SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Lyft Is Offering Free Rides To Job Interview – It’s part of a $50 million annual commitment Lyft announced when it went public earlier this year. Checking In with the Goals You Set for 2019 How’s your progress for the year? Did you get stuck with your goals in 2019 Resetting your goals for 2020 Add more goals if you were too considerate HOW DID WE END UP FIGHTING AT THE BEACH? UNSOLICITED ADVICE Step mom sent 13 year old step daughter a text message that now has her and her husband disagreeing on how to deal with a the girl in THEIR house. Was she out of line for the text message? SH*T TAAALK I got suckered into a sleepover by Ayannah and then you wont believe what the other child did (or actually what she DID NOT do) Thank you to our sponsors this week BLUE CHEW – Visit BlueChew.com and get your first shipment FREE when use our special promo code 30— Just pay $5 shipping. AUDIBLE – get a FREE audiobook download and 30 day free trial at www.audibletrial.com/SHITIM30. Over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player.
New BONUS Exclusive Episode on Patreon all about Procrastination now LIVE…you can access this and all previous exclusive episodes and posts at www.patreon.com/shitim30 SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Student IDs list phone sex number instead of suicide hotline Carolyn Toney The feelings and reaction to finding out you are herpes positive. Different Types of Herpes How to communicate to others your status Living a polygamous lifestyle Experiences in Sex Clubs and being open about STD Status Dealing with friendships and your status UNSOLICITED ADVICE Woman wants to know how to date a man that has mutual friends and how to open up about herpes status fearing that her friends will find out. SH*T Talk How to properly approach me through DM’s or emails for business purposes! GROW UP AND BE PROFESSIONAL! IDEA TO LAUNCH PODCAST INTENSIVE COURSE beings November 11th! If you have any questions please email me hello@carlawilmaris.com visit ideatolaunchpodcast.teachable.com
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This week we are joined by the beautiful @leticiamariegardner! We take the conversation deep and talk about her marriage from where they started to where they are now equally yolked. Leticia opens up about her blended family and how her and her husband make their unique and special family work. Everything that glitters isnt gold, but they have their ways of making their marriage work and she gives us great tips and amazing books she has read that we should also read AND SO MUCH MORE! To get any of the books we talked about on the show FREE with your audible trial go to www.audibletrial.com/shitim30 for your FREE Book and 30 day trial. For more exclusive BONUS episodes you can join our Patreon community and get 2 exclusive episodes a month. www.patreon.com/shitim30 If you are interested in joining the Idea To Launch Podcast Course https://ideatolaunchpodcast.teachable.com you can also email me at hello@carlawilmaris.com if you have any questions. Follow us on social media @carlawilmaris @shitim30podcast
SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Woman, 24, shot dead after ‘using loaded gun for arousal in sex game gone wrong’ Lex & Drea Who is Garfield? & Why is she so fat? The Rules of sending nudes and videos. Older men or younger men? What do we prefer. Traveling on a Budget..PENNY FLIGHTS! UNSOLICITED ADVICE Newly Single and I Don’t Know If I’ll Find Love She dated the same man for most of her 20’s and now is terrified that the pool of men left is trash! SH*T TAAALK Airplane exit etiquette…try me again if you want to! Follow us @carlawilmaris @lex_p @dreanicoleee www.Patreon.com/ShitIm30 – UNLOCK THE FULL BONUS EPISODE “ Making Friends as an Adult” feat. Jena GET YOUR SH*T IM 30 MERCH @ WWW.SHITIM30.COM AND CLICK ON”MERCH” Today’s show is brought to you by AUDIBLE get your FREE 30 day trial and FREE audiobook today www.audibletrial.com/shitim30
