
  • This episode mentions sexual assault. Award-winning entrepreneur and visionary Mariam Mohammed shares her deeply personal experiences, including the challenges of seeking therapy after sexual assault, which eventually drove her decision to immigrate to Australia with just $300 in her pocket. Her story is a testament to resilience, leadership, and the power of financial literacy as she discusses her impactful work with MoneyGirl, a social enterprise dedicated to educating women in Australia about financial independence.

    In this episode we chat about;

    Mariam's lifelong passion for art and the struggle to balance creative aspirations with the traditional expectations of her upbringing as a Pakistani Muslim. Mariam recounts the intense pressures and cultural norms she faced while pursuing her passions, and the privilege and determination that enabled her to leave Pakistan for a fresh start in Australia. We also delve deeply into the importance of holistic education and financial literacy in empowering women and fostering societal change. Mariam details the origins and mission of MoneyGirl, addressing the specific barriers marginalized women face in achieving financial independence.

    (0:00:00) - Navigating Identity and Resilience

    Entrepreneur Mariam Mohammed shares her journey from Pakistan to Australia, discussing resilience, leadership, and empowerment.

    (0:04:05) - Autonomy in Challenging Circumstances

    Mariam's lifelong passion for art and movement, balancing cultural expectations, leaving Pakistan for a new life abroad with family support.

    (0:14:36) - Empowering Women Through Education

    Holistic education and financial literacy empower women, addressing barriers and promoting sustainable futures.

    (0:27:04) - Discovering Self-Trust and Community Empowerment

    Self-trust, community support, and defining success on one's own terms are crucial for becoming a business owner.

    Make sure to subscribe and join the conversation on Instagram at @weareclubslay

    Get free mindset resources here.

    Connect with Mariam here:


  • Author Dana Silva opens up about her unplanned pregnancy and how the impending reality of motherhood triggered her OCD. Becoming a mother to someone she had met just three months earlier was not the ideal situation for someone suffering from intrusive thoughts, including an OCD subset involving obsessions and fears about being or becoming a pedophile.
    Dana's debut book, The Shift, is a memoir spanning a decade of her life. It delves into her struggles with identifying and managing OCD, her divorce, a five-month backpacking trip through Central America, and explicit details of sexual encounters and liberation.

    A modern Eat Pray Love with a twist of mental health challenges, unplanned pregnancy, and candid explorations of intimacy, The Shift is entertaining, relatable, and thought-provoking for all the right reasons.

    If you're looking to immerse yourself in the hotel room romances of a late-twenties woman with very little to lose, The Shift is for you. Listen as Dana shares her journey, surrendering to the process of documenting her raw human experience for friends, family, and the world to read. Follow Dana on IG here Purchase The Shift here Send podcast host Dani a DM here

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  • Women earn $12,000 less per year (on average) than their male counterparts in Australia.

    Australia's national gender pay gap is still sitting at 12%. Even worse, women who come from racially and culturally marginalised backgrounds are paid 19% less than their male counterparts.

    This is infuriating and albeit we don't have control over the systems that brought us here (given the pace of reform, engrained societal expectations of women in the workplace and the profiling first nations and women of colour face), what we do have control over is;

    Our choice to use the voice we have to speak about money, ask for pay rises and revolt against oppression. Question our own money stories, beliefs and conditioning. Rewire our beliefs and lean into, talk about, verbally express and articulate our worth. And aspire (and take action towards) obtaining wealth so we can attain our dream life and live out our mission.

    Historically and culturally, money is an 'icky' topic for people who identify as women. But we're missing out if we stay silent.

    But where to start?

    Listen to We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers for free on Spotify.

    Slide into our DMs and let host Dani know what you think.

  • Jo is a trained intuition coach who is dedicated to helping people explore the art of listening to their inner wisdom, setting powerfully aligned goals and taking transformative action.

    After living the corporate life, Jo wanted to explore what building a business would look like, but in true Jo form–only in the most intuitive, aligned way possible.

