
  • Today on Sense of Soul host Shanna has an amazing conversation with Gail and Gregory Hoag. This power couple who has been together almost 4 decades has a rare relationship, that is full of consciousness and love. Gregory, scientist and leading expert on Sacred Geometry, along with Gail, artist, business and health consultant, founded Metaforms 30 years ago. They create energetic tools that support people to evolve into higher awareness with Source and Heart consciousness. They are recognized as leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting purpose and clearing electromagnetic interference.

    In a world where challenges often appear insurmountable, where climate change serves as an urgent reminder of a deeper crisis, there exists a beacon of hope—a profound wisdom concealed within the timeless realm of Sacred Geometry.

    📐 Their book Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment beckons both newcomers and seasoned seekers on a vivid voyage into the heart of reality's concealed enigmas. This book is your key to unlocking the secrets vital for our survival and spiritual evolution.

    Visit www.iconnect2all.com

    Learn more about Sense of Soul at www.senseofsoulpodcast.com

  • Today on Sense of Soul we have mother and daughter Kim and Barb, host of the Daughters of the Moon podcast. Their philosophy revolves around the belief in the transformative power of holistic healing. With a deep-rooted commitment to spiritual guidance and insight, together they serve as catalysts for personal growth and self-realization. Their approach encompasses a variety of modalities, including oracle readings, Reiki, and energy clearings, all aimed at nurturing individuals and groups on their journey towards fulfillment and purpose.

    Barb is a reputable psychic intuitive and reiki master. She has been doing spiritual work for well over 50 years. She does oracle readings and mediumship, reiki healing, house clearings, moon ceremonies and together with her daughter Kim Hunter cohost the podcast Daughters of the Moon. Kim is a reputable psychic intuitive and has her level 2 reiki, and hosts a podcast. She also works with essential oils, and creates blends that align with what you need in your life. She loves anything to do with spirituality. She has been doing spiritual work for over 30 years. Both are located in Alberta.

    Founded on the principle of connecting individuals with their highest selves, they strive to empower our clients to unlock their innate potential and manifest their dreams into reality. Through their dedicated practice, they facilitate the exploration of inner landscapes, enabling profound self-awareness and alignment with one's true path in life.

    As seasoned practitioners they bring forth years of experience in oracle readings, Reiki healing, and energy clearings, drawing upon the universal gifts of the cosmos to provide profound healing and guidance. They understand the interconnectedness of all beings and the vital role that spirituality plays in fostering holistic well-being.

    Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper understanding of your life's purpose, Daughters of the Moon invites you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, this fabulous mother and daughter duo will help illuminate the path towards wholeness and empowerment as they harness the boundless wisdom of the Universe.


    [email protected]

    Daughters of the Moon - YouTube

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  • Host Shanna Vavra welcomed Spiritual Teacher, Dr Michael Lennox on Sense of Soul Podcast. He is a psychologist, astrologer, expert in dreams and dream interpretation, podcast host, and the author of several books, including his newest book, Psychic Dreamer: Exploring the Connection Between Dreams and Intuition. He conducts classes on shadow work, self investigation, spiritual practice, and of course, astrology, in a worldwide practice based in Southern California. He is the host of Conscious Embodiment with Dr. Michael Lennox. Where he talks about the astrology of the week and helps listeners decipher their dreams. You can tune in on to his YouTube channel like I do where he shares his expertise and has attracted a global audience and regularly shares his insights including his daily astrological reading segment “Red Robe Astrology”. He has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network’s The Dream Team and has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues including NBC’s Emmy award-winning Starting Over, Soap Talk, The Wayne Brady show and many others. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds. For astrology classes, dream circles, daily astrology and more visit his website: https://michaellennox.com

  • Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have Water Priestess, Witch, Author, Artist, Dancer, Oracle, and Avalonian Annwyn Avalon. She lives in Glastonbury, as the sacred steward of Chalice Orchard, the former home of acclaimed occultist Dion Fortune. Annwyn serves as a keeper at the White Spring, one of Glastonbury’s sacred springs. Annwyn is a Water Priestess and Water Witch with over 10 years of Water Priestess experience and over 15 years of Priestess and Magical experience. She is the founder of Triskele Rose, an Avalonian witchcraft tradition, and the 9 Month Water Magic course, which is the first of its kind covering all types of Water Magic, Witchcraft, and Priestess Practices. She has devoted her life as a Priestess to the path of water, which is expressed through the study and creation of art, witchcraft, temple arts, dance, and water magic. She has a BFA in sculpture and a BA in anthropology and has completed her Reiki Master teacher training and studied herbalism and Middle Eastern folk and esoteric dancing. Annwyn is the author of Water Witchcraft: Magic and Lore from the Celtic Tradition, The Way of the Water Priestess: Entering the World of Water magic, and The Celtic Goddess Grimiore.

