
  • For this episode, David continues to talk about the patterns of behavior that are holding you back and how to change and overcome them. To help you to do this he uses the Enneagram personality definitions. In part 1, David covered reformers and helpers. For this episode, it is the turn of achievers, individualists, investigators, and loyalists.

    He explains how to recognize whether you are one of these personality types. Then, shares strategies to overcome the typical negative behavior patterns associated with each personality type.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice, and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Achievers want to win and are disappointed with coming second even when doing so means they have achieved a lot. For achievers, life can be disappointing. They are tough on themselves and fail to celebrate their smaller wins. Practicing gratefulness helps achievers to see and appreciate things more. Investigators overthink and are drawn to certainty and will not take risks. They tend to get frozen in place and do nothing. If you are an investigator ask yourself “What´s the worst that can happen?.” This enables you to put things in context and take action. Trust matters to loyalists, but they can struggle to find people they can trust and work with.


    “Look at your emotional reactions and use that as a clue.”

    “If you relentlessly pursue that sense of achievement, you risk getting burnt out.”

    “Turn that “I have to” into a “I get to” and bring gratitude into your life.”


    Earlier episode - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/enneagram-part-1-what-patterns-of-behaviour-are/id1610709739?i=1000670111087


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan, and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started, and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service, and make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_

    Email - [email protected]

  • Today, David is joined by Claudia Scott, Head of Underserved Entrepreneurship at Startup Junkie. She works with any would-be business owners who have historically been underserved, including, immigrants, single mums, people from the LGBTQ community, those with criminal convictions and others.

    Claudia explains how this is done and how to use KIVA to secure funding. She also shares her journey, including how she ensured that Tourettes, OCD and anxiety did not stop her.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Claudia works with anyone who has been historically underserved. There is a lot of support and plenty of people to pitch to. When you have an idea clearly define what it is and what it achieves/solves. Once you are 100% clear on what it is, work out if it is viable. Do lots of research and be brutally honest. Initially, keep your day job and scale gradually. Don´t let disability hold you back. Don´t be too fast to judge. Give people more grace, very few people are truly mean. Start networking before you set up your business.


    “What will get you a deal, help, or the capital is you sitting down and knowing your business and being able to talk about it.”

    “Think of all the things that can make your idea unsuccessful, if you still see the market, then full steam ahead.”

    “I wouldn't say I have encountered people that are just downright mean, they just don't know, they're ignorant.”






    [email protected]


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_

    Email - [email protected]

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  • This episode is the first of a series in which David examines the patterns of behaviour that are holding many people back. He explains why a very high percentage of us feel trapped by some aspect of our lives. Then, he shares how you can use the 9 Enneagram types to better understand your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Today, he looks at how people with reformers and helper personality types self-sabotage and how to stop doing that.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    45% of business owners feel trapped in their business, and 85% of employees are not engaged with their work. Our natural fight or flight reflex plays a big role in our feeling trapped. We reflexively look for danger, so we always notice the negative more. Before you blame outside forces for making you feel trapped, first look at yourself. In particular, your beliefs, patterns and skills. Reformers are perfectionists. Often, they resent people who try to chivvy them along to get the job done on time. Helpers are people pleasers who can serve others to the point where they feel unable to charge enough and feel trapped. David explains how to stop doing this.


    “We get 60,000 thoughts in any day, 45,000 of which are negative thoughts.”

    “An excessive use of a strength or a preference can become a weakness, and it can lead to self-sabotage.”

    “A feeling that you can get if you're a people pleaser is guilt.”


    Episode 261 ¡ https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/calm-49-3-things-that-limit-your-potential-and-how-to-fix-them/id1610709739?i=1000664768164




    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David is joined by Andrea Sampson, a former TEDx speaker coach, as well as the CEO and founder of Talk Boutique which helps people bring their stories to life and create more impact in the world.

    Andrea explains, in detail, how to use the Story Spine framework to create powerful stories that move your audience to action.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Stories are a highly effective way to convey your message, but how you deliver them makes a big difference. Set the scene to engage your audience. Place the character(s) in their environment. At some point in the story you create a tension point, raise the stakes, and emotionally engage your audience. Drop hints that there is something big coming, an idea. Keep your audience predicting what comes next - engage their brains. Describe things in ways that engage people’s senses e.g. the air smelled and tasted salty. The tone, texture, inflections, and rhythm of your voice are powerful. You need a key message, several messages that support that and some takeaways. Then you create the story. Come back to your high point at the end and re-state your main message. The most successful brands use stories to connect with people in memorable ways.


    ‘We're using all of these amazing elements of the story to engage the brain.”

