A new season is upon us! What is a mother to do when no one is home? Nap? Probably considering she stays up after her kids go to bed to create a podcast.
Dusting off the auto files and bringing back the best momcast-podcast there is! An exciting new podcast episode that never made it to your speakers. Please sit back, relax and remember that at the end of the day, Darlin, all we want are happy, healthy kids. ;)
¿Faltan episodios?
JoJo goes missing
Even the simple pets might not be so simple!
School is out for the summer! We made a bucket list and have already taken our first trip! :) Where did we go? What did we do? Did anyone fall and get a boo boo? Who knows?! J/k someone did falla nd get a booboo. lol (she is fine)
This episode I discuss the most well known pickup line in all of parenthood...The School pick up line. There might be a little cooking gem hidden in there too. ;)
This episode you find out which might have been the better child out of my sister and I. You also get a possible secret to parenting.
This episode focuses on lies and how they can effect children. Nothing too extreme, don't worry.
What happens to all the nice new things the adults get in the house? You guessed it! KIDS. Kids happen. Find out how a new Christmas gift was welcomed into the Nix home.
Do you have an elf? If you don't that's ok. If you do, then...don't worry I totally won't make fun of you if you forget to move it. haha (No, really. I won't)
In this episode I discuss why the long break in episodes, the problem with door to door trick or treating, and if you should prank your children on this spooky holiday or not. I hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween.
In this episode I discuss what most parents are currently faced with the question of sending their kids to school or doing distance learning...The year 2020 has brought a lot of questions. But for parents...This might be the hardest.
Contact me at: Shhhmykidsareasleep@gmail.com