    Follow her on Instagram @annwynavalon

    Visit her at www.annwynavalon.comwww.waterpriestess.com www.waterwitchcraft.com www.TriskeleRose.com for more information.

    Learn more about Shanna and Sense of Soul at www.senseofsoulpodcast.com

  • Today on Sense of Soul Podcast I have two amazing souls who mean so much to me, Daniel D. C. Morse and Diana Marie Kelly. Dan is a depth psychotherapist an Gnostic scholar the author of the wonderful book “The Divine Spark Within: Excavating the Mysteries of Sophia and the Deep Christ.”In this book, Daniel Morse, presents a long-lost Creation Story featuring the tragic and heroic Goddess Sophia. According to an ancient portrayal of human origins, this heavenly emissary played a key role in seeding into us a Divine Inner Spark.Diana his life partner also shares his love of Sophia. She has been receiving the initiations and empowerments of Sophia through the prism of Mother Mary and Anna, the grandmother of Jesus even before her own birth. These initiations have led to Diana becoming a voice of the Holy Sophia. She is a loving and conscious mystic, and has been a spiritual healer for 30 years. In addition, Diana is an experienced teacher and speaker as well as a priestess specializing in spiritual preparedness for conception and birth. Diana is a Teacher of the ancient Holy Womb Chakra System and specializes in life-changing emotional healing and Lightbody Activations.Together as a fabulous Divine Masculine and Feminine team, share their love of the Gnostic Holy Sophia. They are on a mission to raising consciousness on the planet and as a guide in helping us to reclaim ourselves as the fully realized Light Beings we are!


    Learn more about Shanna and Sense of Soul www.senseofsoulpodcast.com

    You can watch this episode on Ethereal TV to soon!

  • Today on Sense of Soul we have Rachael Jayne Groover International Speaker, Spiritual Mentor, Expert in Mindfulness & Meditation, Best-Selling Author of Powerful and Feminine and Divine Breadcrumbs. She is also the Founder and CEO of The Awakened School, a program that helps world-changers create their vision through cutting-edge educational experiences.
The fundamental aims of all of Rachael Jayne’s programs and presentations are to accelerate spiritual awakening, presence, lasting peace and to raise global consciousness. She is the creator of the Art of Feminine Presence® and Art of Masculine Presence™ training which has been taught worldwide by herself and more than 300 certified teachers.


    Rachael Jayne’s newest book UNSHAKABLE INNER PEACE Get off the mental and emotional rollercoaster for good!You can get your FREE e-book copy here: https://hubs.li/Q02ksCBJ0
Follow her journey on Social Media and check out her TEDx talk: Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | TEDx

  • Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Dr. Kimberly McGeorge, she is a visionary guide with a profound mission to empower individuals to tap into their innate abilities. She is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal and consciousness expert and the host of The Secret to Everything.

    Dr. Kimberly is a distance energy healer, and an expert in the subjects of: Super soldiers, Milabs, Escaping the Matrix, Psychic Possession, House and Property Clearing, Consciousness, The Paranormal, and Aliens, Scanning client’s and their Animals for health, emotional and spiritual issues, remote viewing, Psychic medium for multiple paranormal teams, and Energy Technology instructor. Internationally renowned, Dr. McGeorge stands as a pioneering consultant and inventor in the field of medical technology, specializing in frequency-based innovations. With a groundbreaking process, she infuses frequencies into various mediums, even images. Among her most sought-after services is the use of advanced technology to comprehensively scan all aspects of your life, including the beliefs and programming that may be impeding your pursuit of your deepest desires.

    Website: https://www.secrettoeverything.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBFieusW8ObSeiGpGMEjNeALinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberly-mcgeorge-nd-cnh-3b679b12/Twitter: https://twitter.com/serenewellness?lang=en


  • Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have, the multi-bestselling author Mark Victor Hansen, best known as the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® book series and brand, setting world records in book sales, with over 500 million books sold. Holding the Guinness World Record for the most books published.

