the unproductive internship - three months stuck in a place where no one was able to communicate - the return back home at empty hands. BUT the realisation of more extensive lessons learned and skills gained.
These are just some of the topics we explored with Joana Lucas.
'You cannot control all the factors when you move abroad, like the environment, food, language, the culture. You may not be ready, but it is not your fault. It’s unlikely to be 100% ready. Don’t worry. This will be an opportunity to develop your resilience.' Joana says.
'Don’t focus on the expectation that you had. Face the present and be in the here and now - so that you can make the most of it. I hoped to blend thoroughly into the culture I wanted to be in this place entirely. Thanks to this intention, I am in love with London.' I have shared
Visiting the family back home can be complicated; we can feel isolated, judged and not understood. In this episode, I share the DOs and DON'Ts to have a great time back home the how to have heart-to-heart dialogues with our beloved ones even if we seem so distant now. Behave as if it is the last time you see them: this is the secret for a resentment-free, frustration-free home visit.
You can hear the myths behind life abroad and the limited visibility of how challenging it could be.
In the last part of the episode, you will hear some thoughts about money, financial security in the long term.. Have you ever heard that rumbling about savings, pensions and passive income..? Well, it's nothing like that!
PS. In this episode, we also have an intruder: at minute 5.40, a screaming Italian mama makes a scene.
The interesting point is that we, expats, left the house, moved abroad, and are entering our family's routine when we visit home.
Therefore, we need to adjust, or incidents like my episode's interruption could occur.
Last but not least, I have shared a bit about the incredible Life-Reset event planned in September. It is a triple-aim event: Reset-Realign-Restart
Early birds tickets are about to finish but still available. Get in touch to know more about it!
IG: adele_thecoach
Linkedin: Adele Testa
¿Faltan episodios?
Growth hacking, relationship with failure and blame, a career across several countries, the personal and professional journey in becoming an entrepreneur: These topics are just the starter of this Shine Abroad Episode.
If you realise that failure means learning and learning means growth. Therefore, the only way to grow is by failing.
With growth, we intend professional and personal development.
Growth is embedded when we take time to process what happened, via journaling or writing.
Resources mentioned:
- Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing and Advertising (English edition) by Ryan Holiday
- L'arte della pazienza: Come essere perseverante in un mondo frenetico (Italian Edition) by Raffaele Gaito
- Growth Hacker: Mindset e strumenti per far crescere il tuo business (Italian Edition) by Raffaele Gaito
- Growth Hacking Mindset: Non esiste innovazione senza sperimentazione (Italian Edition) by Raffaele Gaito
Academy and courses in growth hacking
- Growth Program, Academy with Raffaele Gaito https://www.raffaelegaito.com/growth-program/
- Online courses are available
- Valid offline courses are in Amsterdam and London
If you want to know about it - get in touch with Raffaele Gaito on Linkedin, or on Instagram with @duplikey
Giving birth abroad could be intimidating, giving birth abroad during the pandemic with no family around (but the partner) is scary.
Yana shared her experience in giving birth in June 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic in UK, when we were not used to the 'new normal'.
With a bit irony and deep gratitude for being in the UK, the voice a new mum will make you see things in a different perspective.Get in touch
IG: adele_thecoach
website: www.adeletesta.com
linkedin: Adele Testa
How to feel better with yourself through the way we show up and the others’ perception about us - being a mompreneur - the courage of being ourselves instead of fitting image metrics given by society.
In a nutshell, we have spoken about personal style for real people with real body. This episode is a source of hope, courage and strength for any person who feels that the reality around does not fit with them (or viceversa) and that are looking for clarity on how to transform the dynamic. Stefania's life experience is an example of it.
Working in this field was not possible in Italy because this profession did not exist yet at the time. When Stefania decided to pursue this enterprise, she had to pave the way and learn by doing. Moving to London, multiple qualifications were only some of the steps needed to be now a successful
To get in touch with Stefania, contact her on Instagram oneofastyle and on the website https://www.oneofastyle.com/
Going overseas while health challenges at home - Work culture in Europe and America - love born on a boat - long distance relationship -an American working on a cruise across Europe and Africa
These topics are just some of the themes of today's Shine abroad episode. The guest of this episode is Robyn Yonkers, an actor and stage performer from New York.
What will you discover..?
