
  • On Jacob's final show for Queering the Air, they are joined by dear friend, dance floor deity, and professional wiggler Yonnie @primordial.pansy. The pair share their musings on life, love, and happiness while revisiting some of the special interviews throughout Jacob's more than two years of hosting QTA.Interview 1: Dr David Gould about his upcoming book 'Survivors and Thrivers: Male homosexual lives in post war Australia', sharing stories of the institutional challenges and underground fun of gay men in the 40s, 50s, and 60s in Australia.Interview 2: PhD student Hao Zheng about her latest paper detailing the experiences of queer international students during COVID-19 lockdowns & finding community in Naarm.Music:'Give it to me Baby' by Rick James'Quitter Paname' by Berzingue'Summertime' by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

  • In a captivating conversation, Sasja delved into the rich tapestry of Euphoria Social's history with its founder, T, exploring the deep-seated passion fueling the organization's mission to foster an environment of "inclusively difference" for the queer community. T's fervor emanated as they articulated the driving force behind their commitment to curating events that transcend mere social gatherings, aiming to provide platforms for mental health support and meaningful networking opportunities where queer individuals can authentically thrive and find solace. As T elaborated on the ethos guiding Euphoria Social's initiatives, anticipation swelled for the upcoming pinnacle event, the People's Choice Awards slated for June 1st 2024. With infectious enthusiasm, T tantalized with teasers about the event's spectacle, offering tantalizing glimpses into the roster of performers poised to grace the stage, heightening excitement and anticipation among attendees. The discussion not only shed light on the profound impact of Euphoria Social within the queer community but also illuminated the transformative power of inclusive spaces in fostering acceptance, belonging, and celebration. Follow Euphoria Social Instagram for future events!The GALA People's Choice Awards 2024 by Euphoria Social  Music:Mother Ate by Jane BellFire for You by CannonsIbiza Summer 2018 (Continuous DJ Mix) by Daniel Corbalan 

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  • Enough is enough! The prevalence of violence must cease immediately. In the latest installment of Queering The Air, Sasja is accompanied by Rebeckah Loveday & Caroline McGuiness to discuss strategies for eradicating gender-based violence. Shockingly, 26 lives of women in Australia have been tragically lost this year alone, with the year not even halfway through. The urgency of this situation demands immediate action. It is a clarion call to the government to elevate the issue of gender-based violence to a national emergency status, allocating substantial resources to properly support initiatives combating domestic violence, family violence, and sexual violence.Sasja and guests united at The State Library Naarm to march against gender-based violence organised by What Were You Wearing: Sunday, April 28th, State Library, 10am before to headed to the studio for the live conversation.What do women need from the goverment now?accountabilityConsequencesResourcesStructural ChangeTougher LawLiteral violence comes in many forms beyond physical actions. It can manifest through emotional manipulation, verbal abuse, financial abuse, psychological intimidation, and societal oppression. These non-physical forms of violence have a profound impact on an individual's well-being and can often leave lasting scars that are not visible to the naked eye. Addressing and recognising these various forms of violence is crucial in fostering a safer and more compassionate society.Rebeckah Loveday: @rebeckahlovedayRebeckah Loveday (she/her) is a Melbourne/Naarm based actor, model, presenter and transgender advocate. Co-founder of Trans Pride March Melbourne & Trans Sisters United, Board Member of Melbourne Queer Film Festival and Advisory Committee Member of Transfemme.Rebeckah currently works within the family violencec space, advocating for people within the LGBTIQA+ community. Rebeckah is a proud women of transgender experience and strongly believes in using her voice and platform, to raise awareness on the plight against trans and gender diverse people around the world.  Caroline McGuinness: @thewhycampaignblogCaroline McGuinness is a qualified Social Worker, with over 23 years combined career expertise working on the frontline, in community, with people from diverse backgrounds across the lifespan. She is a survivor of sexual assault herself, that informs and drives her to be committed to work in the challenging spaces she does to creating positive collaborative needs-based sustainable social change. She has been the force and Founder behind several visionary social impact initiatives, including Stories of Resilience and the W.H.Y (We Hear You) Campaign, a digital campaign, that was born out of the covid-pandemic lockdowns of 2020. That began here in Narram /Melbourne to raise National to global public awareness about Gendered Based Violence /Family Domestic abuse/ Intimate Partner Violence, and to collaboratively be part of the solution to ultimately see an end to fatalities. Caroline is also a dynamic coach, mentor, advocate, and emerging speaker. She is purpose-driven, with a desire to positively impact and help transform the lives of others. She is passionate about womxn's empowerment, embedding wellbeing /self-care policy and practices in the workplace to prevent and manage burnout of first responders and much needed social workers, upholding basic human rights, and systemic and structural societal change for a safer, equal, and just future for the next generation.  Music:Battles by EmikaStand Up by Cynthia Erivo 

