Im Podcast WOLTER TALKS trifft CEO und Co-Founder von Banijay Germany Marcus Wolter auf TV-Produzentinnen und -Produzenten, auf Künstlerinnen und Künstler sowie auf Persönlichkeiten aus der Medienbranche und gibt einen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Unterhaltungsindustrie. Zu den bekanntesten Formaten der Banijay Gruppe gehören u. a. Die Höhle der Löwen, The Masked Singer, Schlag den Star, Kitchen Impossible, TV total, Mein Lokal, dein Lokal, Tatort Dresden, Wer wird Millionär?, Promi Big Brother und Kampf der Realitystars.
Website: -
Audio insights from the international network for media and technology.
Sjónvarpsþættirnir Sönn íslensk sakamál nutu mikilla vinsælda á níunda og tíunda áratug síðustu aldar. Sigursteinn gegndi hlutverki þular þáttanna, ásamt því að vera umsjónarmaður og handritshöfundur þeirra í upphafi, en í áranna raðir hefur rödd hans orðið einkennandi fyrir umfjöllun um íslensk sakamál. Nú hafa Sönn íslensk sakamál öðlast nýtt líf í hljóðbókarformi Storytel Original og fjórðu syrpu fer Sigursteinn yfir ný og forvitnileg sakamál.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Þáttur fyrir fólk með árangursmiðað hugarfar og áhuga á viðskiptum.
Her Life By Design is a podcast that discusses all things influencer marketing, creating a career online, navigating life as an ambitious female and much more.
Your host is Christina Galbato - social media influencer, creative entrepreneur and online educator. Join her each week to gain the strategies and motivation you need to create a life and career entirely of your own design. -
Pyngjan er viðskiptamiðað hlaðvarp þar sem fréttir, fróðleikur og vandaðar umfjallanir eru í fyrirrúmi. Þættirnir koma út á föstudögum og eru sem ljós í enda ganganna hjá hinum almenna launþega og vansæla millistjórnanda.
Ready to become a RULEBREAKER!
I’m here to help you break into 7, 8, and 9 figures, infiltrate new customer audiences, and explode your status and reach by breaking old rules, creating unconventional ones, and implementing step-skipping strategies! -
Want to build a successful business? Packed with the principles, strategies, and methods used to grow successful companies, The Sweaty Startup will help you make your vision a reality. Hosted by successful entrepreneur Nick Huber. Short, to the point and no fluff.
Frú Barnaby er ekkert óviðkomandi
en það getur reynst erfitt að gera henni til
geðs. -
Fyrsta íslenska Bachelor podcastið, VÚHÚ! Hér ræðir Vigdís Diljá allt Bachelor tengt; slúðrið, getgáturnar, keppendurna í þáttunum og að sjálfsögðu hvern og einn þátt líka. Hoppaðu á Bachelorlestina!
Hjónin Svandís og Jóhann fjalla um glæpi, á léttari nótunum. Svandís er með B.Sc í sálfræði og diplóma í afbrota-og réttarsálfr. Jóhann er starfandi læknir með sérstakan áhuga á réttarmeinafræði. Við viljum minna á að efnið þáttanna er ekki fyrir viðkvæma né börn.
Endalaus Óviska er vikulegt hlaðvarp um lífið og tilveruna þar sem kvikmyndagerðamennirnir Elfar og Dagur öðlast ávalt meiri visku með því að fá áhugaverða gesti í fróðlegt spjall. Þið getið haft samband: [email protected]
Lesbian Best Friend Sisters - REAL TALK -Seriously Hilarious, LGBT LEGIT, ALL for your listening and Interactive pleasure!
Welcome to the AJ Osborne Podcast. Twice a month, I’ll sit down with guests or fly solo to share incredible stories, give my take on today’s economy, and show you how to build wealth the right way.
We bring high-value guests - solely for the purpose of long-form, high-impact discussions. By working together, we can build a better future for ourselves and our families.
Find our video podcast on YouTube:
At the Smart Money podcast, NerdWallet's in-house writers answer your real-world money questions. Our Nerds are your guides so you can get smart, then get back to doing you. NerdWallet Compare, Inc. NMLS ID# 1617539 NMLS Consumer Access:
A frank and intimate series of conversations between those who hold power in sought-after industries and the people struggling to find employment due to barriers - such as having a disability, holding refugee status or gender discrimination - in their chosen sector.
Presented by social advocate and author Yassmin Abdel-Magied, this show is a collection of inspiring and powerful stories about sharing common ground and accessing pathways. -
This is the podcast of Stephanie Kelton.
Our podcast explores the big challenges facing the public sector, how citizens want the public services to be run and what the future holds by drawing on expert opinion and exclusive research.
Message us at [email protected]
We talk about the Hollywood Down South!! From our hotbed home in Atlanta, GA - GOF explores folks in TV - Movies - Music - and more.....take THAT LA!!