We are joined this week by Ryan Plaza @rs_plaza the host of The NewRich Podcast SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Why Collaborating With Your Competition Can Be A Great Idea https://www.forbes.com/sites/briannegarrett/2019/09/19/why-collaborating-with-your-competition-can-be-a-great-idea/#7d6c35aadf86 Ryan Plaza : The Pursuit Of Success Living in your purpose Starting a business & investing in other businesses Bringing your community to the table of greatness How to reach out to get your desired mentor UNSOLICITED ADVICE DO WE OWE OUR FAMILY ANYTHING? Woman raised younger half brother alone and struggled to do so, but now that he received a large inheritance he is not paying back or helping sister. SH*T TAAALK Stacey Dash – my opinion on her now being labeled everything she denounced, specially “an angry black woman” Follow us @carlawilmaris @shitim30podcast GET YOUR SH*T IM 30 MERCH @ WWW.SHITIM30.COM AND CLICK ON”MERCH” Today’s show is brought to you by AUDIBLE get your FREE 30 day trial and FREE audiobook today www.audibletrial.com/shitim30
Join us today on Patreon for Exclusive Bonus Content! When you join you will also unlock all previous episodes and receive 30% off all merch! www.patreon.com/shitim30 SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Former NFL Star Larry Johnson’s Latest Dig At Megan Thee Stallion Is Reeking Of Toxic Masculinity https://blavity.com/former-nfl-star-larry-johnsons-latest-dig-at-megan-thee-stallion-is-wreaking-of-toxic-masculinity?category1=news People say he has a serious case of CTE….his tweets are worshiping satan. Mac Miller’s Death Leads to Drug Charge Against California Man https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/04/us/mac-miller-death-arrest.html GIRL TAAALK feat Dexty! If your partner has a female friend is it ok for him to help her with a bill here and there? When do you think it’s the right time to give bae a key to your house? According to a report men with wives with low libido are paying their wives as an incentive to want to have more sex. Would you be ok with getting paid by your HUSBAND/Life partner? H&M ad controversy UNSOLICITED ADVICE If you have a situation you would like for us totalk about on the show or advice. Send an email to shitim30podcast@gmail.com so we can read yours next. I am a professionalwith my advice and opinions! I Think I need to cheat on my fiancé, I feel trapped. SH*T TAAALK Bitter Baby Mamas that keep their children away from the fathers. Get Your FREE audiobook with and 30 day Audible Trial at www.audibletrial.com/shitim30
THIS WEEK CARLA IS JOINED BY MANDII B OF WHOREIBLE DECISIONS! ENJOY! Join us now on Patreon for Exclusive Bonus Content and a more indepth episode regarding the recent change of the show! When you join you will also unlock all previous episodes and receive 30% off all merch! www.patreon.com/shitim30 SHIT YOU SHOULD KNOW Panel approves ban on sale of flavored e-cigs in New York https://www.apnews.com/7bc6b75760624644afc97383aea4247b BEING TOO OPINIONATED with Mandii B 5 Challenges and stereotypes of being an opinionated woman (the first one being “You’re a Bitch”) Although Mandii and Carla are both very opinionated they talk about their main difference in dealing with others’ opinions We find reasons why it pays off to be opinionated (We all admire opinionated people!) UNSOLICITED ADVICE I’m the other woman! We help a woman figure out if she should stay in a relationship now that she knows she is the other woman. SH*T TAAALK CARLA: Drove all the way to the other side of town for boxing and didnt even get to box. Find out why. MANDII: I am tired of men! I am done dating! (Do you guys believe her?) MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE! Get Your “SH*T I’M 30” hoodies for the fall. https://teespring.com/stores/sht-im-30-podcast Follow us on social media @carlawilmaris @fullcourtpumps @shitim30podcast
SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Felicity Huffman gains favorable probation report in college admissions conviction Brooke Skylar Richardson walks free on probation in daughter’s death DATING 101 How long does the talking period last during cuffing season? Do you think a relationship can last if youre in love but no physical attraction? Would you be ok with you parent dating someone that is the same age as you? How long do you date before bringing your boo to meet your family? Is it a turn off that someone is constantly on their phone while they’re with you? UNSOLICITED ADVICE Fuck Buddy or My Almost Perfect Boyfriend SH*T TAAALK If this dog runs away ONE MORE TIME!!!