  • This episode of Queering The Air, Sasja reached out to the Queer Melayu community living in Naarm, Ethan and Yazid, inviting them to delve into their thoughts on the importance of Hari Raya in their lives. Together, they explored the nuances of celebrating this cultural festival in their current environment as opposed to their native land, navigating the intersection of tradition and identity. Sasja, in turn, took a moment to introspect on her journey of reconnecting with her roots by participating in Hari Raya festivities with her local community. Through this shared experience, she found solace and camaraderie among her peers, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and understanding within the Queer Melayu diaspora in Naarm. We also welcomed Tiff as a guest who joined the queer Melayu community in Naarm for his first Raya celebration, sharing about his experience.Music:Dari Jauh Kupohon Maaf by SudirmanLambian Aidilfitri by Jamal Abdillah and SaleemAlamak Raya Lagi by De Fam

  • On today's show, Jacob unpacks the mind and musings of @adaraya.x : athlete of the arts and holistic healer. Ādaraya [translated from sinhalese to english, meaning Love] is an emerging athlete of the arts, with an open agenda to reshape our entertainment industry.Guided by a belief in the healing power of performance and passion, this queer trans BIPOC baddie has forever chosen storytelling as their mode of provocative truth telling.With a want to 'push envelopes' toward contemporary directions and broadened perspectives, all in the vein of self love development and a newly recognised accountability standard for the liberation of freeform expression, Ādaraya utilises the journey of a song to be interpreted as a personal roadmap into enlightenment and holistic healing.

  • Our esteemed host Sasja Sÿdek hosted a compelling discussion with Anastasia Rose Le, shedding light on the highly anticipated Rainbow Jobs Expo 2024. This expo serves as a remarkable and free platform that brings jobseekers, employers, and community organisations together, fostering meaningful connections and invaluable opportunities for all participants. It promises to be an event brimming with collaboration, engagement, and the potential for impactful advancement in the job market.Everyone is Welcome! Open to Public!Date: Wednesday 13th March 2024 | Time: 10am - 2pm | Location: Victoria University Polytechic - Sunshine Skills HUB - 460 Ballarat Road, Sunshine North, VIC 3020 Celebrating a milestone of ten years in recognising excellence within Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ communities, the Victorian Pride Awards stand as a testament to the progress and achievements of the region since their establishment in 2014. These awards hold special significance as they have become integral to the community’s commemoration and acknowledgment of outstanding contributions. Sasja’s discussion with Andrew Shepherd, the @globevictoria president, provided a platform to explore the significance of this event throughout history, shedding light on the remarkable journey of inclusivity and recognition. Moreover, the conversation also unveiled the exciting prospects and anticipated highlights lined up for this year, adding to the sense of enthusiasm and anticipation surrounding the upcoming ceremony.Victoria Globe Awards  Queer Muslim Naarm - Facebook ---- Instagram First Day of Ramadan Iftar Registration - Tuesday 12th MarchAll Women Iftar Registration - Saturday 16th March MusicFlex by Tony Dark EyesMnike Tyler by ICU & TumeloTill my song is done by Emma Donovan

