Join Kim Cross (Rethink Parenting) and Jesse Maher (The Salty Pastor) as they help you on your parenting journey by educating, encouraging and entertaining you. With practical tips for each age group, years of personal experience, degrees in parent coaching, and biblical truths this is the place to rediscover The Lost Art of Parenting.
Weekly message from Christ Centered Church.
JOU DAAGLIKSE GRATIS OORDENKING Wil jy graag direkte toegang tot VARS hê? Dit is ‘n daaglikse e-oordenking van 3 minute om jou te help om dieper in God se Woord en nader aan Jesus te kom. Elke oordenking bevat ‘n kragtige Bybelvers, met ‘n paar woorde van inspirasie, hoop en aanmoediging wat daagliks per e-pos na jou slimfoon, tablet of rekenaar gestuur word. Jy kan na die klank luister of die teks lees. Dit gaan alles daaroor om jou te help om God se stem te hoor, sodat jy in ‘n ryk, dinamiese en kragtige verhouding met Jesus kan leef. God se Woord in Afrikaans. Vars, vir jou, elke dag.
Official Account of His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef. Metropolitan of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States. Contact by e-mail at [email protected]
Music is powerful and often therapeutic in fighting mental illness.
If you are having a mental health crisis, dial 911, or get to the nearest Emergency Room, or call one of these numbers. This podcast does not give medical advice or diagnosis.Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services(SAMHSA) 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
National Youth Crisis Hotline - 1-800-448-4663
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK
988 - Lifeline Chat and Text
741741 - Crisis Text Line
Praising God! Eulogizing God! Expericiencing the power of the Holy Ghost through Praises! To unveil deep eulogy of God and in-depth meaning for the edification of our spirit man!😍😍.
بودكاست طوني جورج يقدم مساندة عملية وشخصية، تنير أمامك رحلة التغيير والتعافي، ليزيد داخلك الوعي الروحاني، النفسي والمهاري فيدفعك لاكتشاف نفسك ويمكّنك على قيادة ذاتك؛ لتعيش متماسك داخلياً. طوني جورج يُقدم خبرته واختباراته وكل ماتعلمه في القيادة والريادة والإدارة ليساندك ويدعمك ويقودك بخطوات عملية فتعيش حياة تستحق أن تُعاش وتحقق أحلام كبيرة وتبدأ مشاريع وخدمات وتطور مؤسسات وفِرق عمل .فالتأثير والتغيير يبدآن بالنضوج الداخلي.
في كل حدوتة حياة، وفي كل حياة فيه حدوتة، وفي كل حدوتة هنحكيها هتلاقي حاجة ممكن تكون عنك أو ممكن تكون بطلها أو تعرف حد كان زيها.
بس الأكيد أن في كل حدوتة فيه رسالة حابين نعرفها سوا
Arabic Sermons from Faith Baptist Church Regents Park Podcasts
الانبا مقار 2022
The book of the Agpeya is an ancient Orthodox Christian liturgy of the Hours and constitutes the daily prayer of the Hours in the Coptic Orthodox Church. It contains the seven canonical Hours of prayer. The seven canonical Hours have their roots in the prayer of the early church and the unceasing prayer of the desert-dwelling monks. The Agpeya supports daily times of prayer, in accord with the words of the Prophet King David, 'Seven times a day, do I praise Thee because of Thy righteous judgments' (Psalm 118:164). It also contains 'The Veil', which is read by bishops, presbyters and monks.
Simple morning prayers in the Christian tradition using modern and inclusive language. The prayers are liturgical and repetitive, but each day the scripture reading and prayer focus changes. Join in this simple daily practice with others around the world.
Connecting people to people and people to Jesus.
Sunday morning messages from Paragon Church in Rio Rancho, NM. Join us Sundays at 10:00am
خدمة النبع هي خدمة مسيحية في مصر تعمل من أجل أن يملأ الرب أولاده بمجده الحقيقي ، ويعلن من خلالهم هذا المجد للآخرين
Saint Mary Houston sermons and more. Please subscribe for weekly sermon updates.
The Full Spectrum Parent Podcast is the only faith-based autism parenting podcast on the web. As pastors and special needs parents, each episode we offer parents a dose of help, a dose of humor, and a dose of hope. Full Spectrum Parent is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit
Sermons by Arapaho First Baptist Church