
  • This is who we are!

    Join Ps Phil & Chris for this special piece as they sit down with C3 Church Global Executive Directors, Ps John & Danielle Pearce to discuss all things C3. 2024 was an incredible year of fruitfulness across our movement with close to 50 churches being planted. Each and every week in the C3 movement, there are over 100,000 people gathered in more than 600 churches, across 54 nations - and growing every year - we are a truly global family and God is doing some incredibly exciting things all over the world. We come from different nations, tribes and tongues but carry the same heart, and we are aligned in culture and vision for the future. We believe in the local church and we pray for the mighty power of God to move across every town, every city, and every nation in Jesus name.

    In this podcast you will catch the highlights from 2024, reminiscing on key events and gatherings, new initiatives, church planting stories, and powerful testimonies from around the movement. If you’re part of the C3 family, this is a beautiful living room conversation reminding us all of all the wonderful things God is doing amongst us. If you want to know who we are as a movement, and catch the culture of who we are this conversation is not to be missed.

    “We are a movement of many churches. A global village of many houses. Our relationships, values and shared culture is what makes us who we are.”


    The Outpouring Highlights | https://www.youtube.com/@C3ChurchGlobal

    Global Training Initiatives | https://youtu.be/NqhiVRIn1fE?si=HdNK4hN8Kb6Pt4OD

    C3 Church Global Culture | https://youtu.be/Oz1I6ne-Hio?si=hyp_RQIChh0draiF



    Ps Phil Pringle @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/

    Ps Chris Pringle @chrisapringle

    Ps John Pearce @john_pearce @c3powerhouse

    Ps Danielle Pearce @daniellempearce


    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • The C3 Church Global podcast is back for 2025!

    For our first podcast for the year Ps Phil sits down with good friend Ps John Finkelde to talk all things church health and leadership. Ps John, with his wife Dianne, were the lead pastors of C3 Hepburn Heights for 30 years - leading the church through growth and generational change, as well as planting 6 other churches. After handing over the church to the amazing Ps Jason & Emma Schroeder, John launched Grow A Healthy Church, a consulting and coaching ministry for churches and pastors worldwide.

    In this insightful conversation, these two world class leaders discuss crucial aspects of church life and health, including developing leadership pipelines, having difficult conversations, and increasing volunteer engagement.

    Key takeaways:

    • Prepare your heart before difficult conversations

    • Lower barriers to serving in church

    • Create a culture of generosity


    Resources & Follow

    Growing A Healthy Church: https://growahealthychurch.com/

    John Finkelde @finkelde @Growahealthychurch

    Build a Leadership Pipeline with John Finkelde Podcast Series: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/build-a-leadership-pipeline-with-john-finkelde/id1727269622


    Ps Phil Pringle @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/


    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • ¿Faltan episodios?

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  • In our last podcast for 2024, Ps Phil Pringle sits down with our beloved Ps Thierry and Marianne Moehr of C3 Lausanne, to discuss their journey of growing a vibrant 2000+ member church in Switzerland. Ps Thierry & Marianne have been C3 pastors for over 20 years and are also part of our C3 Europe executive team and help to oversee this rapidly growing region.

    Church growth and a balanced life - is there such a thing? Yes! Let this conversation equip you with the spirit of balanced growth. Pick up some invaluable principles and values from Ps Thierry & Marianne that have been keys to creating an environment for the ongoing season of healthy and sustained growth they have seen - volunteer culture, life-style balance, building healthy relationships and trusting God.

