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    In today's episode I go through the difference between an active weight loss phase (first 18-24 months post-bariatric surgery) and the maintainance phase (all the time after that!).

    Bariatric surgery is no diet. It's no quick fix. Remember the habits and behaviours you're building in the first 12 months are what will carry you through successfully in the months and years to follow.

    Work really hard on instilling these behaviours as habits and you'll notice the weight lost remains off long-term.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    This episode is practical. Are you struggling to find high protein snacks after the surgery? Do you find the supermarket overwhelming?

    In this episode, I go through how to pick a better protein bar, what to look out for, brands to look at (not sponsored) and whole food alternatives. It is all well and good to have protein bars, but consider the overall value of the food as well. I balance this by highlighting protein bars that are manufactured but then also whole food options that provide similar protein amounts and more micronutrients.

    You'll want a notepad for this one or your shopping list!

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

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    Today we are embracing the warmer weather here in Queensland and taking the opportunity to pause, reflect and adjust our lifestyle and diet after bariatric surgery.

    Take some time today to reflect on your current habits, assess what you want to keep and what you want to let go to reach your goals for the rest of 2024!

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    In this episode, we explore a topic that many bariatric patients face but few talk about—regret after surgery.

    If you’re struggling with second thoughts or feeling overwhelmed by the changes, this episode is for you.

    I explore where these feelings of regret come from, how to reframe your perspective, and practical strategies to help you cope.

    If any topic has raised concerns for you, please don't sit in silence. Reach out to a professional that can help you navigate this life change positively.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Today we’re diving into a topic that resonates with many of us on this journey—navigating the discomfort of changing eating behaviours after bariatric surgery. Whether you’re freshly post-op or years into your new life, the adjustments we make to our eating habits can be both physically and emotionally challenging.

    In this episode of Reverse the Post-Op Regain, we explore the challenges and discomfort that come with changing eating behaviours after bariatric surgery.

    From understanding the physical and emotional adjustments your body undergoes, to tackling common issues like portion control and emotional eating, this episode offers practical strategies to help you navigate this new phase of your journey.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Today we’re diving into a topic that affects many women who have undergone bariatric surgery—menopause and the potential for weight regain.

    Menopause is a natural phase of life that every woman will experience, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, though it can happen earlier or later. It marks the end of menstruation and is characterized by a significant drop in estrogen and other hormones. This hormonal shift can lead to a range of symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. But for many women, one of the most frustrating aspects of menopause is weight gain, particularly around the abdomen.

    I go through several strategies to help manage this phase of life effectively. Remember, this is a journey, and it’s okay to ask for help along the way. Menopause is a significant transition, but with the right tools and support, you can continue to thrive.

    If you have any questions or topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes, feel free to reach out to us on social media or through our website. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast—it helps us reach more listeners like you.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    This episode is a great reflective exercise to help you think about the way you have been living and operating from a food and lifestyle perspective, and identify what could be the causes of any weight stall or weight regain you might have had after bariatric surgery.

    Weight regain is common - around 30% of bariatric patients experince it. However, how you choose to react to it, is the key here. You can bury your head in the sand, but ultimately, you're hurting yourself and might affect your results post-op.

    Listen on to this podcast with a notepad for actionable steps on what and how to reflect on your current lifestyle to spot the gaps on why you might be struggling with your diet today.

    Episodes that are relevant to listen back to (that were referenced):

    Transfer Addiction after Weight Loss SurgeryLet’s Take Action: Four Practical Strategies to Stop Weight RegainSelf Sabotage after Weight Loss SurgeryHave I stretched my stomach after Weight Loss Surgery?Can sleep help reverse weight regain after bariatric surgery?

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Intuitive eating is a straightforward concept. It involves making peace with all types of food, unlike traditional diets that restrict or ban certain items. Instead of categorizing food as “good” or “bad,” intuitive eating encourages you to listen to your body and eat what feels right for you.

    You might think this means eating whatever you want whenever you want, but that’s not the case. Experts explain that intuitive eating involves tapping into your body’s natural signals to determine when you’re hungry or satisfied.

    By practicing intuitive eating, you also let go of the idea that you need to lose or gain weight to achieve a specific appearance. The focus shifts to choosing foods that support your overall physical and mental well-being.

    It can be difficult to incorporate after bariatric surgery but by trying and taking a gentle approach you can learn what foods suit you and minimise foods that don't make you feel good. I go through how you can use it after the surgery and practical considerations to implement.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Bariatric Surgery is challenging - it's a time of growth. You may find yourself being challenged with the 'norms' you have always known and found it hard to change those old habits that you used to lean on to manage emotions or stress.

    In today's episode, I am going through four mindset shifts you can make to help make the overall surgery process easier and save yourself heartache as you know you're not alone in the emotional growth post-op. If you are struggling further, please consider seeing a psychologist to help expand on this more in your own world. I hope you take away some nuggets of wisdom and remember, there is no destination after bariatric surgery - it's a journey of growth and discovery.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Bariatric surgery is no easy feat. It's a complete lifestyle change that challenges you to live the best version of yourself. Today I go through how to live well after bariatric or metabolic surgery by focusing on 'pillars' or the aspects of health we should focus on. You'll find that changing your mindset and implementing a plan to help you reach these targets, will ultimately make your life easier.