Moving abroad is an excellent enabler for personal growth but also self-awareness.
I also shared my cultural shock at work in my very first office in London.
Rob shared her experience of working with Europeans and how cultural biases influence how we interact with others.
At the end of the episode, we shared advice for Europeans moving to the United States.
'Read the room' is an important skill to develop from what I have learned.
If you want to get in touch with Rob, here is IG details Rob Yonkers, rcyonkers
Have a listen to the We have to talk about podcast.
Am I passionate about the sector, or do I like this role? What is the difference between passion, life mission and talent?
And most importantly: how can I find my life mission?
These and other questions receive answers in this podcast episode of Shine Abroad.
Also, at the end of the episode, I share a powerful exercise on exploring your true calling.
This episode gives you a space for reflection and offers food for thoughts to review some biased certainties and have some ah-ha moments.
I also explore the pressure that we may feel to define our life mission.
Useful resources shared are:
1- The TED talk ‘Why some of us don’t have a true calling’ by the writer Emilie Wapnick
2 - Quotes for reflections, listed below
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”― Pablo Picasso “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.” — Oprah Winfrey “To have fun in [my] journey through life and learn from [my] mistakes.” — Sir Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou -
Taking a step back to then jump for a transformative career. Listening to your calling as it follows you wherever you go. Therefore, follow your voice, make a plan and trust the journey. These are just some of the topics we discussed in this episode.
Davide Giordani, co-founder of the Reflecting you project, podcaster with 'Tra il dire e il fare' and career changer.
Davide is Italian and moved to London twice, eventually did a course in graphic designer, started from scratch as a photographer's assistant and eventually led his career toward his (real) dream.
He moved from being a corporate lawyer to being the co-founder of a photographic project for London's underground.
Davide shared with us his change of mindset, his Buddhist faith and eventually his professional transition.
Last but not least, the book mentioned is 'Mindset: The New Psychology of Success' by Carol Dweck.
If you want to get in touch with Davide, you can contact him via
website www.reflecting-you.com Linkedin: Davide Giordani Instragram: davidegrdn and reflectingyou_ Facebook: Davide Giordani podcast for fellow italians: 'Tra il dire e il fare' available on SpotifyIf you want to get in touch with me, as usual, contact me on
Linkedin: Adele Testa Facebook: Shine Abroad Instagram: adele_thecoach -
#09: Career change: Find the perfect role for you through the 5 As framework and the 6 Is ideal role rule.
Make sure that you choose your next role instead of being chosen by your next employer or forced into something because of economic constraints or fear of starting something new.
Having multiple choices is exciting but scary as well. What about if you make the wrong choice? How to understand if fears, ambition, or your gut feeling drive the voice in you?
This episode will equip you with a concrete approach to understand what to do next. Also, you will have access to the 6Is framework to find your IDEAL job.
Both these tools will help you with that.
If you want to receive the worksheet, get in touch at [email protected] or adele_thecoach (instagram) or shine abroad (facebook).
The 5 As framework includes these points:
Ask yourself regarding your current role Ask yourself about what you want to do in your next role Accept that it might take some time Abandon ego - it will mislead you Ambivalence screeningThe 6 Is framework is composed of
Intention Identity Importance Income Impact IndustryEach of them has subgroups and a layered structure. They are big questions, so get a notebook and pen, get your ideas out.
In the episode, I mentioned the book 'The 100-Year Life: Living and Working in an Age of Longevity' By: Lynda Gratton, Andrew ScottYou can find it on Amazon or Audible.
Get in touch
Instagram: adele_thecoach
Facebook: Shine Abroad
Linkedin: Adele Testa
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.adeletesta.com
Career change - 5 mistakes to avoid - why it is time to take action for our beloved ones - find the right job, job title and social status.
To change career abroad is more complicated than ever.
These are some of the topics you can listen to in this episode. In this podcast episode, we explore further expanding what shared in the youtube video about the 5 mistakes to avoid and 5 A's approach to find the right career path
If you want to get in touch and know more, find me on instagram or join our page Shine Abroad on Facebook.
Here my email as well if you want to write directly to me.
Thank you for listening to this episode,
Adele Testa, The Coach
Inter-cultural marriage- career in project management across six countries - experience as a female expat in an Arabic setting - relationship with money and spirituality.
