
  • In this podcast, I discuss why short-form content isn't enough for effective marketing, using examples of fitness coaches with large followings but low conversion rates. I emphasize the need to strategically use short-form content to drive traffic to long-form content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. I highlight the importance of content cadence, from connection to conversion strategies, tailored to different business stages. Additionally, I stress the power of YouTube for long-form content and the significance of building an email list for sustainable lead generation. Join me in upcoming live training sessions for insights into proven content strategies for impactful messaging and lead generation.

    "Short-form content like reels or shorts is not enough for effective marketing; building a consistent lead generation machine requires a strategic approach beyond quick videos."

    Building a consistent lead generation machine requires a strategic approach beyond quick videos.

    Leveraging short-form and medium-form content to drive traffic towards long-form content.

    Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

    Posting frequency and types of content for different stages of business growth.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this episode, I delve into the harsh reality that 94% of coaching businesses fail within the first three years, a statistic that underscores the challenges faced by many talented coaches and entrepreneurs. Despite their skills and potential to make a significant impact, most falter due to a narrow focus on tactics and strategies alone, neglecting the broader framework needed for sustained growth. Drawing from my 11-year journey in the industry, marked by failures and successes alike, I emphasize the importance of a holistic approach encompassing four key pillars: the "house" representing strategies and tactics, the "hands" symbolizing skill development, the "head" embodying psychological mindset shifts, and the "heart" reflecting emotional well-being and physiology. Through personal anecdotes and insights, I illustrate how addressing each of these aspects leads to transformative growth, empowering individuals to thrive in their coaching businesses. This episode serves as a roadmap for coaches and entrepreneurs determined to break free from the cycle of failure and achieve lasting success.

    “Success isn't just about tactics and strategies; it's rooted in shifting your beliefs, mastering essential skills, and nurturing your emotional state."

    The shocking statistic: 94% of coaching businesses fail within the first three years.

    The emphasis on talent and potential among coaches and entrepreneurs.

    The importance of going beyond tactics and strategies to focus on deeper aspects like skills, beliefs, and emotional state.

    Practical advice on shifting beliefs, mastering skills, and nurturing emotional well-being for sustainable growth.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

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  • In this episode, I delve into mastering content engagement for business success, joined by an online fitness coach sharing real-world insights. We discuss shifting focus to quality engagement, using messaging and influence, and creating demand for longer-form content. We explore strategies for addressing audience beliefs and announce an upcoming masterclass on fixing messaging for better results. Tune in for actionable insights to elevate your content strategy and business growth. Don't forget to subscribe and share your takeaway in the comments. Your message matters, so let's create impactful content together!

    “It's not about just getting engagement; it's about getting the right engagement.”

    Effective content goes beyond mere engagement metrics.

    The power of messaging in attracting the right audience.

    Leveraging conversion content formulas for live training, masterclasses, etc.

    Identifying and addressing the audience's limiting beliefs.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this episode, we uncover why many online fitness coaches and business owners struggle to convert content into sales despite their efforts. It's not about posting more or running ads; the real issue often lies in using the wrong words that don't resonate with the audience. The analogy of trying to order food in a foreign country without knowing the language captures the confusion and frustration. By understanding and implementing strategic messaging, success stories like Patty's showcase significant revenue boosts and consistent sales growth. Key steps include refining messaging, developing a strategic content plan, and using DM scripts and nurturing content to convert leads effectively. Listeners are invited to a full training session for deeper insights and encouraged to leave comments sharing their takeaways, emphasizing the power of impactful messaging for business success.

    “Your marketing is no different. You have to say the right words, and then plug those words into a strategic content plan."

    Discovering the right words and crafting a strategic content plan is essential for attracting and converting clients effortlessly.

    Analyze and refine messaging to resonate with the target audience's desires and triggers.

    Develop a strategic content distribution system that includes a mix of videos and written content to engage and convert.

