Becoming a mom can often mean choosing your new identity over your old identity. The person you knew is gone and is replaced with someone who takes care of little humans and doesn't have much time for anything else. In this video we talk about the major contributing factors to moms losing their identity and what to do about it.
When you're done with the video make sure to click the free resource link to take you to all the free goodies.
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In this episode, we chat about the stress and overwhelm many moms experience. We talk about how our habits can feel good in the moment but may have long-term downsides.
We lift the curtain into our own lives and talk about all the things
Quick fixes vs. lasting effects: How our habits can feel good now but hurt us later. Signs you’re overwhelmed: Spotting physical and emotional clues that it’s too much. Getting back on track: Tips to see when you're avoiding life and how to boost your energy. Being aware matters: Making choices that really help your well-being.You can find us on Instagram and YouTube.
And don't forget to like, follow, and subscribe!
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In this episode, we talk about the challenges moms face when trying to make friends. Many moms feel anxious or doubt themselves, thinking that others won’t want to connect. It can also be tough to find the time to socialize with busy schedules and kids’ activities. To help with starting conversations, we’ve created a free Conversation Starter List to make it easier to break the ice. Click here to get your copy
Welcome to this week’s episode of Self-Care for Moms!
We’re tackling a big issue many moms face: feeling stuck in a rut and overwhelmed by the daily grind. 😓 If you’re finding yourself drained and stuck in the same old routine, you’re definitely not alone. But don’t worry—this episode has some great ideas to help you shake things up and add a little more joy to your life!
Tune in to learn how small, positive changes can make a big difference and help you feel refreshed and fulfilled. You won’t want to miss these easy tips for making your daily routine a bit more exciting! 💪😊
Moms want their babies to grow up into happy productive adults and yet, moms can also feel sad and heartbroken at the realization that their babies aren't little anymore. Yup, it's another one of those "mom" things, but it's real and that's why we're talking about it. https://momslovecoaching.ck.page/prof...The Carter's commercial: Carters Sleep wear Classic tv commercial
Have you see the video on IG of the mom picking up her kid's toy literally as she is crossing the finish line from a race she just finished.
No celebrations, no congratulations, no acknowledgement of the amazing achievement she just accomplished.
This week we are diving into why moms feel so compelled to be in "mom mode" all the time.
Watch the video here - https://momslovecoaching.ck.page/profile/links
Angie and I have slightly different views on this one.
We're curious. What do you think?
Vote here -
Saying no is never easy no matter who you are but especially for moms. Moms are supposed to always be caring, and giving, and selfless. Moms are supposed to put themselves last and do what's best for the family at all times.
Well I have one word for that expectation.
No. And I don't feel guilty about it.
Join us this week while we talk about saying no and why it's so hard for us moms.
Come join us over at Instagram
As a mom, you are constantly pulled in a million different directions. You are always thinking about what everyone else needs. You put your own wants to the side.
You think “It’s just for now.”
But if you want to do something for yourself then right now is the perfect time.
In this episode we talk about doing things that are just for you, how to figure out what the heck you even want to do, and why it's important.
Come visit us at Instagram
Welcome to the best of the first. This week it's a replay of our very first episode - Self Care Is Supposed To Be Selfish. Only this time around you'll only hear the best parts!
I can't believe we have published 30 episodes since we started this journey. Thank you so much for supporting us and keep sharing us to moms who need to hear the message that self care is not selfish.
Come hang out with me on Instagram and Threads
Self care is not a "to do list". Self care shouldn't feel like a chore or something you have to do. This week on Self Care For Moms we talk about self care just being part of who you are. Self care can be woven into the fabric of your life so it's as easy and accepted as breathing. This is what I wish for all of you.
Come join the conversation.
This week we're talking about resentment. What it is, how it affects you, and what to do about it.
Resentment doesn't feel good in your body but it can be so hard to let go of because it seems like its out of your control.
This isn't true and in this episode we tell you how to move on from resentment, connect with the people you love and create the life you want.
Join the conversation.
Check out all the things here
The invisible load for moms is heavy. We have a hard time turning our brains off because we're constantly trying to be one step ahead and anticipate everyone's needs.
Well it's time to think about your own needs and that's what we are talking about in this episode. We go into what the invisible load is, how it effects you, and what you can do about it.
It takes a village to raise a child, but the village is gone so this leaves it up to the mom to take care of everything when it comes to kids, homes, jobs, and anything else that comes up. In this episode we'll talk about the lack of support for moms across the board. The invisible load is heavy and moms are tired. Join us for this conversation on Self Care For Moms and the Lack of Support.
I also want to invite you to the Take Back Your Time Workshop on July 18, 2024 @ noon EST.
In this workshop I will teach the 3 step method so you can
put yourself first do the things that light you up create happy memories with your family start realizing your own dream.You will learn
The real reason you have no time for yourself
How to figure out what is holding you back
Strategies to create the life you want
Tips and tricks to support yourself and keep it all going
Go to https://momslovecoaching.com/takebackyourtime and register today.
I am hosting a workshop on July 18th at noon EST called Take Back Your Time.
If you are tired of never having time for yourself and feeling like you are the one who does everything around the house, then I highly recommend that you go to momslovecoaching.com/takebackyourtime and sign up.
I want you to know that if you show up and do the work and learn the concepts that I teach then this workshop will be life changing for you.
You will understand the true reason that you have such a hard time taking any time for yourself. And once you understand that, everything else will fall into place like puzzle pieces.
So join me on July 18th at noon EST to Take Back Your Time. Go to momslovecoaching.com/takebackyourtime.
See you there.
In this episode of Self Care From the Inside Out for Moms, we are talking about anxiety and how it can keep you stuck from growing and evolving into the person you want to be.
You'll learn what anxiety is, the true reason you have anxiety and why anxiety is a good thing sometimes. You'll also hear about how to reduce your anxiety.
Join us to learn about living with anxiety.
Learn how to reduce your anxiety here
Learn how to coach with me here
Every day unhappiness causes you to complain, procrastinate, blame, and withdraw from connection. In this episode we bring some tough love about the choices you have when it comes to being unhappy and being around people who are unhappy.
This is our third episode in the June series "Feelings That Keep You Stuck".
And don't miss out on the podcast guide for May's series "How to Get Through Hard Things".
You'll be able to improve your relationships, eliminate your negative thinking, learn resilience, and build a stronger connection with your kids.
Click here to get your free download
And don't forget to visit
Typically confusion doesn't feel good. We are conditioned to think that if we don't know the answer then we should stop trying. We're also conditioned to believe that failure is not an option. So if we don’t know the answer and we risk failure by trying, then we simply stop moving forward.
In this episode we talk about confusion and the surprising up-side it has in our own personal growth.
Also, don't miss out on the free podcast guide that I put together just for you.
This guide is a must have if you want to
Improve your relationships Eliminate your negative thinking Learn resilience Build a stronger connection with your kidsGet the guide here
Learn more about coaching with me here
The month of June is dedicated to Feelings That Keep You Stuck. Fear is at the top of the list. It's the feeling that compels you to stop taking action. To be fair, fear is just trying to keep you safe from danger. The problem is that fear doesn't know the difference between actual danger and just being out of your comfort zone.
In this episode we talk about the different sides of fear and why you don't need to be afraid of it. In fact, without fear there would be no bravery.
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