    To extend this episode by incorporating practical aspects, listen to these episodes:

    Fibre: The Forgotten Superhero after Weight Loss SurgeryAre you overcomplicating nutrition after weight loss surgery?Using the Bariatric Plate Method to Balance Meals after WLSStrategies to Increase Fluid Intake after WLSA Simple Approach to Long Term Success - The Bariatric Portion PlateSimplify your Meal Planning After Bariatric Surgery (or in General)

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Travelling with bariatric surgery need not be difficult. It may be different to the times that you travelled overseas in the past as you didn’t have any specific nutrition requirements.

    After the surgery, it is important to remember that you need enough protein, water and take your supplements.

    In this episode, I go through what you need to understand about travelling post-op.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Today I am discussing constipation after bariatric surgery in the initial two week stage. I have done an episode on how to manage constipation well beyond the initial post-op diet modifications. You can find that episode here: Fibre: The Forgotten Superhero after Weight Loss Surgery

    Remember this is general advice if you're up at 12am trying to find a cure for your constipation - please seek appropriate medical advice to ensure you find relief!

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    This game-changer meal planning hack takes some of the pressure of always deciding what you and your family like to eat. We know that we make over 200 food decisions a day, so having some type of structure can be helpful.

    Listen to this week's episode of Reverse the Post-Op Regain to learn how you can make meal planning easier for you today.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    The Bariatric Portion Plate is an underrated tool to success after the surgery. I go through how to use the plate, why the plate is effective and how it can be a fantastic tool to ongoing weight management after bariatric surgery.

    This is not a sponsored podcast - I genuinely believe the plate can make your life easier in managing portions and nutrition post-op.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    In this episode of Reverse the Post-Op Regain, I go through some ways to cut costs on your grocery budget. You might have had surgery and thought the food bill would decrease, but with proper planning and understanding on where protein is found in foods, you can reduce your grocery budget.

    Keep a notepad handy because I go all over the place and did not structure this in a way that you can easily note it down. So to get full benefit, jot down what resonates in a notebook or in your notes app.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    If you've just had weight loss surgery, calorie counting can be extremely unhelpful. When someone is struggling with weight regain, yes it can be helpful, and I speak about that here.

    Calorie counting does not take into account your overall nutrient intake, your fluid intake, and can exacerbate your past history of yo-yo dieting. If this resonates with you, have a listen and consider tracking nutrients not calories.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    This week I delve into some of the common myths and misconceptions I come across working as a bariatric dietitian.

    It's common to think that this is THE THING to stop me from gaining weight ever again and thinking that this is the change that will stop "all my bad habits". But on the contrary, it is important to realise that the body is CLEVER. It ends up working with the surgery, and if you don't work WITH it, then you may not achieve the results you desire.

    If you loved this episode, please consider leaving a rating and/or review. If you'd like me to speak about a topic near and dear to you, reach out! I'd be happy to hear from you.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    In this episode, I go through how the process of weight loss surgery is undertaken in Australia. This may vary from clinic to clinic so please check with your preferred clinic. The costs vary depending on the surgeon and location so it's best to do your own research and find a clinic that suits your needs.

    This episode is more of a general overview to help you understand what to expect on the journey and how it all unfolds. Ask questions along the way if you're not sure. Be your own health advocate!

    The support of allied health - dietitians, exercise physiologists and psychologists are beenficial in preparing for surgery and longer term post-operatively. You'll see them more regularly, so find one that you gel with for the long term journey.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Your body changes completely after bariatric surgery. This also includes your blood sugar levels.

    In this episode, I go through how to effectively manage your blood sugar levels post-op. It can be challenging, particularly if you have diabetes or suffer from reactive or post-prandial hypoglycaemia.

    This episode can help you with food for thought on what to be concerned about in managing your blood sugar long-term after bariatric surgery.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.

  • Let me know what you thought of this episode!

    Bariatric surgery changes the anatomy of the gastrointestinal system and the absorption. This also affects how your body responds to nutrients long term. There is a significant risk of nutrient defciencies particularly as time goes on.

    You might feel well but aren't actually realising that it can take years for a deficiency to develop.

    I go through signs and symptoms to be aware of. Remember you need to take a bariatric multivitamin long term and get annual bloods. See your healthcare team for more support in this area.

    Let's chat:

    Work with me 1:1 by learning about my coaching: https://simpleandeasynutrition.com/apply.html Website: https://www.thebariatriccollective.com.au/ Instagram: @thebariatriccollective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebariatriccollective Email: [email protected] Free Downloads: Causes of Weight Regain Graphic Download a Free Three Day Meal Plan with Recipes


    The advice provided in the podcast is general in nature and is not intended to constitute or substitute for dietetics, nutrition, professional or medical advice. You should not rely on the information presented here as medical advice. It is important to consult a medical professional for personalised medical or dietetic advice for your specific circumstances.