodus from Egypt
    as stated by the Ramban: 


     ומן הנסים הגדולים מפורסמים, אדם מודה
    בנסים הנסתרים שהם
    יסוד התורה כולה which were disguised
    within the framework of nature. Achashverosh got drunk, killed Vashti for not
    heeding his command and made Esther the queen in her place. Haman, a descendant
    of Amalek, issued a decree to kill all of the Jews. Afterwards, because of
    s love for Queen Esther, Haman was
    hung from the tree and the decree was rescinded. On the surface, it does not
    appear as if there was any deviation from the laws of nature in this sequence of
    events. Nevertheless, it is still quite clear to everyone that

    HKBH orchestrated all of these events
    in order to save the people of Yisrael.


    we can begin to appreciate the incredible connection between the holiday of
    Pesach and Purim. For, it is only due to the miracles of Pesach that we
    recognize and appreciate the miracles of Purim that are concealed within the
    guise of nature. Therefore, the main preparation for the miracle of Purim occurred
    on Pesach
    Elder of Yisrael, what is the point
    of celebrating Pesach
    under these circumstances. She was suggesting to him that it was necessary
    for them to cause a stir in the heavens. After all, as we learned from the
    Ramban, the entire reason for celebrating Pesach
    is solely so that a person will believe in the
    miracles that are concealed within the framework of nature. Hence, if the
    miracles of Purim do not occur within the framework of nature, there is no purpose
    for the miracles of Pesach.


    this point, we can revisit Rashi
    s poetic comment: משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה - ימי נסים היו לישראל פורים ופסח -- when Adar begins, we increase
    joy -- since this month ushers in the time during which the great miracles of
    Purim and Pesach occurred.
    He teaches us that we rejoice in Adar in celebration of both the events of
    Purim, which appeared to transpire within the natural realm, and the events of
    Pesach, which transpired above and beyond the natural realm. After all, it was
    only in the merit of the Pesach miracles that we merited the Purim miracle. So,
    clearly, Purim and Pesach are intimately connected and inseparable.




    can now truly appreciate the depth and significance of the great Rabbi of
    s, zya, illuminating words. Haman cast his lot on the month of
    Adar believing that, as the last month of the year, it possessed the greatest
    degree of divine concealment. He was unaware of the intimate
    relationship that exists between the end of the year and the beginning of the
    a month highlighted by supernatural events to believe in miracles that
    occur within the framework of nature. So we see that the month of Adar, the
    last of the twelve months of the year, is firmly connected to the first month
    of the year, Nissan.


    also illustrates the deeper significance and wisdom inherent in Queen Esther
    s plea to our Heavenly King, HKBH: יבוא המלך והמן היום the permutation associated
    with the month of Nissan. She fully intended to solidify the connection between
    the last month, Adar, and the first month, Nissan. For, it is impossible to
    appreciate the miracles of Purim that were concealed within the realm of nature
    if not for the visible, supernatural miracles that took place during the month
    of Nissan. She invoked the auspicious permutation of the name Havaya
    represented by the possuk:
    ישמחו השמים ותגל הארץ -- the heavens will rejoice and
    the earth will be glad.

    The Arizal explains
    that when the snake touched Chava, the negativity of the snake entered her and
    came out in her first born Kayin. Kayin rebelled against G-d and we wonder
    where did he come up with murder. He explains it was the influence of the
    nachash. The negative side passes through into Esav and Amalek who stirs doubt
    and kills without fear. In attempting to save his own skin, he does his best to
    prevent us from getting to the finish line.


    I want to conclude
    with the words of the Netivos Shalom, as explained by Rabbi Winston and then my


    Sholom Noach
    Berezovsky 1911 - 2000) was the Slonimer rebbe. His teachings were published as
    a series of books entitled Netivos Sholom


    He explains Amalek
    attacked the Jewish people during their 50 day ascension to Mt. Sinai and the
    acceptance of Torah. He didn’t stop it from happening, but he was able to
    lessen its impact, and hold of the Final Redemption.


    The next time Amalek
    tries to block such an opportunity for complete redemption, is just as the
    Jewish people are entering the land. This time Amalek attacks through Balak and
    Bilaam, who, the Zohar explains, were rooted in Amalek. The name Amalek is even
    built into their names.


    Once again, he didn’t
    stop the event, but he lessened it enough to hold off the Final Redemption for
    a while longer, once they caused Gad, Reuven, and Menashe to choose to live in
    the Diaspora instead of Eretz HaKodesh.


    The next potential for
    a complete redemption was in Mordechai’s and Esther’s time, which, as the
    Talmud says, was really the completion of what began at Har Sinai over a
    millennium before. Once again, Amalek showed up, not preventing redemption, but
    lessening its impact and its ability to eradicate evil from Creation.


    After that, there were
    battles with Amalek, but mostly started by the Jewish people, especially in
    Shaul HaMelech’s time.


    The next war an
    Amaleki seems to go out of his way to fight against the Jewish people was in
    World War II, which, as Hitler, y”s, himself admitted, was really a war against
    the Jews. And, in pure Amaleki style, he sacrificed the war effort, put himself
    at risk, just to harm and murder more Jews. He may not have physically
    descended from Amalek, but he certainly did spiritually.


    And if I can suggest.
    We are again at the cusp of history.


    Amalek through Hamas
    attacks us when? Shemini Aseret – The day set aside for us and Hashem. We are
    in the ikvei Meshicha.

    Just as Amalek did
    when we left Egypt, they attack those who are defenseless and it is up to us fight


    And finally why do we
    recall Amalek through the reading of the Torah.

    Amalek implies doubt  

    That doubt infects us  

    The antidote is Torah  


    The Torah reminds us
    that Hashem whether we can “see” or not is always with us.


    Its up to us to find Him!