    In order to feel most in her power, Jo moved to Japan for two years where she felt at home, in an environment where she could be the most expressie, authentic version of herself.

    In Japan, she launched Jo ChunYan, a packaging and brand design studio for conscious business owners and The Intuition Journal–A calming daily companion to help you connect to your higher wisdom and live more in alignment with your heart.

    If you've got that sinking feeling on a Sunday night because you have to show up to a job on Monday that doesn't align with your values–this episode is for you.

    In this episode we find the answers to:

    How to master the art of tapping into your intuition to make big life decisions What's the difference between choosing to react or respond to a situation? Do you have to climb the corporate ladder and live in a city to be successful? How to know if you're over identifying with certain personality traits. Is your environment draining your energy? Is your job energetically sustainable for you? Are you coasting in your comfort zone whilst still seeking growth?

    Connect with Jo here and here.

    Tap into your intuition with Jo's intuition journal here.

    Discover your brand archetype for free here.

    Ask Dani anything, DM me here.

    Feeling lost in life? Download the free Life GPS journal here.

  • We've all been in relationships where we question if it's love or chemistry? We all know that it feels good to be around someone we're attracted to, who speaks our love language and gives us a dopamine hit. It simply feels good. But is this chemistry or love?

    The modern dating game is a wild ride of emotional games. As a society, we're also the most self-aware we've ever been, so naturally–it's the most complicated time in history to date.

    In today's episode, dating expert Dating with Dani (great name) and I (also Dani) delve into the modern world of dating. It's a sh*t show out there. Dating apps. Ghosting. Love Bombing. We get Dani's expert oppinion on how to manage it all.

    In this episode we unpack:

    What to do if you're seeing a pattern of being attracted to emotionally unavailable partners. Does chemistry mask red flags? What is a beige flag? How do you know the difference between good and bad chemistry? Why do so many people end up with the wrong partner? How often is it ok to message your crush? How to identify love bombing. What's the difference between your type and your standards? Can you rewire your brain to attract the right person?

    In this episode we reference the epic psychotherapist Esther Perel who can be found on Instagram here.

    This week's guest Dating with Dani can be found here.

    Want clarity on your next steps in your relationship, career and life? Download my FREE Life GPS 10 minute visualisation & journal here.

    Ask me anything over on the gram here.

  • Second time guest Laura Piccardi spills the tea on embracing motherhood after the big 4-0.

    As a sequel to the previous episode with Rach from Live Kid Free, I wanted to get a second perspective from someone who was also conflicted on whether or not to have kids–and decided to (in Laura's words), to "just fuc*king go for it".

    Laura is a comedian, podcaster, speaker and business owner. And the perfect guest to give us the real low down on how she went about deciding to have a baby after 40.

    Laura talks about her procrastination, the process she went through in order to decide, and the one defining moment she knew she wanted to be a mother. (Spoiler it involves a sexy weekend away with her husband).

    Tune in for a rollercoaster of emotions, plenty of "real talk," and a refreshing take on rewriting the narrative of motherhood for the modern woman.

    Connect with Laura here.

    Listen to Laura's episode on how she re-built her career after her business burnt down here.

    Download the Life GPS journal here.

    As Dani anything here.

  • Will you regret having kids? Will you regret not having kids? What better platform to unpack 'the great kid debate' than this podcast. Slay Your Way is about tackling the big life decisions in your 30's and beyond, and today I'm chatting with Rachel, Founder and Creator of LIVE kidfree. A lot of you are considering whether or not to have kids and what a child free life might look like for you. With this decision comes pressure. The societal pressure, the biological clock or the pressure from a partner to make a decision. A big, life altering decision. If you've got doubts about whether you'd be happier as a parent or living a kid free life, this episode is for you. We cover; The signs to look for within yourself to decide whether or not to have kids. The inner dialogue to listen out for that is your secret decider. What is the cost benefit of having kids? How to know if you'll regret having kids Is it ok to change your mind about wanting kids? Online resources to help further your knowledge and make a decision.

    Connect with Rachel via her website and podcast here.

    Follow LIVE kidfree on IG here.