    Let this conversation encourage you in your leadership and ministry. Be reminded of the power of perseverance and trusting God. God can use who you are as a leader to build something beautiful. Keep loving people, preaching the gospel, and relying on the Holy Spirit!
    Chapter 1: Foundations of Church Growth
    Chapter 2: Nurturing Church Culture and Growth (6min)
    Chapter 3: Leadership and Behind-the-Scenes Operations (12min)
    Chapter 4: Balancing Growth and Rest (18min)
    Ps Thierry Moehr @thierry_moehr | Ps Marianne Moehr @marianne_moehr
    C3 Lausanne @c3lausanne872
    Ps Phil Pringle @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/
    For more information on C3 Church Global:
    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal
    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

    #wearec3 #C3Church #ChurchGrowth #churchplanting #LeadershipWisdom

  • At our recent C3 Indonesia Gathering Ps Phil sat down with our C3 Indonesia Regional Director Ps Joshua Winarta, along with two of our amazing Indonesia pastors, Ps Alex & Janay Evans, who lead the exceptional, The Collective Church, with locations around Indonesia and beyond.

    This conversation is not just an update on all the amazing things God is doing across C3 Indonesia but is packed with invaluable leadership principles and learnings around church growth, developing teams, delegation and building culture.

    Key takeaways from our latest podcast:

    • God’s power shines through our vulnerability
    • Building strong relationships is the foundation of effective leadership
    • Embracing diversity and new ideas helps the church stay relevant
    • Everyone has a unique gift to contribute - delegate and empower others!

    “There is gold in our pews. Delegation becomes the release valve for the development of people and the growth of the church.” 🙌



    C3 Indonesia @c3church.id
    Joshua Winarta @joshuawinarta @sannitawinarta

    The Collective @tcjakarta https://thecollective.global/
    Alex Evans @palexevans | Janay Evans @janayevans

    Ps Phil Pringle @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/


    For more information on C3 Church Global:
    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal
    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church


    #wearec3 #Jesus #churchplanting #leadership

  • Each month we hear a faith building devotional from one of our C3 Church Global Team and Regional Directors. Our November devotional is from our ‘C3 Reach Regional Director, and Lead Pastor of C3 Ryde, Ps Richard Green.

    Taking us through a study of Philippians 4, Ps Richard reminds us that true leadership in the church isn’t about avoiding difficult conversations or always agreeing. It’s about:

    • Loving your congregation deeply

    • Finding common ground in Christ

    • Being both strong AND gentle

    Remember, it’s okay to have disagreements. What matters is how we navigate them with Christ at the centre.

    As leaders, we’re called to navigate the delicate balance between progress and joy in faith.

    ‘If we build people and build them well, if we value and develop people, the church will flourish.’

    - Richard Green

    Are you focusing on both progress AND joy in your faith journey? Have a listen to this wonderful devotional and take a moment to search our hearts on this crucial topic.


    Follow: @psrichardgreen @C3churchRyde

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

    #wearec3 #devotional #jesus #faith #churchgrowth

  • In this Equip Session we join Ps John Pearce (C3 Church Global Executive Director) and Ps Sam Picken (C3 Church Global Exec Team) as they dive into the often challenging topic of church finances. This podcast will reinforce key teaching on the biblical truths of tithing, and provide practical advice and lessons on how to wisely, and effectively, raise finances within the life of the church, and build a culture of tithing and generosity. In order to lead our churches into Gods’ vision for their finances, it is vital that every leader has a conviction and revelation on the power of money and what God says about it. This is a must listen for every pastor and leader.



    Chapter 1: Establishing Trust and Conviction in Financial Matters

    Chapter 2: Strategies for Teaching and Encouraging Giving

    Chapter 3: Nurturing the Gift of Giving and Leadership Responsibilities



    John Pearce @john_pearce @C3Powerhouse

    Sam Picken @sampicken @C3Toronto

    Ps Phil Pringle @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/


    Further Resources:

    ‘The Wheels Of Financial Blessing’ – Ps John Pearce

    https://www.pastorjohnpearce.com/ | Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B09W8VR8VK/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_YDNDQK2Q4H4AD26RHRX6

    C3 Toronto Giving and Vision Builders Resources

    Example of ‘Test The Tenth’ resources on C3 Church Global Resource Hub – Contact your C3 Regional Director for login details.

