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*When did the Galus begin?*
*Shimon the Miser*
*The Technician who stole an Iphone*
*The nature of tears*
*The Chasid who masterminded the Yom Kippur war*
*Breaking into a car saving a life*
¿Faltan episodios?
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*Yosef happy he forgot his learning?*
*The Doctor's secret charm*
*Heating up donuts with your menorah*
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*Yaakov sending Yosef to his brothers*
*Chasam Sofer's love for a mitzvah*
*Lighitng on time with wax candle vs oil later*
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*The "disproportionate" response of Shimon and Levi"
*A kiddush Hashem from a Chasidic Doctor*
*first candle goes out while you are still lighting the 4th*
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*Is the goal to sacrifice for Avodas Hashem?*
*The Pickpocket from the Gulag*
*Lighting Menorah before Mariv at a wedding*
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*Impact of early life experiences*
*Living in the Gulag*
*Pacing too much in a rental*
*A Double Life*
*Eichmann's Bodyguard*
*Destroying 1 of 2 expensive collectors items*
*Why hide intentions for sodom from Avraham?*
*The bereaved wife giving chizuk*
*Who gets the house as a yerusha?*
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*The extra "reish" in Avrahams name*
*Soldiers guns firing*
*Arab sold Jewish farmers fruits"
*Living in 2 different generations*
*Rav Aryeh Levin's respect for a child*
*Taking Tzedaka from a Non Jew*
In memory of all those who lost their lives and in the zechus of all soldiers staying safe
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*Why would Hashem need to see if his creation was good?*
*Simchas Torah a few days late*
*Can an interrogator make a deal and not honor his side?*
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*Why Lein about the sons of Aharon on Yom Kippur?*
*Rav Chaim rejecting an offer for funds*
*New bracha every time you eat on Yom Kippur?*
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*Keep your Mitzvos Hidden*
*The Shady Real Estate Deal*
*Finding Money in a coat from the Gemach*
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*Blessed are you in the city and in the Field*
*Rav Shneur Kotler fundraising from a miser*
*Bringing tefillin with you if you know it will be destroyed*
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*A fight between 2 sides*
*A double wedding hall*
*Wearing his wifes ring*
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*The King's Sefer Torah*
*Chesed with Wisdom*
*Eating milk after meat for shalom bayis*
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*Never Alone*
*Where is the Bar Mitzvah boy?*
*Can the secretary order Non Kosher for her boss?*
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*The Clothes didn't wear out*
*Rav Schwab stuck in a wheelchair*
*Boroowed a car that had no insurance and it got stolen*
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*Love Hashem with your Yetzer Tov and Yetzer Hara*
*The survivor who went to Yeshiva*
*Breaking Shabbos for someone who's life is not in danger*
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