    The resources Rachel mentions in the episode:

    We are Child Free website

    The Child Free Connection website

    Women Without Kids Audiobook

    Without Children book

    The Feminine Mystique book

    Download the life GPS journal via IG here

    Connect with Parenthood Clarity Mentor, Anna Davidman here

  • Wish you were thinner? This episode is for you if; - Trying to decide what 'healthy'meal to eat every night is stressing you out - You're sick of associating your body image with your self worth and place in the world - You believe fat people are unhealhty - You categorize foods based on what's 'good' and 'bad' - You compare your body to other people - You're curious about what intuitive eating is and how to put it into practice Imagine this... You get home from work, you've had a sh*t day, you're hungry, there's only food in the fridge that you have to cook–and you can't be bothered cooking. Your brain immediately thinks about all of the satisfying takeaway options. You imagine sitting on the couch, uninterrupted, with your favourite show on, (burger and fresh shoestring fries in hand), and you're happy. Getting takeaway would be you can enjoy a good meal, then go to bed, (without cooking or cleaning up). But then the guilt kicks in. You know you're going to regret eating takeaway because it's not 'good' for you. A burger & fries isn't 'acceptable', it's not in-keeping with your current 'diet', and your trainer will get mad. And just this morning, you told Nicky at work that you're intermittent fasting. So if you have the burger, you're going to have to lie about it tomorrow. So you stand there, staring at the sad vegetables in the fridge and chicken that needs to be cooked otherwise it will go off. You try to rationalise cooking the 'healthy' option for yourself. But your monkey brain is too tired and your will-power is setting as fast as the sun outside. Now imagine this... You acknowledge you're tired and frustrated. You acknowledge you don't want to spend your evening cooking & cleaning up. You decide there are no 'bad' foods, and that actually, the burger and fries will be really satisfying. You order and eat the burger and fries. You go to bed happy and guilt free, simply because you CHOSE to. Imagine if you could live like this every day? Tuning into your body's needs. Acknowledging your hunger cues. Making food choices without judgment. This is exactly what body image & intuitive eating coach Nadia Felsch helps people to achieve. Learn more about Nadia on her website here. DM Nadia on IG here. Ask your host Dani, anything here. Confused on what your next steps in life are? Get clear with my free Life GPS visualisation & journal here.

  • Having trouble reaching organsm?

    Lost your labido in a long-term relationship?

    Settling for an unsatisfying sex life?

    In this episode you will learn:

    3 things you can do TODAY, to reignite your sexual prowess + claim back your orgasms. How to uncover your erotic blueprint. A step-by-step on how to communicate your fantasies and desires to your partner in a calm, respectful way (to get what you want).

    Cindra Banks is a relationship coach who loves bringing "taboo" topics like sex, pleasure and non-traditional relationships into the light.

    But it wasn't always this way for Cindra.

    Cindra was married for 5 years, but as someone who identifies as queer & bi-sexual, she was finding it difficult to meet all of her intimacy needs with one person. She didn't have the skills to communicate her fantasies and desires, so Cindra went on a journey to rediscover her sexual pleasure.

    Cindra talks through how yoni mapping released her of past sexual experiences that weren't completely consensual. This experience triggered her healing journey and desire to complete her qualification to include yoni mapping in her repertoire of skills.

    She works with singles & couples who have lost intimacy in their relationship or want to discover and reignite their individual sexuality.

    Connect with Cindra on IG here.

    Ask Dani anything on IG here.

    Check out Cindra's website here.

    Take the erotic blueprint quiz here.

    Download the Life GPS journal here.

