The Outdoor Drive is a raw and real podcast from the tailgate of the pick up truck right to your ears. We strive to bring you a unique perspective into hunting, fishing and outdoor community. Just two good ole boys enjoying the outdoors here in the Northeast of New England sharing our trial and tribulations to make you a better outdoorsman or outdoorswomen. Come and take the ride Right Here, on the Outdoor Drive.
人的一生都应该经历两件事 一次说走就走的旅行和一次奋不顾身的爱情。生活在看不见未来的大都市,时间很短,未来很远,给自己的许诺都早些实现吧!一个人的旅行,安静,温暖,自由,希望的是有个好心情,会忘记一切。远离城市的纷纷扰扰,给疲劳的心放个假吧。
承制电台:VoiceClub电台 Voice Club ,年轻人的潮流声音发源地!
Supernova Basketball Academy
Whistle and a Clipboard interviews successful coaches from the past, present, and future allowing them to share their coaching failures and successes, tips, drills, and skills, along with practice do and don’t to help youth coaches everywhere better coach the kids in their communities. Your host, Jason H Oates, will also interview other professionals discussing current issues related to youth sports among these, strength training, speed and agility, concussions, and arm care.
This show is devoted to quick topics of coaching in 3 minutes or less. Our main objective is to briefly generate thoughts on how the topic impacts your team, and your ability to work through it.
We are Texas-born hunting buddies that want to share our personal hunting adventures, learning's from the field, the knowledge-base info we have collected for over 10 years of hunting in both private and public lands around Texas. Our goal is to provide you with exciting, often funny, informative info and stories that can help save you time/money preparing for your next hunt.
各位听众,您好~ 如需购买教材内容可到赖老师主播店铺购买喔,常春藤赖世雄英语图书商城欢迎加入“常春藤口语从头学书友群”,与我们一起交流学习心得哟。可加微信 ivyenglish_SP2 并备注认证申请消息“口语从头学入群” ,通过认证后,即可入群学习哦。《赖世雄生活口语从头学》由中国英语十大名师赖世雄教授及其亲传弟子 Johnny 吴纪维老师,亲自操刀主编。有鉴于《赖世雄美语从头学》系列丛书已经突...
盘圈小电是一档主要面对极限飞盘玩家和对极限飞盘运动感兴趣群体的播客节目。在未来的节目中,我们将邀请不同身份的嘉宾,为大家带来关于极限飞盘运动经历、个人体会的飞盘故事;也会分享一些关于对规则的认识与使用,极限飞盘队伍或社团建设的心得体会等内容。我们希望向社会宣传和推广极限飞盘运动,让国内极限飞盘玩家通过这档节目获得更多共鸣和认同感,更多精彩内容请关注微信公众号 “盘盘圈”。希望你听得开心,我们场上见。
Wir lesen Fachbücher, recherchieren wissenschaftliche Artikel und diskutieren die Inhalte und mögliche Anwendungsgebiete für Trainer und Coaches im Volleyball und Beachvolleyball.