
  • In this episode, Ira T., Jules Gleeson, Elle O'Rourke, and Kay Gabriel reflect on the meaning of trans liberation. They cover questions surrounding gender abolition, bodily autonomy, theory and praxis, and the communist horizon.

    You can find Kay on Twitter @unit01barbie (https://bit.ly/3bRvXWT), Jules @socialrepro (https://bit.ly/3fLEZ9b), and Elle @eileanorr (https://bit.ly/3foQy76).


    7:23 — The relation between trans liberation and communist revolution
    36:20 — Gender versus gendered oppression
    52:19 — Feminization
    1:15:04 — What is gender abolition?


    Transgender Marxism (Jules Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke, eds.): https://bit.ly/3hTZPpz
    We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics (Andrea Abi-Karam and Kay Gabriel, eds.): https://bit.ly/3bSS7Iq
    Gender as Accumulation Strategy (Kay Gabriel): https://bit.ly/3oREdeO
    Transgender Solidarity (Jules Gleeson): https://bit.ly/3yyxfjo

  • En este episodio, Piro nos cuenta la relación dialéctica entre las disidencias sexuales y de genero y las distintas tradiciones políticas de izquierda radical en el estado español. Hacemos un recorrido por su inmensa obra historiográfica Invertidos y Rompepatrias. Marxismo y Anarquismo en el Estado Español (1868-1982).


    4:43 — La izquierda "revive", la homosexualidad se prohíbe: Franquismo
    11:17 — Poder gay, la resistencia marica y el marxismo de los años 60
    19:00 — Los orígenes del movimiento LGBT al final del Franquismo
    26:50 — Más allá de las identidades
    34:30 — La Ley de Peligrosidad Social y la creación del sujeto político homosexual

    🦋 SÍGUENOS 🦋

    Twitter @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)

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  • En este episodio, Piro nos cuenta la relación dialéctica entre las disidencias sexuales y de genero y las distintas tradiciones políticas de izquierda radical en el estado español. Hacemos un recorrido por su inmensa obra historiográfica Invertidos y Rompepatrias. Marxismo y Anarquismo en el Estado Español (1868-1982).


    1:25 — Una introducción a las condiciones que produjeron su obra
    6:25 — Eugenesia, Socialismo y homosexualidad
    16:56 — Primo de Rivera, el contexto revolucionario y la Reforma sexual
    25:03 — Homosexualidad y Segunda Republica
    29:06 — Maricas con clase o clase y maricas: El mito del barrio Chino y la Ley de Vagos y Maleantes
    39:23 — El Franquismo, el gen rojo y el gen homosexual


    Las disidencias sexuales en la lucha de clases (Piro Subrat e Ira T.): https://bit.ly/3takGrs
    De Sodoma a Chueca (Alberto Mira): https://bit.ly/3wPikk7
    Un Hombre Llamado Flor de Otoño: https://bit.ly/3wQX9Oq

    🦋 SÍGUENOS 🦋

    Twitter @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)

  • In this episode, ME O'Brien charts the history of projects to abolish the family from Marx and Engels in the mid-19th century till today. We discuss transformations of the family under capitalist development, anti-racist critiques of family abolition, working-class solidarity, and the contradictions of prefigurative politics.

    You can find all of her work at www.michelleestherobrien.com.


    1:14 — A brief history of the working-class family
    10:46 — The Black family as a source of resistance to oppression
    16:55 — Family aspiration as fracturing working-class solidarity
    23:28 — Queer communes and prefigurative politics
    29:50 — Against functionalism


    To Abolish The Family (ME O'Brien): https://bit.ly/3cA1QUZ
    Abolish The Family! (Red May TV): https://bit.ly/2PFv0sw
    Communizing Care (ME O'Brien): https://bit.ly/3w8gTNe
    Kayla Puan Interview Transcript (ME O'Brien): https://bit.ly/3sAMrci

    🦋 FOLLOW US 🦋

    Twitter @StoffelAlex (https://bit.ly/3c5Bydl) and @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)
    Instagram @delcampofelix (https://bit.ly/36b7hpw)

  • In this episode, Emma Heaney talks to us about how sexology made sex cis. We cover the trans feminine allegory, the colonial roots of cisness, the dangers of mystification, and the politics of academic knowledge production.

