
  • In this final episode of the season, I share a little bit about why I started my business, Sleep Shop, and discuss a few reasons why parents hire me.

    I delve into my background working as a hospital chaplain, then as a high school counselor, and eventually opening up my consultancy.

    I describe the process behind our work at Sleep Shop and showcase how we support parents all over the world with their baby sleep needs.

    Until next season, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in, sharing this podcast with your friends, reaching out to me, leaving your ratings and reviews, and for your all-around support. I appreciate it!

    If you have any comments/questions/suggestions for next season’s topics, please be sure to reach out.

    Thank you for listening!

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • Parenting can be overwhelming so you must learn to give yourself permission to take breaks and not feel guilty about it. #1 New York Times bestselling author and award-winning entertainment journalist, Leslie Anne Bruce, joins us today to share what she has learned over the years as a mother and author of the Unpacified parenting blog.

    What We Cover in This Episode:

    You can have a bad day and still be a good parent Parenthood is about trial and error and that’s ok. Nobody comes with a manual on how to be a parent. Should there always be so much guilt if moms choose to go back to work? How can you find the balance between taking care of yourself and taking care of your child? What are “Wellness Breaks” and how can taking them make you a better parent? Why some women choose to breastfeed and others bottle feed and why either choice is fine What breastfeeding cane affect your mood What psychological and physical changes women go through after pregnancy and birth. Is postpartum depression a real thing?

    Resources Mentioned

    Instagram: @leslieannebruce


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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

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  • Potty training is a huge step for kids. It can also be a frustrating time for kid and parents. So what’s the secret to success with potty training? That’s what my guest, Megan Pierson, joins us to talk about in this episode.

    Megan has a Master's degree in Special Education as well as many years of experience in Childhood Development specializing in children with Autism. She uses her knowledge and experience to help other parents who find it challenging to do the little “jobs" we all have to do as parents, like sleep training and potty training. She created the sleep training/potty training manual, “Yes, You Can! A Potty Training/Toddler Sleep Manual,” which offers greater insight into potty training your child and helping your toddler sleep.

    Megan was previously a guest on this show in Episode 3 – Decoding Toddler Sleep, where we talked about how to get your toddler sleeping on a routine.

    What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

    How can you tell if your child is ready? Children who are potty trained at too young of an age sometimes can regress so do not force it. Do not try to potty train a child when you have too much going on in your life as the parent What are some of the physical, emotional, and cognitive signs to look for to indicate that your child is ready to potty train? Should you cut out diapers cold turkey? Is it normal for a child of 4 to 6 years of age to still have “night wettings?" When learning to potty train, should boys sit or stand? How can little girls best position themselves on the toilet? What are some incentives you can use as a parent while potty training your child? Should you use a small potty or go straight to the big potty?

    Resources Mentioned:

    Megan's "Yes, You Can! A Potty Training/Toddler Sleep Manual"

    Contact Information:


    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @megan_sleepshop

    Thank you for listening!

    Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show to receive every new episode delivered straight to your podcast player of choice.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please help me get the word out about this podcast. Rate and Review this show in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play. It helps other listeners find this show.

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • I’m joined by fashion and lifestyle blogger Kara from Kara Loves Coco and she has some questions from her readers and social media followers.

    Questions I Answer in This Episode:

    How do I get my 3.5 year old to sleep past 6:00 am? How do you know when it is the appropriate age to drop nap time? How do I shorten bedtime, especially when it often takes around 2 hours to get baby down to sleep? How do I get my 6 month old to sleep through the night and/or go longer than 2 hour stretches? How can I get baby to stay fuller for longer? I pulled the pacifier and now bedtime is a complete battle. Help! How do I combat the 4 month sleep developmental interruption without crying it out? How do I establish a routine for newborns? What are best practices for putting baby down for a naptime as opposed to for bedtime? How to survive the first few weeks after baby is born?

    Contact Information


    Instagram: @karalovescoco

    Thank you for listening!

    Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show to receive every new episode delivered straight to your podcast player of choice.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please help me get the word out about this podcast. Rate and Review this show in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play. It helps other listeners find this show.

