Välkommen till The Game Changers Podcast!
Podden för dig som tröttnat på att stå i skuggan av dig själv och vill kliva in i din fulla potential!
Podden bjuder på spiritualitet, personlig utveckling, holistisk hälsa & entreprenörskap!
Vi blandar humor med allvar och djup och garanterar att du höjer dina vibbar när du lyssnar på oss!
Jessica Isegran är intuitiv coach & yoga- och meditationslärare. Jenny Larsson är mental tränare, healer & djurkommunikatör.
Prepare yourself for a ride!!!
I’ve spent the majority of my life traveling the globe in search of extraordinary masters of martial arts, energy medicine, and traditional healing and I’ve got amazing stories to tell.
Many of you know me through my many books and articles. These were highly focused publications. But on Transformations I’m going to go deeper and really examine the transformative nature of experience.
Not only will I share my own stories, I will also feature guests to share their transformative experiences. Some of the topics will include meditation, altered states of consciousness, qigong, martial arts, psychology, trauma, social justice, health, fitness, art, music, and film.
It’s an examination of the human condition and our search for growth, meaning, and Excellence in Life.
Brought to you by Tambuli Media: -
Lively discussions on spiritual, metaphysical, paranormal and healing topics.
Voted the #1 Best Soul Path Podcasts in 2023 by PlayerFM and Top 100 Spiritual Podcasts by Feedspot. The Sedona Soul Sisters are the most trusted spiritual advisors and healers in Sedona, Arizona.
Christel Arcucci is the new owner after Rozlyn crossed over in mid-November of 2023.
The Sedona Soul Sisters center is welcomes clients from all over the world. To learn more about them, visit
Subscribe to the show so you don't miss one enlightening episode, and leave a review because it makes our day!
with love,
Sedona Soul Sisters -
Curious how manifestation really works? I’m Alexa Fischer and I believe you can achieve almost anything you wish for. As the Creator of Wishbeads and author of the book, Wishwork, I’m here to show you how to harness the Law of Attraction and the power of intention to get what you desire and deserve. In this podcast, you’ll hear true Wishbeads stories from people whose lives have been changed, simply by writing their wish, wearing it on their wrist, and taking action toward what they wanted.
Own Your Intuition is a podcast created to help you reconnect to your body's wisdom, deepen your relationship to your intuition and follow your soul's callings so you can do what you came here to do. You'll find rich education, healing explorations, interviews, and how-to's on all things Spirituality, Women's Health & Healing, Feminine Wisdom and Spiritual Business guidance. Kelly Rich (@TheKellyRich) is an educator, seeress, soul reader, women's mentor, writer, and the founder of many internationally recognized online courses, events and workshops, including the Own Your Intuition online course. You can go to connect with Kelly and experience her transformational healing work.
The Spiritual Geek Out Podcast is a place where we have fun talking about the phenomenal and the fascinating. A collective of conversations where we stir inquiry, inspiration, and innovations in service to your soul. Expect light-hearted yet stimulating explorations, stories, and insights on spiritual teachings, mystical places, ancient technology, and radical healing modalities. It is a home, for a depth of resource and life-enhancing revelations to expand your life. I invite you to come…listen...and be fascinated.
WTF has changed! This new podcast is full recordings of the weekly meeting of the Soulful Sharing Circle. A soul-filled place for oneness, community, connection, collaboration, and positive vulnerability. Each week in the Circle we will be discussing a new topic, everyone is welcome to join the conversation and share their wisdom. I am sure you will find the podcast to be a resource and support for you! You can always join us for the live discussion on ClubHouse every Thursday at 9:00am MST. Come discover, share and recharge your Light ❤💫
As we have talked about on many episodes we have started a Merch. store!! If you like our mic drop moments get them on a shirt or bag or other cool items.
Check it out here
Thank you all for your support 🙏💙 -
Dedicated to the pursuit of healing, personal insight + collective transformation, The Knowing is a conversational deep dive into the application of Shamanic and Integrative medicine in modern life.
Our Sacred Universe is a journey within, into the infinity of who you are at soul level, into the depth of your being, into the void of your consciousness and towards the mysteries of your heart.
Instagram for more insights
Telegram for exclusive content that I don't post anywhere else
Live events and Workshops -
Podcast dedicated to Divine Feminine Ascension. A new wave of Feminine Crystalline Consciousness is coming onto the planet. This gives women a New Role, one that grounds cosmic consciousness in an embodied and powerful way.
This is the official podcast for the SOFIA School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
Topics Include: Womb Wisdom, Divine Feminine Wisdom, Cosmic Consciousness, Starseed Integration, Crystalline Consciousness, DNA Activations, Embodied Spirituality, Feminine Magic, Feminine Leadership and the School's 4 Feminine Initiatory Paths.
Celeste Gluz is Creatrix behind Lemuria Rose Temple, a federally recognized Temple dedicated to anchoring the Quantum Techonology of Sound and Light.She is the author of 'I AM Lemuria', a mentor of the Lemuria Rose Priestess Path, the Creatrix behind Lemurian Rose Healing Technique, a Sound & Quantum Energy Practitioner and the Oracle behind the SOFIA School of Feminine Initiatory Arts.
School of Feminine Initiatory Arts
Take the Quiz - Which Feminine Archetype Calls You?
Welcome to the Luminary podcast by Annie Perry. Annie is a professional psychic, seer and spirituality teacher. On this podcast we explore stories of spiritual awakenings, psychic channeling, cosmic consciousness and so much more! We're glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. For more information about Annie and her current offerings check out or her instagram account @iamthewellspring
Connect with the healing wisdom of Nature. In the Plant Spirit Podcast, we explore how to deepen in relationship with Nature consciousness through topics and modalities including: plant spirit herbalism, flower essences, the interconnected web of life, plant spirit medicine, the multidimensional nature of reality, plant communication, plant allies, sacred geometry, mysticism and abundance in Nature, the plant path as a spiritual path of awakening, and how plants and Nature are supporting the transformation of consciousness on the planet at this time. Our expert guests include spiritual herbalists, flower essence practitioners, curanderas, plant spirit healers, alchemists, nature spirit communicators, ethnobotanists, and plant lovers who walk in deep connection with the plant realm. Check out more on IG @multidimensional.nature and on Sara Artemisia’s website at
A conversation where we skip the small talk and dive deep into who you are, how you got here and where you are going! Our mission is for you to heal, expand and learn through the power of storytelling. Each week we invite a beautiful guest to share their journey. Their insight, perspective and knowledge allow us to find a deeper connection to ourselves and those around us.Simply listening has the power to change the world. Find out more about The Network of Women at and on Instagram
Learn how to harness the cosmic energies through your yoga practice. Host Rosemary Holbrook, E-RYT, training Yoga Therapist, and certified Vedic astrologer, provides weekly updates to the astrological weather (using the sidereal zodiac and Jyotish, or Vedic astrology) along with practical tips from Yoga and Ayurveda on how to successfully navigate these energies in your daily life.
Learn more and make sure to sign up for the newsletter at
Free Vedic Sidereal birth chart calculator at