    Utilize DM scripts, strategic nurturing content, and video sales letters to convert leads into clients effectively.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this episode, I share my journey from inconsistent leads to a thriving online business with predictable client acquisition. I delve into the Messaging Mastery Makeover, refining messaging for consistent conversions by identifying client struggles, aspirations, and emotional triggers. We explore strategic content cadence, including connection, influence, authority, and conversion content, aligned with psychological triggers for engagement. Lastly, I highlight cash conversion, converting leads into clients without excessive chasing. Tune in for actionable strategies to elevate your online client acquisition and achieve consistent growth.

    “Refine your message so that it influences your potential clients to want to buy your stuff."

    The crucial role of brand messaging in transforming client acquisition into an attraction process.

    Breakdown of essential components such as identifying client struggles, aspirations, emotional triggers, and beliefs for effective messaging.

    Implementing a systematic approach to content creation and distribution based on psychological triggers.

    Streamlining the conversion process for consistent client growth and revenue generation.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In today's episode, I have the pleasure of hosting two incredible guests, Wayne Sutherland and Nicole Doumont, who are widely recognized as sought-after women's coaches and the co-founders of Elite Fitness Team. Together, we delve into their remarkable journey, starting from their origins as an in-person personal training studio to successfully transitioning into a thriving online coaching platform. Throughout our conversation, Wayne and Nicole share candidly about the challenges they encountered, including financial hurdles and unexpected transitions, highlighting the courage and resilience required to navigate such obstacles. Join us for an enlightening discussion filled with valuable insights and actionable strategies that can empower you on your own path of growth and success. Get ready for a rollercoaster of inspiration, humor, and valuable takeaways!

    “It is good to have people in your environment that support you and stuff, but you're the one that ultimately has to take those large steps and have the courage.”

    The significance of mindset and positive affirmations in navigating challenges and achieving success.

    The importance of having a supportive environment, whether it's a business partner or a coach, is emphasized throughout the conversation.

    Wayne and Nicole share personal stories of overcoming financial hurdles and making tough decisions to propel their business forward.

    The episode sheds light on the power of self-awareness, intuition, and visualizing goals outside of one's current circumstances.

    Connect with Wayne and Nicole:


    Email: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this episode, I delve into the journey of building a successful online coaching business, with the aim of reaching multiple six or even seven figures within just 12 months. I share my own experiences and insights, hoping to offer valuable nuggets that listeners can apply to their own ventures. One common pitfall I discuss is the tendency for many online coaches, particularly in health and fitness, to become overly fixated on strategies and tactics without considering the right sequence of execution. Drawing parallels with the structured approach of building Legos, I stress the importance of following a methodical order. I introduce the concept of the "Three M's of Business Growth," starting with crafting a targeted message and offer for a specific avatar, then developing essential money-making skills and systems, and finally, addressing the critical aspect of mindset and energy. I dive deep into the significance of effective messaging, emphasizing its role in connecting with the audience, articulating their pain points and aspirations, and ultimately driving action

    “Success is 80% psychology, 20% strategy, and I actually think it's a bigger gap, I think it's a 90/10”

    Prioritizing the correct sequence of strategies and tactics for optimal results in business growth

    Unveiling the development of essential skills and establishment of efficient systems for lead generation, nurturing, sales, and service delivery

    Delving into the importance of tailoring messages and offers to resonate with specific target audiences

    Exploring the three pivotal "M's" for business success: Messaging, Money-making skills and systems, and Mindset and energy

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this podcast episode, we delve into the pivotal role of mastering mindset and energy in achieving business success, particularly within the realm of health and fitness. Often, individuals become fixated on strategies and tactics, overlooking the profound impact of their beliefs and thought patterns. The journey to success involves more than just external actions; it requires introspection and alignment with one's values and vision. Drawing from personal experiences, the speaker reflects on a challenging period of debt and stress, highlighting the shift that occurred when they prioritized inner work over constant strategy-hopping. By committing to truthfulness, integrity, and aligning habits with their mission, they were able to navigate challenges more effectively. Emphasizing the significance of regulating one's nervous system and embracing empowering beliefs, the speaker shares actionable insights for listeners to cultivate a mindset conducive to sustainable business growth. Through practices like meditation, breathwork, and identifying core emotions fueling work, individuals can elevate their performance and fulfillment. Ultimately, success stems from mastering internal factors, allowing strategies and tactics to align effortlessly with one's purpose.