  • On this week’s episode of Queering The Air, we dived deeper into the ongoing conversation surrounding “No Police at Pride” and taking a closer look at the strategies for effectively navigating future pride events. Joining Sasja and Jacob with guests is none other than Budi Sudarto and Pharrell Shaymar, who brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to share their invaluable perspectives on this vital and timely topic.Celebrating Trans Women of Colour Artists:Shade Away - Elecric Fields (Australia)Cowok Gembel - Lucinta Luna feat Laba-Laba (Indonesia)Umit Hirsizi - Bulent Ersoy (Turkey)

  • David Hood, a 78er who marched and was arrested in the original Mardi Gras, shares his experiences of the infamous day in queer history, and reflects on the meaning of pride. Find out more on the first Mardi Gras. Frank Gafa, a queer Aboriginal unionist, speaks on the No Police at Pride campaign, the lack of engagement from VicPol in LGBTQI+ community issues, and a new community led pride happening next year. Find out more on No Police in Pride, and sign the petition here. Follow the campaign on Instagram @no_police_at_pride  Songs:Etude Op.1/9 in A Flat -- classical piano piece played by David HoodRĀIN by Samuel GaskinNightmare by Mani Blü

  • The previous Sunday was a momentous occasion that called for a heartfelt expression of gratitude to Ãdaraya, James (In Ya Face), and Sasja for their invaluable contributions to our successful outside live broadcast. Stepping out onto the bustling streets of Victoria’s Pride Street Party 2024, Sasja and Ãdaraya conducted interviews that delved into thought-provoking questions, capturing the raw and unfiltered voices of the people. As a community radio station, 3CR stayed true to its radical ethos by embracing the diverse range of responses during Sunday’s Vox Pop, appreciating and respecting each individual’s opinion, regardless of any divergence from our own. Our unwavering dedication to amplifying the voices of Queer BIPOC and Trans Women of Colour was our primary focus, and we are proud to have achieved this meaningful objective.The energy and enthusiasm of the live broadcast were palpable as Sasja and Ãdaraya fearlessly engaged with the community, reflecting the vibrant spirit of Victoria’s Pride Street Party 2024. The remarkable variety of responses and perspectives shared during the interviews illuminated the rich tapestry of voices within the community, strengthening our commitment to championing inclusivity and representation. The profound impact of this broadcast resonated with our audience and reinforced the importance of providing a platform for marginalised voices. With the unwavering support of our dedicated team and the invaluable contributions of all involved, the success of this live broadcast stands as a testament to the power of community engagement and the enduring impact of authentic storytelling. Podcast was edited by James McKenzie from In Ya Face Music:You're Makin' Me High by Toni Braxton T4T by Bobby Sanchez

  • Jacob speaks with queer black electro pop superstar LION about headlining Midsumma Carnival and the k-pop obsession that inspires their artistry.AND... what do queer people and a sci-fi cult classic have in common? We hear from the curators of The Frankenstein Show exhibition, CJ and ZJ, about creating trans and queer art. Artists Emme Southey and FOOT also pop in to tell us about their artworks on display.

  • Queer PHOTO: Ground-breaking LGBTQIA+ showcase taking over Melbourne’s West 27 January 2024 – 24 March 2024Sasja and Delsi Moleta, Public Program Producer at Queer PHOTO discussed the upcoming collaboration between Midsumma and PHOTO 2024. This unique event, in partnership with Creative Victoria’s Go West program, will feature artist commissions for large-scale outdoor artworks, gallery exhibitions, and an interactive public performance program. The program, titled Queer PHOTO, will highlight both local and international artists and will be held in Footscray, Newport, and Werribee from January 27 to March 24, 2024. As part of both the Midsumma Festival and PHOTO 2024 International Festival of Photography, Queer PHOTO will showcase the works of 17 artists through 14 exhibitions and 30 interactive events at 7 locations. This initiative aims to turn iconic venues and streets in the West into a gallery of accessible visual artworks created by LGBTQIA+ artists.More Details: https://www.midsumma.org.au/info/queer-photo/ ----------------------- In this episode, our co-host Sasja engaged in an insightful conversation with the members of Queer Arabs Australia about their participation in the upcoming march for Midsumma Festival and Sydney Mardi Gras. This march holds significant importance as it marks the first time Queer Arabs Australia will be marching to showcase their visibility within these celebrated events. Bas, the founder of Queer Arabs Australia, along with Boudi, Yasser, and Michael, joined this discussion, embodying a sense of historical significance as they shared their motivations for participating in the march. Throughout the episode, they articulated their reasons for choosing not to remain silent, instead opting to assert their visibility, pride, and loud presence within the community. This promises to be a conversation that resonates deeply and offers unique perspectives, making it an episode not to be missed.Queer Arabs Australia (Picnic) Saturday 3rd February 13:00 - 18:00Fitzroy Gardens    