    “Build out a one-sentence idea that is the North Star of that presentation.”

    “Leave people with a feeling, it is way more powerful.”







    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • In a follow-up from last Friday´s episode, David looks at what adults can learn from children. He explores the benefits of cultivating certain child-like qualities as adults, for example, curiosity, tolerance, inclusion and being fearless. David also explains how children can help us to live more in the moment and be more present.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    We all suffer from days where we feel conflicted. As adults, we are constantly working to conform. Sometimes in ways that do not reflect who we are and are not good for us. Societal norms push us to abandon some childlike qualities that can actually serve us and others well. There is a time and a place for behaving in certain ways. As adults we are taught to replace curiosity with judgement. Children are more open-minded about people and more tolerant. As adults, we need to learn to fear less. We let fear lock us into following restricted paths. Be more observant, notice the little things and give yourself time to reflect. Every day, ask yourself – “How can I be more childlike in a way that serves me?”


    ‘Those on the fringes potentially begin to feel like they don’t have a place in that mechanised or standardised environment,’

    ‘A lot of fear comes from experiences as a child where we speak up in childlike innocence and we get cut down.’

    ‘A child will focus on that thing that's there.’

    ‘They grow just a little bit every day, they learn something new.’


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David is joined by Daniel Ludevig, who is a leadership coach and founder of the Modern Leader Community to discuss the qualities of a modern leader. Daniel shares the best way to learn the necessary skills to become a visionary, influential and authentic modern leader.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    A modern leader has a compelling vision. They strongly influence other people and have undeniable authenticity. Spreading learning leadership skills across 12 to 15 in 4-hour sessions, works better than completing a single course. Focus on applying one thing at a time. Addressing your negative thoughts and behaviour patterns is a big part of becoming an effective leader. Your personality traits are basically negative patterns of behaviour, which can be disrupted, which means you can change who you are. Most people are already leading in some area of their lives. 75% of our 60,000 daily internal thoughts are negative. Your inner critic is pulling you down. Being aware of your internal dialogue is a skill, which anyone can learn. Leaders need to be aware of their energy and that of others e.g. how engaged and enthusiastic people are.


    ‘Leadership development is synonymous with personal development.’

    ‘We are all leaders in some areas of life.’

    ‘One of the most powerful things a leader can do is to learn how to take control of where their attention is’

    ‘Notice what is happening at the emotional level as well as at the content level of the conversation.’






    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David reflects on the transition from parenting a child to guiding an adolescent. Specifically, he looks at what the difference is between an adult and a child and how to recognise when it is time to start giving your child more responsibility. As well as how to help them to understand what becoming an adult means for them.

    The underlying message in this episode is to reflect on how we can modify our own behaviour as adults. To stop blaming and complaining and to take responsibility instead. Better outcomes will come from this.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    As your children age, the way you parent them needs to evolve. At the age of 12 or 13 many children want you to start treating them as adults. It is important for a child to be allowed to develop their own dreams and aspirations. You have to let go of the dreams you had for them. Children need to be taught that their actions have consequences and that ultimately, they are responsible for them. Use examples to help them to fully understand this. Adults know that life is a series of problems of challenges. Helping your children to understand that this is normal and that they need to accept and solve those problems is an important step.


    ‘We all carry the scars the wounds from the way we were parented… and the benefits of the good stuff’

    ‘We learn from children as adults and as children, we learn from adults.’

    ‘It´s not a switch that is kind of just a click. They are still going to push the boundaries and make mistakes.’

    And a big thank you for the music to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young - Teach your children


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David is joined by Christa Steizmuller the CTO Chief Technology Officer of CharityWater. She explains how they bring clean water to people. They discuss why transparency, trust, and technology are so important, particularly in the context of Charity Water's 100% model. A way of working that means one set of donors covers all operating costs, while 100% of what small donors give is spent directly on water projects.

    David & Christa discuss how non-profits work, what for-profits can learn from them and how they can collaborate more closely.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Over 700 million people are living without clean water. 10 years ago, it was 1 billion. Water infrastructure is expensive; many countries can´t afford to build it, so many use private water companies. The water points are fitted with sensors to spot issues early. CharityWater always looks at existing simple tech first to see if that can be used and improved. Use your data to tell compelling stories. Non-profits work under a lot of constraints; this makes them very innovative. Stick to your mission, and continually pivot to achieve it. Take care of your team, in particular, their mental health and don´t overwork them.


    ‘They are safe in knowing that 100% of their donation goes directly to projects.’

    ‘These sensors didn´t exist, we had to build them ourselves.’