These are just some of the topics Joana Lucas and I discussed.
A female expat in Dubai can have a cultural clash with the Islamic tradition of women's clothes.
Joana lived in Luxemburg, Cambridge (in the UK), Italy, Turkey and eventually settled in Dubai as the wife of an Indian data engineer.
I met Joana in 2016 in Florence; we joined the international master in project and planning run by Pixel.
Six years later, we both settled abroad and changed the relationship with our own country.
In this episode, Joana shared her personal growth, the experience of being unemployed abroad and the path to find her direction in life.
If you want to know more, please get in touch.
To get in touch with Joana, find her on LinkedIn Joana Lucas
To know more about the master in project management, visit Pixel
Multiple relocations - adaptability and flexibility - learn a new language from scratch - choose the country and its economic situation - a new concept of home - how to define failure.
These and other topics are the core of this Shine Abroad's episode where Eugenio Cibruscola shared his education and career across the US, Netherland, China, Portugal, Brazil and the United Kingdom. Together, we explored how to understand when it is the right moment to move to another country and when it is time to settle. We spoke about how to boost own self-confidence through mistakes and life experiences.
If you want to relocate for your career, if you want to know how to thrive in a country where you do not know the language yet, this is the right podcast episode for you.
If you want to know more, you can get in touch with Eugenio through Linkedin (Eugenio Cibruscola - IoT business development manager) or via Medium (https://eugenio-cibruscola.medium.com/)
How to understand when we are homesick? What is the 4 Ns approach to overcome it? The answers are in this episode.
Feeling homesick sometimes while living abroad is normal and makes us human.
However, none of us want to be undermined by this emotion. We would not be present and not see opportunities around us.
In this episode, we will explore what is homesickness is, the dynamics that make us stuck in it.
We'll learn how to face it with the 4Ns approach: New home, New relationship of the old home, New me through acknowledgment and self-care, Networking.
Get in touch via email: [email protected]
Instagram: adele_thecoach
Join the Facebook community: shine abroad
Gift yourself with some food for thoughts on my youtube channel
For more information, visit my website
Homesickness, California - Netherland is a significant distance, personal growth while abroad. How to adapt our personality to a new culture. These are just some of the topics Marina Krivonossova and I discussed during this episode.
The combination of being intentional and being detached to our plan help us face the unexpected events of life. The words shared by Marina are that 'Life is full of surprises [...] I have learned that I am stronger than what I thought.'
We also explored the importance of acknowledging homesickness, building a community with other expats, being connected with our family and friends while communicating how we feel to the people who spend their days with us in the foreign country.
Find a piece of home wherever you live - this is the advice we want to share to those living abroad, like us.
If you want to get in touch with Marina, feel free to reach out to her on Linkedin: Marina Krivonossova
The perception of time passing while abroad is particular. Tolstoy gave advice about the importance of time and patience. In this episode, I shared the Buddhist advice I have received about patience and self-development I also share an useful exercise who could help you get unstuck in some areas of your life
Get in touch
FB page: Shine Abroad
Linkedin: Adele Testa
Instagram Adele_thecoach
email: [email protected]
Australian mom living in London - new identity as a woman - strength in asking support - three years away from home
Living 30h away from home, like London-Australia, could be challenging.
Deciding to become a mom during the pandemic is heroic.
With Tiffany, we spoke about how the identity of a new mom changes, how important is to ask for help if needed, and the challenges in settling in an english speaking culture and eventually the joy of feeling a Londoner.
Did you enjoy the episode?
Do you want to share your feedback or perhaps you want to share your story? Get in touch:
IG - adele_thecoach Linkedin: Adele Testa Email: [email protected] Website: www.adeletesta.com -
why - intention - how. These are the three aspects we are going to explore in this first podcast episode of Shine Abroad.
Listen to this episode until the end. I am sharing a thoughts provoking exercise to connect with your inner intention and revisit your journey abroad in a creative way. Hope you find it useful!
Share your comments here - I would love to hear your opinion.
If you want to contact me, here where you can find me
Linkedin: Adele Testa IG: adele_thecoach Youtube: Adele The Coach email: [email protected] website: www.adeletesta.com -
In this discovery journey with expats, you are going to hear tips and suggestions from the coaching world, alongside life experiences from other expats.
Stay tuned in. First episode is going to be released soon.