Animal Reincarnation -Healing Animals with Medical Intuitive
Animal Reincarnation authority Brent Atwater is your answer resource for USA & Global Animal reincarnation and Pet reincarnation questions. Brent’s show expands your awareness, ignites hope, heals hearts and empowers your ability to talk with and touch your pet . Ms Atwater teaches you about human animal spiritual contracts and how to know if and when your pet will reincarnate, plus what they will look like!
Healing with Animal Medical Intuitive Brent Atwater USA & Global callers ask or email Animal health questions. Brent uses her extraordinary gift to look inside an animal’s body to evaluate current and future health issues. Her animal body scan reading provides accurate, detailed health information. Brent’s intuitive answers have educated and offered invaluable holistic pet advice and solutions to people all over the world on Pet Life Radio. -
Fearless Mom wants to encourage EVERY mom by providing tools and teaching to help moms ENJOY life! No matter where you are in your mom journey… expecting your first baby, chasing toddlers and pre-schoolers, managing school-age kids, navigating life with teenagers, learning to live with step-children, or parenting adult children… Fearless mom is a judgment-free zone where you can connect with other moms and learn to be the mom God created you to be.
Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage.
Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for over 50 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40+ years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love.
Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20+ years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together.
Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage!
This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage. -
Teens of America Radio Network is heard every Monday from 7-9pm cst. on KYRO 1280, WGGH 1150, & WXZY 101.7 go to and click listen live. A two-hour weekly radio program that addresses teen issues such as substance abuse, teen violence, child sex trafficking, and many others. Host Sean Mulroney gets real every week to tackle these difficult issues with real solutions. Through interviews with experts and with his own real world experience, Sean is able to bring to light solutions to real issues without excuses.
Call, text, or email: (866) DAD-8033 or [email protected]
Hi, Dad! is a podcast created for you, the one who just needs a little bit of solid wisdom to help you help you along the way. These days, fathers who teach their sons and daughters are pretty scarce. People — kids and adults alike, need someone who can answer the tough questions. If you are looking for ACTIONABLE advice and guidance, Hi, Dad! delivers 3 days a week. Each episode, Dr. Shane Wall answers questions from you, with advice that only a dad can give. -
We explore the Bible, history, and the world around us to see how much Jesus loves science
Joyfully balancing family, adoption, home, and school
Marriage. Real. Fun. Simple.
Because when your marriage is better, everything is better. -
For those who serve in student ministry, want to connect, and desire to grow.
Hosted by Steve Cullum. -
Plugged In is a monthly podcast offering personal and professional insights from guests with hands-on involvement in the life of adolescents and expertise in education and related fields. Our goal is to partner with parents and adults involved in the formation of young men and women by inviting them to tune into ongoing and engaging conversations that offer insight into the lives, habits, culture, gifts, and challenges of the current generation of adolescents. We hope these insights will enable all of us to raise young men and women of deep faith, sound intellect, and exceptional character.
Discovering special hope in the stories of those living with special needs, those who strive to minister to special needs families, and the God who is making all things new.
Empowering and revitalizing weary moms. Join us as we explore God's heart for you and discover how He longs to empower you to bravely live out your calling as a mom. Our goal is to be a source of rich encouragement for your motherhood journey.
Hello and Welcome to Mysticadii.
We are glad to see that you have taken the time to stop by and know more about us.
Mysticadii is a brainchild of our founder Mrs. Aditi Das. Being spiritually inclined she wanted to share the same with the whole world.
We aim to bring back the magical stories about Gods and Goddesses of this world for our modern mystics. Anyone who is seeking for spiritual contentment and is curious to know more about the knowledge and wisdom shared through our ancient scriptures and texts, Mysticadii is the right place for him/her.
We aim to empower our modern mystics by sharing ancient wisdom through several short stories and folklore. Mystics from across the world have time and again showed us a very different reality and their perception of this world.
Several ancient scriptures and texts have been written to provide ideological guidance to humans. However, most of the knowledge has been lost somewhere. Considering modern times people hardly get time to go through these elaborate scripts.
These scriptures are nothing less than a fortune hidden in some ancient cave. Sooner we have access to this knowledge, the better we are equipped to lead our lives here on this planet.
Our mission is to empower people with this lost treasure through short stories on various spiritual and metaphysical topics.
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Want to know about our Indian culture, our traditions, our customs? What better way to know them than through short stories. This podcast is for anyone who wants to know about the stories behind our festivals, important days and traditional events.
Let's connect with our roots all over again with "Back to the Roots".
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @backtotherootspod -
Two sisters with 10 kids between us sharing our experiences about motherhood, relationships, and striving to build happy Muslim families. Hosted by Nabeeha Khan and Wardah Khan.
Pandharpur Wari is an annual pilgrimage (yatra) to the town of Pandharpur, Maharashtra, which is the seat of Lord Vithoba. Palakhis (palanquin processions) carrying the paduka (footprints) of the deity and various saints, most notably Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram from the Warkari sect, are taken from their respective shrines to Pandharpur. The tradition is more than 700 to 800 years old.
This march on foot from various locations in Maharashtra to Vithoba temple, Pandharpur, attracts over a million pilgrims.While on foot they chant the name of the Lord. The importance of constantly chanting ' Vithal Vithal' was made timeless by saints, one notably among them is Saint Tukaram.
They say faith can move mountains. His biography is an insightful account of his undeterred deep faith in Lord Vithal. His story is the core of
Bolala Vithal, Pahawa VithalAuthor: Mandakini Gogate
Narrator: Swati GogateThe podcast is an Ep.Log Media Network Production
Story upload cycle - One new story added every Thursday
I sometimes wonder, if it is the twinkle in there eye or the story, that fills the air with so much of Joy. These little souls, still so clean and pure, their smile so genuine and their laughters so free.
