
  • They say confession is good for the soul, but it's easier said than done.

    Season 5, Episode 17

    Martin has a problem to put it mildly, rather than dealing with it he tries avoidance.

    Everywhere he turns and every beer he drinks he can't shake the voice.

    The voice is his conscience, that moral barometer who tries to compel him to come clean.

    Special performance by Jessica Berson from Echoes in-between podcast

    Brent Stark from the Most Precious Commodity podcast.

    Leo Allen from Voluntary Input who played the news reporter.

    And my sweet wife Valrica.

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio.

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Please give back to this show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    The following music was used for this media project:Music: Hidden Truth by Rafael KruxFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/5296-hidden-truthLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseArtist website: https://www.orchestralis.net/

    The Dark Tile by Rafael KruxFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/5333-the-dark-tileLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseArtist website: https://www.orchestralis.net/

    The old clock shop by chilledmusicFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/7101-the-old-clock-shopLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • As you may know last week's episode, Queens Curse, was plagiarized by another creator. I called him out on Twitter and that's when things turned ugly.

    Season 5, Episode 16 (Bonus)

    He also said that I'm not woke enough and black enough because I don't tackle black issues. This is absurd. My show is about bringing every nerd together regardless of their nationality.

    This is not a political show, sometimes it makes sport of politics but I'm not picking sides.

    As for wokness, he may have a point, my show is not woke. I don't apologize for this and I'm not going to change the show to be more culturally relevant.

    You can find me on Twitter @poeticearthling

    For prior episodes I'm at Welcometoearthstories.com

    To give back to the show and to listen to free content not available on the main feed go to buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

  • ¿Faltan episodios?

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  • For over a thousand years he stood as a silent observer watching the chaos and the beauty of a fallen world.

    Season 5, episode 15

    In the past couple of years many statues and monuments in the United States have been demolished by angry mobs.

    They say the values and beliefs of these men carved in stone runs counter to today's morals.

    Queens Curse is a story of a man frozen in glass. His origins are unknown, but his message is profound.

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio. Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Please give back to this show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music by Epidemic Sound

  • You'll think loyalty begins at home. The person you share your bed with will have your back. Buckle up buttercup your in for a twist. 

    Season 5, Episode 14 (Bonus)

    Recently I've been receiving  positive and negative feedback about my show. Positive feedback is always welcome but the negative feedback is like a dagger in the neck. 

    At least my show is gaining an audience and the larger the audience the more negative vibes.

    Every movie star and famous authors goes through a battlefield of hurtful words and misguided comments.

    To become a person of notice you have to develop titanium skin. You will be attacked from all sides so the titanium is crucial. 

    Last week's micro episode entitled, Only One Listener, is a good example. I've received angry messages from the island nation of Evaugne. They had an issue with an older episode called Messenger Pigeon, about a potential  suicide bomber.

    I thank the people of Evaugne who took the time to send me feedback. You can do the same on Apple Podcast by leaving a rating and review.

    You can also DM me on Twitter @poeticearthling

    Special performance by Tiffany C Lewis please follow her podcast, Beta Reader Bits.

    Also check out my YouTube channel,  YouTube.com/@Welcometoearthstories it's not high budget and I don't have A-list actors and supermodel appearances. Rather it's your truly  staring awkwardly at the camera.

    Since your a fan of this show you can give back at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories  when you arrive click on post to hear free exclusive episodes.

    New episode, Queens Curse, is arriving this thursday. Remember to subscribe and listen to the show on Welcometoearthstories.com 

    Music is licenced under Epidemic Sound

  • An alleged faith healer emerges from the center of the Earth, a Homeland security agent is assigned to track him down. Is he a threat, a lunatic or an answered prayer?

    Season 5, Episode 13

    I've always been fascinated with the idea of intelligent lifeforms living in the centre of the Earth. No wonder why I'm a weirdo.

    The thought of earthlings living under our feet for thousands of years is provocative, at least for me it is.

    You probably didn't think of it until now and why should you, life on the surface is already stressful. Living with "surface dwellers" could feel unbearable.

    Special performance by Karin from Chaika Podcast

    Timothy Kimo Brien from Create Art Podcast, and my Son Elijah.

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio

    .Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Please give back to this show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

  • Many of us live as caterpillars when we could become butterflies

    Season 5, Micro Episode (Ep 12)

    When you're middle class and live in a safe neighborhood it's easy to shield yourself. 

    The struggles of living paycheck to paycheck, or putting up with the food price hike doesn't compare to living out in the street or at a homeless shelter.

    The girl in this story detached herself from her butterfly wings and decided to sell her soul.

    It's easy to label and disregard these people without acknowledging their humanity. Every human being is sacred, however sinful practices creeps in and ruins the work of art. 