  • Guess what? The same generic career advice doesn't cut it anymore.
    It's 2024, we're evolved, we're intuitive, we have choices. In this ep I'm going to run you through real (up to date) career advice for 2024. If you're stuck in a job that sucks, out of work or looking to change careers, this episode is for you. In this ep, you will learn; Why the career advice on google sucks and what you need to do instead Why discovering your values (and assigning meaning to them) is the most important thing you can do for your personal development The steps to take to redesign your career in 2024 so you can create a conscious, aligned life that lights you up If you want to get unstuck from your current job & into a career that utilizes all of your unique skills & value (in 2024) then this ep is for you. My DM's are always open for career chat. If you've got any q's you can catch me on IG here. And here's the link to the Life GPS visualisation + digital journal I mention in the ep

  • Welcome, lovely listeners, to another juicy episode of Slay Your Way! Today, we're diving deep into the world of reclaiming your sexual pleasure-packed punch with the fabulous Jo Goddard, a yoni masseuse who's on a mission to reclaim her orgasms.

    Picture this: Jo's marriage hits a bit of a rut in the intimacy department. So, what's a girl to do? She takes matters into her own hands (pun intended!) and embarks on a whirlwind journey of powerful body work.

    In this episode, Jo spills all the steamy deets about what exactly a yoni massage is (hint: it's more than just a massage), what goes down in a session (pun intended, again!), and who can benefit from this very important body work (spoiler, it's more about releasing tension and reconnecting to self, than reaching orgasm).

    We're breaking down the buzz around vibrators and why they might be leading to a case of the "meh" moments in the bedroom. Ever wondered what the heck a G-spot is and how to track it down like a treasure hunt? Jo's got the GPS for your pleasure map! Plus, we're throwing in some mindful sex tips to help you rekindle that passionate fire.

    So, if you've found yourself trapped in the "orgasm or bust" cycle and think it's time for a pleasure overhaul, this episode is your golden ticket to sexual reinvigoration. Buckle up, babes, and get ready for a wild, witty, and wonderfully ride with the one and only Jo Goddard! Let's get the pleasure party started!

    Learn more about Yoni massage here.

    Connect with Jo on Facebook here.

    Stalk Jo on IG here.

    Send The Queen of Unconventional Success a DM here.

    HEY! One last thing, stuck on what to do with your life? Download the FREE Life GPS Journal here.

  • I was walking through my local shopping centre recently and saw two young women wearing their 'Class of 23' jackets in the same uniform I used to wear in high school. It got me thinking–what the hell have I actually achieved since high school? It's an easy mistake to feel like you haven't done enough, but what is enough? Is 'enough' the traditional milestones (like marriage and kids), or is it more complicated than that. It's so easy to fall into the trap of comparing your life with others' and feel as though you should have met certain life milestones by a certain age. But as we know, comparison is the thief of joy. This week we dive into how I avoid the comparison trap and calculate my own version of success. If you feel like you're not living up to your potential, not good enough, or you'd be happier if you were fitter/stronger/wealthier–this episode is for you. It'll get you re-thinking that negative self-talk which says you haven't done enough, and leave you feeling more satisfied with making decisions which are best for you. Need help figuring out what the 'f' you want from this one precious life? Grab your free Life GPS Journal here. Wanna chat? DM me here.

  • Are you settling in your relationship? This week I sat down with love coach Angela Barrett to discuss everything that could be stopping you from having the most fulfilling relationship possible.

    Angela works to the teachings in the New York Times best selling book 'Calling in the one' by author Katherine Woodward Thomas.

    If you're unfamiliar with the book, it makes an ambitious promise that in 7 week's you can attract the love of your life.

    In this episode we unpack;

    - Is the concept of 'the one' real?

    - How to know if you're settling in your relationship.

    - Are relationships meant to be hard?

    - What to do if you're the kind of person that moves too hard too fast when you first meet someone.

    - What to do if you feel like there's no one out there for you.

    And lastly, how do you know if you've found 'the one'.

    If you're single and looking for 'the one', or alternatively in a relationship you're unsure about (or haven't consciously chosen), or alternativethis episode is for you.

    You can connect with Angela here:

    Angela Barrett website

    Angela Barrett Instagram

    Purchase the Calling in the one book here

    Send Dani a DM on Instagram here

    Feeling a little lost in life? Download my free 'Life GPS' journal to get clear on your next steps.

  • If you're a filmmaker, get to know Genevieve Clay-Smith.