  • This episode marks the conclusion of our broadcasting for this year, and we’re dedicating this final episode to our co-host, Jacob, who has just returned from an incredible six-month trip in Europe. Jacob regaled our listeners with the details of their adventures and shared all the inside scoop. Together, Sasja and Jacob took a look back at the shows and accomplishments of this year, offering reflections and insights, and they also provided a sneak peek of what’s in store for 2024. We are incredibly grateful for the unwavering support of our loyal listeners of Queering The Air. Your commitment and encouragement mean the world to us!  Over the next four weeks, we will be airing selected shows, chosen by Sasja and Jacob, for 3CR summer holiday program.  Wishing you all happy holidays and a fantastic new year!  Music:XXX by Kim PetrasCozy by BeyonceYou Get What You Give by Touring

  • SILENCE IS VIOLENCE - Recognising the presence of violence within lgbtqia+ community! During the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, that led to International Human Rights Day, it's important to acknowledge that violence is not confined to external perpetrators but also exists within our own communities. While attention is often focused on violence from outside sources, it's crucial to realise that perpetrators can also be found within our own circles. This year, Trans Sisters United, a not for profit organisation has courageously exposed several such perpetrators, yet organisations continue to collaborate with them. This raises a crucial question: how can marginalised individuals access crucial services when the perpetrator is present in what is supposed to be a "safe space"?  This pervasive issue emphasises the urgent need to address violence within our own community. It's vital to thoroughly examine our own environment before casting blame on others, as this form of violence has persisted within our community for far too long, yet has been largely overlooked. Our presenter Sasja Sÿdek, will be joined by co-host Jacob Gamble and guests, Anastasia Rose Le and Abdulrahman Katamish aka Boudi to explore these issues and raise awareness about the unaddressed challenges within the LGBTQIA+ community, a topic often disregarded by many organisations, rarely openly discussed, or simply ignored to maintain their reputations. #16daysofactivismagainstgenderbasedviolence #womensrights #transrights #humanrights #transrightsarehumanrights #humanrightsday Music:I Am by Stan WalkerSubstitute for Love by MadonnaDary Demoaak by Hamid el Shaeri

  • My Disability Does Not Define Me! While it may present certain challenges and obstacles in our life, it does not dictate who we are as a person. We are defined by our passions, our achievements, and our resilience in the face of adversity. Our disability is just one part of the complex and multifaceted individual that we are. We refuse to be limited by preconceived notions or stereotypes, and we are committed to living our life to the fullest, embracing our uniqueness, and proving that our disability does not determine our worth or potential. We are capable, determined, and limitless in our aspirations, and we will not allow any obstacles to diminish our spirit or define our identity.In this special episode commemorating the International Day of People with Disability, Sasja and Geri, proud trans women, courageously open up about their personal experiences living with disability. For Sasja, this marks her first time openly discussing her disability, a significant milestone that has been long overdue. The societal attitudes, cultural norms, and the era in which she was raised have all contributed to a reluctance to acknowledge her disability. Geri will provide an in-depth account of her life with autism, offering firsthand insights that are sure to be enlightening. The episode promises a compelling narrative, delving into the challenges and triumphs of living with a disability in a world that often overlooks the diverse experiences of individuals like Sasja and Geri. #internationaldayofpeoplewithdisability #idpwd #idpwd2023 Music by Musician with Disabilities:Tak Mampu Lupa by Putri ArianiTurandot: Nessun Dorma by Andrea BocelliIsn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder  