    Mark also worked his way into a worldwide spotlight as a sought-after keynote speaker, and entrepreneurial marketing maven, creating a stream of successful people who have created massive success for themselves through Mark’s unique teachings and wisdom. With his endearing charismatic style, Mark captures his audience’s attention as well as their hearts. Having spoken to thousands of audiences world-wide with his one-of-a-kind technique and masterful authority of his work. Time and again he continues to receive high accolades from his audiences as one of the most dynamic and compelling speakers and leaders in the world. Now, with the Mark Victor Hansen Library, Mark is sharing his storytelling success with authors from around the globe.



    You can watch this episode coming on on the Ethereal Network his summer!


  • Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have author Sally Patton, Ed.M. Child Development advocate who worked for children with special needs for over 35 years. Between 2002 and 2013, she wrote about and conducted Involve workshops on ministering to children with special needs labels in faith communities and on spiritual parenting of atypical children.

    Sally expanded her spiritual awareness through a deep contemplative practice involving nondual mystical texts and teachings about our truth as divine beings inhabiting physical bodies for the purpose of embodying compassionate consciousness. She now writes, consults and conducts workshops on women's spiritual and transformational journey to reclaim our divine feminine essence in order to dissolve and heal lifetimes and decades of patriarchal conditioning.

    In this episode she share’s the journey behind her new book, Life Is a Song of Love, where she draws upon channeled non-dual teachings from Yeshua and Mother Mary, combined with a variety of teachings from many faith traditions and spiritual paths, to answer a unique call to be an emissary of Divine Feminine Compassionate Consciousness. The Holy Mother has returned to heal into wholeness the division between feminine and masculine energies, necessary to end thousands of years of patriarchal domination. Sally helps women wake to the strength of the Mother within, embracing the sacredness of all life on Mother Earth.

    Visit her website: www.embracechildspirit.org

Book link: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/o-books/our-books/life-song-love-womans-spiritual-journey

    Follow her journey: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068708693319

    Learn more about Sense of Soul Podcast: https://www.senseofsoulpodcast.com

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  • Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have, William Wilson Quinn earned the M.A. from the University of Chicago Divinity School and thereafter the Ph.D. from that University in the philosophia perennis. He later earned a J.D. degree. In the 1970s, he was employed by the Theosophical Society, which he joined in 1969, where he was Editor of Quest magazine and Associate Editor of the Theosophical Publishing House. Since 1971 he has published scores of articles and four books, including The Only
Tradition and The Chela’s Handbook. He is joining us to tell us about his recent book, The Higher Spiritual Path. This book is predicated on the immemorial core or "first" principles of the universal perennial philosophy, which finds expression from Lao Tzu to Ramana Maharshi in the East and from Pythagoras to René Guénon and Ananda K. Coomaraswamy in the West, The Higher Spiritual Path details how those on the higher spiritual path must address and master its requirements. This book is as practical as it is philosophical -- or theosophical -- since it is based on the specifics of “sacred science,” or spiritual science, an inextricable component of the perennial philosophy. Many of the requirements of the higher spiritual path are based on the truths of this ancient spiritual science, formulated over millennia by jivanmukti, or liberated beings, who serve as the teachers of those currently engaged in treading this hieratic path. The goals of ascending this path are the loftiest; the hierarchical order of its spiritual teachers is the holiest; and the totality of its evolutionary and compassionate purpose is the most sacred.

    You can order his book here and learn more here:https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/o-books/authors/william-quinn

    To learn more about the Theosophical Society, the organizational body of Theosophy, an esoteric new religious movement. It was founded in New York City, U.S. in 1875. Among its founders were Helena Blavatsky, a Russian mystic and the principal thinker of the Theosophy movement. Visit https://www.theosophical.org


  • Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have Stephen Palmer, he is the author of twenty genre novels, numerous narrative nonfiction and fiction books, published by various publishers since 1996. His most recent directions are into music books, and anthropology/psychology with his critically lauded work 'I Am Taurus.' His fiction has been in the fields of steampunk, SF, and near-future AI novels. The constellation we know as Taurus goes all the way back to cave paintings of aurochs at Lascaux. In I Am Taurus, author Stephen Palmer traces the story of the bull in the sky, starting from that point 19,000 years ago - a journey through the history of what has become known as the sacred bull. Each of the eleven sections is written from the perspective of the mythical Taurus, from the beginning at Lascaux to Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Spain and elsewhere. This is not just a history of the bull but also an attempt to see ourselves through the eyes of the bull, illustrating our pre-literate use of myth, how the advent of writing and the urban revolution changed our view of ourselves, and how even the most modern of rituals - bullfighting in Spain - is a variation on the ancient sacrifice of the sacred bull.His main area of interest is the evolution of consciousness, about which he writes on his Substack. A materialist, he emphasises the evolutionary description of our minds and of the human condition itself.