    “Success stems from mastering internal factors, allowing strategies and tactics to align effortlessly with one's purpose.”

    Overemphasis on external strategies neglects the impact of beliefs and thought patterns

    Personal story of overcoming debt and stress through inner work and alignment with values

    Embracing truthfulness and integrity as foundational principles

    Insights on regulating the nervous system and cultivating empowering beliefs

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • Welcome back to the School of Impact Podcast! Today's episode is extra special because I've got my good friend Dylan joining me. We hit it off during a sales call, and now he's here to share his incredible journey. Dylan's a pro at sales, having racked up $2.5 million in sales for various companies before venturing into his own business. But what's really fascinating is his latest venture: a gamified personal development program called "The Game." Dylan's concept revolves around turning life into a game, assigning points to achievements and challenges to level up in various aspects of life. Through his program, he's observed that people often struggle with consistency due to a lack of expectation for life's challenges and a tendency to internalize problems rather than tackle them head-on. By helping individuals identify their innate strengths and passions, Dylan empowers them to live authentically and embrace challenges as part of the journey. It's a refreshing take on personal growth, reminding us to lean into our unique paths and find fulfillment in the process. So, buckle up for an insightful conversation as we delve into the power of purpose and the art of living in flow.

    “It's not about winning or losing; it's about how you play the game.”

    Dylan's journey from successful salesperson to founder of "The Game"

    The concept behind "The Game": turning life into a gamified personal development program

    Dylan's observation on the struggle with consistency and lack of expectation for life's challenges

    The importance of identifying strengths and passions in living authentically

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In today's episode, I'm excited to share with you some powerful strategies that have helped me 10x my productivity and focus. It all starts with the principle of starving distraction to enhance your ability to focus. As I've learned, you simply can't feel focus without first eliminating distractions. We dive deep into understanding our behaviors and actions, emphasizing the importance of deleting unnecessary apps and using social media as a business tool rather than being consumed by it. I share personal strategies such as time blocking for money-making actions, incorporating meditation and regular physical activity like walking to boost creativity and mental clarity. Additionally, I discuss the benefits of digital detoxing, tracking finances and performance metrics, and the importance of planning and preparation to streamline productivity. By implementing these practices, I've seen a significant increase in my output and overall effectiveness. Let's lead by example and prioritize focus and productivity in our lives. Remember, your message matters, so don't hesitate to speak, be seen, and make an impact. Thanks for tuning in, and I look forward to sharing more insights with you in the next episode.

    “By doing less and focusing on one initiative at a time, you can accomplish more.”

    Discover the transformative principle of starving distraction to unlock heightened focus and productivity.

    Explore the connection between behaviors, actions, and beliefs, and learn to identify and eliminate distractions effectively.

    Implement practical techniques such as time blocking for money-making actions, incorporating meditation, and engaging in physical activity to boost creativity.

    Embrace the importance of limiting social media and email usage outside of dedicated time blocks to regain control over your focus.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • Welcome to the School of Impact Podcast! In this episode, I'm joined by Sandra Cotto, a passionate coach empowering women over 40 through plant-based living. Discover Sandra's journey from corporate America to wellness advocate, her transformative experience with plant-based nutrition, and insights into her coaching business evolution. Join us as Sandra candidly discusses challenges, shares practical tips, and inspires positive change. Tune in for heartfelt inspiration and wisdom on embracing change and pursuing passions with purpose!