Join us on Patreon you will able to contribute and help us make more and better episodes. In return you can unlock exclusive content and personal stories, receive a discount on our podcast merch, and monthly Q&A Live Streams. WWW.PATREON.COM/SHITIM30 SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Oregon bill would allow victims of racially motivated 911 calls to sue https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/news/politics/2019/06/04/oregon-bill-would-allow-victims-racially-motivated-911-calls-sue/1337547001 CUFFING SEASON Cuffing season is the time of the year, usually between Oct-March where people feel the urge to be coupled up. Is cuffing season even a real thing? Carla & Anthony seem to be in the draft of the season Tips to not let cuffing season distract you from your personal goals How do you know if you found “the one” that will make it through cuffing season? UNSOLICITED ADVICE Being months away from the 30th birthday and wanting to know if she should pursue her passion in the entertainment industry again and how to financially go about it. SH*T TAAALK Shit Talk Little Nas X on the Shop Diversity and Inclusion Malik Yoba hits back at claims that he solicited young trans teen for sex
By joining us on Patreon you will able to contribute and help us make more and better episodes. In return you can unlock exclusive content and personal stories, receive discount on our podcast merch, and monthly Q&A Live Streams. WWW.PATREON.COM/SHITIM30 SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW MDMA ( Ecstasy/ Molly) has been shown to help treat Mental ailments Such as PTSD, Social Anxiety, Depression and Alcohol addiction accompanied with psychotherapy. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/4-conditions-that-ecstasy-may-help-treat#1 LIVING WITH ANXIETY & DEPRESSION While Carla deals with severe anxiety and Anthony with depression, both hosts this week dive into how they deal and cope with their mental health and how it affects them on a daily basis. How the disorders have affected their personal lives. Triggers that can cause an anxiety attack or cause depression. Their personal coping skills to keep going every single day. UNSOLICITED ADVICE My bf broke up with me but still thinks we are going on a vacation I paid for! SH*T TAAALK! Dave Chappell: Stick and Stone on LGB(T) issues Follow us on social media @carlawilmaris @tony_the_realtor @shitim30podcast www.shitim30.com
EPISODE NOTES Shit you should know Fires are devouring the Amazon. And Jair Bolsonaro is to blame As the world watches in horror and terror as the Amazon burns, scientists have made clear that the cause, principally if not entirely, is human activity. DEALING WITH DEATH You become a different person You reform yourself Life before life after Maturity How does the rest of the family react to death in the family? Death of a friend. UNSOLICITED ADVICE Her name is Chasity and me and her known each other from high school and we even graduated in the same year of 2006 and were dates to our senior prom. One of the thangs we both had in common was that we were born with a disability and ailment that would alter our lives forever. Sh*t TAAALLLKKKK – Power -Popeyes Chicken Sandwiches
Shit You Should Know Donald Trump Proposes Mental Institutions As A Solution To Mass Shootings https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/16/trump-pushing-mental-health-facilities-after-shootings/2029157001/ Body Count & Boundaries in Relationships Blueface claims he has slept with 1000 women in 6 months Do we know our body count? Little Black Book? Famous Celebs and their Body Count Does your partner need to know your body count? Privacy and Boundaries in relationships. Unsolicited Advice My husband and I have custody of my 16-year-old sister for two years. My sister identifies as bisexual and since we have had custody, she’s had a boyfriend who was also bi and now has a girlfriend. What would you think I should do to let her feel like I support her choices? Sh*t Talk JayZ Roc Nation partners with NFL – entertainment and social awareness partnership “We are past kneeling, now let’s address injustice” Don’t Call Anthony if you’re not buying or selling a house! Thank you to this week’s Sponsor Audible – Get your free audiobook today at www.audible.com/Carla30 or text Carla30 to 500-500
SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW House Homeland Security Chair Lashes ICE Boss For Children Left Abandoned By Raids https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bernie-thompson-homeland-security-committee-matthew-albence-raids-immigrants-abandoned-children_n_5d4e475fe4b0fc06ace81b2f Authorities hailed Wednesday’s sweep at food processing plants in six cities as a record-setting operation. At least 680 undocumented immigrants were detained. IMPOSTOR SYNDROME a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. The Perfectionist The Superwoman/man The Natural Genius The Soloist The Expert https://www.themuse.com/advice/5-different-types-of-imposter-syndrome-and-5-ways-to-battle-each-one https://www.forbes.com/sites/margiewarrell/2014/04/03/impostor-syndrome/#6e60cab248a9 Nicki Minaj Queen Radio interview ‘Anthony vs Carla’ UNSOLICITED ADVICE Dating isn’t easy. I’ve definitely got stories to tell the grandkids. SH*T TAAALK Carla saying the N- Word Praytell and Ricky sex scene on Pose Season 2 episode 8 Join Patreon Today to get Exclusive Bonus Episodes and become a producer of one of our shows. www.patreon.com/ShitIm30 Thank you to our Sponsor Daily Harvest – is the easiest, most delicious way to load up on fruits and vegetables first thing in the morning, before bed, and any time in between! Go to www.daily-harvest.com and enter promo code CARLA30 to get three cups FREE in your first box!