    To listen to these micro episodes please visit buymeacoffee.com/earthstories and click on Posts.

    These are free, there's no pay wall. You can also give back to the show.

    Next full-length episode is Core Dweller, arriving this Thursday on Welcometoearthstories.com

    Reach out to me on Twitter @poeticearthling And subscribe to my YouTube channel Youtube.com/@welcometoearthstories 

    Music is licensed under Epidemic Sound

  • Cindy's favourite podcaster is warning her of danger, will she listen to his voice before it's too late?

    Season 5, Episode 11

    They say podcasting is the most intimate form of media because it feels like the host is speaking directly to you.

    Radio and Television is designed for a group experience hence the name broadcast.

    Podcasts are designed for an individual experience. When you listen to a podcast you're alone with your headphones.

    That's why I enjoy listening to podcasts, especially those that tug at my heart and intellect.

    Special performance by Author Tiffany C Lewis from Beta Reader Bits podcast

    Alex from Time For Your Hobby played the newscaster.

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz who played Jasmine.

    Earthling Studio

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Give back to the show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music by Epidemic Sound

  • An unusual email leads me halfway around the world to a small village in the remote country of Evaugne risking my life for my only listener. 

    Season 5, Episode 10

    I'm kind of obsessive when it comes to listener feedback and meeting the needs of my diehard fans.

    Obsessive maybe an overstatement but I'm dedicated to you.

    When I heard I only had one listener in the island nation of Evaugne I was perplexed and humiliated. Only one listener?

    This listener kept sending emails and eventually an airline ticket. Should I stay in Canada or travel around the globe for my loyal fan?

    Special thanks to Leo Allen from Voluntary Input for inviting me on his show.

    Thank you to Emily Inkpen from the Dex Legacy Series, for allowing me to play a king in their bonus episode.

    Please give back to the show at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Subscribe and follow the show at Welcometoearthstories.com

    Song, signal to noise, by Scott Buckley other music in this episode from Epidemic Sound.

  • Is reality objective or is it a mere mental construct?

    Season 5, Episode 9

    This episode breaks the 4th wall and dives feet first into the meta of story building.

    The main character starts to realize he's the main protagonist in the story he created.

    In order to maintain the universe he developed he has to continuously articulate this story.

    There's some people who deny objective reality, they think the physical laws of the cosmos are a manifestation of the mind.

    I don't fall into this camp however I find it fascinating.

    Special performances by Tiffany C Lewis from the Beta Reader Bits podcast,

    and Jessica Berson from Echoes in-between podcast.

    Also, Eltrain who played the muscular dude on the bus and the Psychiatrist. Please follow him on Twitter @_Eltrain

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Please give back to this show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music by Epidemic Sound

  • I'm sleep deprived so this episode may seem backwards and uncouth.

    Micro Episode Season 5, Ep 8

    Last week's episode, Quantum Division, did something bizarre to my brain. It was almost like a cool electric shock danced through my head making it difficult to sleep.

    Due to my sleep apnea and active imagination, sleep doesn't come easy.I envy those people who sleep like a baby.

    Are you one of those blessed humans who sleep through the night undisturbed, who wake up in the morning like a viagra commercial?

    For me sleep is a battlefield of constant tossing and turning and to make matters worse I have to sleep with a CPAP machine.

    Picture Darth Vader, well that's me in a breathing mask. It took me over a year to get used to this contraption.

    It was my wife's idea a couple of years ago for me to go to the doctor.She noticed I temporarily stopped breathing while I was asleep.

    Doctor told me to make an appointment with the Sleep Clinic, this is a place where you sleep overnight and they monitor your breathing. Sounded strange but I decided to go because it would make for a good story.

    For free Micro episodes not included in the regular show check out buymeacoffee.com/earthstories when you arrive click on posts. If you like what you hear then please give back to the show.

    Follow me on Twitter @poeticearthling to see my goofy family and what I'm up to behind the scenes.

    Listen and subscribe to previous seasons on Welcometoearthstories.com

    The following music was used for this media project:Music: The Becoming by Radion NechaevFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/9981-the-becomingLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseArtist website: https://radion-nechaev.ru

    The following music was used for this media project:Music: Planetary Banks by KALAKFree download: https://filmmusic.io/song/9963-planetary-banksLicense (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • One side wants to maintain the Timeline the other wants to change it.

    Season 5, Episode 7

    An agent wakes up naked in a hotel room. Things appear familiar but he can't recall his name and how he got there. This story and its connected stories took years to develop. My goal was to write a time travel adventure since I'm a geek for time displacement tales.

    Time traveling stories could be confusing, you have to make sure you establish laws and do your best to abide by them.

    If the author negates his own time travel laws then the story becomes loopy and difficult to follow. Hopefully this story, Time Collective and 100 Years From Now, will make sense. I did my best, there's no guarantees.