    “Courage is just getting out there and doing it anyway, even though it's fearful.”

    Sandra shares her personal journey of transitioning to plant-based eating and its transformative impact on her life.

    Challenges of maintaining a plant-based lifestyle in a non-vegan environment and the importance of staying connected to one's "why."

    Sharing insights on building confidence, finding one's tribe, and navigating societal pressures and skepticism.

    The concept of embracing change and finding balance between masculine and feminine energies in pursuing goals.

    Connect with Sandra:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandra.cotto.9

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachsandracotto/

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this episode, I spill the beans on the exact formula that took me from zero to $50,000 per month in my online coaching business. Forget the math anxiety – I share a simple strategy to hit that coveted six-figure mark annually. Drawing from personal experience and mentoring over 180 students, I unveil the magic number: 100 strategy sessions. Whether you're aiming for six figures or dreaming bigger, I break down the practical steps, emphasizing the power of content, appointment setting, and sales finesse. The key? Make three call offers a day. I guide you through crafting an irresistible offer, nailing messaging, and honing brand positioning. It's not just about the numbers; it's about making your message matter. Subscribe, comment, and let's embark on this journey to elevate your coaching business. Remember, your message matters more than ever – don't be afraid to speak, be seen, and be impactful.

    “It's about crafting an irresistible offer, refining messaging, and building a tribe through strategic content and effective sales processes.”

    Learn to craft an irresistible offer that aligns with market desires and positions you for success.

    Dive into the importance of messaging and brand positioning, essential elements in captivating and converting your audience.

    Explore effective content strategies and inbound marketing techniques, utilizing hooks and powerful calls to action.

    Build a tribe around your brand by nurturing leads strategically, even those who aren't ready to buy.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this podcast episode, I delve into the power of a transformative funnel that has consistently brought my business quality leads, clients, and a steady cash flow. I introduce the concept of the "Tribe Funnel," a method that has personally been my number one strategy for achieving consistent and predictable revenue over the last few years. Drawing from over 30 years of experience and weaving in social psychology principles, I share the journey of forming tribes throughout my life, from childhood to my career as a firefighter and participation in American Ninja Warrior. The Tribe Funnel, as I explain, goes beyond traditional marketing by creating a loyal community of individuals who not only become customers but evolve into a tribe with a deep connection to the brand. I emphasize the importance of leadership, strategic content creation, and the five stages of awareness in implementing this funnel effectively. Concluding with practical advice, I encourage fellow entrepreneurs to find a traffic strategy aligned with their preferences and consistently provide value to their audience to build a thriving tribe and ensure predictable business success.

    “Step into the role of a leader and an in-demand coach, recognizing that your message holds significant value for the world”

    Embrace the role of a leader and in-demand coach, recognizing the value your message holds for the world.

    Establish a community united by shared values and a common vision, going beyond traditional marketing strategies.

    Understand the importance of consistently delivering value to your audience for long-term engagement and loyalty.

    Explore the Tribe Funnel concept, a strategic method to form a loyal tribe resonating with your mission.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • Today's episode is a game-changer. I'm spilling the beans on how my business raked in over a million bucks from a tiny audience—less than 5000 people—all because of one game-changing principle: being in demand. I'm opening up about my 11-year journey, chasing big dreams, spending half a million on education, and finally stumbling upon the truth that shifted everything. I break down the three pillars that turned the tide: developing an in-demand mindset, mastering communication to connect with my audience, and stacking vital money-making skills. Tune in as I reveal the importance of systems, accountability through tracking, and how focusing on being in demand is the key to achieving the dream lifestyle and financial freedom. Don't forget to subscribe, drop your takeaways in the comments, and let's keep this conversation going

    “The magic happens when you track your journey and hold yourself to a higher standard—because when you focus on being in demand, everything you desire follows suit.”

    The fundamental principle driving over a million dollars in sales from a small audience is a relentless focus on being in demand.

