Tune in to hear Scott Kaufman’s story about interrupting marathon training to donate a kidney – It is inspiring. Then Coach Dean talks about a benefit of cardiovascular exercise we don’t consider much – but we should.
Couch to marathon 2025-26
Post of the Week - Michelle Palma Stover - Be intentional
Run of the Week - Mike Powers - Sometimes the best runs are the ones you don’t want to do!
Trivia answer from last week
Running the length of New Zealand
Story of the Week - Go and Give - Scott Kaufman
Leviticus 17:11 - How is the blood of Jesus like a best friend?
Philippians 4:7 - You know its God when your peace surpasses the world’s understanding
Judges 6:14 - God will help us just enough to cover the distance between what we can do and the goal
Could you donate a kidney if someone needed it?
If you're able to donate blood and you haven't, why?
What risk is God asking you to take? What is holding you back?
What is Hyrox?
Dean’s Thoughts - Insurance Policy
Why Running/Walking/Rucking so Awesome?
Track and Field popularity
Trivia Question of the Week
Motivational Thought of the Week
How is a training program like Project Management? How is our faith like managing a project? Coach Dean and Mitchell talk about it. Then Dean shares a great story about a Tanzanian runner in the 1968 Olympic Marathon race and how that story informs us today.
0:56 - International phone calls
1:53 - Getting pulled over by the police
3:45 - Couch to Marathon 2025
5:16 - Post of the Week - Mary Priolo - Sometimes pictures do lie
8:36 - Run of the Week - Karen Hammrick - The importance of friends
12:41 - Trivia answer from last week
16:56 - A 68 year old inspiration - Enedina Modesta Perez
20:01 - Story of the Week - Project Management - Kent Ogle
28:33 - Luke 14:28-33 - Plan it before you do it
32:43 - Joshua 24:15 - Decide today!
36:24 - Romans 12:1-2 - The difference between the pig and the chicken for breakfast
39:01 - What can you do now that you once thought you’d never accomplish?
41:03 - What aspects of your life do you need to be more intentional about?
44:03 - How can you leverage your experiences and knowledge to help or encourage someone else?
47:00 - The Wim Hof Method and other cold things
55:29 - Dean’s Thoughts - Finish the Race
1:06:33 - Why Running/Walking is so Awesome
1:07:31 - World records galore! - But why?
1:20:54 - Trivia Question of the Week
1:21:34 - Motivational Thought of the Week
¿Faltan episodios?
A running group can be really important to our fitness journey and a church group can be critical to our relationship with Christ. Coach dean and Mitchell discuss that topic today. And Dean shares his thoughts on people who stay until the last person finishes the race.
0:58 - On the road
4:28 - Tornados?
5:10 - Looking for help for a Run Club member…
5:37 - Post of the Week - Josh Johnson - friends in St Petersburg
7:55 - Run of the Week - Travis Hess - It’s all good no matter how the race went
14:02 - Trivia answer from last week
21:02 - Sodium Bicarbonate - the latest controversy?
25:24 - Story of the Week - The Role of Community - Rebecca Taylor
35:14 - Hebrews 10:25 - Getting together with other believers is important
38:09 - 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Building one another up
43:16 - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 - Two are better than one
45:19 - What are some of the positive words a fellow runner has shared with you that have helped you overcome discouragement or a setback? How can you pass that encouragement along to another runner who may need it? How is this a reflection of Jesus Christ to others?
49:04 - In the story, the case is made that our spiritual walks are both an individual and a team effort. In what ways is your spiritual life just between you and God (individual)? In what ways does it involve your church or parachurch organizations (team)?
54:38 - How connected are you to a local body of believers? Are there areas of your spiritual life (prayer, Bible study, accountability, etc.) that would benefit from increased involvement in a church? If so, what are some practical steps you can take to get active in ministry?
57:41 - Should we forgive logistical race mistakes?
1:03:52 - Dean’s Thoughts - Staying Until the End
1:15:54 - Next year’s Big Beach Marathon
1:19:27 - Why Running/Walking is so Awesome
1:21:07 - World records
1:25:58 - Trivia question of the Week
1:26:36 - Motivational Thought of the Week
Have you ever made a mistake? Then today’s podcast is for you! What does God say about mistakes? Then Coach Dean shares his thoughts on how the mind and body are not two different things.
New App
Post of the Week - Lyn Carroll McDonald - Excited about the future!
Run of the Week - Jerri Seigler - A year of running/walking
Trivia answer from last week
Connecting our appetite to the workouts we do
Story of the Week - The other End of the Pencil - Jerry Snider
Philippians 3:13 - Forgetting the bad and focusing on the good
Psalms 34:18 - God is close to us even when the chips are down
Ephesians 4:2 - Showing grace to those around us
Did you ever make a mistake that turned out to be a blessing?