  • Sasja Sÿdek, our co-host, is widely recognised for her sex-positive stance. She openly communicates her sexual desires, and promotes safe sex practices and consensual sex practices. In this episode of Queering The Air, we featured music to enhance intimacy and reveal the song that carries sentimental value for her as the one she lost her virginity to. Exploring different genres of music that can set the mood for intimacy can be an exciting and personal journey. From smooth jazz and soulful R&B to sensual bossa nova and ambient electronic music, each genre offers its own unique blend of rhythms, melodies, and lyrics that can enhance the atmosphere and create an intimate setting. Each genre has the potential to deepen emotional connections and elevate the intimate experience, so exploring different musical styles can be a fun and enriching way to set the stage for intimacy.Sasja offered insights into her “wild and not so wild” experiences during her time in the adult industry, her personal intimate encounters and discussing the challenges and opportunities in the adult industry. To support the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, Sasja will also shed light on the violence that has occurred and continues to occur within the sex work industry.Be sure to tune in if you’re looking to connect intimately Links:Melbourne Sexual Health ClinicAlfred HospitalFitzroy Free Legal ServiceSt Kilda Free Legal ServiceSlutWalk Narrm/MelbourneMusic:Sexual Healing by Marvin GayeSex on Fire by Kings of LeonLife in Mono by The Great Expectation Erotica by MadonnaMaki Asakawa by Fushiawase To Lu Na NekoBodycode by Lulu Rouge

  • As Trans Awareness Week comes to an end, we prepare to observe the solemn Trans Day of Remembrance. At Queering The Air, we are committed to providing comprehensive coverage of stories and reflections pertaining to Trans Awareness Week. Our aim is to keep you informed and engaged, offering insights into the diverse experiences and challenges faced by the transgender community. Moreover, as we approach the Trans Day of Remembrance, this coverage will extend to updating you on the various events and initiatives taking place across Australia, ensuring that we honor and remember those who have lost their lives due to anti-transgender violence. Sasja hosted a discussion with Amao Leota Lu and Madison Moffat to recognise the importance of highlighting these issues and commemorating the lives of individuals who have faced discrimination and violence, as we strive to foster a more inclusive and supportive environment for the transgender community. The conversation will explore important topics surrounding gender diversity and advocacy.Amao Leota Lu, born in 1971 in Auckland, New Zealand, emigrated to Sydney with her Samoan diaspora family in the 1980s. She later returned to Australia and embraced her gender identity as a woman and a fa'afafine in her early twenties. Using her performances, she advocates for fa'afafine identity and challenges western LGBT categorizations. Leota Lu's work explores the intersection of gender identity, Pacific culture, and activism. Notably, she curated the first queer Pacific event at Midsumma Festival in 2020 and performed at the Immigration Museum with an event titled Pacific Essence: Tales of a Migrant Plantation. She also participated in Gender Euphoria as part of Melbourne International Arts Festival in 2019. Leota Lu is vocal about the discrimination faced by gender diverse members of Pacific Islander communities and has previously worked as a community support worker.Madison Moffat (She/Her) is a trans woman, Board Secretary for Transgender Victoria, consumer advisor to Monash Gender Clinic, co-facilitator of the TransCreative Network and Managing Editor of the zine on TGDNB culture community, ‘The Trans-creator’. Professionally, she is a risk and operational integrity professional. Having previously reviewed shows for TheatrePress, her critical attentions will soon focus on queer theatre via a new Tran-creator page on substack.TDOR.ORG.AUTrans Day of Remembrance Vigil Narrm - 20th NovTickets Giveaway to LGBTQIAP+ Holiday Picnic by Euphoria Social LGBTIQA+ Multicultural Fair Day Supported by Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council - Saturday, November 25, 2023Music:T4T by Bobby SanchezRespect by Aretha Franklin 

  • Join us on this special episode as our host Sasja sat down with guest Shurthi to celebrate the joyous festival of Deepavali / Diwali. Together, they explored the significance of this festival of lights, its traditions, and rituals. Shurthi shared her personal experiences and insights, shedding light on the festive spirit and the warmth it brings to the hearts of millions around the world. Don’t miss this exciting conversation filled with cultural exchange and festive cheer as they delved into the rich heritage of Deepavali / Diwali. Tune in and be part of this enchanting celebration!