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • I’m joined by Kristen Schellenberg, business owner and mother of 6-month old baby Wyatt. Kristen seems to have tried various techniques to put Wyatt to sleep but none seem to be working. She tried soothing, bathing, even overfeeding. In this on-air consultation, I walk Kristen through several other techniques she can utilize to help get baby Wyatt on a consistent sleeping schedule.

    What We Discuss in This Episode:

    At 6 months old, babies are capable of self-soothing and transitioning themselves in and out of sleep You never want to rock to sleep or feed to sleep. Always try to put the baby down awake so they can look around and get comfortable with their surroundings to where they eventually feel comfortable falling asleep on their own Try spreading out feeding times during the day by 3-4 hours so when baby feeds, it is not a snack but a full hearty meal Look for indications that baby is still hungry, such as finishing a whole bottle. That could mean the difference between a baby that sleeps through the night and one that doesn’t. A lot of babies associate food with comfort, so learn to tell the difference between hunger cues and when baby just needs to be soothed Baths before bed time can help to regulate the baby’s body temperature helping them to sleep better The most important thing parents should do is be consistent. Keeping with a routine helps to minimize confusion for the baby Should a parent let baby cry it out? It depends!

    Resources Mentioned:

    “The Sleep Lady Shuffle” by Kim West

    Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show to receive every new episode delivered straight to your podcast player of choice.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please help me get the word out about this podcast. Rate and Review this show in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play. It helps other listeners find this show.

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • From women trying to get pregnant, to women who are pregnant and new mommies, nutrition plays a key role in ensuring that mommy and baby are healthy and happy from day one. My guest in this episode is Kelly Leveque, a holistic nutritionist, wellness expert, and celebrity health coach based in Los Angeles, California. Kelly coaches mommies on how to bypass all those not-so-healthy cravings and turn them into healthier habits.

    What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

    How to cook healthy meals in 30 minutes and not spend the whole day in the kitchen What type of diet and supplements women should be taking if they are trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy What is the difference between Folic acid and Folate? Why is it important to know this? The “Fab Four”: Protein, Fat, Fiber and Greens. How these foods can turn off your hunger hormones and give your cells what they need to produce and support a new human Understanding how selenium in wild fish could help you with your Omega-3 intake without the fear of mercury poisoning and which type of fish provide more Omega-3’s Knowing the meaning of Functional Medicine and how some doctors use it as preventative medicine What is the difference between long-chain Omega-3 and short-chain Omega-3? What to look for when buying eggs How to combat morning sickness and some healthy alternatives How to incorporate more protein, fat, and hydration for breastfeeding and losing baby weight post-partum. Aside from nutrition, what else plays a role in helping you lose that baby weight? After getting the nutrition down, how you can incorporate some workouts like Pilates and Yoga to help you get back into shape while feeling great?

    Resources Mentioned:

    Kelly's book - Body Love: Live in Balance, Weigh What You Want, and Free Yourself From Food Drama Forever

    Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Chris Kresser - Functional Medicine

    Nordic Naturals Supplements

    Vital Farms eggs

    Jilz gluten free crackers

    Barely Bread

    New Earth supplements

    Rainbow Light supplements

    Nuun tablets

    Contact Information:

    Instagram: @bewellbykelly

    www.bewellbykelly.com or www.kellyleveque.com

  • Getting baby on a consistent napping routine can be a struggle. Whether you are a new mommy or a third-time mommy, the challenge is different with every child. In this episode, I bring you along on one of my consultation calls with my friend Nikki Holt, as I share my tips to help this third-time mommy with her baby’s sleep routine.

    What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

    Important factors to consider when gauging how long your baby will sleep, such as the baby’s weight, age and how often they feed during the day When to increase the amount of milk that baby is getting Nipple size on a bottle and how it affects baby’s feeding and nap time. Does size really matter? The amount of naps during the day and the duration of those naps could have a bearing on baby’s sleep at home Singing and “shushing” can help baby establish independence in sleeping If your baby goes to a daycare facility, can something be agreed upon between parents and child care provider to establish a routine for baby?

    Thank you for listening!

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please help me get the word out about this podcast. Rate and Review this show in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play. It helps other listeners find this show.

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • Breastfeeding is wonderful gift, but for some new moms, its a bit difficult to get the hang of, especially when not enough milk is being produced. What can moms do to amp up their supply? How can the law of supply and demand assist our boobies?

