Украинка Анна Филимонова и россиянин Алексей Пономарев говорят о войне России против Украины и о том, как нам теперь с этим всем жить дальше.
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The Bear Market Brief (BMB) podcast explores politics, economics, and their intersection in Russia, Ukraine, and the post-Soviet space. -
Политическое шоу. Спецкор «Медузы» Андрей Перцев и социолог, политический обозреватель Константин Гаазе каждую субботу рассказывают, чем живет российская власть. Каковы смыслы и логика, которыми руководствуются «власть», «режим», «Кремль»?
Подкаст о главных новостях: глобальных и локальных, российских и международных, политических и социальных, экономических и культурных. Серьезно и с долей иронии. Телеграм-канал подкастов
Выпск подкаста временно приостановлен -
Аля Пономарева - лучший друг для всех тех, кто хочет быть в курсе событий, но не хочет тратить уйму времени на изучение соцсетей. Она делает всю работу за нас и дважды в неделю рассказывает о том, что важного обсуждают в сети. Страница подкастов "Свободы" в Тelegram:
Three ex-Muslims walk into a Swedish bar.
In February 2022, The very reverend professor Martyn Percy left Christ Church, Oxford, as its Dean with a £1.25 million settlement. But big questions remain.
In this five-part series The Times' journalist Andrew Billen returns to his old university college to try and understand why Percy and his employer got into a four year long battle, which left the priest close to suicide and cost the Oxford college millions in charitable funds.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Olympians Adam Rippon and Ashley Wagner join forces with Sarah Hughes (no relation to 2002 Olympic Champion, Sarah Hughes) to tackle the most important questions figure skaters have been asking themselves for years.
Questions like: “Why does this short program feel so long?” or “Is there such a thing as your costume being too tight?” and the most important question of all: “Will changing my hair color fix all my problems?”
Join the team as they cover all the news, competitions, and drama of the figure skating season. Will they kiss? Will they cry? There’s only one way to find out.
Follow us on instagram: The Runthrough Instagram
IT sritis labai plati ir kitokia nei atrodo iš pirmo žvilgsnio. Mes kalbiname IT srities specialistus, klausomės jų istorijų ir jų patirties, ko jie laukia ateityje. Taip pat, pakalbėsime naujienas, iniciatyvas, idėjas, ar kitokius bazinius IT dalykus.
The Chinese Tourism Podcast, a travel industry podcast giving you all the insights, trends and developments on Chinese tourism, brought to you by Dragon Trail International.
Trumpa informacinė „Radiocentro" laida apie mokslo naujienas ir naujausius pasiekimus.
Klausyk šiokiadieniais 13.30 val. per „Radiocentrą" arba mūsų podkaste „Mokslas šiandien“. -
Aboriginal discrimination
Yra klausimų, kurie svarbūs mums kaip bendruomenei ir kaip valstybei. Laisvame krašte jų nedera palikti tik valdžiai. Juos svarstyti ir atsakymų ieškoti turime visi kartu. Pirmadieniais–penktadieniais 11.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
„Bė“ – podcast'as bėgantiems, risnojantiems ir apie bėgimą daug galvojantiems. Aktualios naujienos, naudinga informacija ir asmeninės patirtys – tiesiogiai iš bėgikų, trenerių, sporto gydytojų, mitybos specialistų, sveikos gyvensenos žinovų ar kitų susijusių ekspertų lūpų. Bėgikų studijoje prie mikrofono laukiamas kiekvienas – nuo pradedančiųjų, entuziastų iki profesionalių atletų. Šie „bėgikiški“ pasikalbėjimai skirti visiems, kurie neabejingi judėjimui bent kiek greitesniu nei pėsčiojo žingsniu.
A podcast about Asia, Asian America, and life during the Coronavirus pandemic, featuring Jay Caspian Kang. -
What happens when two compliance aficionados get together to talk all things compliance, risk management and ERM? You get Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance and Matt Kelly, the Coolest Guy in Compliance, going into the weeds of a topic each week. Each week, you can take a deep dive with two of the top writers, thinkers and prognosticators in compliance.
Lou is currently Host of "Lou in the Morning" a guest driven radio talk show on WPFl.105.1 FM. Bruce Oliver talks about his trip to Cuba and how the average person can travel legally to Cuba during this broadcast.
Cuba Bound on a "People to People" cruise from the United States. During my first trip to Cuba I'll be traveling to the ports of Havana, Cienfuegos, and Santiago de Cuba and the surrounding areas from July 23-31, 2016. During this licensed cruise itinerary I'll interact with the musicians, artists, businesses, and families who make up the community of Cuba. Through me your readers will engage with the Cuban people, experience the sights and sounds of Cuba's beautiful country: the Spanish and French colonial architecture, American classic cars, traditional Cuban music and dance, the coastal fortresses and tall cathedrals, and the cannons on San Juan Hill. In essence I'll be searching for the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of Cuba.
The purpose of this trip is to do research on U.S. travel to Cuba.
I will focus on the licensed travel arrangements between the U.S. Government and the Cuban Government.
How can the average citizen become one of the first to travel to Cuba with agencies licensed by both governments?
What can the U.S. traveler expect to see?
What can you expect to eat if you travel to Cuba?
Follow me for more information on Cuba on this licensed cruise/tour of Cuba. -
Vienintelė Lietuvoje pusvalandinė žinių laida rusų kalba. Kasdien 16.30 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Laidą rengia Svetlana Primudrova, Nina Mackevič, Olga Ugriumova, Irina Andrianova, Aleksandras Dvojeglazovas, Larisa Endriulaitienė.
Manufacturing is having a moment. But what will it actually take to create more blue-collar jobs and strengthen our industrial base? Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul chats with policymakers, manufacturing experts and factory workers to find out.
Savaitės užsienio įvykių apžvalga per 20 minučių – apie tai kas svarbu, įdomu ar negirdėta. Sekmadieniais 12.10 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.