    You can find him via his Substack, his blog at stephenpalmer.co.uk, or via his Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063669513509&__n=K


  • Today on Sense of Soul we have Letao Wang, an accomplished astrologist and tarot specialist, is the founder and spiritual counselor of the Healing Kingdom. Since 2015, he has served clients both in his local city of Hong Kong and internationally, offering insights through astrology, tarot, and numerology readings. Alongside this, he pens the astrology column for the well-known Hong Kong Living Magazine.Today he joined us to share his epic journey of understanding, strength, and ancient wisdom through his new deck, Oracle of the Mythic Heroes. Following each myth in the guidebook are real-life examples from the author’s spiritual counselling sessions and an exploration of the card’s teaching, helping you to interpret and apply the heroes’ historical lessons to your own life. Supplemental information such as the astrological planet, decan, and crystal are also included to give you more insight into each hero’s divine message.The beauty of this deck is how it moves beyond the worship of deities and offers a more humanistic approach to interpreting the guidance of the ancient realm. Take this as an invitation to expand your divination practice with Oracle of the Mythic Heroes and strengthen your connection to your inner hero or heroine.



  • Today on Sense of Soul we have Mike Fiorito he is a freelance journalist, and author. Mike joined us last year to tell us about his book Mescalito Riding His White Horse, which received the 2024 Independent Press Distinguished Favorite Award in Spirituality. Today he is sharing his latest book UFO themed science-fiction novel For All We Know: A UFO Manifesto published in May 2024, a literary excursion into the lived experience of the UFO phenomenon, interwoven into a tapestry of music, psychedelics and the flux-and-flow of everyday life. Written from the first-perspective the book provides the reader with a biographical snapshot of the processes by which anomalous experiences are perceived, processed and incorporated into a personal perspective on the cosmos and the human condition.

    Check out his website and follow his journey on IG!



  • Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have Mary Hillebrand, she has studied and practiced in the Plum Village tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh since 2001, participating in sanghas in Washington, DC, and Madison, Wisconsin. Formerly a magazine editor and writer, Mary is now a teacher and enjoys teaching mindfulness to her high school and adult students and sharing her practice with other educators.

    In this episode Mary tell us about her book, Tears Become Rain, Stories of Transformation and Healing Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh. In Tears Become Rain, Mary along with Jeanine Cogan share a collection of 32 mindfulness practitioners around the world reflect on encountering the extraordinary teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed away in January 2002. The stories encapsulate the benefits of mindfulness practice through the experiences of ordinary people from 16 countries around the world. Some of the contributors were direct students of Thich Nhat Hanh for decades and are meditation teachers in their own right, while others are relatively new on the path.



  • Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Marni Battista she is CEO and founder of the Institute for Living Courageously, Marni has cultivated a research-based, personalized, and holistic system that inspires ambitious women to shed self-imposed limitations, nurture authenticity, and live life on their own terms. She is adept at identifying and resolving thought and behavior patterns that thwart success in a collection of personal and professional spaces. Most of Marni’s clients have been coaching with her for 5 years plus—a testament to the dramatic results her methods offer. Her new book, Your Radical Living Challenge: 7 Questions for a Meaningful Life will be published by Hay House in January 2025 and probes new ways to enrich happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction via a unique self-assessment approach that meshes both spiritual and Judaic frameworks universalized to empower all clients to draw from the roots of their fundamental nature. She is the podcast of Life Check Yourself, where weekly you’ll get the raw truth from top experts and real people on the important life and love issues you want to know about.

    https://instituteforlivingcourageously.com/https://datingwithdignity.com Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marnibattista/Instagram: @marnibattista_TikTok: @marnibattista


  • Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Spiritual Teacher, Dr. Michael Lennox he is a psychologist, astrologer, expert in dreams and dream interpretation, podcast host, and the author of several books, including his newest book, Psychic Dreamer: Exploring the Connection Between Dreams and Intuition.He conducts classes on shadow work, self investigation, spiritual practice, and of course, astrology, in a worldwide practice based in Southern California. He is the host of Conscious Embodiment where he talks about the astrology of the week and helps listeners decipher their dreams. You can also tune in on to his YouTube channel like I do where he shares his expertise and has attracted a global audience, regularly sharing his insights including his daily astrological reading segment “Red Robe Astrology”. Dr. Michael has been seen internationally on many television shows, beginning with the Sci Fi Network’s The Dream Team and has also been featured on numerous network and cable television venues including NBC’s Emmy award-winning Starting Over, Soap Talk, The Wayne Brady show and many others. His radio appearances talking about the power of dreams number in the hundreds.