    C3 Toronto Vision Builders Promo:



    ‘Keys To Financial Excellence’ – Ps Phil Pringle


    #wearec3 #tithing #raisingfinance #money #churchplanting #discipleship #jesus

  • During C3 Europe’s Masterclass series, Ps Phil & Chris Pringle sit down with the incredible Ps Jo & Lois Willis. Jo and Lois Willis, Lead Pastors of C3 Hope (Sheffield, UK) share their powerful journey of faith through challenging times.

    In our journey of faith, we often encounter trials that test our faith and our resolve. Their powerful testimony reminds us that true faith isn’t just about receiving answers, but about living victoriously even when faced with unresolved circumstances and prayers that seem to go unanswered. Having lead their church through a significant season of transition, and continuing to journey through personal hardship concerning the health of their youngest son; they are at the same time seeing miraculous growth and revival in their church. We are reminded that God is working in the midst of our challenges and trials.

    “God can and he will, but even if he doesn’t. He is still good. We’re not just seeking God’s hand, we’re seeking his face.” Ps Jo & Lois Willis

    Let’s continue to pray for C3 Hope, Ps Jo & Lois and their family.



    Ps Phil @Philpringle @chrisapringle https://www.philpringle.com/

    C3 Hope Sheffield @c3hope

    Ps Jo Willis @jo_willis | Ps Lois Willis @loiswillis


    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church


  • “A scared world needs a fearless church” – A.W.Tozer

    This week’s C3 Church Global Podcast is a powerful conversation between Ps Phil Pringle and Ps Jeremy Johnson. Ps Jeremy, with his wife Christy are the Lead Pastors of Fearless Church, a vibrant and rapidly growing church in the heart of downtown Los Angeles that is seeing hundreds of people coming to Christ week after week.

    In this conversation Ps Phil and Jeremy explore the importance of building a church centred on God’s presence, the balance between salvation and discipleship, and overcoming fear in our personal lives and ministry. Ps Jeremy shares his journey from youth pastor to senior pastor, and emphasises the transformative power of God’s love in casting out fear in his own life.

    “Perfect love casts out all fear. As we step toward perfect love, perfect love reaches over our shoulder and cast fear out. It’s a daily journey. Love more, fear less. The more steps we take towards love, the less fear gets to live in our life.” – Jeremy Johnson



    Chapter 1: The Journey from Youth Leader to Pastor (0:00)

    Chapter 2: Building a Church on God’s Presence and Excellence (15:00)

    Chapter 3: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety in Ministry (30:00)


    Follow Ps Phil @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/

    Follow Ps Jeremy Johnson

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyjohnsonla/

    Fearless Church: https://www.fearless.church/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@jeremyjohnson_la

    Fearless Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/6ML2owi3PNu1yod3Z7lAF0?si=aad91edb28de49d4

    Book - Order ‘Declare War On Fear’: https://www.jeremyjohnson.la/book


    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

    #wearec3 #jesus #fear #anxiety #churchevent #christianpodcast

  • Each month we hear a faith building devotional from one of our C3 Church Global Team and Regional Directors. Our October devotional is from our 'C3 Europe' Regional Director, and Lead Pastor of C3 Imagine, Ps Lizby Warren.

    In this week's C3 Global podcast, Pastor Lizby Warren shares a powerful message on inner motivation - Are you being pushed or pulled in your walk with God? 🤔 Are you living with an inner motivation that draws you closer to His purpose? Let the joy set before you fuel your journey, just as it did for Jesus. The pull of God's love is stronger than any push life throws at us.

    'The pull is greater than the push.' - Pastor Lizby Warren

    Need to renew and restore your posture toward God today? Make sure to listen to this incredible devotional.

    Follow: @lizbyw @C3Imagine @c3churcheurope

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

    #wearec3 #devotional #jesus #faith #InnerMotivation #FaithJourney #GodsPurpose

  • This week’s C3 Church Global podcast is an extra special episode. Ps Phil Pringle sits down with his very good friend, Canon J.John to talk all things ‘evangelism.’ In a world hungry for hope and meaning, the message of God’s love remains as powerful and transformative as ever. Yet, many churches find themselves struggling to effectively reach those outside their walls. It’s time to rekindle the flame of evangelism and rediscover the joy of sharing the good news.