Become a Patron Today to Unlock all Exclusive Bonus Content and Full Episodes www.patreon.com/shitim30 Shit You Should Know Trump promises Cincinnati rally that US will end AIDS epidemic and find a cure for childhood cancer ‘very shortly’ https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-cincinnati-promises-cure-cancer-and-aids-very-shortly-2019-8 Anthony & Carla finally get to give an update on their summer & this is the last episode that Carla will be in NYC for. Emotional Triggers What are triggers? What triggers you specifically? How do you cope with YOUR triggers? Triggers vd Pet Peeves UNSOLICITED ADVICE BOTCHED PLASTIC SURGERY INSECURITIES – How do you tell him about my botched boobs? THINKING OF MAKING MY MARRIAGE AN OPEN ONE – After 13 years we are trying to have a fully open marriage but Tinder isnt working. SH*T TAAALK -Euphoria -Carissa Pinkston https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tanyachen/carissa-pinkston-model-transgender-comments-responsibility Follow us on social media @carlawilmaris @tony_the_realtor @shitim30podcast
SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW Pharrell Surprises 114 College Bound Harlem High School Graduates With Internships During Graduation Speech http://blavity.com/pharrell-surprises-114-college-bound-harlem-high-school-graduates-with-internships-during-graduation-speech Entrepreneurship with Dave Anderson Is Entrepreneurship Truly for everyone? When is the right time to take the leap to start a business? Business Copycats How to do Social Media Properly Starting over after building a brand Fake it to you make it? UNSOLICITED ADVICE So, my bf’s brother moved here from out of state and needed somewhere to stay “until he got on his feet.” I wasn’t totally for it but I gave my bf a strict 3-month timeframe. He needs to have a job and be moving out within 3 months, period. I don’t mind helping out family but he needs to know that he can’t overstay his welcome. SH*T TAAALK Anthony- Cats in the Bodega Carla- Sick and Tired of Weekend Trains YOU CAN UNLOCK & LISTEN TO MORE EXCLUSIVE FULL BONUS EPISODES TODAY BY BECOMING A PATRON www.patreon.com/shitim30 IDEA TO LAUNCH – If you are thinking of starting your own podcast and need guidance getting it off the ground from Idea to Launch or have already started your show and want to get all the inside information on how to grow your podcast. Schedule your One-On-One Consultation today with Carla Wilmaris where she will teach you how she reached over 100K downloads in less than a year and sold out a Live Show with 100 people in a small market in 7 months. BOOK NOW www.carlawilmaris.com/consultation BERTRAM ESTATES- If you or anyone you know are looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate in the Central Florida Area give Anthony Bertram a call 407.580.0208 or email at anthony@bertramestates.com. You can also catch his Real Estate Gem Drops here https://www.instagram.com/tony_the_realtor/ FOLLOW US https://www.instagram.com/carlawilmaris/ https://www.instagram.com/tony_the_realtor/ https://www.instagram.com/shitim30podcast/
SH*T YOU SHOULD KNOW A Woman Shamed A Homeless McDonald’s Employee Sleeping In The Restaurant And It Yielded An Outpouring Of Donations This week lets get back to the basics with Carla & Anthony. Catch up on their week together in NYC, all the parties they went to and some of their current fears and how they are overcoming them. UNSOLICITED ADVICE Is she cursed and will never find a partner? Join Patreon Today to get Exclusive Bonus Episodes and become a producer of one of our shows. www.patreon.com/ShitIm30 Thank you to our Sponsor Daily Harvest – is the easiest, most delicious way to load up on fruits and vegetables first thing in the morning, before bed, and any time in between! Go to www.daily-harvest.com and enter promo code CARLA30 to get three cups FREE in your first box!
For more Exclusive Full Bonus Episodes become a Patron today. www.patreon.com/shitim30 Shit You Should Know Afro-Latina Trans Women Layleen Palonco Xtravaganza died on Rikers Island in New York City on June 7th Living as a Trans Women of Color Our Special guest Nala Simone shares her experience being 1st generation American Carribean Transwomen Her childhood believing she was a gay a man Her first encounter with the trans community Coming out to her family as Nala Dating while trans Explaining how the trans experience is different for everyone UNSOLICITED ADVICE How do I tell my family that I have a Boyfriend and a Husband and that we all live together? SH*T TAAALK Anthony- Having sex in your friend’s bed Carla- Hot Girl Summer gone wrong Thank you to our sponsor Audible For a limited time, you can start an Audible membership and save 66% on your first 3 months–a total of $30 off. That’s like getting 3 months for the price of one. You’ll pay just $4.95 per month for the first 3 months. After that, it’s only $14.95 per month. Offer is valid from 7/1/19 through 7/31/19 Visit www.audible.com/CARLA30 or text CARLA30 to 500 500 to get started today.
Enjoy a portion of the new Patreon Episode. If you want to listen to the full episode join us on and BECOME A PATRON today! www.patreon.com/shitim30
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