    ‘Every single piece of information that we have is an asset.’

    ‘How successfully you can continue to pivot is what ultimately drives your success.’





    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, which is the conclusion of the CALM leadership series, David switches track a bit and looks at the state of being calm. He defines what that state is and why maintaining that emotional state at all times is an unrealistic and potentially unhealthy expectation.

    Everyone feels a range of emotions, which is normal. So, you should not suppress them. Instead, you need to understand why certain circumstances trigger those feelings and be in control of when and how you express them. In this episode, David explains how to do that.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    It is OK not to feel calm all of the time. Remaining calm is not about suppressing feelings of frustration or agitation. These emotions exist and need to be addressed otherwise they will pop out uncontrolled. Understand what makes you react in a certain way in certain circumstances. Learn to regulate your emotions rather than suppressing them. Live and work to your values to reduce the number of times you feel conflicted and frustrated. When leading others, remember that people have their own emotions and thoughts. Most conflict comes from trying to prove you are right and the other person is wrong. Don´t let your self-worth be determined by other people´s views of you. Often, you are wrong about what they are thinking.


    ‘There's always a backstory to the way people may be more risk averse or more excitable.’

    ‘Suppressing your emotions can have negative consequences.’

    ‘Accept that you are making a choice … you are there because you have chosen this path.’

    ‘Establish healthy boundaries for yourself … and do so before you come to harm.’


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David is joined by Elizabeth Eiss, CEO of Results Resourcing, and inspirational speaker. She helps entrepreneurs to get themselves together and ready to scale and grow. They do this by matching freelancers with small businesses, sometimes delivering a whole team.

    Elizabeth explains how you can get several hours of work done by confident, competent, reliable, and nice people for less than $100. Interestingly, Results Resourcing uses freelancers themselves.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Freelancers fill skill gaps fast. Freelancers are flexible. You can get your accounts done without paying for a full-time accountant. Solo business owners are scrappy, they do it all themselves. But, at some point, working that way becomes a negative. Having in place strong processes helps you to get more out of freelancers. Hire a VA to help you to put them in place. Freelancers have the experience to introduce new efficiency software to your business. A freelancer can do your social media, admin and other tasks. Hiring a VA that is AI savvy is a great way of using AI to give yourself a competitive edge. All businesses benefit from hiring confident, reliable, and nice freelancers and being able to do it right now.


    ‘The minute they go from a couple of clients a month to 20 or 30, they fail, they have no infrastructure.’

    ‘I´ve been on this entrepreneurial journey myself, so understand how a business evolves.’

    “I define my own purpose as empowering the purpose of others.”





    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • In this episode, David shares the 9 key steps you need to take to have an impact and bring about a significant transformation. He explains how to communicate your vision, let people know what to expect, form coalitions and develop the skills to move the change forward.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Every business needs members of a team who are ready and able to step up and take over. Sometimes you don’t have the time or talent to carry the business forward to reach the next level. If you have developed someone to fill that gap your shortfalls are not a problem. Role modelling through how you communicate begins to bring other people forward to develop more people capable of driving change. Develop and share a sense of urgency. Form coalitions with those who have the power to drive the change. Lead by example. Create short-term wins. Reward those who are actively implementing the vision. Develop systems, standards, and behavioural expectations to embed and hardwire the change into your business.


    ‘Explain to the board how you intend to get things moving and how you intend to get things done.’

    ‘Form networks, informal relationships amongst the people involved, amongst the wider team.’

    ‘Empower others to act.’

    ‘Hardwire the changes.’


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • Today, David is joined by Dr Mark L Teague, an entrepreneur and finance professional who started off as a farm hand. He's also the author of A Working Man's Guide.

    Dr Teague shares a framework anyone can use to solve any problem regardless of what it is. An approach that creates the best life for your family.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Accept that life is a series of problems that come at you one after another. You need to stop being a victim, take responsibility and solve them. Dr. Teague´s problem-solving framework can be used to solve each of life´s problems regardless of whether they are personal or work-related. Break problems down into components, prioritize them and solve each one in order. Recognise the things you cannot change and factor them in when working out how to solve each problem. Cultivate a reverence for fact. Be realistic about what you can achieve alone and get help when you need it. You can never know how life is going to change for you. But you can do things today that will give you options regardless of what happens. Turn the abilities you have into skills and never quit. Being prepared to embrace change is crucial. If you don´t change you are going to suffer. You will always be fighting against life.


    ‘Rule number one with problem-solving is simplify.’

    ‘Look at the marketplace around you, see what is being paid well and gear your efforts toward that.’