    “Evangelism isn’t just a task, it’s a mindset!” - Canon J.John

    How can we be more effective at leading people to Jesus both personally and as the church? This conversation is packed with gold from two of the world’s finest evangelists. This is a must listen for every church leader. If you listen to one podcast this week, (this year!), make it this one!

    Let’s go! 🙏🔥


    Episode Chapters:

    Chapter 1: The Importance of Evangelism in Church Life 0:00 - 15:00

    Chapter 2: Creating an Atmosphere for Conversion 15:00 - 3000

    Chapter 3: Effective Evangelistic Strategies and Approaches 30:00 - 45:00

    Chapter 4: Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism in the Church 45:00 - 60:00


    Follow Canon J.John @jjohnglobal

    Just10 Resources: just10.org/

    Natural Evangelism Course: canonjjohn.com/product/the-natural-evangelism-course/

    Follow Ps Phil @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

    #Evangelism #ChurchGrowth #Faith #C3ChurchGlobal #canonjjohn #jesus

  • In this week’s podcast Ps Phil is joined by good friend Ps Ian McCormack. Hear Ian’s incredible near-death experience that will leave you challenged and encouraged about life, death, and eternity. After being stung by deadly box jellyfish, Ian found himself in complete darkness, facing the reality of hell. But in his final moments, a simple prayer changed everything. Ian’s story reveals the power of forgiveness, the reality of heaven and hell, and the transformative love of Jesus. A testament to God’s grace and the eternal perspective that changes everything.

    This powerful testimony reminds us that it’s never too late to turn to God. Whether you’re a skeptic, a seeker, or a believer, Ian’s story will inspire you to see life through new eyes and embrace the transformative power of God’s love. We’re shown how even in our darkest moments, God’s voice can reach us, offering a chance for redemption. For Ian the Lord’s Prayer becomes a lifeline, demonstrating how sincere repentance and forgiveness can open the door to salvation. His story challenges us to examine our own lives, to forgive others as we’ve been forgiven, and to live with an eternal perspective. It’s a call to embrace God’s unconditional love and to share it with others, recognising that our time on earth is an opportunity to impact eternity.

    Don’t miss this incredible account of hope, forgiveness, and second chances. Listen now and prepare to have your perspective on eternity forever changed!


    Follow Ian McCormack

    Website www.aglimpseofeternity.org

    You can donate to help support Ian’s ministry through the website.

    New Book on Amazon: “A Night Dive To Heaven” by Ian McCormack

    Follow Ps Phil @Philpringle https://www.philpringle.com/

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • This is Part 2 of our Equip Session on Event Planning - in this episode we dive specifically into some planning and ideas for the big two events in the church calendar - Christmas and Easter!

    In this podcast we are joined by some of the best in this space from around the C3 movement - Jacob Leung (C3 SYD), Chrissy Forbes (C3 Toronto), Hans Buijsrogge (C3 Imagine) and Sarah Shackleford (C3 Atlanta).

    As we think about Christmas and Easter events in church, we’re reminded of the incredible opportunity these events present for outreach and community building - powerful moments to invite others into our faith journey. We’re encouraged to think creatively about how to make these events engaging and accessible, especially for families and children, creating experiences that people want to share with their friends and family.

    If you’re a pastor, team leader or church administrator this conversation is gold! Not to be missed.

    This podcast episode is Part 2 of 2. Part 1 was released last week. If you missed it make sure to go back and listen.

    For all C3 Churches, we have provided the planning templates discussed in this podcast in the C3 Church Global Resource Hub. Contact your regional office for login details.