Is there a mistake you need to forgive yourself for?
Is there someone you need to forgive for making a mistake?
Changing running shoes can be a bad thing
Dean’s Thoughts - Mind and Body
Why Running/Walking is so awesome
What studies would you like to see?
Trivia question of the week
Motivational Thought of the Week
Coach Dean and Mitchell share a story that talks about evaluating the things we do and planning a better course going forward. Then Dean shares a story about how our mind can go from one extreme to another.
1:16 - New Couch to Marathon group!
5:41 - Post of the Week - Michelle Palma Stover - “Easy has never been in my vocabulary”
10:29 - Run of the Week - Richard Ball - coming a long way
14:27 - Trivia answer from 2 weeks ago
20:21 - Woman dressed as Polar Bear Raises money for Cancer
24:14 - Story of the Week - Time to Rest, Reflect and Plan - Rhonda Williams
31:35 - Proverbs 21:5 - Planning
35:00 - Isaiah 28:29 - God has a different plan for all of us
38:20 - Proverbs 24:27 - Doing things the right way
42:37 - How was 2024? Did you achieve your goals, running and non-running? What do you see as you look back?
45:04 - Do you take time to rest, reflect and plan at the end of each year?
50:33 - Do you start each new year with a run on New Year’s Day?
51:25 - Obese Nation
1:01:21 - Dean’s Thoughts - Just 21 More Miles to Go
1:15:36 - Why Running/Walking is so awesome
1:17:09 - The truth about training plans
1:22:36 - Trivia Question of the Week
1:23:36 - Motivational Thought of the Week
Dean is joined in the studio by longtime Upward Running supporter and founder of Big Peach Running Company in Atlanta and the surrounding area, Mike Cosentino. They talk about the industry, running trends, faith, and many other things.
Coach Dean and Mitchell have a great story of triumph over adversity to share this week as they share a story about a lady who has lost over 100 pounds along the way. Then Dean will talk about how it is not only good to have a plan, but we must be ready to adjust the plan along the way.
Getting Older…
Post of the Week - Jim Stimson - Looking for the rough road
Run of the Week - Keith Sikes - Gotta love it when it “clicks”
Trivia Answer
The New App
New Resolution Ideas
Story of the Week - Journey to a Marathon - Elizabeth Rodgers
The Serenity Prayer - Where did it come from
Mark 10:27 - Overcoming tough circumstances
Isaiah 41:10 - Comfort in God
With faith and strength, He give lots of grace. God loves me no matter how many times I mess up.
What if I didn't find RUN FOR GOD/Upward Running? I wouldn’t have grown closer to God…
God loved us first enough that He sent his own son. I love God so so much.
Running streak - Good idea or bad idea?
Dean’s Thoughts - The Artist Has a Plan
Why Running/Walking is so Awesome
The Coldest race in the world
Trivia Question of the Week
Motivational Thought of the Week
Coach Dean and Mitchell are back for the first regular podcast of the year to discuss a story about a 3 Stooges tie and it’s connection to a half marathon. You can’t miss that! Then Dean will talk about how being unafraid and not being fearful are not the same thing.
Post of the Week - Joni-Aaron Adams - What is your foundation
Run of the Week - Rebecca Wang - Donut Prediction Run!
Trivia answer
Robert “Raven” Craft and his 50 year running streak
Story of the Week - A Tie at Mile Four - Jerry Snider
Proverbs 17:22 - Happiness is good for you!
Romans 12:12 - Are you boiling over with excitement for tribulation?
Thessalonians 5:11 - Encouragement MUST be genuine
Have you ever done something a little silly to help you finish a race?
What happened the last time you bit off more than you could chew?
Do you have an old friend you need to connect with who needs a necktie?
Strava Year End Report
Dean’s Thoughts - Being Unafraid
Why Running/Walking is so awesome
Goals for 2025
Trivia Question of the Week
Motivational Thought of the Week
Coach Dean counts down his favorite Dean’s Thoughts stories of 2024.
Emergency Room doctor, runner, and plant-based eater, Dr. John “Spider” Sillery, joins Coach Dean as they talk about some of the most common running injuries and what to do about them.
Coach Dean counts down his top 10 favorite stories of 2024.
Coach Dean and Mitchell talk about Christmas tradition before Dean shares a special Christmas story.
Coach Dean is joined by Upward Running’s very own Claire Boice. Claire is a bundle of positive energy, and she has a great story to share about her running and spiritual journeys. Then Dean talks about making sure we’re relying on the right source for our information.