    You can find Emma on Twitter @riislover667 (https://bit.ly/3cL0Coy).


    3:50 — How sexology made sex cis
    25:00 — The trans feminine allegory in popular culture
    37:30 — The trans feminine allegory in international studies
    45:50 — Mystification versus abstraction
    56:13 — Materialism Trans Feminism


    The New Woman (Emma Heaney): https://bit.ly/30Wfs6h
    Histories of the Transgender Child (Jules Gill-Peterson): https://bit.ly/3rZPoTs
    Gender Underground (Jules Gill-Peterson): https://www.jgillpeterson.com
    Black on Both Sides (C. Riley Snorton): https://bit.ly/38QjUYH
    Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards (Afsaneh Najmabadi): https://bit.ly/3tvcamH
    Indian Sex Life (Durba Mitra): https://bit.ly/2OZbozo
    With Respect to Sex (Gayatri Reddy): https://bit.ly/38RYSIY
    True Sex (Emily Skidmore): https://bit.ly/3cH0wOM
    The Trial Path, Impressions of an Indian Childhood and Why I am a Paga (Zitkala-Sa): https://apple.co/3qSHEBD
    The Trans*-Ness of Blackness, the Blackness of Trans*-Ness (Marquis Bey): https://bit.ly/3vASakh
    Where Black Feminist Thought and Trans* Feminism Meet (Kai M. Green and Marquis Bey): https://bit.ly/3lnWkaI
    Thinking Black [Trans] Gender (Cameron Awkward-Rich): https://bit.ly/3bXIGYU
    Transgender Marxism: https://bit.ly/3eRZWAG

    🦋 FOLLOW US 🦋

    Twitter @StoffelAlex (https://bit.ly/3c5Bydl) and @IdaBirkvad (https://bit.ly/3ddf1eN)

  • In this episode, Huw Lemmey takes us on a tour through London to explore the twentieth-century world of spies and sex, crime and cruising. He discusses the class composition of British homosexuality, collusion between queers and the state's security apparatus, moral panics around sexuality, anti-communism, and more. Felix and I then have a conversation with him about this mind-bending history.

    You can find Huw on Twitter @huwlemmey (https://bit.ly/2YaKzJW), subscribe to his amazing newsletter at https://huw.substack.com/, or listen to his podcast BadGays at https://badgayspod.com/.


    2:30 — Huw's talk
    41:50 — The Lavender Scare & the Red Scare
    47:43 — The post-war gay and lesbian movement in the US and UK
    57:38 — The Lavender Menace
    1:01:05 — The class dimension of homosexuality in the post-war era
    1:10:05 — Historicizing the post-war construction of homosexuality
    1:22:00 — The class dimension of homosexuality today


    Check out more of Huw's work on gay espionage at https://huw.substack.com/p/the-swallows-nest.

    🦋 FOLLOW US 🦋

    Twitter @StoffelAlex (https://bit.ly/3c5Bydl) and @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)
    Instagram @delcampofelix (https://bit.ly/36b7hpw)

  • In this episode, we talk to Sophie Lewis about Shulamith Firestone. How can her work inspire our present thinking around family abolition, the relationship between feminism and queer politics, femme- and somatophobia, and reproductive technology?

    You can find Sophie on Twitter @reproutopia (https://bit.ly/3tleYUh), read more of her work at https://lasophielle.org/essay-archive, and support her on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/reproutopia.