    C3 Church Global: @c3churchglobal
    Phil Hubbard: @philhubby @c3london
    Jacob Leung: @Jacob.leung @c3.syd
    Chrissy Forbes: @chrissyhforbes @c3toronto @c3canada
    Hans Buijsrogge: @hbuijsrogge @c3imagine @c3churcheurope
    Sarah Shackleford: @sarah_shack @thec3church

    For more information on C3 Church Global:
    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal
    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • We all know church is not an event company... right?! But event planning is a huge part of what we do as churches. In this podcast we are joined by some of the best in this space from around the C3 movement - Jacob Leung (C3 SYD), Chrissy Forbes (C3 Toronto), Hans Buijsrogge (C3 Imagine) and Sarah Shackleford (C3 Atlanta). These event gurus discuss the importance of strategic event planning in churches, emphasising the need for clear objectives, team building, and effective follow-up. What we learn is that well-executed events can foster church growth, deepen community connections, and serve as powerful tools for discipleship and outreach.

    If you’re a pastor, team leader or church administrator this conversation is gold! Not to be missed.

    This podcast episode is Part 1 of 2. Part 2 to be released next week, and will dive more specifically into two key events in the church calendar - Christmas and Easter!

    For all C3 Churches, we have provided the planning templates discussed in this podcast in the C3 Church Global Resource Hub. Contact your regional office for login details.



    C3 Church Global: @c3churchglobal

    Phil Hubbard: @philhubby @c3london

    Jacob Leung: @Jacob.leung @c3.syd

    Chrissy Forbes: @chrissyhforbes @c3toronto @c3canada

    Hans Buijsrogge: @hbuijsrogge @c3imagine @c3churcheurope

    Sarah Shackleford: @sarah_shack @thec3church

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • On the final night of conference Ps Phil Pringle spent time in ministry and impartation but also shared this poiggnant, and passionate message as he encouraged us all to lift our eyes in faith to see what God sees.

    Follow @philpringle

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • In this significant moment during Day 2 of conference, Ps John Pearce both empowered and challenged us into a deeper prayer life. Reflecting on his own journey in prayer Ps John gave us keys to strengthening a life in prayer through fellowship, speaking in tongues, and faith-filled declaration.

    Follow @john_pearce

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • As always Ps Chris centres us in the heart of who we are. In this beautiful message Ps Chris reflects on the divine connections that surround us in life and ministry. Our tribe, our people.

    Jesus set the model for us. "I pray for those you have given me." We have a burden for world revival but lets first take a look at who God has given us. Paul was personally connected, and in relationship with his tribe, his people. His writings reveal his love for his trusted proven brothers and sisters, he knew and loved personally. He named them. An outpouring of gratitude from his heart.

    “Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.” - Romans 16:16 ESV

    "Long live the footnotes. Long live the runts and the misfits. We are not in competition with one another. We bind together. Support and protect one another. We are the tribe of C3."

    Follow @chrisapringle

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • I SEE - 'Sacred Altars.'

    Ps Jess Picken (C3 Toronto and C3 Canada Regional Director)

    Follow @jesspicken @c3toronto @c3canada

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • Night 2 was a significant moment. Ps Sam Picken (C3 Toronto and C3 Canada Regional Director) put a rocket under all of us, to step out in faith, to believe again, to risk again. God is calling us to way more than we may believe we are capable of. It is not time to settle - trust God! He is sending you!

    Follow @sampicken @c3toronto @c3canada

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • On Day 1 Ps Rock Mutegheki (C3 Alive, Uganda and C3 East & West Africa Regional Director) delivers this passionate word calling us into our identity as the church. The ekklesia, the called out ones, spread wide across the earth, knit together to do the will of the Father.

    Follow @mutegheki @c3alivechurch @c3east_westafrica

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church

  • I SEE - A movement of life-giving churches.

    Ps Lars Halvorsen (C3 Darwin and C3 Australia Regional Director)

    Follow @larsoutloud @c3churchdarwin @c3australia960

    For more information on C3 Church Global:

    www.c3churchglobal.com | @c3churchglobal

    Find you closest C3 Church: https://c3churchglobal.com/find-a-church