    ‘I control one thing, my choice in the moment, what I say and do right now, I'm completely in charge of that, and the truth is, that's enough.’


    A Working Man’s Guide - https://aworkingmansguide.com


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David continues talking about transformational leadership. This week he focuses on why it is important to fully recognise who you are. To understand what matters the most.

    To help you to do this David shares what he calls the 7 Ps of transformational leadership roadmap. They will take you from stuck to unstuck and fully unleash your untapped potential.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    The impact you can have is limited by your skillset and the perception you and others have of you. So, transforming yourself is vital. You need clarity about what it is that you want and what is important to you. When you understand what really matters and focus your energies on that you achieve much more. Understanding your purpose is incredibly empowering. Your business why should be linked to your personal purpose. Make a promise to achieve something specific. Be ready to change who you are and to greatly improve your skillset. Productise what you have to offer so you can create a proposition that solves specific problems. Leverage other people’s skills, time, and abilities. Review your current plans to get unstuck fast.


    ‘You can only scale your business and your life to the level of your identity,’

    ‘Having your why clearly articulated is vitally important.’

    ‘The 5th P is people.’

    ‘The difference between good companies and great companies is actually execution.’


    Last Friday’s episode - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/calm-49-3-things-that-limit-your-potential-and-how-to-fix-them

    The 12 Week Year / https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Week-Year-Others-Months-ebook/dp/B00CU9P31K


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David is joined by Bryan Adams, the founder of PH Creative and his new company Happy Dance. He is recognized as an expert in developing an employer brand that attracts the most talented people.

    David and Bryan discuss how to design and shape the right culture for your business and the type of workers it needs.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Be clear about your employer brand. Ignore the noise, design, shape and nurture a culture that works for your business. To attract people who are a genuinely good fit. Be 100% honest about what your employees can expect. There's no such thing as a good or bad culture. There's just a good or bad match for an individual. Hire people who want what you offer. Connect the macro purpose of the organization with the personal purpose of the individual. Embrace and work with the fact that the best people will learn from you and move on after a few years. A small business with a more compelling story and better culture can easily outcompete much bigger companies and attract the best people. Your employer brand needs to continually evolve. Be honest about where your culture is now and aspirational when it comes to developing it for the future.


    ‘People are the only competitive advantage left in business.’

    ‘Connecting what a business needs and what a person (employee) wants, that's the magic.’

    ‘Every organization has an employer brand, whether they know it or not.’




    Bryan Adams books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Bryan-Adams/author/B00Y0GVFWM


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • Today, David continues on from last Friday´s episode by sharing 3 things you can do to stop yourself from becoming stuck. He explains how doing this enables you to fulfil your full potential and become a transformational leader.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a 30-minute discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Everyone, even great leaders, can end up feeling stuck. If you really want to do something you will find a way and get unstuck. Sometimes it is your patterns of behaviour that are stopping you from making progress. David explains how to recognise negative patterns of behaviour and change them. You have to keep refreshing your skill set. Instead of asking how can I get this done? Try asking who can get this done. This will enable you to keep momentum and overcome skill gaps. Holding on to beliefs that no longer serve you can unlock some form of transformation. Regularly challenge your limiting beliefs e.g. the market is shrinking and replace it with a more optimistic and inspiring way of looking at the situation.


    ‘Disrupt that pattern, develop that skill and challenge that belief.’

    ‘Even the great leaders feel stuck.’

    ‘Inside the word belief is the word lie.’

    ‘Ask the question who can I be? instead of focusing on who you´re not.’


    Last Friday´s podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/calm-48-why-we-need-transformational-leaders/id1610709739?i=1000664077216


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For this episode, David is joined by Charlotte Housden, an organisational psychologist, and the author of the book Swim, Jump, Fly, which is a guide to changing your life.

    She and David discuss how people can identify what they want to change in their lives, prepare for that change and enjoy the results.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    If you are not ready for change, no matter what you do, the change you are planning will not happen. Some people blame external factors for the fact that they are stuck in life others believe that they are 100% in control of every aspect of their life. Charlotte coaches both types of people. When planning change, it is just as important to understand and protect the things that you like and want to keep in your life. Go back in your mind to a place and time when you were happiest. You have more control than you think you do. Learn to let go of the things you do not have control over.


    ‘When we're thinking about making shifts, we have to be ready for change.’

    ‘They were running away from the pain rather than running towards a delight.’

    ‘The bit that needed to shift wasn’t the what I did, it was the how I did it.’

    ‘The book is both light and deep.’