    My guest today is Becky Leonard, a Certified Lactation Education Counselor and Certified Doula. She is the owner of Nourish Baby, a company dedicated to teaching mothers everything they need to know about breastfeeding.

    What you’ll learn in this episode:

    Our bodies are the epitome of the laws of supply and demand. The more demand you put on your body, the more milk supply it is going to make Why it's important for the mom to be well nourished and taken care of because then the baby will be fed and taken care of as well. “Feed the mommy, feed the village” How frequently you nurse or pump can affect your supply and demand. The less demand you put on your body, the less likely it is your body will produce for baby The different types of herbs and tinctures that can help stimulate your milk supply Things that can deplete your milk supply and how to avoid them What can mommy eat and drink while breastfeeding?

    Resources mentioned:

    Motherlove herbal remedies

    WishGarden Herbs - “Mother’s Milk Tea”


    Instagram: @nourishbaby

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    Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the show to receive every new episode delivered straight to your podcast player of choice.

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful part of being a mother, but are we doing it right? Is it for everyone? Does every child feed the same way?

    A lot of first-time mothers often wonder if this is something that they should do on their own since it is such a natural thing, or if they should seek the help and advice of someone more experienced. Becky Leonard is that person.

    Becky is a Certified Lactation Education Counselor and Certified Doula. She makes it her mission to show mothers that there is no right or wrong way to breastfeed. She helps educate mothers on the biology of their breast milk to ensure both baby and mommy are satisfied and bonding.

    Becky is the owner of Nourish Baby, a company dedicated to teaching mothers everything they need to know about breast feeding.

    What You’ll Learn from this Episode:

    The 3 stages of breast milk Tips on how to stimulate your breast ducts to produce more milk Understanding the difference between “Subjective” and “Objective” signs when it comes to feeding your baby How your baby’s bowel movements can tell you a lot about whether or not they are getting enough breast milk How to handle breast feeding and its highs and lows with grace

    Contact Information


    Instagram: @NourishBaby

    Facebook: Nourish-Baby

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please help me get the word out about this podcast. Rate and Review this show in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play. It helps other listeners find this show.

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • Toddlers are adorable but they can certainly have powerful personalities. In this episode, our resident toddler expert, Megan Pierson, joins me to chat about how best to handle sleeptime, naptime, sleep regression and transitioning to a toddler bed.

    What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

    How many hours of sleep does a toddler need in a 24 hour period (18 months – 3 years old) How long should a toddler’s nap times be? What signs to look for to tell if a child is ready to drop their second nap What does a typical toddler’s schedule look like? What is the most important thing about toddler sleep that parents should know How to handle a toddler who is resisting bedtime What are the biggest sleep regressions for toddlers between 18 months to 24 months How to tell when to transition your child to a toddler bed

    Megan's Contact Information:

    Toddler Shop on SleepShopOC.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @megan_sleepshop

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.

  • In this episode, I’m sharing my thoughts and answers to some of your most frequently asked questions.

    Questions I Respond to in This Episode:

    “How long should I breastfeed? I’m kind of over it” “What is sleeping through the night?” “My baby fights the swaddle. How long should I swaddle?” “Can I wake a sleeping baby?” “How can I tell if my baby is eating enough?” “Why does my baby wake up every 45 minutes?” “Why does my 5-month-old wake up all night long but isn’t hungry?” at 9:15 “When should I drop a nap?” “My baby rolls over all night long” 11:19 “What do I think about the Merlin sleep suit?” “Do you believe in crying it out?”

    Thank you for listening!

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  • Welcome to the SleepShop Podcast! I am so excited to launch this new project of mine.

    When I thought of how I could help more families learn how to put their babies to sleep, I immediately thought a podcast would be the best way.

    In this first episode, I share a little bit of background about myself, my credentials, and experience. I also chat about why I love doing what I do.

    Then, I share 5 things you should consider that will help get your baby to sleep through the night:

    Set up the right sleep environment Things to consider: Blackout curtains Sound machine Fitted sheets Temperature of the room Put your baby down awake Aim for full feedings Find the ideal wake time Establish a naptime and bedtime routine

    Thank you for listening!

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    Looking forward to helping you and your family get a good night’s sleep.