    1:40 — An introduction to Shulamith Firestone
    17:10 — How to read radical feminist texts today
    30:30 — Family abolition in the context of the sixties
    41:28 — Family abolition in our contemporary context
    50:48 — Tensions between the feminist and queer movement?
    1:07:19 — Abolishing nature/culture
    1:19:24 — Octopus-gate interlude
    1:21:57 — The horizon of family abolition


    "I think that will not be a problem": On Shulamith Firestone (Sophie Lewis): https://bit.ly/3tktZpc
    Wages for Womb-Work, Polymaternalism, Critical Firestonianism (Sophie Lewis): https://bit.ly/3tqbyPT
    Momrades Against Motherhood (Sophie Lewis): https://bit.ly/2YILDoz
    With-Women: Grieving in Capitalist Time (Sophie Lewis: https://bit.ly/3jsN6sV
    To Abolish the Family (Michelle O'Brien): https://bit.ly/36JUGtI
    Kinderkommunismus (Kate Griffiths and JJ Gleeson): https://bit.ly/3cJS5nt
    The Idea of Children (Madeline Lane-McKinley): https://bit.ly/39O9zgC

    🦋 FOLLOW US 🦋

    Twitter @StoffelAlex (https://bit.ly/3c5Bydl) and @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)
    Instagram @delcampofelix (https://bit.ly/36b7hpw)

  • In this episode, Max Fox reflects on the sexual liberation movement of the late-sixties and early seventies. We discussed the politicization of homosexuality during the sexual liberation era, the inheritances and departures from the movement's ideology, and the possibilities of sexual politics today.

    You can find Max on Twitter @mxwfx (https://bit.ly/2MUazHa) or at https://www.maxfox.site.


    1:20 — The new-found interest in the sexual liberation movement in recent years
    7:45 — A ‘return to sex’ within queer writing?
    29:40 — Historicizing sexual liberation
    37:35 — Structural similarities between the '70s and 2010s
    48:45 — Stonewall as an anti-colonial uprising
    56:55 — The limits of 'normativity'
    1:11:18 — Self-determination vs. self-expression


    Sex as Cultural Form: The Antinomies of Sexual Discourse (Christopher Chitty): https://bit.ly/2Mw1l3O
    Max Fox Discusses his Experience Editing Christopher Chitty's Work for Sexual Hegemony (Max Fox): https://bit.ly/36Dt619
    The Dutch Disease of Homosexuality (Christopher Chitty): https://bit.ly/3jgQCpT

    🦋 FOLLOW US 🦋

    Twitter @StoffelAlex (https://bit.ly/3c5Bydl) and @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)
    Instagram @delcampofelix (https://bit.ly/36b7hpw)

  • In this episode, Yasmin Nair talks to us about developments within queer politics since the AIDS epidemic. We cover Pete Buttigieg, the non-profit industrial complex, the politics of Against Equality, far-right gays, how to think about sex politically, anti-trans violence, and the neoliberal university. 

    You can find Yasmin on Twitter @NairYasmin (https://bit.ly/3pMofCs) and read more of her work at https://yasminnair.com. 


    1:18 — The evolution of queer politics since the '90s
    12:52 — Pete Buttigieg
    17:24 — The demands of Against Equality
    23:40 — What's next for the prison-industrial complex?
    29:42 — The embrace of the far-right by gay men
    33:30 — Is transphobia/homophobia the primary enemy?
    42:54 — The politics of sex
    1:04:08 — The neoliberal university and queer theory today


    Against Equality: http://www.againstequality.org
    Queer Revolution, Not Mere Inclusion (Against Equality): https://bit.ly/3tpk9CD
    A Manifesto (Yasmin Nair): https://bit.ly/3pIs5wt
    HIV Criminalization Forum (Ryan Conrad): https://bit.ly/3aShZ5P
    Queer and Trans Migrations: Dynamics of Illegalization, Detention, and Deportation: https://bit.ly/36IrJOR
    Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility: https://bit.ly/371Woa3
    Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead: https://bit.ly/2Mw94ik
    The Freezer Door (Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore): https://bit.ly/3oGOtVK

    🦋 FOLLOW US 🦋

    Twitter @StoffelAlex (https://bit.ly/3c5Bydl) and @FelixdlCampo (https://bit.ly/368LYoH)
    Instagram @delcampofelix (https://bit.ly/36b7hpw)