It is their belief, that what the story says is possible, that actually feeds the story with a soul and an aura which dances around, and reverberate in their chuckles.
- Stand up-They all jump up
- He laughed Ha Ha Ha-They all go Ha Ha Ha
- With a bow and arrow-They say nah, it was a machine gun and it went - and the sounds of the machine gun fills the room again
- The lake was full of nectar-Nah, strawberry milk, chocolate milk etc
- In the cave there were-Muffin, ladoos, and on they go mentioning the yummiest of treats.
Suddenly, you see the ones who were sitting a bit behind, gradually moving up and forward, to get a closer look at your expression, as if to jump up, when the story directs.
They are totally unconditioned, they still believe in miracles and that if it can be thought of, it can certainly happen. Telling a Story to the little ones is actually the best experience, there is no resistance of any kinds, as the word ‘impossible’ has still not been itched in their tender minds. They are like this soft clay, waiting to be shaped by the potter.
The adventure starts with the little ones, every action enacted, every statement of anger, shouted out, every movement of the hands depicted and every character acted.
- The pitch of the voice sometimes so loud, that hands cover their ears.
- The descriptions sometimes a bit scary, that they cover their eyes
- The voice sometimes so soft, that the room becomes totally silent.
There have been times, when dressed up like a character, have narrated the whole story, sometimes jumped up myself to eat the Sun. As if the story-teller fades away and only the story remains, the children are transported to the land of possibilities.
Then a sudden stop, to ask the morals, and the depth of the answers prove that, it does not have to be all serious for them to soak in the essence. The Scriptures are not beyond their understanding and no knowledge too deep for them to comprehend.
When they get immersed in the story they would never forget neither the story nor the moral and values. Somewhere in their hearts, I am sure that message of love has been carved, which will re-surface, when others least expect it. Their spark of kindness, will someday light the whole world.
The knowledge of the divine scriptures, wrapped in this absurd, fun and dramatic story-telling will live in their hearts forever. -
Shri Ganesh Leela is a set of 12 stories from the lives and childhood of Lord Ganesh that are very popular in the Hindu religion. Created by Goddess Parvati, Ganesh is considered the younger son of Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati and his elder sibling is Kartikeyan. Since childhood, Ganesh was full of courage and valor and had defeated many powerful gods and demons in order to perform his duties.
These stories start from Lord Ganesh’s birth to the point where he starts to perform miracles with his divine powers. This podcast is a great way to introduce anyone, including children, to Hindu mythology and familiarize themselves with various gods and goddesses.
Disclaimer: Any mythological story is bound to have many versions as these stories are passed verbally from one generation to another. Hence, even for Ganesh stories, there are multiple versions available. This podcast is based on the book of Ganesh Puran and we have tried our best to keep the story true to the official narrative. But we do appreciate that people may have different opinions and beliefs and our intention is never to hurt anyone’s religious sentiments.
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Story upload cycle - One new story added every Thursday
I sometimes wonder, if it is the twinkle in there eye or the story, that fills the air with so much of Joy. These little souls, still so clean and pure, their smile so genuine and their laughters so free.
It is their belief, that what the story says is possible, that actually feeds the story with a soul and an aura which dances around, and reverberate in their chuckles.
- Stand up-They all jump up
- He laughed Ha Ha Ha-They all go Ha Ha Ha
- With a bow and arrow-They say nah, it was a machine gun and it went - and the sounds of the machine gun fills the room again
- The lake was full of nectar-Nah, strawberry milk, chocolate milk etc
- In the cave there were-Muffin, ladoos, and on they go mentioning the yummiest of treats.
Suddenly, you see the ones who were sitting a bit behind, gradually moving up and forward, to get a closer look at your expression, as if to jump up, when the story directs.
They are totally unconditioned, they still believe in miracles and that if it can be thought of, it can certainly happen. Telling a Story to the little ones is actually the best experience, there is no resistance of any kinds, as the word ‘impossible’ has still not been itched in their tender minds. They are like this soft clay, waiting to be shaped by the potter.
The adventure starts with the little ones, every action enacted, every statement of anger, shouted out, every movement of the hands depicted and every character acted.
- The pitch of the voice sometimes so loud, that hands cover their ears.
- The descriptions sometimes a bit scary, that they cover their eyes
- The voice sometimes so soft, that the room becomes totally silent.
There have been times, when dressed up like a character, have narrated the whole story, sometimes jumped up myself to eat the Sun. As if the story-teller fades away and only the story remains, the children are transported to the land of possibilities.
Then a sudden stop, to ask the morals, and the depth of the answers prove that, it does not have to be all serious for them to soak in the essence. The Scriptures are not beyond their understanding and no knowledge too deep for them to comprehend.
When they get immersed in the story they would never forget neither the story nor the moral and values. Somewhere in their hearts, I am sure that message of love has been carved, which will re-surface, when others least expect it. Their spark of kindness, will someday light the whole world.
The knowledge of the divine scriptures, wrapped in this absurd, fun and dramatic story-telling will live in their hearts forever. -
As per the Hindu religion, it is widely believed that whenever there is a lot of injustice and atrocities on the common man in this world, God takes a mortal form to end all of it and establish order once again. Similarly Lord Vishnu took birth as Lord Krishna in Dwapar Yug in order to end the tyrannical rule of Kansa - the evil king of Mathura.
Lord Krishna is considered to be the benefactor of all his devotees and is said to have had divine powers right from his birth. Using these powers he put many demons and unjust rulers to their end.
This Podcast Series “Baal Krishna Leela”, presents his childhood “leelas” i.e. magical and mystical plays, which led to the eradication of injustice from the world.
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