    If you find the time travelling stories loopy and upside-down please reach out to me, I'll do my best to explain it. Hopefully you won't be more dumbfounded after I explain it.

    Special performance by Jessica from the Echoes in-between podcast

    And Ichabod Ebenezer, please follow him on Twitter

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio. Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Music by Epidemic Sound

    Sign up for our newsletter, The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Give back by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

  • A friend of the family believes the earth is flat as a pancake, it would be easy for me to dismiss him but then I started hearing from more people around or should I say across the world who shares his view.

    Micro Episode, Season 5, episode 6

    Thank you for listening to these exclusive micro episodes, please share this with a friend. You can listen to all of them for free on buymeacoffee/earthstories While your there please give back to the show.

    Episode 4, Quantum Division, launches this Thursday, remember to subscribe on Welecometoearthstories.com

    Special thank you to Timothy from Create Art Podcast who became a member on Buy Me A Coffee.

    Also check me out on my brand new remodeled YouTube Channel, Welcome To Earth Stories

  • A Television set gives Delion glimpses into the future, will he use this knowledge to feed his gambling addiction or to save the world?

    Season 5, Episode 5

    This story takes place in the 1930's when Televisions were a hot commodity. Owning a television was a symbol of wealth and status. Every family craved for a picture box even though the screen was small and the images were in black and white. There were only a couple of channels and the content was subpar but it was the latest and greatest technological achievement.

    Remember when Apple launched the IPhone in 2007. We marveled at its touch screen display and smooth edges. It could make calls, play music and even surf the web. However there was no Gmail, Facebook and other third party apps, you couldn't even cut and paste.

    This did not stop the average consumer from going ape crazy for the new device. A television was like an iPhone but on steroids. In this story Delion was trying to compete with his neighbor by buying a picture box and not just any old picture box but one that displays a window into the future.

    Special performance by Ichabod Ebenezer, follow him on Twitter @IchabodEbenezer Karin from Chaika podcast Author, Tiffany C Lewis from Beta Reader Bits podcast

    And the Head Instigator himself Timothy Kimo Brien from Create Art Podcast

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you. Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Music by Epidemic Sound

    Please give back by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

  • Humanity is on the eve of destruction, how could one soul make a difference?

    Micro Episode

    Season 5, Episode 4

    This is an unofficial Welcome To Earth Stories episode. I have written many stories that doesn't quite fit into the podcast. I have collected these random thought experiments into a collection.

    You can find my ongoing thought experiments at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories and click posts when your there. All of these audio stories are free, please enjoy them and share it to your followers on social media.

    While your there you can also give back to the show by buying me a virtual coffee.

    An 'official' episode will be released this Thursday. Remember to follow the show on Welcometoearthstories.com and check out my new YouTube channel, search for Welcome To Earth Stories and subscribe.

    I could also be reached on Twitter @Poeticearthling

    If your thinking about starting a podcast but your intimidated with the technology I could help you. Please contact me to see if my audio editing services is right for you. There is no obligations, hidden charges or high pressure sales tactics. We could meet on Zoom free for 30 minutes. DM me on Twitter to arrange a date.

    Special thanks to my sweet wife Valrica who voiced the intro.

    Music: Positive Fat Bass Intro Loop by Winnie The Moog Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/6093-positive-fat-bass-intro-loop License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Artist website: https://linktr.ee/taigasoundprod

    Music: Stowaway by John Bart mann Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/9485-stowaway License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseArtist website: https://johnbartmann.com/

  • A new law grants children the right to divorce their parents, but is the government going too far?

    Season 5, Episode 3

    Our top news story this hour is the controversial Child Liberation From Parents Act that just passed in the house of commons. This law grants children full autonomy over every aspect of their lives. For example Children can divorce their parents and choose more suitable caregivers. Opponents to this law are outraged stating this is the demise of the traditional family.

    On the other side of the debate proponents said this was long overdue to grant equity to all Canadians.In a world where everyone is crying out for justice and equality is it possible to take things too far?

    Special appearance by the amazing voice talent Chris Woodworth, please follow him on Twitter @ChrisWood_VO

    Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz

    Earthling Studio

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing? Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you.

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com

    Please give back to this show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music by Epidemic Sound

  • would you like to start something new and rebel against the norm

    Season 5, Ep 2

    I'm collaborating with Tiffany C. Lewis from Rebellion Lit. They are publishing there first annual anthology. If you are a fiction writer and would like to be paid for your work please submit your short story, also we'll be selecting stories from the anthology to be converted into an audio drama and played on the podcast.

    Below is some of the instructions for submitting your original short story, the complete details is on rebellionlit.com Submission ends on November 15th, 2022

    Our first anthology! This is the start of an amazing relationship with a few good authors. It’s the start of our traditional, annual, anthology project.