    It was such a pleasure interviewing Genevieve Clay-Smith. She's a Film Director Co-Founder and Executive Director of Bus Stop Films and Non-Executive Director of Taste Creative. PHWOAR, content and creative powerhouse.

    At 20 years old Genevieve won Tropfest (one of the most prestigious film festival in Australia until 2019) and although she used that credibility to land clients when she started her production company–Taste Creative (which she built with her now husband in the closet of their apartment).

    Genevieve also advocates for adults with disabilities to enter the film industry via her not for profit But Stop Films.

    We talk about the importance of inclusivity in film, the lack of representation for marginalised communities in film and how having low expectations rob's people of their opportunity and potential.

    If you're studying film, starting a production company or are just generally interested in how you can be more inclusive in your filmmaking then I know you'll enjoy this one.

    If you want to be up to date with best practice, respectful and inclusive language about people with disability, please google pwd (people with disability) language guide or please go to pwd.org.au

    Connect with Genevieve here: https://gclaysmith.com/ and https://www.instagram.com/genevieveclaysmith/

    Connect with Bus Stop Films Here: https://www.instagram.com/busstopfilms/

    Connect with Taste Creative Here: https://www.instagram.com/tastecreative/

    Send us a DM here: .com/tashttps://www.instagram.com/slayyourwaypod/

    Feeling lost? This 10 minute visualisation will help: https://mailchi.mp/a87eb2eb77c0/lifegps

  • If you're feeling stuck and frustrated, yearning for more but unsure where to start, this episode is for you. It's completely natural to reach a point in your career where you question your path and consider making a change. But before you jump into the job search process, it's crucial to first ask yourself some pivotal questions. In this ep you'll learn: - The importance of an exit strategy that ensures you make the most of your current role while you're there and has you exiting graciously. - What role your values play in being able to identify the right kind of work for you. - The importance of uncovering your real 'why' and how to do it. - What is lifestyle design? And how to use it to your advantage. - How to comfortably test out ideas with minimal risk so you can gather information and clarity on which direction is right for you. - The psychology of decision making and what it means to make a 'right' or 'wrong' decision. - The myth of passion and why passion alone is not enough to sustain a fulfilling career. Still stuck? Download the free 'Life GPS: from lost to laser focused' journal. Ask Dani questions at Slay Your Way here.

  • Michelle Owen is a creative powerhouse and founder of Almost Real–a source of fine art photography and visual art by a collective of globabl artists and reatives.

    Michelle was a DJ for 20 years doing the circuit at Sydney clubs like Sounds on Sunday, Chinese Laundry, Tank and Home.

    After spending more than 6 years expanding her DJing career overseas, Michelle returned home to Australia to make a passion pivot, and in 2014 launched Almost Real–interviewing and showcasing work from creatives and artists from an alternative world. It's not a real world it's an almost real world.

    I love Michelle's philosophy on creativity and life. She is someone who has explored her passions full throttle without explanation. There's something really refreshing about someone who fearlessly pursues their interests, gets really good at something and starts getting paid for their skills.

    Even more impressive is someone who doesn't allow their ego to get in the way and knows when something isn't working for them anymore.

    All the way from Bali where she now resides, Michelle shares how she got into DJing, doing the Sydney and Berlin circuit then founding Almost Real.

    DM me on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/slayyourwaypod/

    Connect with Michelle here: https://www.instagram.com/michelleowen/

    Connect with Almost Real here: https://www.instagram.com/_almostreal_/

    View the Almost Real print shop here: https://almostreal.me/collections/all

    Keen to sort your s*it out? Download this free Life GPS journal and map out your next steps: https://mailchi.mp/af0101eba993/craft-the-life-of-your-dreams

  • Lou Bannister was half of the brains behind the inception of the iconic Frankie Magazine. Born from the offices of the publishing company she was employed at–Lou and a colleague put the proposal for Frankie Magazine on their boss's desk prior to leaving for a trip to Africa.