    Installing key systems such as lead generation, content creation, sales processes, and retention systems to create predictability in business.

    The importance of tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and constant self-improvement through review and adjustment.

    The secret to success lies in the combination of an in-demand mindset, effective communication, and money-making skills.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • Hey everyone! In today's podcast, I'm sharing key strategies for mastering conversion-focused content to boost sales consistently in 2024. We start by recognizing the pivotal role of brand messaging, constituting 95% of our results. Content sequences take precedence over one-off posts, emphasizing intentional strategies, algorithm understanding, and impactful storytelling. Tactical insights include strategies to increase visibility and enhance writing and video skills. The episode concludes with a comprehensive six-step conversion content system for predictable sales. Check the description for a free ebook on these strategies. Like, comment, and subscribe if you find this valuable. Remember, your message matters – speak it, be seen, be heard, and make an impact!

    “Content sequences are the game-changer – intentional strategies, algorithm mastery, and impactful storytelling lead to consistent and predictable sales in your business.”

    Recognize that your brand messaging is the powerhouse, constituting 95% of your results.

    Embrace content sequences over one-off posts for sustainable and predictable results in your business.

    Explore strategies to get more eyeballs on your content and hone your writing and video skills.

    Discover the significance of story hooks and clear call-to-actions as the key elements in captivating your audience.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • I've crafted a potent brand positioning strategy honed through my journey, generating over a million dollars in sales. Drawing inspiration from the "Blue Ocean effect," I emphasize standing out in the crowded digital space. In a world with over 300,000 daily social media posts, the key lies in a unique brand strategy that captivates and differentiates. I share my seven-step approach, born from my experiences in franchising a gym and building a successful online fitness business, proving its efficacy in the business coaching space. This strategy, focused on brand perception, identity, and values, ensures businesses attract leads and drive consistent revenue. It's not just theory; it's a roadmap I've navigated successfully, urging others to speak their message, be seen, heard, and impactful.

    “In order to stand out, you have to be able to take a little bit of a different approach and go a little bit deeper than a lot of your competitors.”

    Key notes:

    Brand positioning strategy for business growth

    Creating a successful marketing message

    Creating a profitable online coaching business

    Branding and client acquisition strategies

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • Hey there, listeners! Welcome back to the School of Impact Podcast. I'm thrilled to have two incredible guests with me today—Diana and Micah LeCerte, the masterminds behind Hitch Fit. The episode kicks off with Micah's journey from the early MySpace days, where he accidentally stumbled into online personal training. Fast forward 15 years, and Hitch Fit has impacted lives globally, helping clients lose over 600,000 pounds across 82 countries. However, the conversation takes a poignant turn as Diana and Micah open up about the unexpected tragedy of losing their close friend and business partner, Travis. Despite the immense challenge, they turned it into a transformative retreat experience for 90 participants in Mexico. As they reflect on the challenging year, the duo emphasizes the importance of trusting a higher plan and being willing to pivot. Their personal transformations, from overcoming anxiety through fitness to Diana's pivotal decision to pursue a fitness competition, have fueled their passion for holistic well-being. Now, they're venturing into new territories with Soul Fit Retreats, aiming to transform lives on a deeper level. Join us on this inspiring journey of resilience, faith, and turning challenges into opportunities with Diana and Micah LeCerte on the School of Impact Podcast.

    “In the face of unexpected challenges, embrace resilience, trust the higher plan, and step into new territories—it's the path to making a greater impact."