    For astrology classes, dream circles, daily astrology and more visit his website: https://michaellennox.com

  • Today on Sense of Soul we have, Heather Lee Strom she is an author and galactic canine channeler. She is joining us today to share her journey of discovering her psychic gifts and channeling ability, as well as how she helps guide others on their path to healing and enlightenment. Heather Lee connects with high vibrational energies and galactic guides that offer healing to humanity. She discovered her psychic channeling gifts unexpectedly while writing her book: K9 Spirit Guides: The Healing Power of Man’s Best Friend, where she reveals that these unique spiritual energies are here to guide us on OUR journeys of healing, growth, wisdom, transformation, spiritual evolution and ascendency.

    Visit https://heatherleighstrom.com for private healing sessions, mentoring with the K9 guides, and events.

    Learn more about K9 spirit guideshttps://www.k9spiritguides.com/

    Learn more about Sense of Soul Podcast: https://www.senseofsoulpodcast.com

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  • Today on Sense of Soul we have the talented Mark Pinkus. He has been composing at the piano and performing for 57 years, his music is a reflection of his love for nature, love and relationships, moods, travel and his quest for peace and tranquillity. Mark practices and teaches Qi Gong daily and has been a student of prior guest on Sense of Soul Lee Holden internationally celebrated Qi Gong master.

    Mark's music plays around the world on new age radio stations, online internet programs, and satellite programs. Mark's CDs were distributed by the label Avalon/Solitudes in 45 countries and by Polygram and Universal Music, Canada. His album Feeling Right At Home won the award for Best Original Solo Piano Album at the EPR music awards held in September 2017 at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. Mark also writes books and composes music for documentaries.

    Last year he released his 17th solo piano album Walls I Left Behind which is now available on the international market and is working on the next album to be released this year.

    You can hear his music at www.soundcloud.com/markpinkus

    Visit his website at www.markpinkus.com

  • Today on Sense of Soul podcast we have back Phill Webster he is a writer, actor, a knowledgeable confident speaker and spiritual teacher. After living abroad for 20 years, he returned to the UK and ventured into acting. He has since gone on to appear in movies alongside Sylvester Stallone, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Elle Fanning, among others.

    Last year Phill came on Sense of Soul to share his book Letting Glow which was his first book, and a profoundly personal account of grief after losing his mother in 2021. Phill realised that he had been dismissing spiritual calls to action his entire life.

    Phill has trained with Indigenous Shamans from North and South America, as well as world-renowned mediums such as James Van Praagh, Gordon Smith, and Claire Broad. Phill has also studied Female Spirituality In The Middle Ages at the University of Barcelona, and is a trained meditation teacher as well as a personal trainer.

    He joined me again to share his newest book Glowing Deeper, from ancient teachings of indigenous shamans to Celtic folklore, right up to modern-day mediumship, he expands on the teachings of his first book Letting Glow and takes a practical approach to demystifying the mystical, enabling us to implement ancient esoteric truths in our daily lives.



    Learn more about Sense of Soul at www.senseofsoulpodcast.com

  • This episode contains content that may be alarming to some listeners. Please read the show notes for more detailed descriptions and take care of yourself. Content Warnings: Mentions of Mental Illness, Death, Suicide and Sexual Assault. This episode is informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

    Today on Sense of Soul Podcast we have Gina Cavalier, she is a Inspirational Speaker, Clairvoyant Healer, Mental Health Advocate, Author, Filmmaker, Artist, and Spiritual Teacher. Gina has secured two publishing deals, with her first book as a co-author and illustrator of the upcoming release, Surviving Suicidal Ideation - From Therapy to Spirituality, and the Lived Experience, available for pre-sale now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

    She is the founder of The Liberated Healer, which is a wellness brand that culls various health and healing resources is also the host of The Liberated Healer Podcast, where she aims to dive deeper into traditional and alternative methods of healing for the mind, body, spirit, and soul.

    Visit Gina’s website:https://www.theliberatedhealer.com