    By the time they returned, Frankie Magazine had been given the green light to go ahead. Cutting through the noise of Dolly and Girlfriend magazines at the time, Frankie provided a more grass-roots alternative for the creative real-girl who wanted more from mags than the 'sealed section'.

    Following Frankie, Lou has launched many successful publications with the most recent being Lunch Lady, inspired by a blog of the same name originally created by Kate Berry.

    Lou is a thought leader in the publishing space, a genius at recognising gaps in the market and filling them with relevant publications which serve and inspire audiences.

    This Byron living mum of 3 is full of clever anecdotes about carving your own creative path, in business and life. A true, quality content creator who knows how to merge ideas and brands with humans.

    DM me on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/slayyourwaypod/

    Connect with Lou here: https://www.instagram.com/lou.lou.bannister/

    Connect with Lunch Lady here: https://www.instagram.com/hellolunchlady/

    Check out Lou's content agency here: https://heynicework.com.au/

    Know you're meant for more but not sure what? Craft your dream life with this 10 minute visualisation: https://mailchi.mp/af0101eba993/craft-the-life-of-your-dreams

  • A little TMI this week. I dish the tea on being burnt out from 7 years of freelancing, having my boyfriend end our relationship over a text message and moving to a tropical island to focus on my health.

    I break down the results of spending $3,000 on medical tests and the detailed info it provided me that you can't get from your regular GP. Results like cortisol levels, gut health, immunity and predisposition to disease.

    If you're currently in a health rut, low energy, wanting more out of life but stuck in the same cycle of reaching for take-out and skipping the gym, this one's for you. ESPECIALLY if you're freelancing, I feel you. It's rough out there trying to do ALL THE THINGS.

    Consider this episode your friendly (but blunt) nudge to take stock of how you feel and finally take the steps towards improving your state, however small those steps may be.

    Let me know whst you think here: https://www.instagram.com/slayyourwaypod/

    Know you're meant for more but not sure what? This is the 10 minute visualisation I mention in the ep: https://mailchi.mp/af0101eba993/craft-the-life-of-your-dreams

    If you're struggling with body image issues, slide into Nadia's DMS: https://www.instagram.com/nadiafelsch/

  • Uppy Media founder, Laura Piccardi, wasn't always the bold and fearless woman in front of me today.

    Less than a decade ago, she stood on the street while she watched the fire brigade fight tirelessly to save her business.

    After watching her brick and mortar business burn to the ground, Laura was back to square one and went on a windy journey of stress, burnout and re-discovery to figure out what the 'f' to fo next.

    Now, her purpose is to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Her favourite way to do that is to teach leaders and teams how to leverage the way their brains work, so they can achieve what they want without burning out…and have a bloody good time in the process!

    Her company, Uppy, brings together her experience as an executive coache, NLP practitioner, stress management expert, business leader and comedian to deliver unique learning experiences.

    Laura is also the author of the bestselling book Unfaked (uppy.com.au/unfaked), co-owner of two Italian pasta bars and obsessed fur-mum to my little doggo, Tony!

    Connect with Laura and Uppy:




    DM Dani with your questions, feelings and what you're having for dinner here:


  • If you don't know the bright, bubbly, mermaid that is Bobbi Lockyer–strap in.

    Bobbi was named NAIDOC artist of the year in 2021, is a creator for Nikon, and has had her photographs published in Vogue Magazine.

    She was told in school 'you can't make money doing art'. She spent a lot of her youth burying her true self so she could fit in–a story we all know too well. We chat about divorce and how leaving her marriage allowed her to dye her hair and finally wear lipstick. She's now a rebel in her own right, making waves (and a living) doing something she loves.

    On a mission to get her power back and find her true identitity, Bobbi has used art to come back to herself. It's a true story of saying a big "f you" to society, expectations and not settling for a less than fulfilling life. I'm really excited for you to meet Bobbi Lockyer.

    To connect with Bobbi, visit her website here: https://www.bobbilockyer.com/

    Buy prints: https://fouroceans.pixieset.com/bobbilockyerptyltd-printstore/store/

    Connect with Bobbi on IG: https://www.instagram.com/bobbilockyer/