    Key notes:

    Navigating grief while running a retreat business

    Emphasizes the importance of taking time to heal

    Trusting in a higher plan and navigating changes with resilience

    Stepping into new territories like conferences and podcasts

    Connect with Diana and Micah:

    Website: https://hitchfit.com/

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In today's podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tryanka, an extraordinary individual excelling as a coach, mother, and wife. Tryanka recently achieved back-to-back record months in her business, surpassing $80,000 in contracts. As a fat loss online coach from the Netherlands, she shared her inspiring journey, starting her online coaching venture amidst the pandemic's challenges. We delved into her initial struggles as an in-person trainer when COVID disrupted her business, leading her to make the pivotal decision to transition online. Tryanka opened up about her entry into the In-Demand Coach community, emphasizing the invaluable impact of personalized coaching, mindset training, and the transformative lead nurturing system. Her story reflects not just financial success but a profound mindset shift, encouraging a relaxed and detached approach to outcomes. Trayanka's insights provide a wealth of wisdom for fellow coaches navigating their paths to success.

    “Being open to learning and finding the right coach who provides individualized guidance and the exact steps to nurture leads can make all the difference. It's not about being needy but staying relaxed, managing your energy, and trusting the process.”

    Key notes:

    Trayanka’s journey from an in-person trainer facing pandemic challenges to becoming a record-breaking online coach is a testament to resilience and adaptability.

    Trayanka provides insights into the ideal candidate, stressing the need for a certain level of experience and openness to learning.

    Trayanka’s advice on mindset is a game-changer

    Trayanka emphasizes the importance of strategic shifts in her business, from the right structure to mindset shifts, showcasing the impact of individualized coaching and finding the missing link.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • In this podcast episode, I share an eye-opening experience from an exclusive entrepreneurial event in Los Angeles. The event featured remarkable individuals, including Alli Webb, who sold her company, Drybar, for a staggering $250 million. The core lesson revolves around the inner game of entrepreneurship, emphasizing authenticity and vulnerability. The successful entrepreneurs at the event didn't shy away from sharing their challenges, providing valuable insights into overcoming adversity and fortifying the entrepreneurial mindset. We explore the "Map of Consciousness" by David R. Hawkins, underlining the importance of transitioning from a survival paradigm to a courageous state. I introduce the Four H's Pyramid framework, urging listeners to start with the heart and head before delving into skills, habits, and strategies. As I wrap up, I encourage listeners to reflect on their entrepreneurial archetype, embrace authenticity, and recognize the transformative power of their messages in the entrepreneurial landscape.

    “If you have to post something, and you're scared to post it, or maybe you have to... you should post that. Because those are the things that you're really sharing something that you're a little bit scared to share.”

    Key notes:

    The common trait among successful entrepreneurs is authenticity.

    Posting content you're hesitant about can resonate more with your audience.

    Understanding the "heart, head, hands, and how" pyramid for personal development.

    Recognizing the impact of your dominant emotional state on business outcomes.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland

  • Hey there! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you the game-changing formula that has consistently propelled my business and those of my clients to record revenue months. Picture this – every time I hit a milestone month, I meticulously document my strategies and reflections in a Google Doc, and guess what? You can access it too; I've linked it in the description for your convenience. Over the past few months, I've witnessed numerous clients, particularly in the health and fitness sector, smashing their revenue records using this very formula. From a client starting from scratch to crossing $10,000 in just two and a half months, to another doubling her business from $11,000 to $21,000, and even one surging from $19,500 to a jaw-dropping $70,000 in sales. The consistent thread among all these success stories? Sharpening messaging, mastering the money-making moves, and nurturing a resilient mindset. Tune in for the full breakdown and let's unlock those record revenue months together. Remember, your message matters – now more than ever.

    “Success leaves clues, and I want to give you these clues that all of them are doing to create these record revenue months. This is where the saying success leaves clues comes from.”

    Key notes:

    Share the importance of having a systematic approach to replicate and sustain success

    Showcase diverse examples, from clients starting at zero to those doubling and even quadrupling their business revenue

    Explore how the saying "success leaves clues" is a guiding principle, and how the session aims to provide these clues for attendees

    Acknowledge the inevitable ebbs and flows in entrepreneurial journeys

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.growmyvisibility.com/

    Instagram: @coachjasonmeland

    Facebook: Jason Meland - In Demand Coach

    LinkedIn: Jason Meland