1:00 - Welcome to Claire Boice
1:35 - Post of the Week - Richard Ball - GPS accuracy and being thankful for our blessings
6:51 - Announcement!
7:57 - Run of the Week - Stephanie Pinchock Marino - Running in a turkey costume
9:04 - Trivia answer from last week
11:18 - Meet Claire
18:15 - Story of the Week - From Last Place to a New Race: Embracing Transformation Through Faith - Claire Boice
24:58 - Isaiah 40:31 - The strength of our running and our faith is from God
27:54 - 2 Corinthians 12:9 - Unfavorable moments can lead to transformational revelation
31:24 - Genesis 1:27 - We are made in God’s image - accepting who we are
34:27 - How can you let go of comparisons and embrace the truth that you are uniquely made in God’s image, perfectly designed for the race He has called you to run?
38:52 - What does running “your own race” look like in your life right now?
40:39 - How can you trust God to use your unique strengths and abilities for His purpose?
42:28 - More Claire
54:52 - Dean’s Thoughts - What’s the Truth?
1:06:01 - Why Running/Walking is so Awesome
1:07:04 - NCAA Cross Country
1:12:43 - Trivia Question of the Week
1:14:03 - Motivational Thought of the Week
Instead of recording a new podcast over the Thanksgiving holiday, Coach Dean shares George Washington’s original Declaration of Thanksgiving and Prayer. Then we play the most popular episode from the archives. Enjoy!
George Washington’s Declaration of Thanksgiving and Prayer for our country
Podcast Episode 169
Dean and Mitchell share a stary about an unexpected thing that happened in a half marathon and how God is supporting us even when we aren’t paying attention to Him. Then Dean compares and contrasts running and walking. Tune in to hear which one is better.
2:04 - Doing spur of the moment things
3:31 - Post of the Week - Alison Bryant - Busy people can get it done
9:15 - Run of the Week - Greg Chance - Don’t pre-judge those long runs
11:08 - Trivia Answer from last week
16:48 - Start a class in January
17:41 - First robot to complete a marathon
20:48 - Story of the Week - A Truly Thankful Thanksgiving - Rhonda Williams
29:43 - Psalms 145:8 - It is all about love
32:55 - Psalm 103:8 - Love and thanks
35:10 - Psalm 100 - Making a joyful noise is more than singing
39:43 - Do you get so caught up in the preparation and stress of holidays that you forget to give thanks?
45:42 - When was the last time you listed your blessings – I mean actually wrote them down on paper - and prayed a prayer of thanks over them?
47:05 - Pecans or marshmallows on your sweet potato casserole?
50:34 - Can you fuel your run from a convenience store?
59:12 - Dean’s Thoughts - Keep Showing Up
1:08:37 - Why Running/walking are so awesome
1:09:33 - We’re truly thankful
1:15:16 - Trivia question of the week
1:16:00 - Motivational Thought of the Week
Dean and Mitchell share a story about Thanksgiving and what the holiday means. Then Dean shares his thoughts about how “just showing up” is half the battle.
1:07 - Living in the woods
3:38 - Post of the Week - Jim Stimson - Go see The Best Christmas Pageant Ever today
8:31 - Run of the Week - Rebecca Wang - Carrying Old Glory in support of Veterans
13:00 - Trivia Answer from last week
20:18 - Just a Closer Walk - 74 year old woman walks 74 miles for 74th birthday
22:51 - Story of the Week - God is in the Details - God is supporting us even when we aren’t paying attention to Him
30:04 - Jonah 4:6 - God supports us sometimes when we don’t even ask for it
31:22 - Psalm 51:10 - God understands our hearts even when our actions don’t match
34:56 - Romans 8:26 - God provides the tailwind just when we need it
36:33 - Has something very unexpected happened to you in your running life and how did you handle it?
44:13 - Have you ever been faced with adversity and “forgotten” to pray?
46:44 - What details has God provided for you that you didn’t even know you needed?
49:37 - Where does the 10,000 steps standard come from?
56:11 - Dean’s Thoughts - Permission to Walk
1:08:34 - Why running/walking is so awesome
1:11:02 - Challenge races
1:18:12 - Trivia Question of the Week
1:18:55 - Motivational Thought of the Week
You will get emotional over this week’s story as Dean and Mitchell share the amazing story of Patricia Perticone. And then Dean will share his thoughts on why you should use your body the way God intended.
When is it time for Christmas decorations?
