Listen on Apple PodcastsListen on Spotify Violet Fox (she / her) is a librarian, co-organizer of the Chicago Zine Fest, and zinester. She runs co-runs the Zine Librarians website, and her work can be found on her website. Our guest this episode is Violet Fox, a zinester and librarian based in Chicago. Among all sorts of other things, […]
Listen on Apple PodcastsListen on Spotify Kel Karpinski (they/them or he/him) is a librarian and assistant professor in Brooklyn. He’s totally rad and sells zines at https://www.etsy.com/shop/hellotheresailor/ Our guest this time is Kel Karpinski, zinester and librarian in Brooklyn. Among all sorts of other things, Kel is co-organizer of the New York Queer Zine Fair. […]
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Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Erin Segura teaches Louisiana French, makes zines to commemorate major life events, and is a total badass. Our guest this episode is Erin Segura (she/her). Erin teaches Louisiana French at LSU, and is doing fun and exciting things with zines and language revitalization. In this episode, we hear […]
Alison Evans with the Golden Stapler! Our guest this week is Alison Evans, zinester, writer, and all around very pleasant person. Alison reads “My Gender is a Monster,” and “Plant Witch,” which are both available on Alison’s Etsy Page. We talk about all sorts of fun stuff, including Sticky Institute, #enbylife, Concrete Queers and Alison’s […]
Listen to our interview with Jessica Wadleigh! Jessica tells us about why she loves zines and she reads from her work.