    It's the start of something riotous, because we are only looking for stories that rock us to the core.

    The theme for our first anthology is "The Start".

    We are looking for works that bring a new light to new beginnings. Our first kiss with a twist. Our first unlawful arrest. Our first botched magic spell. Our first political cover up. Our first murder.

    Hey, we all have to start somewhere.

    What we're looking for:

    All fiction genres

    Stories that REBEL in some way

    Authentic artists who want to be paid for their work but aren’t in it for the money (We ARE paying, btw)

    Super Short Stories (1,500 or less)

    Short Stories (1,500 – 10k)

    What we're not looking for:

    Non-Fiction. We’re not ready for that quite yet.

    Full erotic stories. Heavy petting is cool, but not too many details...

    Poetry. We're planning a full anthology for that. One moment, please!

    Anything that can get you or us arrested.

    Anything that is legal but will ruin our reputation.


    The publisher will contract for publishing rights. First rights are NOT required but preferred. Authors will receive no royalties for book sales but will receive a semi-pro rate for the contracting of your work as well as 2 copies of the anthology for personal use upon its release. All payments are made in US currency.

    Pay rates are:

    Prose: .015 cents per word

    Started on  OCTOBER 1ST, 2022:

    We are a small group but we have high standards. Bring your A game. We cannot and will not accept every submission, so STAND OUT.

    Please be sure to proofread your work. Submissions with excessive typos, plot holes, or grammatical errors will be rejected IMMEDIATELY. We do not offer editing services before contracting. We want to see a polished product.

    Proper formatting is required: 1 inch margins, 12 pt font, double spaced, Times New Roman only. No exceptions.

    The following music was used for this media project:

    Music: Summer Caress by KALAK

    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/9936-summer-caress

    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

  • An Enforcer's objective is to eliminate the infidels who rebel against the State, but when he meets Suzy everything changes. 

    Just in case you missed part 1 from the Season 4 finale here it is again. When you're finished  you can download and listen to part 2 which will lead you into Season 5. Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz 

    Earthling Studio

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing? Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you. 

    Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com Please give back to this show by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    The following music was used for this media project:

    Music: Cinematic HipHop 001 by Sascha Ende

    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/526-cinematic-hiphop-001

    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Artist website: https://www.sascha-ende.de

  • The Enforcer is wanted by the State as he travels through the Wasteland with a screaming, dirty and hungry Suzy by his side.

    Season 5, Episode 1

    Written by: Samaritan Dark  Twitter @Samaritandark 

    We return to the post apocalyptic world where humanity's fate relies in the hands of a rogue Enforcer. 

    Even though the Enforcer is mechanical and his mind is a system of AI components he understands that humans are sacred. 

    He travels with Suzy through the Wasteland doing his best to protect her. By doing this he's defying his basic programming and the authority of the State. 

    We could all learn from the Enforcer, some government rules are immoral and go against the human soul. 

    Too often we're programmed and refuse to think for ourselves, whatever our leaders dictate we fall in line like trained seals. 

    As fellow citizens of Earth we need to speak clearly, boldly and passionately before all of our freedoms are stripped away. 

    Earthling Studio.

    Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing?

    Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you. 

    Special performance by Emily Inkpen from the Dex Legacy Series. Author, Tiffany C Lewis from the Beta Reader Bits podcast 

    Alex from Time For Your Hobby podcast 

    Thanks once again to the lady with the golden voice Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz 

    Please sign up to our newsletter, The Earthling Report. 

    To support the show please buy me a  coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories

    Music For This Episode by Epidemic Sound 

  • I became obsessed with this podcast so my wife wrote me her final letter.

    Micro Episode

    If we are not careful we can neglect the people we love the most. I was so focused on writing season 5 that I lost touch with my wife. I'm sharing this letter as warning, please don't be like me.

    Season 5 of this show will arrive later on this year with a new name, Welcome To Earth Stories, along with a new cover art.

    Please follow me on Twitter @Poeticearthling and say hi, also check out all of the behind the scenes videos posted there. To support the show buy me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/poeticearthlings

  • The Emanuclearians wants to deliver a message the other side will never forget, what kind of message is it and is their disciple up for the task?

    This is a special Micro Episode, season 5 will arrive later on this year with a new name, Welcome To Earth Stories. It will be on the same feed but with a new cover art, please follow the show and spread the message.

    One of my favourite audio dramas is Chaika, (y2kpod.com/chaika/) please follow the links and prepare to be amazed.

    You can find me on Twitter @Poeticearthling and if you interested in recording a podcast my studio is open. We can have a no obligation chat to see if my audio editing services is right for you.

    Also if your receiving value from this show please return the value by buying me a coffee at Buy me a coffee (buymeacoffee.com/poeticearthlings)