Post of the Week - Bill Gross - Running in the snow
Run of the Week - Cliff Finney - We had several Run Club Members who ran big races this past weekend, including the New York Marathon
Trivia Answer from last week
Media Influencers and races
Story of the Week - What Can God Accomplish Through You? - You don’t want to miss this story
Matthew 6:33 - What does it mean to “seek God”
Romans 8:28 - God can even work through botched abortions
Never going to give up on God
What am I doing wrong when I believe God‘s word for my life and yet there are a lot of people who absolutely love the Lord like I do with illnesses who are not healed? My question is, does it mean they may not be healed on earth, but some are healed in heaven when they die from the illness?
I have trouble answering people’s questions at times. A lot of the questions are if God is so good why do you still have MS?
I am always thinking and asking God questions. I’m not exactly sure what to put here. God, Why am I bold at times, and other times I stumble over my words when I’m witnessing?
More on the NYC Marathon
Dean’s Thoughts - Shelby GT
Why Running/Walking is so Awesome
New World Marathon Major
More NYC Marathon
Trivia Question of the Week
Motivational Thought of the Week
Still time to join us in 2025
If you have an eclectic family, this week’s story may be just for you. Dean and Mitchell share a story about how Jerry’s relatives, specifically a few aunts, made a difference in his life. Then Dean asks the question: Are we Failing? The answer may surprise you.
1:17 - Name Change and Everybody’s doing it - sign up for a 5K Challenge today
2:31 - Post of the Week - Jon Sandifer - A special 20-miler
9:18 - Run of the Week - Brooks Wachs - A great 50K
10:35 - Trivia Answer from last week
17:54 - Depression on the long run
21:44 - Story of the Week - The Aunt Farm - Jerry Snider
27:07 - Proverbs 17:22 - The benefits of laughter
31:19 - James 4:17 - The good we ought to do
32:53 - Psalms 105:2 - Smiling makes a difference in your running
38:35 - Have you ever had a burden become a blessing?
42:40 - Everyone brightens up a room., some by entering, others by leaving. Which one are you?
46:07 - What is your favorite tune to sing in the shower?
49:53 - Runner with Cerebral Palsy Completes a Marathon
52:52 - Dean’s Thoughts - Are We Failing?
1:04:03 - Why running/walking are so awesome
1:05:08 - Half Marathon world record
1:06:44 - New 10K simulation pill
1:09:42 - Trivia Question of the Week
1:10:45 - Motivational Thought of the Week
Dean and Mitchell share the story of how Pat Park celebrated 30 years of sobriety in a spectacular way. Then Dean shares his thoughts on honesty and he points the finger at a suspect you might not suspect.
1:23 - Re-dos
2:33 - Post of the Week - Michelle Micheff - Be ready for anything
8:56 - Run of the Week - Greg Chance - Be ready for anything
12:08 - Trivia Answer from last week
17:53 - Start a class in January
19:37 - What is the Best Time of Day to Run?
26:22 - Story of the Week - Called Out of the Boat - Pat Park
35:51 - Matthew 14:28 - We must take action and do hard things
39:07 - Matthew 14:29 - Are you afraid of God’s answer?
41:15 - Matthew 14:30 - God is always there for us when our heart is right
44:43 - What, in your life might it look like to be “called out of the boat”? Are you willing to ask?
47:31 - How do we respond when, having asked, the call comes?
50:28 - What happens when the wind and the waves make themselves evident, not once or twice, but again and again?
53:55 - The Truth About Calories Burned Per Mile
1:01:23 - Dean’s Thoughts - Honesty is the Best Policy - Are you being honest with yourself and Do we honor God’s laws?
1:13:45 - Why running/walking are so awesome
1:15:11 - Tide change on American health
1:18:33 - Trivia Question of the Week
1:19:31 - Motivational Thought of the Week
We’ve all heard the term second wind. What does it mean and what are its implications for our running? Also, what do you do when things don’t go your way, and you have to make a U-turn? Dean and Mitchell answer those question and more.
Join us in January - attend a webinar now
Post of the Week - Ashley Daly - #seethelight
Run of the Week - We’ve got the country covered
Trivia answer of the week
Overcoming performance anxiety
Story of the Week - A Second Wind: Let God Breathe New Life into Your Spirit - Rhonda Williams
Hebrews 12:3 - Where’s your focus?
1 Corinthians 15:58 - God can use anything
Isaiah 40:31 - Why the regressive list?
Ever felt you were in a rut physically or spiritually? How did you break out of it?
I repeat Isaiah 40:31 when I am struggling during a race. What is your verse or mantra and why did you choose it?
Do you feel you need a second wind? Try something new! Brainstorm ideas to breathe new life into your service for God and don’t forget to pray.
Calculating training paces and executing them
Dean’s Thoughts - U-Turns - How do you react when things don’t go the way you expect?
Why running/walking is so awesome
Women’s marathon world record
Trivia Question of the Week
Motivational Thought of the Week
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