    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • In this episode, David talks about becoming a transformational leader. Being someone who can recognise a issue that is bigger than them, then motivate and guide others so that the problem can be solved by working together. He explains how stepping up and taking on the right challenge benefits both you and others.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    If there is something you passionately care about you will be amazed by what you can do. It is not unusual for entrepreneurs to experience the feeling of getting stuck or that they have reached their limits. When you feel that you are feeling limited by your external environment and are stuck, it is up to you to push yourself and step things up. Look for something you feel passionate about. When you do that, you will stay motivated and fully meet the challenge of leading others to solve the problem.


    ‘Either consciously or unconsciously you choose the limit.’

    ‘Transformational leaders have a massively important role to play in creating more transformational leaders.’

    ‘Transformational leadership can be a way to live.’


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For today´s episode, David is joined by Todd Holzman, a former coach of IBM's top executives who has worked with the likes of Honeywell and McKinsey. He has taught world leaders leadership at Harvard and runs its global consultancy. Today, Todd helps the leaders of household names to transform their cultures and their business results.

    Todd shares some of the most important lessons he has learned in the process of doing this.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Your ability to make a difference is intricately connected to your ability to influence others. Leadership is fundamentally about connecting with and mobilizing people to confront and deal with problems and opportunities. Remember, if you are part of the problem, you can be a part of the solution. People fall into bad habits and end up regularly sabotaging themselves and their projects. Chris explains how to recognise and deal with this. Fear is usually what is behind bad outcomes. Analysing the language you use will tell you why you are struggling to progress. Most people hold back too much. Learn to share important information that others may not particularly want to hear in a palatable way that does not isolate others. Chris explains how in the episode. Companies want people to speak up, be honest and stop working in silos or tribes.


    ‘How you lead in any kind of scenario in life is going to be heavily influenced by psychology.’

    ‘People are wired to avoid discomfort or exert control or a passive-aggressive combination of the two.’

    ‘Candour is an essential feature of leadership.’


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • In David Roberts´ 47th episode of his CALM leadership series, he looks at how to create a win-win in a sale, or a relationship. How to provide your buyers with something that helps them on a human level, while delivering business improvements. He covers how to identify those needs and business improvements.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Nobody is really happy when they have given their time or money and gotten back less in return, over the long term. That is why creating a win-win is important. Win-wins create trust and long-term partnerships. Delivering a personal win while improving business results for your customer is the golden ticket. It is the type of sale that is a big win. You need to meet the human needs of each buyer, e.g. a wish to impress and be promoted or less stress. Delivering better business results for the buyer like better productivity or reduced costs is a big motivator for potential buyers. User buyers are looking for reliability and improvements in productivity. Ask open questions and build rapport to work out what each type of buyer is looking for. Never guess what wins each buyer is looking for. When you demonstrate that you look for a win-win potential buyers trust you and buy repeatedly.


    ‘They might want to stay in power, achieve a promotion...get more time for leisure or less stress.’

    ‘There will be perhaps a stronger connection to a personal win for the coach than for a business result.’

    ‘If there is a business result and a personal win, you're into that golden ticket territory.’

    ‘Are you in a win-win with all of those buying influences?’


    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]

  • For today’s episode, David is joined by Ashlie Marshall, the Chief Financial Officer of Tier Level Digital Marketing. As a child, she and her family moved regularly. An experience that shaped who she is today, helping her to develop resilience and the ability to respond proactively and positively to uncertainty.

    She explains how she stays organized and thrives even when things don´t go smoothly. As well as sharing why she opted for a people-first leadership style and how taking that approach has fed into her success.

    To explore how to get unstuck on your mission, put your purpose into practice and convert your ideas into impact book a discovery call with David here https://calendly.com/david-peoplewithpurpose/30min


    Crap happens you have no control over a lot of things. Accept this and prepare yourself to make informed decisions. Take a breath, look at the bigger picture and manage things calmly. Put your people first. Invest in them and if they fail pick them up and equip them to succeed next time. When you develop your team, much of the burden of running your business is lifted from your shoulders. Always do the right thing by other people, even when it is hard. Word-of-mouth referrals are a huge source of new business. Ashlie explains how to leverage that. Reach out to clients and speak to them. This massively grows your understanding of what they need.


    ‘My business counterpart says that my brain is like a waffle, and everything has a box.’

    ‘Not having a knee-jerk reaction to anything is important.’

    ‘I encourage you to fight for it.’

    ‘Commit? Make a decision, know what side of that fence you're on and commit to it.’




    People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


    David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service and really make a difference.


    Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils


    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-roberts-nu-heat/

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DavidRobertsPeopleWithPurpose

    David’s Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dave.roberts.5076798

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/davidcroberts_/

    Email - [email protected]