  • On this episode of Queering The Air, we’re excited to introduce you a long time volunteer from SlutWalkMelbourne, Mev. Mev discussed the significance of the event and provided us with a comprehensive overview of its history. Sasja and Mev delved into why this rally is so important.Mev (she/they) is a neurodivergent queer creative and activist living and working here on stolen Wurundjeri land. They’ve been volunteering with the SlutWalk Naarm/Melbourne collective for years, motivated and informed by a history of trauma.They believe in the importance of continuously learning and improving, valuing human rights, consent education, intersectional feminism, anti-racism, decolonisation, LGBTQIA+ rights, decriminalisation of sex work, accessibility, mental health, environmental sustainability and animal rights.Join SlutWalk Naarm/Melbourne on 25 November 2023 to march against slut-shaming, victim-blaming, and rape culture in the CBD. This global movement started in Canada in 2011 after offensive comments by a police officer. SlutWalks have since taken place worldwide, including annually in Naarm/Melbourne for 12 years. The demands are simple: end slut-shaming, victim-blaming, and rape culture. We fight against all forms of bigotry and hierarchy. Let’s prioritise survivors and our lives over profit. We’ve seen the prevalence of rape culture in recent news stories, and it’s time to stop using rape and assault as weapons of control. Meet outside the State Library Victoria at 12pm, with speakers from diverse backgrounds and Auslan interpreters.https://www.facebook.com/slutwalkmelbourneSLUTWALK NARRM/MELBOURNE25 NOVEMBER 2023 - 12:00PMSTATE LIBRARY VICTORIAMusic:Papi (Bhabi) by Eden ShalevEderlezi feat Dikanda by Dj Dark & MD DJUrfa'nin Etrafi Dumanti Daglar (Anatolian Sessions Remix) by DJ Kaikhan 

  • Get ready to be spooked on this episode as Queering The Air presents a Halloween Special! Sasja, the host, will be captivating listeners by reading ghost stories exclusively written by BIPOC queer authors. It’s an opportunity to explore the world of queer literature and embrace the eerie atmosphere of Halloween. Brace yourself for an exhilarating experience filled with diverse narratives and chilling tales. Prepare to have your spine tingled with haunting delight!The Fabulous Beast by Priya Sharma Music by Lulu RougeYou Say I'm Crazy feat. Alice CarreriSign Me Out feat. Fenney OskWelcome To My Dream feat. Tuco

  • On this episode of Queering The Air, Sasja was accompanied by Anas and Tom, who are the individuals responsible for organising the Pride In The North Summit - Beyond The Rainbow Lanyard. The Summit aims to highlight speakers who have personal experience and a goal to enhance services and practices for LGBTIQA+ communities. Additionally, it strives to bring together businesses, community organizations, leaders, healthcare professionals, governments, teachers, and other influential stakeholders who are dedicated to making a positive difference in the health and well-being of LGBTIQA+ individuals.Pride in the North Summit: Beyond the Rainbow LanyardThe Summit will showcase lived experience speakers with a vision to improve services and practices for LGBTIQA+ communities.Friday, 3 November9:00 AM - 4:30 PM AEDTPlenty Ranges Arts & Convention Centre35 Ferres Boulevard South Morang, VIC 3752Ticket - https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/pride-in-the-north-summit-beyond-the-rainbow-lanyard-tickets-715112098537?aff=oddtdtcreatorMore Infos - https://www.pracc.com.au/tickets/pride-in-the-north-summit-beyond-the-rainbow-lanyard/ Music by Palestinian Artists - QTA in support of Palestine.1. Palestini by Toni Qattan2. Sokkar by Elyanna3. El Wood Khayali by Fadee Andrawos4. Klefi by Hatari feat Bashar Murad